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Ready Reckoner for Key Yogas : Vipareeta Raja Yoga

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Hi All,


In the following chart 6th and 8th lord are together in 11th is there

viparita raja yoga in this chart.


DOB: 20 Oct 1970

Time: 08:45AM +5:30 East of GMT

Lat 10N22 Long 78E49





vedic astrology, pvr@c... wrote:

> Dear friends,


> I was coding yogas in "Jagannatha Hora" software last week. I


> of sharing the list of implemented yogas with brief definitions so

> that one would have a nice little ready reckoner for key yogas.


> The commercial version of "Jagannatha Hora" (to be launched by SJVC

> soon) will be able to list which of these yogas are present in a

> given chart (including divisional charts - for example, Saraswati

> yoga in my and Sanjay's D-24 have a role in our learning).


> For now, use this table as a ready reckoner for key yogas. All


> yogas are given in my book. Most of them are given in Dr.

> Raman's "300 yogas" book too. Most of these yogas are taken from


> and Phala Deepika.


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha


> -------------------

> Index & Type Yoga

> Brief definition of




> Results ascribed to yoga

> -------------------

> 1 Mahapurusha Hamsa

> Jupiter in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign

> Spiritual, pious and respected

> 2 Mahapurusha Malavya

> Venus in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign

> Enjoys luxuries, happy

> 3 Mahapurusha Bhadra

> Mercury in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign

> Learned, cheerful, helps relatives

> 4 Mahapurusha Ruchaka

> Mars in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign

> Natural leader, enterprising and bold

> 5 Mahapurusha Sasa

> Saturn in a kendra in moolatrikona or own or exaltation sign

> Wandering leader of free spirit

> 6 Solar Ubhayachara

> Planets other than Moon in 2nd and 12th from Sun

> Enjoys comforts, king or an equal

> 7 Solar Vesi

> Planets other than Moon in 2nd from Sun

> Balanced, truthful and happy

> 8 Solar Vosi

> Planets other than Moon in 12th from Sun

> Skillful, charitable and learned

> 9 Solar Nipuna (Budha-Aditya)

> Sun and Mercury together or in mutual 7ths

> Skillful, expert, well-known and respected

> 10 Lunar Duradhara

> Planets other than Sun in 2nd and 12th from Moon

> Enjoys comforts, king or an equal

> 11 Lunar Sunaphaa

> Planets other than Sun in 2nd from Moon

> Intelligent, wealthy and famous

> 12 Lunar Anaphaa

> Planets other than Sun in 12th from Moon

> Comforts, good looks and character

> 13 Lunar Kemadruma

> 2nd/12th from Moon empty (Sun exempt) and kendras empty (Moon

> exempt)

> Unlucky, poor and unintelligent

> 14 Lunar Chandra-Mangala

> Moon and Mars together or in mutual 7ths

> Worldly wise and materially successful

> 15 Lunar Gaja-Kesari

> Moon and Jupiter in mutual kendras

> Famous and virtuous

> 16 Lunar Adhi yoga

> Benefics in 6th, 7th and 8th from Moon

> King, minister or an army chief

> 17 Naabhasa Rajju

> 7 planets in chara rasis (movable signs)

> Traveller, cruel, flourishes abroad

> 18 Naabhasa Musala

> 7 planets in sthira rasis (fixed signs)

> Honorable, wise, wealthy and famous

> 19 Naabhasa Nala

> 7 planets in dwiswabhava rasis (dual signs)

