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Nimmi's painting and dasas

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Dear Nimmi,


> Dear Narasimha,


> From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces Narayana Dasa. This

does have

> argala from venus and moon, but not from watery signs. Also the

painting has


I saw your chart and, yes, that's right. However, note that Pisces

itself is a watery sign.


> been a very recent phenomenon, starting in August really. On the

other hand,

> Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on re the timing.


Don't you think that the right antardasa has to be active to trigger

a result promised by a dasa?


Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna and its lord is in 3rd

from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's commencement chart,

Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.


So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity instead of the 1st

antardasa of Ge.


> Nimmi


I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa should not be used. I am

only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw light.


BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try Satabdika dasa too.

It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to those with lagna in



I am giving the calculations below with 360d years used by you:


Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama):


Maha Dasas:


Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20 (12:18:21)

Mer: 1959-10-20 (12:18:21) - 1969-08-28 (12:18:21)

Jup: 1969-08-28 (12:18:21) - 1989-05-15 (12:18:21)

>Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) <<

Sat: 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) - 2038-08-26 (12:18:21)

Sun: 2038-08-26 (12:18:21) - 2043-07-31 (12:18:21)

Moo: 2043-07-31 (12:18:21) - 2048-07-04 (12:18:21)


Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama):


Mar MD: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)


Antardasas in this MD:


Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 1993-04-24 (12:18:21)

Sat: 1993-04-24 (12:18:21) - 1999-03-24 (12:18:21)

Sun: 1999-03-24 (12:18:21) - 2000-03-18 (12:18:21)

Moo: 2000-03-18 (12:18:21) - 2001-03-13 (12:18:21)

> Ven: 2001-03-13 (12:18:21) - 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) <<

Mer: 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) - 2005-02-20 (12:18:21)

Jup: 2005-02-20 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet another of the dasas.


However, I am little confused or the confusion still hasn't been cleared.

I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether Vimshottari from Lagna

will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a great theoretical

question. I have not heard the answer in black and white terms yet.


Furthermore, there is this confusion about when to use Vimshottari from

Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to calculate the stronger but what

if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna, Chandra Lagna, and Arudha lagna

are all Vargottam.... This is not a hypothetical question....


I suppose one can answer that hence the use of Narayan Dasha..... but is

that answer sufficient and should one accept it just because....

(Narasimha, I know you have not said this; neither am I writing this email

in response to yours; I am just trying to move the dialogue forward in the



I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha has been demonstrated many times

over; I am neither questioning the efficacy nor does anyone need to prove

me (I am convinced) but similarly the efficacy of Vimshottari also is

undisputable. The question is not asking for comparisons between the two

dasas and therefore the answer should refrain from doing so.


The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that Vimshottari

calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of the

event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from AL

should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......


Best Regards,




pvr on 11/02/2001 06:05:59 AM


Please respond to vedic astrology


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



Dear Nimmi,


> Dear Narasimha,


> From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces Narayana Dasa. This

does have

> argala from venus and moon, but not from watery signs. Also the

painting has


I saw your chart and, yes, that's right. However, note that Pisces

itself is a watery sign.


> been a very recent phenomenon, starting in August really. On the

other hand,

> Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on re the timing.


Don't you think that the right antardasa has to be active to trigger

a result promised by a dasa?


Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna and its lord is in 3rd

from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's commencement chart,

Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.


So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity instead of the 1st

antardasa of Ge.


> Nimmi


I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa should not be used. I am

only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw light.


BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try Satabdika dasa too.

It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to those with lagna in



I am giving the calculations below with 360d years used by you:


Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama):


Maha Dasas:


Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20 (12:18:21)

Mer: 1959-10-20 (12:18:21) - 1969-08-28 (12:18:21)

Jup: 1969-08-28 (12:18:21) - 1989-05-15 (12:18:21)

>Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) <<

Sat: 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) - 2038-08-26 (12:18:21)

Sun: 2038-08-26 (12:18:21) - 2043-07-31 (12:18:21)

Moo: 2043-07-31 (12:18:21) - 2048-07-04 (12:18:21)


Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in vargottama):


Mar MD: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)


Antardasas in this MD:


Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 1993-04-24 (12:18:21)

Sat: 1993-04-24 (12:18:21) - 1999-03-24 (12:18:21)

Sun: 1999-03-24 (12:18:21) - 2000-03-18 (12:18:21)

Moo: 2000-03-18 (12:18:21) - 2001-03-13 (12:18:21)

> Ven: 2001-03-13 (12:18:21) - 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) <<

Mer: 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) - 2005-02-20 (12:18:21)

Jup: 2005-02-20 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)


May Jupiter's light shine on us,















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Dear Sanjiv,


> Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet

> another of the dasas.


> However, I am little confused or the confusion still

> hasn't been cleared.

> I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> Vimshottari from Lagna

> will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a

> great theoretical

> question. I have not heard the answer in black and

> white terms yet.


I said in the past that Vimsottari dasa shows events from the vantage

point of mind and Narayana dasa shows the true environment faced.

Though words like "true" and "actual" give one the impression that

one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the reality is that there

is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits,

but different enough.


Whether you take Vimsottari dasa from Moon or lagna, it is

essentially a progression of nakshatras. Though we say Moon dasa is

running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or Hasta or Sravanam -

things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation). Nakshatra division of

the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from the perspective of

mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division of the zodiac is

ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa division of the zodiac

shows *motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on it.


All the different divisions of the zodiac (rasis, nakshatras,

navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc) stand for various aspects of us and

different dasas are based on different divisions. Understanding the

divisions is key to understanding the dasas.


What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari dasa from Moon and

lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question for now.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Sanjiv,

I thought i gave alot of clues to this

Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.


In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses are

described as; "Mind, Intelligence, Consciousness,


Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under Mind, whilst

from Lagna comes under intelligence.


When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is probably

strong than Lagna(brain).

Best wishes, Visti.




--- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM <sanjiv



> Well, another great discussion.... we learn about

> yet another of the dasas.


> However, I am little confused or the confusion still

> hasn't been cleared.

> I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> Vimshottari from Lagna

> will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a

> great theoretical

> question. I have not heard the answer in black and

> white terms yet.


> Furthermore, there is this confusion about when to

> use Vimshottari from

> Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to calculate

> the stronger but what

> if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna, Chandra

> Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> are all Vargottam.... This is not a hypothetical

> question....


> I suppose one can answer that hence the use of

> Narayan Dasha..... but is

> that answer sufficient and should one accept it just

> because....

> (Narasimha, I know you have not said this; neither

> am I writing this email

> in response to yours; I am just trying to move the

> dialogue forward in the

> discussion.....)


> I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha has been

> demonstrated many times

> over; I am neither questioning the efficacy nor does

> anyone need to prove

> me (I am convinced) but similarly the efficacy of

> Vimshottari also is

> undisputable. The question is not asking for

> comparisons between the two

> dasas and therefore the answer should refrain from

> doing so.


> The question merely is that theoretically it makes

> sense that Vimshottari

> calculated from Moon should show the effects of

> Manas; but then why

> shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the

> manifestation of the

> event; even further, using the same logic

> Vimshottari calculated from AL

> should show the perception of the effects in the

> Mayavi world......


> Best Regards,

> SA



> pvr on 11/02/2001 06:05:59 AM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> vedic astrology

> cc:

> [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> dasas



> Dear Nimmi,


> > Dear Narasimha,

> >

> > From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces

> Narayana Dasa. This

> does have

> > argala from venus and moon, but not from watery

> signs. Also the

> painting has


> I saw your chart and, yes, that's right. However,

> note that Pisces

> itself is a watery sign.


> > been a very recent phenomenon, starting in August

> really. On the

> other hand,

> > Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on re

> the timing.


> Don't you think that the right antardasa has to be

> active to trigger

> a result promised by a dasa?


> Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna and

> its lord is in 3rd

> from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's

> commencement chart,

> Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.


> So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity

> instead of the 1st

> antardasa of Ge.


> > Nimmi


> I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa should

> not be used. I am

> only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw

> light.


> BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try

> Satabdika dasa too.

> It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to

> those with lagna in

> vargottama.


> I am giving the calculations below with 360d years

> used by you:


> Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> vargottama):


> Maha Dasas:


> Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20 (12:18:21)

> Mer: 1959-10-20 (12:18:21) - 1969-08-28 (12:18:21)

> Jup: 1969-08-28 (12:18:21) - 1989-05-15 (12:18:21)

> >Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)

> <<

> Sat: 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) - 2038-08-26 (12:18:21)

> Sun: 2038-08-26 (12:18:21) - 2043-07-31 (12:18:21)

> Moo: 2043-07-31 (12:18:21) - 2048-07-04 (12:18:21)


> Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> vargottama):


> Mar MD: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30

> (12:18:21)


> Antardasas in this MD:


> Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 1993-04-24 (12:18:21)

> Sat: 1993-04-24 (12:18:21) - 1999-03-24 (12:18:21)

> Sun: 1999-03-24 (12:18:21) - 2000-03-18 (12:18:21)

> Moo: 2000-03-18 (12:18:21) - 2001-03-13 (12:18:21)

> > Ven: 2001-03-13 (12:18:21) - 2003-03-03 (12:18:21)

> <<

> Mer: 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) - 2005-02-20 (12:18:21)

> Jup: 2005-02-20 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha




> Archives:

> vedic astrology


> Group info:


vedic astrology/info.html


> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> vedic astrology-


> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

> ||


> Your use of is subject to













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Dear Visti,


Would you say that the lagna is also to some extent indicative of the will?

I have noticed that vargottama lagna (myself included) tends to create

rather stubborn individuals. To that extent would the Vimshottri reflect



Best wishes,







"Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

<vedic astrology>

Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:38 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> ---------

> Dear Sanjiv,

> I thought i gave alot of clues to this

> Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.


