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Some imp thots ref Troubled times 1. d-27 for finance?? 2. Astro-books

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Dear Partha (but I wd urge all members of this List to spend some time to

meditate on the following posting)


3 points (specifically for Partha):

A) Personal Pillars: U r very distressed. So pl listen to this, if it can

help u: In the modern context, I have come up with 4 pillars of material

life, NOT in any particular order:

1. Personal family relationships: wife, kids, which we try & tk care of,

but also our aged parents & distant siblings- whom we oft ignore

2. Personal health

3. Source of Livelihood

4. Minimal level of wealth, to take care of all emergencies


If many of them are good at any stage, one gets complacent & unprepared for

the next stage, in which any of the 4 may falter. If too many are bad, it

is humanly too testing & one crumbles. If any of them singularly reaches an

abyss or a peak, it assumes dominant influence over the others, & makes one

complacent/ crumble similarly. So, we must feel blessed if only 1 pillar is

a problem at any given time.


It is CRITICAL, esp in these testing times (as anger is too much for fear

to contain, on BOTH sides, & so this war will be prolonged), to take utmost

care of these 4 pillars, so that one does not break down, & can contribute

to this world.


I genuinely ask you to meditate & resolve yourself, studying what phase u r

in wrt the above 4 pillars. I am neither a psychologist or an astrologer.

So, even if i wanted, i cant help u more than this. The world needs each

one of us to be fully prepared emotionally, & unless we take care of our 4

personal pillars, we cant do much good to others. And the world now needs

us to be emotionally & mentally strong. Sorry,if this sounds like a bhashan

(preach), but thats the best I cd do.


B) Communication: I have said this many times before on this List. The

client hangs on to every word spoken by an astrologer,even if he/ she is a

cynic. I DO NOT see in this List, supposedly full of practising

astrologers, the first duty of an astrologer, ie compassion, benefit of

doubt, humility, which leads to helpful communication. Irrespective of how

much one knows, unlike ANY other field, except probably a medical doctor,

HELPFUL communication is CRITICAL. Partha, one has no right to hurt others

because of one's frustrations. I have hundreds of unanswered questions

still pending on this LIst, I have literally no job, & may be retrenched

any day (I am drinking & smoking heavily these days), etc etc etc. But one

HAS to resolve oneself first. Partha, I am saying all this in good faith. I

would have sent this posting on your personal mail, but as it could be of

benefit to many others in a prolonged difficult situation, I am sending

this to the List.


C) Demands: When we are unhappy, we make too many demands on others,

thinking it is our due. Back to point A. We should be grateful to the

Universe for what we have, whose value we realise only when we lose it.

THAT is for all aspects of life. Not just for having access & thus making

demands in this List.


For a fuller exposition on point A, please read my article on the

iim-c-alumni LIst written in end-Sep, which is attached below:


All the very best




To the iimc-alumni, titled: Things to do in troubled times:


Septermber 27, 01


Dear All


Basic premises: a) the world-affair will be long drawn out (YEARS), not

just a war, as both parties have been wronged, b) this List consists of

(atleast intellectually) mature ppl, in a position to mk changes, c) there

is enuff time to do the following (corollary of "a"): Note the ORDER of the

following 3 steps is most imp, more imp than individual contents:


1. Protective Actions: radiating OUTwards from the self: Unlike in good

times, when focus shd be on the world at large, radiating inwards, in

today's context, it is IMP that u retain your ability to contribute to the

world. That is, start protective measures today. Start by de-risking (&

then improving upon), the 4 basic pillars of your Self: ie health, family

relationships (INCL your aged parents & siblings, the relational achilles'

heel for most of us), finances, & job. Other types of pillars are for

different types of times. These 4 are to be protected NOW. Unless these

pillars are OK, the next 2 steps will be ineffective. And START ironing

these out NOW, else they'll remain problem areas, getting u hamstrung for

critical actions reqd of each of us, in the prolonged difficult times



2. Protective Non-Negative Actions for the next progressively outer radii

of your Self: Think where u can be MOST effective given your Personal &

Professional capacity for the non-negatives in the NEXT series radiating

outwards from the Self. Dont dissipate yr energy in longnsenseless e-mails

about the world & Nostradamus & ..... Meaning, if u r a copywriter in an ad

agency, u have the brains for creating a humorous & effective artwork on

Sikhs (that they are not afghans), or that afghans are not the taliban, or

whatever. If u have lots of multi-racial staff under you in office, do what

u should do there. Where u r most effective & can make a difference. If u

pass a traffic-signal of beggar-urchins on the way to office evryday, keep

bananas & biscuits on the seat next 2 u (esp if u believe that coins land

up funding the mafia which protects/ takes care of these handicapped

beggars). The World now NEEDS u to do steps 1 & 2 atleast (even if u are

incapable of 3, mostly because u have NOT done 1 & 2 properly).