> In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses are

> described as; "Mind, Intelligence, Consciousness,

> etc".

> Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under Mind, whilst

> from Lagna comes under intelligence.


> When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

> Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is probably

> strong than Lagna(brain).

> Best wishes, Visti.




> --- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM <sanjiv

> wrote:

> >

> > Well, another great discussion.... we learn about

> > yet another of the dasas.

> >

> > However, I am little confused or the confusion still

> > hasn't been cleared.

> > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a

> > great theoretical

> > question. I have not heard the answer in black and

> > white terms yet.

> >

> > Furthermore, there is this confusion about when to

> > use Vimshottari from

> > Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to calculate

> > the stronger but what

> > if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna, Chandra

> > Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> > are all Vargottam.... This is not a hypothetical

> > question....

> >

> > I suppose one can answer that hence the use of

> > Narayan Dasha..... but is

> > that answer sufficient and should one accept it just

> > because....

> > (Narasimha, I know you have not said this; neither

> > am I writing this email

> > in response to yours; I am just trying to move the

> > dialogue forward in the

> > discussion.....)

> >

> > I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha has been

> > demonstrated many times

> > over; I am neither questioning the efficacy nor does

> > anyone need to prove

> > me (I am convinced) but similarly the efficacy of

> > Vimshottari also is

> > undisputable. The question is not asking for

> > comparisons between the two

> > dasas and therefore the answer should refrain from

> > doing so.

> >

> > The question merely is that theoretically it makes

> > sense that Vimshottari

> > calculated from Moon should show the effects of

> > Manas; but then why

> > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the

> > manifestation of the

> > event; even further, using the same logic

> > Vimshottari calculated from AL

> > should show the perception of the effects in the

> > Mayavi world......

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > SA

> >

> >

> > pvr on 11/02/2001 06:05:59 AM

> >

> > Please respond to vedic astrology

> >

> > vedic astrology

> > cc:

> > [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> > dasas

> >

> >

> > Dear Nimmi,

> >

> > > Dear Narasimha,

> > >

> > > From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces

> > Narayana Dasa. This

> > does have

> > > argala from venus and moon, but not from watery

> > signs. Also the

> > painting has

> >

> > I saw your chart and, yes, that's right. However,

> > note that Pisces

> > itself is a watery sign.

> >

> > > been a very recent phenomenon, starting in August

> > really. On the

> > other hand,

> > > Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on re

> > the timing.

> >

> > Don't you think that the right antardasa has to be

> > active to trigger

> > a result promised by a dasa?

> >

> > Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna and

> > its lord is in 3rd

> > from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's

> > commencement chart,

> > Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.

> >

> > So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity

> > instead of the 1st

> > antardasa of Ge.

> >

> > > Nimmi

> >

> > I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa should

> > not be used. I am

> > only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw

> > light.

> >

> > BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try

> > Satabdika dasa too.

> > It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to

> > those with lagna in

> > vargottama.

> >

> > I am giving the calculations below with 360d years

> > used by you:

> >

> > Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> > vargottama):

> >

> > Maha Dasas:

> >

> > Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20 (12:18:21)

> > Mer: 1959-10-20 (12:18:21) - 1969-08-28 (12:18:21)

> > Jup: 1969-08-28 (12:18:21) - 1989-05-15 (12:18:21)

> > >Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)

> > <<

> > Sat: 2009-01-30 (12:18:21) - 2038-08-26 (12:18:21)

> > Sun: 2038-08-26 (12:18:21) - 2043-07-31 (12:18:21)

> > Moo: 2043-07-31 (12:18:21) - 2048-07-04 (12:18:21)

> >

> > Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> > vargottama):

> >

> > Mar MD: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30

> > (12:18:21)

> >

> > Antardasas in this MD:

> >

> > Mar: 1989-05-15 (12:18:21) - 1993-04-24 (12:18:21)

> > Sat: 1993-04-24 (12:18:21) - 1999-03-24 (12:18:21)

> > Sun: 1999-03-24 (12:18:21) - 2000-03-18 (12:18:21)

> > Moo: 2000-03-18 (12:18:21) - 2001-03-13 (12:18:21)

> > > Ven: 2001-03-13 (12:18:21) - 2003-03-03 (12:18:21)

> > <<

> > Mer: 2003-03-03 (12:18:21) - 2005-02-20 (12:18:21)

> > Jup: 2005-02-20 (12:18:21) - 2009-01-30 (12:18:21)

> >

> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> > Narasimha

> >

> >

> >

> > Archives:

> > vedic astrology

> >

> > Group info:

> >

> vedic astrology/info.html

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> > vedic astrology-

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

> > ||

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >





> Find a job, post your resume.

> http://careers.









> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




> Your use of is subject to



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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Nimmi,

By Will do you mean: Natural Inclination(Dharma

Trikona in Navamsa) or Desire(7th), or maybe souls

desire(Chara Atmakaraka)?


Either way, i wouldn't agree that Vimshottari from

Lagna, would differ from Vimshottari from Moon in this

special regard.. Don't you need a mind(moon) to make

your actions(lagna) manifest?

Do you see the Sudarshana Chakra now?


But Vimshottari dasa is good for seeing the persons

desires in general.


When the person seeks to make these desires manifest

is seen from the PratyAntar Dasa.

When it will manifest depends on the Sookshma Dasa.


Whether it will manifest depends on the Maha

Dasa(Overall circumstances) and the Antar Dasa(The

people we meet).


Best wishes, Visti.


--- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660 wrote:

> Dear Visti,


> Would you say that the lagna is also to some extent

> indicative of the will?

> I have noticed that vargottama lagna (myself

> included) tends to create

> rather stubborn individuals. To that extent would

> the Vimshottri reflect

> that?


> Best wishes,


> Nimmi




> -

> "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> <vedic astrology>

> Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:38 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> dasas



> >

> > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > ---------

> > Dear Sanjiv,

> > I thought i gave alot of clues to this

> > Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.

> >

> > In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses are

> > described as; "Mind, Intelligence, Consciousness,

> > etc".

> > Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under Mind,

> whilst

> > from Lagna comes under intelligence.

> >

> > When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

> > Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is

> probably

> > strong than Lagna(brain).

> > Best wishes, Visti.

> >

> >

> >

> > --- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM

> <sanjiv

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn

> about

> > > yet another of the dasas.

> > >

> > > However, I am little confused or the confusion

> still

> > > hasn't been cleared.

> > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

> whether

> > > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > > will show the actual manifestation or not. It

> is a

> > > great theoretical

> > > question. I have not heard the answer in black

> and

> > > white terms yet.

> > >

> > > Furthermore, there is this confusion about when

> to

> > > use Vimshottari from

> > > Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to

> calculate

> > > the stronger but what

> > > if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna,

> Chandra

> > > Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> > > are all Vargottam.... This is not a

> hypothetical

> > > question....

> > >

> > > I suppose one can answer that hence the use of

> > > Narayan Dasha..... but is

> > > that answer sufficient and should one accept it

> just

> > > because....

> > > (Narasimha, I know you have not said this;

> neither

> > > am I writing this email

> > > in response to yours; I am just trying to move

> the

> > > dialogue forward in the

> > > discussion.....)

> > >

> > > I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha has

> been

> > > demonstrated many times

> > > over; I am neither questioning the efficacy nor

> does

> > > anyone need to prove

> > > me (I am convinced) but similarly the efficacy

> of

> > > Vimshottari also is

> > > undisputable. The question is not asking for

> > > comparisons between the two

> > > dasas and therefore the answer should refrain

> from

> > > doing so.

> > >

> > > The question merely is that theoretically it

> makes

> > > sense that Vimshottari

> > > calculated from Moon should show the effects of

> > > Manas; but then why

> > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show

> the

> > > manifestation of the

> > > event; even further, using the same logic

> > > Vimshottari calculated from AL

> > > should show the perception of the effects in the

> > > Mayavi world......

> > >

> > > Best Regards,

> > > SA

> > >

> > >

> > > pvr on 11/02/2001 06:05:59 AM

> > >

> > > Please respond to

> vedic astrology

> > >

> > > vedic astrology

> > > cc:

> > > [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> > > dasas

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Nimmi,

> > >

> > > > Dear Narasimha,

> > > >

> > > > From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces

> > > Narayana Dasa. This

> > > does have

> > > > argala from venus and moon, but not from

> watery

> > > signs. Also the

> > > painting has

> > >

> > > I saw your chart and, yes, that's right.

> However,

> > > note that Pisces

> > > itself is a watery sign.

> > >

> > > > been a very recent phenomenon, starting in

> August

> > > really. On the

> > > other hand,

> > > > Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on

> re

> > > the timing.

> > >

> > > Don't you think that the right antardasa has to

> be

> > > active to trigger

> > > a result promised by a dasa?

> > >

> > > Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna

> and

> > > its lord is in 3rd

> > > from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's

> > > commencement chart,

> > > Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.

> > >

> > > So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity

> > > instead of the 1st

> > > antardasa of Ge.

> > >

> > > > Nimmi

> > >

> > > I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa

> should

> > > not be used. I am

> > > only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw

> > > light.

> > >

> > > BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try

> > > Satabdika dasa too.

> > > It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to

> > > those with lagna in

> > > vargottama.

> > >

> > > I am giving the calculations below with 360d

> years

> > > used by you:

> > >

> > > Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> > > vargottama):

> > >

> > > Maha Dasas:

> > >

> > > Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20

> (12:18:21)


=== message truncated ===





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Dear Visti,


The moon is swayed by emotions. But sometimes in life the will takes over

and takes a hard cold look at what the mind is craving (manas). And it

sometimes decides to go against what the mind wants. As I see it there is

the manas (moon) that desires and buddhi (merc/juo) that thinks and will

(lagna) that acts. I suspect that depending on the influence on lagna and

lord, the actions will be determined. If the influene is that of th AK, then

I suspect the actions will be oriented towards the souls desire. I notice

this is true where lagna lord is also AK.


Best wishes,






"Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

<vedic astrology>

Sunday, November 04, 2001 11:15 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> ---------------

> Dear Nimmi,

> By Will do you mean: Natural Inclination(Dharma

> Trikona in Navamsa) or Desire(7th), or maybe souls

> desire(Chara Atmakaraka)?


> Either way, i wouldn't agree that Vimshottari from

> Lagna, would differ from Vimshottari from Moon in this

> special regard.. Don't you need a mind(moon) to make

> your actions(lagna) manifest?

> Do you see the Sudarshana Chakra now?


> But Vimshottari dasa is good for seeing the persons

> desires in general.


> When the person seeks to make these desires manifest

> is seen from the PratyAntar Dasa.

> When it will manifest depends on the Sookshma Dasa.


> Whether it will manifest depends on the Maha

> Dasa(Overall circumstances) and the Antar Dasa(The

> people we meet).


> Best wishes, Visti.


> --- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660 wrote:

> > Dear Visti,

> >

> > Would you say that the lagna is also to some extent

> > indicative of the will?

> > I have noticed that vargottama lagna (myself

> > included) tends to create

> > rather stubborn individuals. To that extent would

> > the Vimshottri reflect

> > that?

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Nimmi

> >

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:38 PM

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> > dasas

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > > ---------

> > > Dear Sanjiv,

> > > I thought i gave alot of clues to this

> > > Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.

> > >

> > > In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses are

> > > described as; "Mind, Intelligence, Consciousness,

> > > etc".

> > > Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under Mind,

> > whilst

> > > from Lagna comes under intelligence.

> > >

> > > When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

> > > Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is

> > probably

> > > strong than Lagna(brain).

> > > Best wishes, Visti.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > --- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM

> > <sanjiv

> > > wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn

> > about

> > > > yet another of the dasas.

> > > >

> > > > However, I am little confused or the confusion

> > still

> > > > hasn't been cleared.

> > > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

> > whether

> > > > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > > > will show the actual manifestation or not. It

> > is a

> > > > great theoretical

> > > > question. I have not heard the answer in black

> > and

> > > > white terms yet.

> > > >

> > > > Furthermore, there is this confusion about when

> > to

> > > > use Vimshottari from

> > > > Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to

> > calculate

> > > > the stronger but what

> > > > if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna,

> > Chandra

> > > > Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> > > > are all Vargottam.... This is not a

> > hypothetical

> > > > question....

> > > >

> > > > I suppose one can answer that hence the use of

> > > > Narayan Dasha..... but is

> > > > that answer sufficient and should one accept it

> > just

> > > > because....

> > > > (Narasimha, I know you have not said this;

> > neither

> > > > am I writing this email

> > > > in response to yours; I am just trying to move

> > the

> > > > dialogue forward in the

> > > > discussion.....)

> > > >

> > > > I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha has

> > been

> > > > demonstrated many times

> > > > over; I am neither questioning the efficacy nor

> > does

> > > > anyone need to prove

> > > > me (I am convinced) but similarly the efficacy

> > of

> > > > Vimshottari also is

> > > > undisputable. The question is not asking for

> > > > comparisons between the two

> > > > dasas and therefore the answer should refrain

> > from

> > > > doing so.

> > > >

> > > > The question merely is that theoretically it

> > makes

> > > > sense that Vimshottari

> > > > calculated from Moon should show the effects of

> > > > Manas; but then why

> > > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show

> > the

> > > > manifestation of the

> > > > event; even further, using the same logic

> > > > Vimshottari calculated from AL

> > > > should show the perception of the effects in the

> > > > Mayavi world......

> > > >

> > > > Best Regards,

> > > > SA

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > pvr on 11/02/2001 06:05:59 AM

> > > >

> > > > Please respond to

> > vedic astrology

> > > >

> > > > vedic astrology

> > > > cc:

> > > > [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> > > > dasas

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Dear Nimmi,

> > > >

> > > > > Dear Narasimha,

> > > > >

> > > > > From mid June 1999, I have been running Pisces

> > > > Narayana Dasa. This

> > > > does have

> > > > > argala from venus and moon, but not from

> > watery

> > > > signs. Also the

> > > > painting has

> > > >

> > > > I saw your chart and, yes, that's right.

> > However,

> > > > note that Pisces

> > > > itself is a watery sign.

> > > >

> > > > > been a very recent phenomenon, starting in

> > August

> > > > really. On the

> > > > other hand,

> > > > > Vimshottri from ascendant seems to be spot on

> > re

> > > > the timing.

> > > >

> > > > Don't you think that the right antardasa has to

> > be

> > > > active to trigger

> > > > a result promised by a dasa?

> > > >

> > > > Leo is the 3rd house of creativity from lagna

> > and

> > > > its lord is in 3rd

> > > > from dasa sign Pi. Moreover, in Leo antardasa's

> > > > commencement chart,

> > > > Virgo lagna is aspected by exalted Venus.

> > > >

> > > > So the 3rd antardasa of Leo started the activity

> > > > instead of the 1st

> > > > antardasa of Ge.

> > > >

> > > > > Nimmi

> > > >

> > > > I am not saying that Lagna Vimsottari dasa

> > should

> > > > not be used. I am

> > > > only showing that Lagnamsaka dasa can also throw

> > > > light.

> > > >

> > > > BTW, your lagna is in vargottama and you may try

> > > > Satabdika dasa too.

> > > > It is a conditional nakshatra dasa applicable to

> > > > those with lagna in

> > > > vargottama.

> > > >

> > > > I am giving the calculations below with 360d

> > years

> > > > used by you:

> > > >

> > > > Sataabdika dasa (applicable if lagna is in

> > > > vargottama):

> > > >

> > > > Maha Dasas:

> > > >

> > > > Ven: 1949-12-11 (12:18:21) - 1959-10-20

> > (12:18:21)

> >

> === message truncated ===





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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Nimmi,

Surely these times of great mental distress would be

indicated by an evil influence on the Moon.


How can you go against what the mind wants? You cannot

make a decission if the mind doesn't want it. It may

go against some significant cravings, but without the

mind there is no action. Keep in mind that all

decissions are made in the mind.


Do you agree?

Best wishes, Visti.


--- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660 wrote:

> Dear Visti,


> The moon is swayed by emotions. But sometimes in

> life the will takes over

> and takes a hard cold look at what the mind is

> craving (manas). And it

> sometimes decides to go against what the mind wants.

> As I see it there is

> the manas (moon) that desires and buddhi (merc/juo)

> that thinks and will

> (lagna) that acts. I suspect that depending on the

> influence on lagna and

> lord, the actions will be determined. If the

> influene is that of th AK, then

> I suspect the actions will be oriented towards the

> souls desire. I notice

> this is true where lagna lord is also AK.


> Best wishes,


> Nimmi



> -

> "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> <vedic astrology>

> Sunday, November 04, 2001 11:15 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> dasas



> >

> > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > ---------------

> > Dear Nimmi,

> > By Will do you mean: Natural Inclination(Dharma

> > Trikona in Navamsa) or Desire(7th), or maybe souls

> > desire(Chara Atmakaraka)?

> >

> > Either way, i wouldn't agree that Vimshottari from

> > Lagna, would differ from Vimshottari from Moon in

> this

> > special regard.. Don't you need a mind(moon) to

> make

> > your actions(lagna) manifest?

> > Do you see the Sudarshana Chakra now?

> >

> > But Vimshottari dasa is good for seeing the

> persons

> > desires in general.

> >

> > When the person seeks to make these desires

> manifest

> > is seen from the PratyAntar Dasa.

> > When it will manifest depends on the Sookshma

> Dasa.

> >

> > Whether it will manifest depends on the Maha

> > Dasa(Overall circumstances) and the Antar Dasa(The

> > people we meet).

> >

> > Best wishes, Visti.

> >

> > --- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660

> wrote:

> > > Dear Visti,

> > >

> > > Would you say that the lagna is also to some

> extent

> > > indicative of the will?

> > > I have noticed that vargottama lagna (myself

> > > included) tends to create

> > > rather stubborn individuals. To that extent

> would

> > > the Vimshottri reflect

> > > that?

> > >

> > > Best wishes,

> > >

> > > Nimmi

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > -

> > > "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> > > <vedic astrology>

> > > Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:38 PM

> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting

> and

> > > dasas

> > >

> > >

> > > >

> > > > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > > > ---------

> > > > Dear Sanjiv,

> > > > I thought i gave alot of clues to this

> > > > Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.

> > > >

> > > > In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses

> are

> > > > described as; "Mind, Intelligence,

> Consciousness,

> > > > etc".

> > > > Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under

> Mind,

> > > whilst

> > > > from Lagna comes under intelligence.

> > > >

> > > > When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

> > > > Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is

> > > probably

> > > > strong than Lagna(brain).

> > > > Best wishes, Visti.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > --- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM

> > > <sanjiv

> > > > wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn

> > > about

> > > > > yet another of the dasas.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, I am little confused or the

> confusion

> > > still

> > > > > hasn't been cleared.

> > > > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

> > > whether

> > > > > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > > > > will show the actual manifestation or not.

> It

> > > is a

> > > > > great theoretical

> > > > > question. I have not heard the answer in

> black

> > > and

> > > > > white terms yet.