3. Positive Actions for the World at large: Ref the Gita, one needs to

follow one's dharma without a feeling of Self vs the enemy/ World. Krishna

did NOT hate the Kauravas when he fought them. He had to choose b/w the

consequences of the lesser evil. AND he had already DONE the previous 2

steps, & so, was strong enuff to embark on this Positive action. Again, do

what u r MOST effective at. All of us are v effective at writing e-mails.

But sure, there's more to us than that. Examples of these Positive actions

cd be: If u r a well-read Muslim, analyse the Koran & bring out the best in

it, spread the underlying rationale for negative statements there & prove

that they are not required in this day, tho was relevant then (the SAME

rennaisance that has happened in both Christianity & Hinduism) instead of

just bringing out the negative statements therein (as non-Muslims are

doing) or justifying them (as some Muslims are doing). If u r a diplomat,

influence the US to find fair solutions. If u are in business, prove by

your actions, & help others in the same, in profiting by the economic

consequences of global ill-behaviour. Eg the US has screwed our steel

industry today because of their superior info-base. The natural reaction is

to rant and rave. But they ahve done what is right for them. So we shd do

ehat is right for us. Eg I know there's an IIM-C alumnus steel trader in

Cargill, the largest trader in the globe. Use this List to ask him if he

has any ideas (if u r an Indian steel-player). Basically, Positive actions

where u r most effective, ESP RELEVANT in prolonged difficult times, to

avoid dissipating your energies.


Me: I am as incensed as the next guy on Capt Kalia, or about bomb-blast

perpetrators standing for elections in India, or Shiv Sainiks damaging the

JK Hospital. But I need to seriously ask myself what is the MOST effective

thing I can do about things. And DO it. And before that, ensure that my

SELF has the power for long term sustainable action (hence step 1, ESP for

long term trubld times). Step 1 seems easy. Go thru the words again. It is

the tuffest. Painfully, I have been going thru step 1 (still long way to



The anger on BOTH sides is too much for fear to contain. Hence there will

be long term trubl. Hence, pl protect yourself. Eg if u have NOT read books

on Panic-Investing (eg Panic Profits by JD Brown, & so many others), dont

throw your money at the markets for short term profits due to war, as i see

desks around me doing. U need the money, not risk, at this point in time.

Personally, I hope to make money out of this, but thats PART of my unique

protection strategy, given my personal skills in investing.



CD BE MOST EFFECTIVE. Lets not be ill-prepared. The world/ God has given

each of us certain inherent advantages in life. Lets not insult those

gifts. Lets protect them, to be able to use them most effectively, to give

back to the world when it needs it, ie the difficult years ahead.


I hope this helps in the years ahead


Best of Luck guysngals



21st batch


PS Acc to my astro-Guru, the war is best for US if after Oct 12. It is

supposed to last till Dec. For those who believe in mantras, the excerpt

from his mail is: Sanjay Rath: "Santi patha and constant repetition of a

prayer for peace. "OM SHANTI PRABHU" is an excellent mantra or like most of

us here in india, it is just "OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI"... Pray for peace.

Do this mentally, breathe in with OM and out with Shanti shanti Shanti..the

mind will rest. Especially those of you living near New York where this

massacre occured, please recite the Shanti patha as given under "Guru

Mantra" at http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/ . These sort of things happened in

Hiroshima & nagasaki and the Mother (Aurobindo's great disciple) had to go

there and use a lot of her spiritual energy to make the tormented souls

rest. Believe me they are more shocked than you are. they need to rest.

they need the peace more than you. so, please do this shanti patha for


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I liked your pillars. Pretty simple yet deep.


Thx. for sharing.