> > > > >

> > > > > Furthermore, there is this confusion about

> when

> > > to

> > > > > use Vimshottari from

> > > > > Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to

> > > calculate

> > > > > the stronger but what

> > > > > if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna,

> > > Chandra

> > > > > Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> > > > > are all Vargottam.... This is not a

> > > hypothetical

> > > > > question....

> > > > >

> > > > > I suppose one can answer that hence the use

> of

> > > > > Narayan Dasha..... but is

> > > > > that answer sufficient and should one accept

> it

> > > just

> > > > > because....

> > > > > (Narasimha, I know you have not said this;

> > > neither

> > > > > am I writing this email

> > > > > in response to yours; I am just trying to

> move

> > > the

> > > > > dialogue forward in the

> > > > > discussion.....)

> > > > >

> > > > > I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha

> has

> > > been

> > > > > demonstrated many times

> > > > > over; I am neither questioning the efficacy

> nor

> > > does

> > > > > anyone need to prove

> > > > > me (I am convinced) but similarly the

> efficacy

> > > of

> > > > > Vimshottari also is

> > > > > undisputable. The question is not asking

> for

> > > > > comparisons between the two

> > > > > dasas and therefore the answer should

> refrain

> > > from

> > > > > doing so.

> > > > >

> > > > > The question merely is that theoretically

> it

> > > makes

> > > > > sense that Vimshottari

> > > > > calculated from Moon should show the effects

> of

> > > > > Manas; but then why

> > > > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna

> show

> > > the


=== message truncated ===





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Dear Visti,


The mind has different aspects. There is the manas, and the bhuthi. These

correspond to the emotional self and the rational self. It is quite common

to find these at odds in the same person.


But beyond this there is also the will, or if you like the choice of focus.

The act of making a choice, I think that is where the will manifests itself.

I think there is a third actor in the drama. Otherwise freewill has no

meaning, it just becomes a weighting process based on the reactions of the

emotional and rational minds.







"Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

<vedic astrology>

Sunday, November 04, 2001 1:26 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> -------

> Dear Nimmi,

> Surely these times of great mental distress would be

> indicated by an evil influence on the Moon.


> How can you go against what the mind wants? You cannot

> make a decission if the mind doesn't want it. It may

> go against some significant cravings, but without the

> mind there is no action. Keep in mind that all

> decissions are made in the mind.


> Do you agree?

> Best wishes, Visti.


> --- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660 wrote:

> > Dear Visti,

> >

> > The moon is swayed by emotions. But sometimes in

> > life the will takes over

> > and takes a hard cold look at what the mind is

> > craving (manas). And it

> > sometimes decides to go against what the mind wants.

> > As I see it there is

> > the manas (moon) that desires and buddhi (merc/juo)

> > that thinks and will

> > (lagna) that acts. I suspect that depending on the

> > influence on lagna and

> > lord, the actions will be determined. If the

> > influene is that of th AK, then

> > I suspect the actions will be oriented towards the

> > souls desire. I notice

> > this is true where lagna lord is also AK.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Nimmi

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Sunday, November 04, 2001 11:15 AM

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and

> > dasas

> >

> >

> > >

> > > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > > ---------------

> > > Dear Nimmi,

> > > By Will do you mean: Natural Inclination(Dharma

> > > Trikona in Navamsa) or Desire(7th), or maybe souls

> > > desire(Chara Atmakaraka)?

> > >

> > > Either way, i wouldn't agree that Vimshottari from

> > > Lagna, would differ from Vimshottari from Moon in

> > this

> > > special regard.. Don't you need a mind(moon) to

> > make

> > > your actions(lagna) manifest?

> > > Do you see the Sudarshana Chakra now?

> > >

> > > But Vimshottari dasa is good for seeing the

> > persons

> > > desires in general.

> > >

> > > When the person seeks to make these desires

> > manifest

> > > is seen from the PratyAntar Dasa.

> > > When it will manifest depends on the Sookshma

> > Dasa.

> > >

> > > Whether it will manifest depends on the Maha

> > > Dasa(Overall circumstances) and the Antar Dasa(The

> > > people we meet).

> > >

> > > Best wishes, Visti.

> > >

> > > --- Nimmi Ragavan <106350.3660

> > wrote:

> > > > Dear Visti,

> > > >

> > > > Would you say that the lagna is also to some

> > extent

> > > > indicative of the will?

> > > > I have noticed that vargottama lagna (myself

> > > > included) tends to create

> > > > rather stubborn individuals. To that extent

> > would

> > > > the Vimshottri reflect

> > > > that?

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes,

> > > >

> > > > Nimmi

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > -

> > > > "Visti Larsen" <in_joy_i_scream

> > > > <vedic astrology>

> > > > Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:38 PM

> > > > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting

> > and

> > > > dasas

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!

> > > > > ---------

> > > > > Dear Sanjiv,

> > > > > I thought i gave alot of clues to this

> > > > > Vimshottari-variation, in my mail.

> > > > >

> > > > > In the Srimad Bhagavatam, the Subtle senses

> > are

> > > > > described as; "Mind, Intelligence,

> > Consciousness,

> > > > > etc".

> > > > > Vimshottari From Moon comes closely under

> > Mind,

> > > > whilst

> > > > > from Lagna comes under intelligence.

> > > > >

> > > > > When one reacts to ones surroundings from the

> > > > > Mind/emotional point of view, then Moon is

> > > > probably

> > > > > strong than Lagna(brain).

> > > > > Best wishes, Visti.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > --- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM

> > > > <sanjiv

> > > > > wrote:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn

> > > > about

> > > > > > yet another of the dasas.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > However, I am little confused or the

> > confusion

> > > > still

> > > > > > hasn't been cleared.

> > > > > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

> > > > whether

> > > > > > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > > > > > will show the actual manifestation or not.

> > It

> > > > is a

> > > > > > great theoretical

> > > > > > question. I have not heard the answer in

> > black

> > > > and

> > > > > > white terms yet.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Furthermore, there is this confusion about

> > when

> > > > to

> > > > > > use Vimshottari from

> > > > > > Moon , Lagna, etc... Some have stated to

> > > > calculate

> > > > > > the stronger but what

> > > > > > if the strength is also similar i.e. Lagna,

> > > > Chandra

> > > > > > Lagna, and Arudha lagna

> > > > > > are all Vargottam.... This is not a

> > > > hypothetical

> > > > > > question....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I suppose one can answer that hence the use

> > of

> > > > > > Narayan Dasha..... but is

> > > > > > that answer sufficient and should one accept

> > it

> > > > just

> > > > > > because....

> > > > > > (Narasimha, I know you have not said this;

> > > > neither

> > > > > > am I writing this email

> > > > > > in response to yours; I am just trying to

> > move

> > > > the

> > > > > > dialogue forward in the

> > > > > > discussion.....)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I know that the efficacy of Narayan Dasha

> > has

> > > > been

> > > > > > demonstrated many times

> > > > > > over; I am neither questioning the efficacy

> > nor

> > > > does

> > > > > > anyone need to prove

> > > > > > me (I am convinced) but similarly the

> > efficacy

> > > > of

> > > > > > Vimshottari also is

> > > > > > undisputable. The question is not asking

> > for

> > > > > > comparisons between the two

> > > > > > dasas and therefore the answer should

> > refrain

> > > > from

> > > > > > doing so.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The question merely is that theoretically

> > it

> > > > makes

> > > > > > sense that Vimshottari

> > > > > > calculated from Moon should show the effects

> > of

> > > > > > Manas; but then why

> > > > > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna

> > show

> > > > the

> >

> === message truncated ===





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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjeev!


Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant, If

Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of Manas,

then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna should

show msnifestation of the event"....


This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the nature of

the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When we

take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive, Imaginative,

goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When you

say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside you...

the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical body is

not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is judged

from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the Moon.


When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to the

situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much ground

as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.


Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which is

nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

(Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the mind

or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as because

the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could have

been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events therein

can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.


I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure, the

more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in their








"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv



> The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that Vimshottari

> calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of the

> event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from AL

> should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......


> Best Regards,

> SA

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Hello Sarajeet,


(I've only read your email once and not have much time to reflect on it;

still, allow me (and others pardon me) to digress immediate thoughts)...


Excellent thoughts is my initial reaction. I am following your reasoning.


OK, follow-on questions: But isn't a human subject to act according to

time (Kaal i.e. represented by Nakshatras....); free will and action is

only a test to the conditions put forth by time. Furthermore, how is

Narayan Dasha different; yes the dasha periods are different but each dasha

is calculated from some reference point i.e. Lagna......


Best Regards,





"Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/04/2001 10:39:42 PM


Please respond to vedic astrology


<vedic astrology>


Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjeev!


Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant, If

Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of Manas,

then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna


show msnifestation of the event"....


This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the nature


the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When we

take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive, Imaginative,

goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When you

say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside


the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical body


not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is judged

from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the



When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to the

situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much ground

as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.


Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which is

nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

(Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the mind

or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as because

the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could


been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events therein

can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.


I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure, the

more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in









"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv



> The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that


> calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of the

> event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from AL

> should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......


> Best Regards,

> SA















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Allright, the answer lies therefore in the divisions...... Ofcourse, I

don't have this prerequisite knowledge....


But again some questions:


(1) To I, a naive person, difference between Rasi and nakshatra is like

difference between a meter and a Kilometer..... partly that is right

because they represent different divisions of the same whole but partly I

don't understand .... because if the first part is right then all that

means is that they are nothing more than labels. (I will also grant that

these labels also represent different aspects i.e. self, partners,

education, siblings, etcs. Carrying this thinking forward, we can calculate

Narayan Dasha for different divisions.