Best Regards,





Nandan.Chakraborty on 10/16/2001 12:55:44 AM


Please respond to vedic astrology


vedic astrology


Some imp thots ref Troubled times Re: [vedic astrology] 1. d-27

for finance?? 2. Astro-books




Dear Partha (but I wd urge all members of this List to spend some time to

meditate on the following posting)


3 points (specifically for Partha):

A) Personal Pillars: U r very distressed. So pl listen to this, if it can

help u: In the modern context, I have come up with 4 pillars of material

life, NOT in any particular order:

1. Personal family relationships: wife, kids, which we try & tk care of,

but also our aged parents & distant siblings- whom we oft ignore

2. Personal health

3. Source of Livelihood

4. Minimal level of wealth, to take care of all emergencies


If many of them are good at any stage, one gets complacent & unprepared for

the next stage, in which any of the 4 may falter. If too many are bad, it

is humanly too testing & one crumbles. If any of them singularly reaches an

abyss or a peak, it assumes dominant influence over the others, & makes one

complacent/ crumble similarly. So, we must feel blessed if only 1 pillar is

a problem at any given time.


It is CRITICAL, esp in these testing times (as anger is too much for fear

to contain, on BOTH sides, & so this war will be prolonged), to take utmost

care of these 4 pillars, so that one does not break down, & can contribute

to this world.


I genuinely ask you to meditate & resolve yourself, studying what phase u r

in wrt the above 4 pillars. I am neither a psychologist or an astrologer.

So, even if i wanted, i cant help u more than this. The world needs each

one of us to be fully prepared emotionally, & unless we take care of our 4

personal pillars, we cant do much good to others. And the world now needs

us to be emotionally & mentally strong. Sorry,if this sounds like a bhashan

(preach), but thats the best I cd do.


B) Communication: I have said this many times before on this List. The

client hangs on to every word spoken by an astrologer,even if he/ she is a

cynic. I DO NOT see in this List, supposedly full of practising

astrologers, the first duty of an astrologer, ie compassion, benefit of

doubt, humility, which leads to helpful communication. Irrespective of how

much one knows, unlike ANY other field, except probably a medical doctor,

HELPFUL communication is CRITICAL. Partha, one has no right to hurt others

because of one's frustrations. I have hundreds of unanswered questions

still pending on this LIst, I have literally no job, & may be retrenched

any day (I am drinking & smoking heavily these days), etc etc etc. But one

HAS to resolve oneself first. Partha, I am saying all this in good faith. I

would have sent this posting on your personal mail, but as it could be of

benefit to many others in a prolonged difficult situation, I am sending

this to the List.


C) Demands: When we are unhappy, we make too many demands on others,

thinking it is our due. Back to point A. We should be grateful to the

Universe for what we have, whose value we realise only when we lose it.

THAT is for all aspects of life. Not just for having access & thus making

demands in this List.


For a fuller exposition on point A, please read my article on the

iim-c-alumni LIst written in end-Sep, which is attached below:


All the very best




To the iimc-alumni, titled: Things to do in troubled times:


Septermber 27, 01


Dear All


Basic premises: a) the world-affair will be long drawn out (YEARS), not

just a war, as both parties have been wronged, b) this List consists of

(atleast intellectually) mature ppl, in a position to mk changes, c) there

is enuff time to do the following (corollary of "a"): Note the ORDER of the

following 3 steps is most imp, more imp than individual contents:


1. Protective Actions: radiating OUTwards from the self: Unlike in good

times, when focus shd be on the world at large, radiating inwards, in

today's context, it is IMP that u retain your ability to contribute to the

world. That is, start protective measures today. Start by de-risking (&

then improving upon), the 4 basic pillars of your Self: ie health, family

relationships (INCL your aged parents & siblings, the relational achilles'

heel for most of us), finances, & job. Other types of pillars are for

different types of times. These 4 are to be protected NOW. Unless these

pillars are OK, the next 2 steps will be ineffective. And START ironing

these out NOW, else they'll remain problem areas, getting u hamstrung for

critical actions reqd of each of us, in the prolonged difficult times



2. Protective Non-Negative Actions for the next progressively outer radii

of your Self: Think where u can be MOST effective given your Personal &

Professional capacity for the non-negatives in the NEXT series radiating

outwards from the Self. Dont dissipate yr energy in longnsenseless e-mails

about the world & Nostradamus & ..... Meaning, if u r a copywriter in an ad

agency, u have the brains for creating a humorous & effective artwork on

Sikhs (that they are not afghans), or that afghans are not the taliban, or

whatever. If u have lots of multi-racial staff under you in office, do what

u should do there. Where u r most effective & can make a difference. If u

pass a traffic-signal of beggar-urchins on the way to office evryday, keep

bananas & biscuits on the seat next 2 u (esp if u believe that coins land

up funding the mafia which protects/ takes care of these handicapped

beggars). The World now NEEDS u to do steps 1 & 2 atleast (even if u are

incapable of 3, mostly because u have NOT done 1 & 2 properly).