The way I understand it (and now pardon me for removing the Puran from Ved

..... Narasimha / Sanjay ji, I am sure at the least you two would understand

my insinuation here....) Moon represents mind BECAUSE it is fast-moving;

Nakshatras were identified and inserted to represent finer divisions and

increase precision; this precision or further division is only important in

the context of Moon. But ultimately it is divisions and precision.


Then how can we say one is X vs. one is Y....... Furthermore, even if we

do say it and accept it, then why do we need to calculate ND for each

division i.e. D1, D9, D10, etc.... We do not do the same for

Vimshottari..... For example, Per ND of my D-1 I am running the Dasha of

my 12th house the lord of which is posited in the 12 the from the 12th. On

the other hand, per ND of my D-10, I was running the Dasha of my 10th

house, quite a powerful house which will be followed by the Dasha of the

3rd house (has nodal aspect) but otherwise contains the AL and should be a

powerful Dasha... If you do the readings of the two charts, the results

are quite different.......


Best Regards,





pvr on 11/02/2001 10:12:04 PM


Please respond to vedic astrology


vedic astrology


[vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas



Dear Sanjiv,


> Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet

> another of the dasas.


> However, I am little confused or the confusion still

> hasn't been cleared.

> I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> Vimshottari from Lagna

> will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a

> great theoretical

> question. I have not heard the answer in black and

> white terms yet.


I said in the past that Vimsottari dasa shows events from the vantage

point of mind and Narayana dasa shows the true environment faced.

Though words like "true" and "actual" give one the impression that

one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the reality is that there

is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits,

but different enough.


Whether you take Vimsottari dasa from Moon or lagna, it is

essentially a progression of nakshatras. Though we say Moon dasa is

running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or Hasta or Sravanam -

things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation). Nakshatra division of

the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from the perspective of

mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division of the zodiac is

ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa division of the zodiac

shows *motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on it.


All the different divisions of the zodiac (rasis, nakshatras,

navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc) stand for various aspects of us and

different dasas are based on different divisions. Understanding the

divisions is key to understanding the dasas.


What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari dasa from Moon and

lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question for now.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,
















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1 Nakshatra - degrees traversed by the moon during one revolution of the


1 degree - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution of the


1 sign - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution of the

moon around the zodiac? Or the period between 2 new moons (approx). Of that

order anyway.


So to this extent a sign is generated by the movements of both the sun and

the moon. Otherwise the concept of a month and therefore of a sign would be



In this sense I can see how a rasi dasa could actually be more informative

than a nakshatra dasa which is only based on the moon.


Since a nakshatra has no meaning outside the movement of the moon, and the

revolution of the earth on its own axis, I can see how it can be argued that

nakshatra dasas show mind states rather than actual circumstances.


But for someone who reacts emotionally to their circumstances and acts based

on emotions mainly, nakshatra dasas could provide accurate predictions.


This is just a thought.


Best wishes,





"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

<vedic astrology>

Monday, November 05, 2001 6:52 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas





> Allright, the answer lies therefore in the divisions...... Ofcourse, I

> don't have this prerequisite knowledge....


> But again some questions:


> (1) To I, a naive person, difference between Rasi and nakshatra is like

> difference between a meter and a Kilometer..... partly that is right

> because they represent different divisions of the same whole but partly I

> don't understand .... because if the first part is right then all that

> means is that they are nothing more than labels. (I will also grant that

> these labels also represent different aspects i.e. self, partners,

> education, siblings, etcs. Carrying this thinking forward, we can


> Narayan Dasha for different divisions.


> The way I understand it (and now pardon me for removing the Puran from Ved

> .... Narasimha / Sanjay ji, I am sure at the least you two would


> my insinuation here....) Moon represents mind BECAUSE it is fast-moving;

> Nakshatras were identified and inserted to represent finer divisions and

> increase precision; this precision or further division is only important


> the context of Moon. But ultimately it is divisions and precision.


> Then how can we say one is X vs. one is Y....... Furthermore, even if we

> do say it and accept it, then why do we need to calculate ND for each

> division i.e. D1, D9, D10, etc.... We do not do the same for

> Vimshottari..... For example, Per ND of my D-1 I am running the Dasha of

> my 12th house the lord of which is posited in the 12 the from the 12th.


> the other hand, per ND of my D-10, I was running the Dasha of my 10th

> house, quite a powerful house which will be followed by the Dasha of the

> 3rd house (has nodal aspect) but otherwise contains the AL and should be a

> powerful Dasha... If you do the readings of the two charts, the results

> are quite different.......


> Best Regards,


> SA



> pvr on 11/02/2001 10:12:04 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> vedic astrology

> cc:

> [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas



> Dear Sanjiv,


> > Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet

> > another of the dasas.

> >

> > However, I am little confused or the confusion still

> > hasn't been cleared.

> > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > will show the actual manifestation or not. It is a

> > great theoretical

> > question. I have not heard the answer in black and

> > white terms yet.


> I said in the past that Vimsottari dasa shows events from the vantage

> point of mind and Narayana dasa shows the true environment faced.

> Though words like "true" and "actual" give one the impression that

> one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the reality is that there

> is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges. Both are fruits,

> but different enough.


> Whether you take Vimsottari dasa from Moon or lagna, it is

> essentially a progression of nakshatras. Though we say Moon dasa is

> running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or Hasta or Sravanam -

> things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation). Nakshatra division of

> the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from the perspective of

> mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division of the zodiac is

> ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa division of the zodiac

> shows *motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on it.


> All the different divisions of the zodiac (rasis, nakshatras,

> navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc) stand for various aspects of us and

> different dasas are based on different divisions. Understanding the

> divisions is key to understanding the dasas.


> What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari dasa from Moon and

> lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question for now.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha











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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Sanjiv & List,

Just wanted to point out something regarding Rasi's

and Nakshetras.


Its understandable that one would see the Nakshetras,

as just another way of messuring the heavens.

However this isn't acurate understanding.


The reason the Moon is given this overlordship of the

Nakshetras, is because of a simple calculation.


You will find that it takes 27 + 7,3/4th days for the

Moon to make a complete return. Don't mistake this

with the time it takes for a lunar month as this is



Now from this timing of the days of the Moon's return,

the 27 Nakshetras we're born. Now how about the last

7,3/4ths? This is Abhijit Nakshetra, which isn't taken

in account in Vimshottari Scheme of Nakshetras.


Hence from that calculation the Nakshetras were born

and given the overlordship of the Moon.

Just wanted to clarify that point.


Lovely topic..

Best wishes, Visti.


--- Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM <sanjiv



> Allright, the answer lies therefore in the

> divisions...... Ofcourse, I

> don't have this prerequisite knowledge....


> But again some questions:


> (1) To I, a naive person, difference between Rasi

> and nakshatra is like

> difference between a meter and a Kilometer.....

> partly that is right

> because they represent different divisions of the

> same whole but partly I

> don't understand .... because if the first part is

> right then all that

> means is that they are nothing more than labels. (I

> will also grant that

> these labels also represent different aspects i.e.

> self, partners,

> education, siblings, etcs. Carrying this thinking

> forward, we can calculate

> Narayan Dasha for different divisions.


> The way I understand it (and now pardon me for

> removing the Puran from Ved

> .... Narasimha / Sanjay ji, I am sure at the least

> you two would understand

> my insinuation here....) Moon represents mind

> BECAUSE it is fast-moving;

> Nakshatras were identified and inserted to represent

> finer divisions and

> increase precision; this precision or further

> division is only important in

> the context of Moon. But ultimately it is divisions

> and precision.


> Then how can we say one is X vs. one is Y.......

> Furthermore, even if we

> do say it and accept it, then why do we need to

> calculate ND for each

> division i.e. D1, D9, D10, etc.... We do not do the

> same for

> Vimshottari..... For example, Per ND of my D-1 I am

> running the Dasha of

> my 12th house the lord of which is posited in the 12

> the from the 12th. On

> the other hand, per ND of my D-10, I was running the

> Dasha of my 10th

> house, quite a powerful house which will be followed

> by the Dasha of the

> 3rd house (has nodal aspect) but otherwise contains

> the AL and should be a

> powerful Dasha... If you do the readings of the two

> charts, the results

> are quite different.......


> Best Regards,


> SA



> pvr on 11/02/2001 10:12:04 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> vedic astrology

> cc:

> [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and

> dasas



> Dear Sanjiv,


> > Well, another great discussion.... we learn about

> yet

> > another of the dasas.

> >

> > However, I am little confused or the confusion

> still

> > hasn't been cleared.

> > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that whether

> > Vimshottari from Lagna

> > will show the actual manifestation or not. It is

> a

> > great theoretical

> > question. I have not heard the answer in black

> and

> > white terms yet.


> I said in the past that Vimsottari dasa shows events

> from the vantage

> point of mind and Narayana dasa shows the true

> environment faced.

> Though words like "true" and "actual" give one the

> impression that

> one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the

> reality is that there

> is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges.

> Both are fruits,

> but different enough.


> Whether you take Vimsottari dasa from Moon or lagna,

> it is

> essentially a progression of nakshatras. Though we

> say Moon dasa is

> running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or Hasta

> or Sravanam -

> things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation).

> Nakshatra division of

> the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from

> the perspective of

> mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division

> of the zodiac is

> ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa

> division of the zodiac

> shows *motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on

> it.


> All the different divisions of the zodiac (rasis,

> nakshatras,

> navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc) stand for various

> aspects of us and

> different dasas are based on different divisions.

> Understanding the

> divisions is key to understanding the dasas.


> What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari

> dasa from Moon and

> lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question

> for now.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha





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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjiv!


Agreed both start from the Lagna, however the interpretation would different

based on the Philosophy embedded in the two systems. Vimshottari is

nakshatra based so the effect will be at the Manas level (Moon rules the

Nakshatras), hence this will show the reaction. However Sun rules the Rasi

(Why?- Will take it up some other time), and show the physical manifestation

of results, i.e., the results will be shown at physical level. In both the

cases the Lagna is involved, however in the former case, this represent the

self and in the latter case, it represent the satyapeetha (Lagna or 7th).

Here the key point is Narayana can only show the physical manifestation,

whereas nakshatra based dasa show their effect on you (your psyche) or your

reaction to the physical events (environment).







"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

<vedic astrology>

Monday, November 05, 2001 11:33 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Hello Sarajeet,


> (I've only read your email once and not have much time to reflect on it;

> still, allow me (and others pardon me) to digress immediate thoughts)...


> Excellent thoughts is my initial reaction. I am following your reasoning.


> OK, follow-on questions: But isn't a human subject to act according to

> time (Kaal i.e. represented by Nakshatras....); free will and action is

> only a test to the conditions put forth by time. Furthermore, how is

> Narayan Dasha different; yes the dasha periods are different but each


> is calculated from some reference point i.e. Lagna......


> Best Regards,


> SA



> "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/04/2001 10:39:42 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> <vedic astrology>

> cc:

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> Hare Rama Krsna

> Dear Sanjeev!


> Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant, If

> Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of Manas,

> then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna

> should

> show msnifestation of the event"....


> This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the nature

> of

> the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When we

> take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

> whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive,


> goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

> Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When you

> say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside

> you...

> the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical body

> is

> not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is judged

> from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the

> Moon.


> When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to the

> situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

> reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much ground

> as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.


> Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

> environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which is

> nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

> (Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the


> or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as because

> the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could

> have

> been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events therein

> can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.


> I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure, the

> more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in

> their

> application.


> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv



> > The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that

> Vimshottari

> > calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of


> > event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from AL

> > should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > SA











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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Nimmi!


One minor addendum.... You said...

"1 sign - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution of the

moon around the zodiac? Or the period between 2 new moons (approx). Of that

order anyway."


The latter part is correct. 1 Sign is approximately the arc travelled by the Sun

betweeb two Conjunctions (Amavasya) or Opposition (Purnima). The degrees covered

by the Sun, when Moon moves once around the zodiac is only 27.3229 (approx), as

Moon takes so-many days to cover the zodiac.Hence Moon has to travel for

somewhat more than 2 days to catch Sun again in conjunction or opposition

whatever the case may be. So Moon meets Sun in an interval of 29.5059 days.





"Nimmi Ragavan" <106350.3660 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:57 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas

> Hi,> > 1 Nakshatra - degrees traversed by the moon during one revolution of

the> earth> 1 degree - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution

of the> earth> 1 sign - degrees traversed by the sun during one

revolution of the> moon around the zodiac? Or the period between 2 new moons

(approx). Of that> order anyway.> > So to this extent a sign is generated by

the movements of both the sun and> the moon. Otherwise the concept of a month

and therefore of a sign would be> meaningless.> > In this sense I can see how a

rasi dasa could actually be more informative> than a nakshatra dasa which is

only based on the moon.> > Since a nakshatra has no meaning outside the

movement of the moon, and the> revolution of the earth on its own axis, I can

see how it can be argued that> nakshatra dasas show mind states rather than

actual circumstances.> > But for someone who reacts emotionally to their

circumstances and acts based> on emotions mainly, nakshatra dasas could provide

accurate predictions.> > This is just a thought.> > Best wishes,> > Nimmi> >

-> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM"

<sanjiv (AT) ca (DOT) ibm.com>> <vedic astrology>> Monday,

November 05, 2001 6:52 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting

and dasas> > > >> >> > Allright, the answer lies therefore in the

divisions...... Ofcourse, I> > don't have this prerequisite knowledge....> >>

> But again some questions:> >> > (1) To I, a naive person, difference between

Rasi and nakshatra is like> > difference between a meter and a Kilometer.....

partly that is right> > because they represent different divisions of the same

whole but partly I> > don't understand .... because if the first part is right

then all that> > means is that they are nothing more than labels. (I will also

grant that> > these labels also represent different aspects i.e. self,

partners,> > education, siblings, etcs. Carrying this thinking forward, we can>

calculate> > Narayan Dasha for different divisions.> >> > The way I understand

it (and now pardon me for removing the Puran from Ved> > .... Narasimha /

Sanjay ji, I am sure at the least you two would> understand> > my insinuation

here....) Moon represents mind BECAUSE it is fast-moving;> > Nakshatras were

identified and inserted to represent finer divisions and> > increase precision;

this precision or further division is only important> in> > the context of Moon.

But ultimately it is divisions and precision.> >> > Then how can we say one is

X vs. one is Y....... Furthermore, even if we> > do say it and accept it, then

why do we need to calculate ND for each> > division i.e. D1, D9, D10, etc....

We do not do the same for> > Vimshottari..... For example, Per ND of my D-1 I

am running the Dasha of> > my 12th house the lord of which is posited in the 12

the from the 12th.> On> > the other hand, per ND of my D-10, I was running the

Dasha of my 10th> > house, quite a powerful house which will be followed by the

Dasha of the> > 3rd house (has nodal aspect) but otherwise contains the AL and

should be a> > powerful Dasha... If you do the readings of the two charts, the

results> > are quite different.......> >> > Best Regards,> >> > SA> >> >> >

pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net on 11/02/2001 10:12:04 PM> >> > Please respond to

vedic astrology> >> > vedic astrology> >

cc:> > [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas> >> >> > Dear

Sanjiv,> >> > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet> > >

another of the dasas.> > >> > > However, I am little confused or the confusion

still> > > hasn't been cleared.> > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

whether> > > Vimshottari from Lagna> > > will show the actual manifestation or

not. It is a> > > great theoretical> > > question. I have not heard the

answer in black and> > > white terms yet.> >> > I said in the past that

Vimsottari dasa shows events from the vantage> > point of mind and Narayana

dasa shows the true environment faced.> > Though words like "true" and "actual"

give one the impression that> > one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the

reality is that there> > is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges.

Both are fruits,> > but different enough.> >> > Whether you take Vimsottari

dasa from Moon or lagna, it is> > essentially a progression of nakshatras.

Though we say Moon dasa is> > running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or

Hasta or Sravanam -> > things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation). Nakshatra

division of> > the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from the perspective

of> > mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division of the zodiac is> >

ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa division of the zodiac> > shows

*motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on it.> >> > All the different

divisions of the zodiac (rasis, nakshatras,> > navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc)

stand for various aspects of us and> > different dasas are based on different

divisions. Understanding the> > divisions is key to understanding the dasas.>

>> > What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari dasa from Moon and> >

lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question for now.> >> > May Jupiter's

light shine on us,> > Narasimha> >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> >> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> >> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Your use of is subject to

> >

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Hello Sarajit,


Brilliantly answered; you have correctly picked up what I had left out in

my response and expanded on it. While typing my response to you, it had

occurred to me ultimately, it may be a matter of rulerships more than

anything else ..... Still I went ahead and sent the response to the list

beause: it was a good intellectual discussion; had I not send the response

the dialogue may have been quashed and I and others would have lost the

opportunity to learn various thoughts. I also liked Nimmi's answer.


Still, I do feel a piece of the puzzle is missing. Narasimha has hinted at

the divisions.... I have not yet solved this mystery. I am not sure if

others are also keen on it.


As well, there is still further confusion yet but it is for me to

solve..... I will provide hint because I sense there are others who have

been following this discussion with interest. The hint:


Purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacyate

purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasisyate


I am positive some will understand.... If the above is true then what is

the difference.... I recognize this sort of question is sort of like going

in circles but it is fun to think and ponder...... Aren't actions,

emotions, environment, parts of the same whole???


Best Regards,




"Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/05/2001 08:50:36 PM


Please respond to vedic astrology


<vedic astrology>


Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjiv!


Agreed both start from the Lagna, however the interpretation would


based on the Philosophy embedded in the two systems. Vimshottari is

nakshatra based so the effect will be at the Manas level (Moon rules the

Nakshatras), hence this will show the reaction. However Sun rules the Rasi

(Why?- Will take it up some other time), and show the physical


of results, i.e., the results will be shown at physical level. In both the

cases the Lagna is involved, however in the former case, this represent the

self and in the latter case, it represent the satyapeetha (Lagna or 7th).

Here the key point is Narayana can only show the physical manifestation,

whereas nakshatra based dasa show their effect on you (your psyche) or your

reaction to the physical events (environment).







"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

<vedic astrology>

Monday, November 05, 2001 11:33 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Hello Sarajeet,


> (I've only read your email once and not have much time to reflect on it;

> still, allow me (and others pardon me) to digress immediate thoughts)...


> Excellent thoughts is my initial reaction. I am following your



> OK, follow-on questions: But isn't a human subject to act according to

> time (Kaal i.e. represented by Nakshatras....); free will and action is

> only a test to the conditions put forth by time. Furthermore, how is

> Narayan Dasha different; yes the dasha periods are different but each


> is calculated from some reference point i.e. Lagna......


> Best Regards,


> SA



> "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/04/2001 10:39:42 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> <vedic astrology>

> cc:

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> Hare Rama Krsna

> Dear Sanjeev!


> Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant,


> Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of


> then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna

> should

> show msnifestation of the event"....


> This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the nature

> of

> the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When we

> take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

> whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive,


> goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

> Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When


> say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside

> you...

> the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical body

> is

> not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is judged

> from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the

> Moon.