3. Positive Actions for the World at large: Ref the Gita, one needs to

follow one's dharma without a feeling of Self vs the enemy/ World. Krishna

did NOT hate the Kauravas when he fought them. He had to choose b/w the

consequences of the lesser evil. AND he had already DONE the previous 2

steps, & so, was strong enuff to embark on this Positive action. Again, do

what u r MOST effective at. All of us are v effective at writing e-mails.

But sure, there's more to us than that. Examples of these Positive actions

cd be: If u r a well-read Muslim, analyse the Koran & bring out the best in

it, spread the underlying rationale for negative statements there & prove

that they are not required in this day, tho was relevant then (the SAME

rennaisance that has happened in both Christianity & Hinduism) instead of

just bringing out the negative statements therein (as non-Muslims are

doing) or justifying them (as some Muslims are doing). If u r a diplomat,

influence the US to find fair solutions. If u are in business, prove by

your actions, & help others in the same, in profiting by the economic

consequences of global ill-behaviour. Eg the US has screwed our steel

industry today because of their superior info-base. The natural reaction is

to rant and rave. But they ahve done what is right for them. So we shd do

ehat is right for us. Eg I know there's an IIM-C alumnus steel trader in

Cargill, the largest trader in the globe. Use this List to ask him if he

has any ideas (if u r an Indian steel-player). Basically, Positive actions

where u r most effective, ESP RELEVANT in prolonged difficult times, to

avoid dissipating your energies.


Me: I am as incensed as the next guy on Capt Kalia, or about bomb-blast

perpetrators standing for elections in India, or Shiv Sainiks damaging the

JK Hospital. But I need to seriously ask myself what is the MOST effective

thing I can do about things. And DO it. And before that, ensure that my

SELF has the power for long term sustainable action (hence step 1, ESP for

long term trubld times). Step 1 seems easy. Go thru the words again. It is

the tuffest. Painfully, I have been going thru step 1 (still long way to



The anger on BOTH sides is too much for fear to contain. Hence there will

be long term trubl. Hence, pl protect yourself. Eg if u have NOT read books

on Panic-Investing (eg Panic Profits by JD Brown, & so many others), dont

throw your money at the markets for short term profits due to war, as i see

desks around me doing. U need the money, not risk, at this point in time.

Personally, I hope to make money out of this, but thats PART of my unique

protection strategy, given my personal skills in investing.



CD BE MOST EFFECTIVE. Lets not be ill-prepared. The world/ God has given

each of us certain inherent advantages in life. Lets not insult those

gifts. Lets protect them, to be able to use them most effectively, to give

back to the world when it needs it, ie the difficult years ahead.


I hope this helps in the years ahead


Best of Luck guysngals



21st batch


PS Acc to my astro-Guru, the war is best for US if after Oct 12. It is

supposed to last till Dec. For those who believe in mantras, the excerpt

from his mail is: Sanjay Rath: "Santi patha and constant repetition of a

prayer for peace. "OM SHANTI PRABHU" is an excellent mantra or like most of

us here in india, it is just "OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI"... Pray for peace.

Do this mentally, breathe in with OM and out with Shanti shanti Shanti..the

mind will rest. Especially those of you living near New York where this

massacre occured, please recite the Shanti patha as given under "Guru

Mantra" at http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/ . These sort of things happened in

Hiroshima & nagasaki and the Mother (Aurobindo's great disciple) had to go

there and use a lot of her spiritual energy to make the tormented souls

rest. Believe me they are more shocked than you are. they need to rest.

they need the peace more than you. so, please do this shanti patha for















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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Nandan!


Very well knit thoughts. Infact we can say problems are opportunities to

learn. If we always leave in oppulance, when would be get the time to

learn... As of your book list, it is so huge... Infact it is difficult for

one to write review on all.... I would like to do for some in future...