> When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to the

> situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

> reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much


> as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.


> Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

> environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which is

> nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

> (Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the


> or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as


> the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could

> have

> been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events therein

> can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.


> I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure, the

> more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in

> their

> application.


> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv



> > The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that

> Vimshottari

> > calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of


> > event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from


> > should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......

> >

> > Best Regards,

> > SA











> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Ah, Thanks, Sarajit, that clears up something for me.




Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 8:43 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas

Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Nimmi!


One minor addendum.... You said...

"1 sign - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution of the

moon around the zodiac? Or the period between 2 new moons (approx). Of that

order anyway."


The latter part is correct. 1 Sign is approximately the arc travelled by the Sun

betweeb two Conjunctions (Amavasya) or Opposition (Purnima). The degrees covered

by the Sun, when Moon moves once around the zodiac is only 27.3229 (approx), as

Moon takes so-many days to cover the zodiac.Hence Moon has to travel for

somewhat more than 2 days to catch Sun again in conjunction or opposition

whatever the case may be. So Moon meets Sun in an interval of 29.5059 days.





"Nimmi Ragavan" <106350.3660 (AT) compuserve (DOT) com>

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, November 06, 2001 12:57 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas

> Hi,> > 1 Nakshatra - degrees traversed by the moon during one revolution of

the> earth> 1 degree - degrees traversed by the sun during one revolution

of the> earth> 1 sign - degrees traversed by the sun during one

revolution of the> moon around the zodiac? Or the period between 2 new moons

(approx). Of that> order anyway.> > So to this extent a sign is generated by

the movements of both the sun and> the moon. Otherwise the concept of a month

and therefore of a sign would be> meaningless.> > In this sense I can see how a

rasi dasa could actually be more informative> than a nakshatra dasa which is

only based on the moon.> > Since a nakshatra has no meaning outside the

movement of the moon, and the> revolution of the earth on its own axis, I can

see how it can be argued that> nakshatra dasas show mind states rather than

actual circumstances.> > But for someone who reacts emotionally to their

circumstances and acts based> on emotions mainly, nakshatra dasas could provide

accurate predictions.> > This is just a thought.> > Best wishes,> > Nimmi> >

-> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM"

<sanjiv (AT) ca (DOT) ibm.com>> <vedic astrology>> Monday,

November 05, 2001 6:52 PM> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting

and dasas> > > >> >> > Allright, the answer lies therefore in the

divisions...... Ofcourse, I> > don't have this prerequisite knowledge....> >>

> But again some questions:> >> > (1) To I, a naive person, difference between

Rasi and nakshatra is like> > difference between a meter and a Kilometer.....

partly that is right> > because they represent different divisions of the same

whole but partly I> > don't understand .... because if the first part is right

then all that> > means is that they are nothing more than labels. (I will also

grant that> > these labels also represent different aspects i.e. self,

partners,> > education, siblings, etcs. Carrying this thinking forward, we can>

calculate> > Narayan Dasha for different divisions.> >> > The way I understand

it (and now pardon me for removing the Puran from Ved> > .... Narasimha /

Sanjay ji, I am sure at the least you two would> understand> > my insinuation

here....) Moon represents mind BECAUSE it is fast-moving;> > Nakshatras were

identified and inserted to represent finer divisions and> > increase precision;

this precision or further division is only important> in> > the context of Moon.

But ultimately it is divisions and precision.> >> > Then how can we say one is

X vs. one is Y....... Furthermore, even if we> > do say it and accept it, then

why do we need to calculate ND for each> > division i.e. D1, D9, D10, etc....

We do not do the same for> > Vimshottari..... For example, Per ND of my D-1 I

am running the Dasha of> > my 12th house the lord of which is posited in the 12

the from the 12th.> On> > the other hand, per ND of my D-10, I was running the

Dasha of my 10th> > house, quite a powerful house which will be followed by the

Dasha of the> > 3rd house (has nodal aspect) but otherwise contains the AL and

should be a> > powerful Dasha... If you do the readings of the two charts, the

results> > are quite different.......> >> > Best Regards,> >> > SA> >> >> >

pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net on 11/02/2001 10:12:04 PM> >> > Please respond to

vedic astrology> >> > vedic astrology> >

cc:> > [vedic astrology] Re: Nimmi's painting and dasas> >> >> > Dear

Sanjiv,> >> > > Well, another great discussion.... we learn about yet> > >

another of the dasas.> > >> > > However, I am little confused or the confusion

still> > > hasn't been cleared.> > > I suppose Nimmi brought up the point that

whether> > > Vimshottari from Lagna> > > will show the actual manifestation or

not. It is a> > > great theoretical> > > question. I have not heard the

answer in black and> > > white terms yet.> >> > I said in the past that

Vimsottari dasa shows events from the vantage> > point of mind and Narayana

dasa shows the true environment faced.> > Though words like "true" and "actual"

give one the impression that> > one dasa is somehow 'superior' to another, the

reality is that there> > is no comparison. It's comparing apples and oranges.

Both are fruits,> > but different enough.> >> > Whether you take Vimsottari

dasa from Moon or lagna, it is> > essentially a progression of nakshatras.

Though we say Moon dasa is> > running, it is essentially Rohini's dasa (or

Hasta or Sravanam -> > things are far clearer in Tribhagi variation). Nakshatra

division of> > the zodiac is ruled by Moon and shows things from the perspective

of> > mind and basically shows *reactions*. Rasi division of the zodiac is> >

ruled by Sun and shows *environments*. Navamsa division of the zodiac> > shows

*motivations* and Kalachakra dasa is based on it.> >> > All the different

divisions of the zodiac (rasis, nakshatras,> > navamsas, horas, drekkanas etc)

stand for various aspects of us and> > different dasas are based on different

divisions. Understanding the> > divisions is key to understanding the dasas.>

>> > What exactly is the difference between Vimsottari dasa from Moon and> >

lagna Vimsottari dasa? I will leave that question for now.> >> > May Jupiter's

light shine on us,> > Narasimha> >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> >> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-> >> > ....... May

Jupiter's light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu ||> >> > Your use of is subject to

> >> >> > > Archives:

vedic astrology> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-> > ....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu

|| > > Your use of is subject to

> > Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjiv!


Nicely put question. If everything is the part of the same whole and both

the action and reaction form the parts of the whole, why can't we see both

from one dasa system?


Why we have two laws of physics, one Newton laws of motion and another

Einsteins Law of Quantum physics for understanding the motions of different

bodies in the universe. Even though both of them tend to explain some part

of the universe, none of them by themselves, explain all the motions. What

the physicist trying to do is finding out a generalised theory which can

explain everything in the universe, from electrons to galaxies.


So we can have individual sets of laws which can explain some part of the

system however fail to explain the system taken as a whole. This doesnot

make those laws less important or redundant. So until we have a generalised

system, we have to work with parts.


I liked the sloka you have gives. It explains the nature of the Supreme

Atma. It says, that Supreme Atma is absolute (Purna), or infinite. Even if

you take out infinite number of atmas, there is no loss to the Supreme Atma

and it remains absolute. However the atmas which we take out from the

Supreme can by itself be infinite and absolute. We can take out infinity

from infinity without any loss to the parent infinity. Thus each one of us

is infinite or absolute, however, we forgot our true nature. The only

mission of a soul in this earth is to realise its infinite potential.







"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:10 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Hello Sarajit,


> Brilliantly answered; you have correctly picked up what I had left out in

> my response and expanded on it. While typing my response to you, it had

> occurred to me ultimately, it may be a matter of rulerships more than

> anything else ..... Still I went ahead and sent the response to the list

> beause: it was a good intellectual discussion; had I not send the response

> the dialogue may have been quashed and I and others would have lost the

> opportunity to learn various thoughts. I also liked Nimmi's answer.


> Still, I do feel a piece of the puzzle is missing. Narasimha has hinted


> the divisions.... I have not yet solved this mystery. I am not sure if

> others are also keen on it.


> As well, there is still further confusion yet but it is for me to

> solve..... I will provide hint because I sense there are others who have

> been following this discussion with interest. The hint:


> Purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacyate

> purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasisyate


> I am positive some will understand.... If the above is true then what is

> the difference.... I recognize this sort of question is sort of like


> in circles but it is fun to think and ponder...... Aren't actions,

> emotions, environment, parts of the same whole???


> Best Regards,


> SA


> "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/05/2001 08:50:36 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> <vedic astrology>

> cc:

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> Hare Rama Krsna

> Dear Sanjiv!


> Agreed both start from the Lagna, however the interpretation would

> different

> based on the Philosophy embedded in the two systems. Vimshottari is

> nakshatra based so the effect will be at the Manas level (Moon rules the

> Nakshatras), hence this will show the reaction. However Sun rules the Rasi

> (Why?- Will take it up some other time), and show the physical

> manifestation

> of results, i.e., the results will be shown at physical level. In both the

> cases the Lagna is involved, however in the former case, this represent


> self and in the latter case, it represent the satyapeetha (Lagna or 7th).

> Here the key point is Narayana can only show the physical manifestation,

> whereas nakshatra based dasa show their effect on you (your psyche) or


> reaction to the physical events (environment).


> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

> <vedic astrology>

> Monday, November 05, 2001 11:33 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> >

> > Hello Sarajeet,

> >

> > (I've only read your email once and not have much time to reflect on it;

> > still, allow me (and others pardon me) to digress immediate thoughts)...

> >

> > Excellent thoughts is my initial reaction. I am following your

> reasoning.

> >

> > OK, follow-on questions: But isn't a human subject to act according to

> > time (Kaal i.e. represented by Nakshatras....); free will and action is

> > only a test to the conditions put forth by time. Furthermore, how is

> > Narayan Dasha different; yes the dasha periods are different but each

> dasha

> > is calculated from some reference point i.e. Lagna......