Best Regards





<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, October 16, 2001 1:25 PM

Some imp thots ref Troubled times Re: [vedic astrology] 1. d-27 for

finance?? 2. Astro-books




> Dear Partha (but I wd urge all members of this List to spend some time to

> meditate on the following posting)


> 3 points (specifically for Partha):

> A) Personal Pillars: U r very distressed. So pl listen to this, if it can

> help u: In the modern context, I have come up with 4 pillars of material

> life, NOT in any particular order:

> 1. Personal family relationships: wife, kids, which we try & tk care of,

> but also our aged parents & distant siblings- whom we oft ignore

> 2. Personal health

> 3. Source of Livelihood

> 4. Minimal level of wealth, to take care of all emergencies


> If many of them are good at any stage, one gets complacent & unprepared


> the next stage, in which any of the 4 may falter. If too many are bad, it

> is humanly too testing & one crumbles. If any of them singularly reaches


> abyss or a peak, it assumes dominant influence over the others, & makes


> complacent/ crumble similarly. So, we must feel blessed if only 1 pillar


> a problem at any given time.


> It is CRITICAL, esp in these testing times (as anger is too much for fear

> to contain, on BOTH sides, & so this war will be prolonged), to take


> care of these 4 pillars, so that one does not break down, & can contribute

> to this world.


> I genuinely ask you to meditate & resolve yourself, studying what phase u


> in wrt the above 4 pillars. I am neither a psychologist or an astrologer.

> So, even if i wanted, i cant help u more than this. The world needs each

> one of us to be fully prepared emotionally, & unless we take care of our 4

> personal pillars, we cant do much good to others. And the world now needs

> us to be emotionally & mentally strong. Sorry,if this sounds like a


> (preach), but thats the best I cd do.


> B) Communication: I have said this many times before on this List. The

> client hangs on to every word spoken by an astrologer,even if he/ she is a

> cynic. I DO NOT see in this List, supposedly full of practising

> astrologers, the first duty of an astrologer, ie compassion, benefit of

> doubt, humility, which leads to helpful communication. Irrespective of how

> much one knows, unlike ANY other field, except probably a medical doctor,

> HELPFUL communication is CRITICAL. Partha, one has no right to hurt others

> because of one's frustrations. I have hundreds of unanswered questions

> still pending on this LIst, I have literally no job, & may be retrenched

> any day (I am drinking & smoking heavily these days), etc etc etc. But one

> HAS to resolve oneself first. Partha, I am saying all this in good faith.


> would have sent this posting on your personal mail, but as it could be of

> benefit to many others in a prolonged difficult situation, I am sending

> this to the List.


> C) Demands: When we are unhappy, we make too many demands on others,

> thinking it is our due. Back to point A. We should be grateful to the

> Universe for what we have, whose value we realise only when we lose it.

> THAT is for all aspects of life. Not just for having access & thus making

> demands in this List.


> For a fuller exposition on point A, please read my article on the

> iim-c-alumni LIst written in end-Sep, which is attached below:


> All the very best


> Nandan


> To the iimc-alumni, titled: Things to do in troubled times:


> Septermber 27, 01


> Dear All


> Basic premises: a) the world-affair will be long drawn out (YEARS), not

> just a war, as both parties have been wronged, b) this List consists of

> (atleast intellectually) mature ppl, in a position to mk changes, c) there

> is enuff time to do the following (corollary of "a"): Note the ORDER of


> following 3 steps is most imp, more imp than individual contents:


> 1. Protective Actions: radiating OUTwards from the self: Unlike in good

> times, when focus shd be on the world at large, radiating inwards, in

> today's context, it is IMP that u retain your ability to contribute to the

> world. That is, start protective measures today. Start by de-risking (&

> then improving upon), the 4 basic pillars of your Self: ie health, family

> relationships (INCL your aged parents & siblings, the relational achilles'

> heel for most of us), finances, & job. Other types of pillars are for

> different types of times. These 4 are to be protected NOW. Unless these

> pillars are OK, the next 2 steps will be ineffective. And START ironing

> these out NOW, else they'll remain problem areas, getting u hamstrung for

> critical actions reqd of each of us, in the prolonged difficult times

> ahead.


> 2. Protective Non-Negative Actions for the next progressively outer radii

> of your Self: Think where u can be MOST effective given your Personal &

> Professional capacity for the non-negatives in the NEXT series radiating

> outwards from the Self. Dont dissipate yr energy in longnsenseless e-mails

> about the world & Nostradamus & ..... Meaning, if u r a copywriter in an


> agency, u have the brains for creating a humorous & effective artwork on

> Sikhs (that they are not afghans), or that afghans are not the taliban, or

> whatever. If u have lots of multi-racial staff under you in office, do


> u should do there. Where u r most effective & can make a difference. If u

> pass a traffic-signal of beggar-urchins on the way to office evryday, keep

> bananas & biscuits on the seat next 2 u (esp if u believe that coins land

> up funding the mafia which protects/ takes care of these handicapped

> beggars). The World now NEEDS u to do steps 1 & 2 atleast (even if u are

> incapable of 3, mostly because u have NOT done 1 & 2 properly).


> 3. Positive Actions for the World at large: Ref the Gita, one needs to

> follow one's dharma without a feeling of Self vs the enemy/ World. Krishna

> did NOT hate the Kauravas when he fought them. He had to choose b/w the

> consequences of the lesser evil. AND he had already DONE the previous 2

> steps, & so, was strong enuff to embark on this Positive action. Again, do

> what u r MOST effective at. All of us are v effective at writing e-mails.

> But sure, there's more to us than that. Examples of these Positive actions

> cd be: If u r a well-read Muslim, analyse the Koran & bring out the best


> it, spread the underlying rationale for negative statements there & prove

> that they are not required in this day, tho was relevant then (the SAME

> rennaisance that has happened in both Christianity & Hinduism) instead of

> just bringing out the negative statements therein (as non-Muslims are

> doing) or justifying them (as some Muslims are doing). If u r a diplomat,

> influence the US to find fair solutions. If u are in business, prove by

> your actions, & help others in the same, in profiting by the economic

> consequences of global ill-behaviour. Eg the US has screwed our steel

> industry today because of their superior info-base. The natural reaction


> to rant and rave. But they ahve done what is right for them. So we shd do

> ehat is right for us. Eg I know there's an IIM-C alumnus steel trader in

> Cargill, the largest trader in the globe. Use this List to ask him if he

> has any ideas (if u r an Indian steel-player). Basically, Positive actions

> where u r most effective, ESP RELEVANT in prolonged difficult times, to

> avoid dissipating your energies.


> Me: I am as incensed as the next guy on Capt Kalia, or about bomb-blast

> perpetrators standing for elections in India, or Shiv Sainiks damaging the

> JK Hospital. But I need to seriously ask myself what is the MOST effective

> thing I can do about things. And DO it. And before that, ensure that my

> SELF has the power for long term sustainable action (hence step 1, ESP for

> long term trubld times). Step 1 seems easy. Go thru the words again. It is

> the tuffest. Painfully, I have been going thru step 1 (still long way to

> go).


> The anger on BOTH sides is too much for fear to contain. Hence there will

> be long term trubl. Hence, pl protect yourself. Eg if u have NOT read


> on Panic-Investing (eg Panic Profits by JD Brown, & so many others), dont

> throw your money at the markets for short term profits due to war, as i


> desks around me doing. U need the money, not risk, at this point in time.

> Personally, I hope to make money out of this, but thats PART of my unique

> protection strategy, given my personal skills in investing.




> CD BE MOST EFFECTIVE. Lets not be ill-prepared. The world/ God has given

> each of us certain inherent advantages in life. Lets not insult those

> gifts. Lets protect them, to be able to use them most effectively, to give

> back to the world when it needs it, ie the difficult years ahead.


> I hope this helps in the years ahead


> Best of Luck guysngals


> Nandan

> 21st batch


> PS Acc to my astro-Guru, the war is best for US if after Oct 12. It is

> supposed to last till Dec. For those who believe in mantras, the excerpt

> from his mail is: Sanjay Rath: "Santi patha and constant repetition of a

> prayer for peace. "OM SHANTI PRABHU" is an excellent mantra or like most


> us here in india, it is just "OM SHANTI SHANTI SHANTI"... Pray for peace.

> Do this mentally, breathe in with OM and out with Shanti shanti


> mind will rest. Especially those of you living near New York where this

> massacre occured, please recite the Shanti patha as given under "Guru

> Mantra" at http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/ . These sort of things happened


> Hiroshima & nagasaki and the Mother (Aurobindo's great disciple) had to go

> there and use a lot of her spiritual energy to make the tormented souls

> rest. Believe me they are more shocked than you are. they need to rest.

> they need the peace more than you. so, please do this shanti patha for

> them".










> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




> Your use of is subject to



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