> >

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > SA

> >

> >

> > "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/04/2001 10:39:42 PM

> >

> > Please respond to vedic astrology

> >

> > <vedic astrology>

> > cc:

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas

> >

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna

> > Dear Sanjeev!

> >

> > Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant,

> If

> > Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of

> Manas,

> > then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna

> > should

> > show msnifestation of the event"....

> >

> > This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the


> > of

> > the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When we

> > take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

> > whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive,

> Imaginative,

> > goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

> > Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When

> you

> > say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside

> > you...

> > the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical


> > is

> > not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is judged

> > from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the

> > Moon.

> >

> > When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to the

> > situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

> > reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much

> ground

> > as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.

> >

> > Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

> > environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which


> > nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

> > (Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the

> mind

> > or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as

> because

> > the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could

> > have

> > been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events


> > can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.

> >

> > I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure, the

> > more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in

> > their

> > application.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

> >

> >

> > > The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that

> > Vimshottari

> > > calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of

> the

> > > event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from

> AL

> > > should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......

> > >

> > > Best Regards,

> > > SA

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >









> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Thanks Sarajit for the reply. This discussion has a nice momentum and it

is like we have come full circle. Some participants have asked the

question in the past about Why has Vimshottari been so popular. In a nice

subtle way we have arrived at the same question. Again, the question is

not to compare the efficacy of two systems but why one has been more

popular over the other. This distinction must be recognized and maintained

by any participants who may want to add their thoughts to this discussion.


I had a thought last night after I had completed my Pooja. Again the

answer seemed to be quite simple, the very first lesson of Geeta -- MAYA.

We live in Kaliyuga; all of the scriptures state that Maya will be most

prevalent in Kaliyuga. So what is Maya? Well, it is not so easily

answered because it traverses many domains out of which materialism is most

common. However, at a much higher level Maya affects the indriyas which

affect emotions i.e. mental thoughts which in turn create forced actions

due to those feelings. Overcoming Maya means gaining control over indriyas

and not letting emotions/feelings dictate one's actions.


In Kaliyuga there are few who have attained this mastery. We have already

agreed that Vimshottari shows the affects of Manas. Therefore, it is quite

probable that some learned souls (or one popular school) at some time

thought Vimshottari is probably most applicable in these times. Hence,

over time Vimshottari gained popularity.


What I write is a very hypothetical scenario. It is a question I have

asked before. The reason being it is easy to disregard a hoax or a concept

if unvalid will prove itself over time; however the validity of Narayan

Dasha has been proven many times over in this list in a consistent manner.

Narasimha has similarly proven many other dasha systems. Therefore, when

so many powerful dashas are available it is quite normal to wonder why one

became prevalent over others?


I welcome any thoughts that may show me alternate directions to explore.


Best Regards,





"Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/06/2001 08:50:14 PM


Please respond to vedic astrology


<vedic astrology>


Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



Hare Rama Krsna

Dear Sanjiv!


Nicely put question. If everything is the part of the same whole and both

the action and reaction form the parts of the whole, why can't we see both

from one dasa system?


Why we have two laws of physics, one Newton laws of motion and another

Einsteins Law of Quantum physics for understanding the motions of different

bodies in the universe. Even though both of them tend to explain some part

of the universe, none of them by themselves, explain all the motions. What

the physicist trying to do is finding out a generalised theory which can

explain everything in the universe, from electrons to galaxies.


So we can have individual sets of laws which can explain some part of the

system however fail to explain the system taken as a whole. This doesnot

make those laws less important or redundant. So until we have a generalised

system, we have to work with parts.


I liked the sloka you have gives. It explains the nature of the Supreme

Atma. It says, that Supreme Atma is absolute (Purna), or infinite. Even if

you take out infinite number of atmas, there is no loss to the Supreme Atma

and it remains absolute. However the atmas which we take out from the

Supreme can by itself be infinite and absolute. We can take out infinity

from infinity without any loss to the parent infinity. Thus each one of us

is infinite or absolute, however, we forgot our true nature. The only

mission of a soul in this earth is to realise its infinite potential.







"Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

<vedic astrology>

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 12:10 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas




> Hello Sarajit,


> Brilliantly answered; you have correctly picked up what I had left out


> my response and expanded on it. While typing my response to you, it had

> occurred to me ultimately, it may be a matter of rulerships more than

> anything else ..... Still I went ahead and sent the response to the list

> beause: it was a good intellectual discussion; had I not send the


> the dialogue may have been quashed and I and others would have lost the

> opportunity to learn various thoughts. I also liked Nimmi's answer.


> Still, I do feel a piece of the puzzle is missing. Narasimha has hinted


> the divisions.... I have not yet solved this mystery. I am not sure if

> others are also keen on it.


> As well, there is still further confusion yet but it is for me to

> solve..... I will provide hint because I sense there are others who have

> been following this discussion with interest. The hint:


> Purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacyate

> purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasisyate


> I am positive some will understand.... If the above is true then what is

> the difference.... I recognize this sort of question is sort of like


> in circles but it is fun to think and ponder...... Aren't actions,

> emotions, environment, parts of the same whole???


> Best Regards,


> SA


> "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/05/2001 08:50:36 PM


> Please respond to vedic astrology


> <vedic astrology>

> cc:

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> Hare Rama Krsna

> Dear Sanjiv!


> Agreed both start from the Lagna, however the interpretation would

> different

> based on the Philosophy embedded in the two systems. Vimshottari is

> nakshatra based so the effect will be at the Manas level (Moon rules the

> Nakshatras), hence this will show the reaction. However Sun rules the


> (Why?- Will take it up some other time), and show the physical

> manifestation

> of results, i.e., the results will be shown at physical level. In both


> cases the Lagna is involved, however in the former case, this represent


> self and in the latter case, it represent the satyapeetha (Lagna or 7th).

> Here the key point is Narayana can only show the physical manifestation,

> whereas nakshatra based dasa show their effect on you (your psyche) or


> reaction to the physical events (environment).


> Regards

> Sarajit



> -

> "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

> <vedic astrology>

> Monday, November 05, 2001 11:33 PM

> Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas



> >

> > Hello Sarajeet,

> >

> > (I've only read your email once and not have much time to reflect on


> > still, allow me (and others pardon me) to digress immediate


> >

> > Excellent thoughts is my initial reaction. I am following your

> reasoning.

> >

> > OK, follow-on questions: But isn't a human subject to act according to

> > time (Kaal i.e. represented by Nakshatras....); free will and action is

> > only a test to the conditions put forth by time. Furthermore, how is

> > Narayan Dasha different; yes the dasha periods are different but each

> dasha

> > is calculated from some reference point i.e. Lagna......

> >

> > Best Regards,

> >

> > SA

> >

> >

> > "Sarajit Poddar" <sarajitp on 11/04/2001 10:39:42 PM

> >

> > Please respond to vedic astrology

> >

> > <vedic astrology>

> > cc:

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Nimmi's painting and dasas

> >

> >

> > Hare Rama Krsna

> > Dear Sanjeev!

> >

> > Infact a very valid question. If I understood you correctly, you meant,

> If

> > Moon is the Mind and Vimshottari Dasa from Moon shows the effect of

> Manas,

> > then lagna is yourself and hence vimshottari dasa starting from Lagna

> > should

> > show msnifestation of the event"....

> >

> > This can be better understood from the nature of the dasa than the


> > of

> > the bodies used for reckoning (which will shape to some extent). When


> > take the stronger of the Moon and Lagnam what we doing. We are judging

> > whther the person is more Moon oriented (Emotional, sensitive,

> Imaginative,

> > goes by hearts call) or Lagna oriented (Intellectual, rational, goes by

> > Brains call). The Lagna is you, however not the physical body.... When

> you

> > say Lagna is I, this is the real I, the thing which is sitting inside

> > you...

> > the soul and hence we say the Lagna is the Satyapeetha. The physical


> > is

> > not you... Hence the basic drives and nature of the individual is


> > from the Lagna. The psychological and mental makeup is judged from the

> > Moon.

> >

> > When we say Lagna is stronger, then we say that the person reacts to


> > situation based on his ideals, Intelligence and rationality, here the

> > reaction of mind (eventhough there will be some) will not hold much

> ground

> > as the former will be dominant and vice-versa.

> >

> > Vimshottari dasa, show the reaction of the individual to the dynamic

> > environment (because of the very nature of the Vimshottari dasa, which


> > nakshatra based- ruled by Moon), the reaction could be from his brain

> > (Intelligence-Sun) or his heart (Emotion-Moon). The event to which the

> mind

> > or brain reacts can be found through deductive reasoning. Such as

> because

> > the person has felt or reacted in such and such manner, the event could

> > have

> > been this. As Narasimha has described, the Environment and Events


> > can be better shown by the Narayana Dasa.

> >

> > I am sure this is not enough to shed the doubts, however, I am sure,


> > more and more one works with these dasas, they would become clearer in

> > their

> > application.

> >

> > Regards

> > Sarajit

> >

> >

> > -

> > "Sanjiv Aggarwal/CanWest/IBM" <sanjiv

> >

> >

> > > The question merely is that theoretically it makes sense that

> > Vimshottari

> > > calculated from Moon should show the effects of Manas; but then why

> > > shouldn't Vimshottari calculated from Lagna show the manifestation of

> the

> > > event; even further, using the same logic Vimshottari calculated from

> AL

> > > should show the perception of the effects in the Mayavi world......

> > >

> > > Best Regards,

> > > SA

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to


> >

> >









> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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