> Skillful, weak, accumulator of wealth

> 20 Naabhasa Maalaa

> Benefics in 3 kendras

> Happy, comforts and luxuries

> 21 Naabhasa Sarpa

> Malefics in 3 kendras

> Miserable, unhappy, cruel and dependent on others

> 22 Naabhasa Gola

> Seven planets in 1 rasi

> Strong, poor, dirty, uneducated and sad

> 23 Naabhasa Yuga

> Seven planets in 2 rasis

> Heretic, irreligious, poor, unhappy and discarded

> 24 Naabhasa Soola

> Seven planets in 3 rasis

> Sharp, lazy, violent, valiant and poor

> 25 Naabhasa Kedaara

> Seven planets in 4 rasis

> Happy, wealthy, helpful and may be an agriculturalist

> 26 Naabhasa Paasa

> Seven planets in 5 rasis

> Talkative, characterless, may be imprisoned

> 27 Naabhasa Daama/Daamini

> Seven planets in 6 rasis

> Rich, famous, helpful, many children

> 28 Naabhasa Veena

> Seven planets in 7 rasis

> Wealthy, skillful, leader, likes music

> 29 Naabhasa Gadaa

> 7 planets in two successive kendras

> Wealth, gold, rituals, knowledge of sciences

> 30 Naabhasa Sakata

> 7 planets in 1st/7th houses

> Diseases, suffering and foolish

> 31 Naabhasa Vihanga

> 7 planets in 4th/10th houses

> Messenger, likes sex, quarrels

> 32 Naabhasa Sringaataka

> 7 planets in konas from lagna

> Happy, noble wife, wealthy, liked by kings, dislikes women

> 33 Naabhasa Hala

> 7 planets in mutual konas, but not konas from lagna

> Farmer, heavy appetite, poor, worried, deserted by friends

> 34 Naabhasa Vajra

> Benefics in 1st and 7th and malefics in 4th and 10th

> Valiant fighter, fortunate, no desires, happy in early and late

> parts of life

> 35 Naabhasa Yava

> Malefics in 1st and 7th and benefics in 4th and 10th

> Religious, wealthy, good children, charitable, strong-minded,

> happy in middle part of life

> 36 Naabhasa Kamala

> 7 planets in kendras

> King, strong character, famous, long-lived, pure, good deeds

> 37 Naabhasa Vaapi

> 7 planets in panapharas or 7 planets in apoklimas

> king, comforts, mind capable of amassing wealth

> 38 Naabhasa Yoopa

> 7 planets in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th houses

> Religious, spiritual and knowledge of rituals

> 39 Naabhasa Sara

> 7 planets in 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses

> Makes arrows, hunts, tortures, heads prisons

> 40 Naabhasa Sakti

> 7 planets in 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th houses

> Long-lived, unhappy, poor, lazy and sharp mind in wars

> 41 Naabhasa Danda

> 7 planets in 10th, 11th, 12th and 1st houses

> Unhappy, serves mean people, loses wife, deserted by children

> 42 Naabhasa Naukaa

> 7 planets in the 7 houses from 1st

> Well-known, many desires, wicked, rough and miserly

> 43 Naabhasa Koota

> 7 planets in the 7 houses from 4th

> Liar, jailer, poor, cruel, lives in hills and forests

> 44 Naabhasa Chatra

> 7 planets in the 7 houses from 7th

> Kind, helpful, intelligent, liked by kings, happy in early and

> late parts of life

> 45 Naabhasa Chaapa

> 7 planets in the 7 houses from 10th

> Unfortunate, liar, thief, protector of secrets, wanders in


> 46 Naabhasa Ardha-Chandra

> 7 planets in 7 houses from a panaphara/apoklima

> Army chief, liked by kings, good physique, strong, possesses


> and ornaments

> 47 Naabhasa Chakra

> 7 planets in odd houses

> Great emeperor respected by many kings

> 48 Naabhasa Samudra

> 7 planets in even houses

> Stable fortune and greatness, has wealth, gems and luxuries,

> likes people, soft-natured

> 49 Other popular Subha

> Benefics in 2nd and 12th houses

> Good looks, eloquennce and character

> 50 Other popular Asubha

> Malefics in 2nd and 12th houses

> Desirous, sinful and enjoying the wealth of others

> 51 Other popular Guru-Mangala

> Jupiter and Mars together or in samasaptaka

> Righteous and energetic

> 52 Other popular Amala

> Only benefics in 10th from lagna/Moon

> Virtuous and has luxuries

> 53 Other popular Parvata

> kendras have benefics, 7th and 8th have no malefics

> Fortunate, charitable, eloquent, easy-going, famous

> 54 Other popular Kaahala

> Jupiter and 4th lord in mutual kendras, strong lagna lord

> Strong, bold, cunning, leads a large army

> 55 Other popular Kaahala

> The 4th lord is in own/exaltation sign and the 10th lord joins


> Strong, bold, cunning, leads a large army

> 56 Other popular Chaamara

> Lagna lord exalted in a kendra and aspected by Jupiter

> Long-lived, scholarly, eloquent, learned in many arts

> 57 Other popular Chaamara

> Two benefics in 7th, 9th and 10th

> Long-lived, scholarly, eloquent, learned in many arts

> 58 Other popular Sankha

> The 5th and 6th lords in mutual kendras, strong lagna lord

> Wealth, good spouse and children, kind, pious, intelligent,


> lived

> 59 Other popular Sankha

> Lagna lord and 10th lord together in a movable sign, strong 9th

> lord

> Wealth, good spouse and children, kind, pious, intelligent,


> lived

> 60 Other popular Bheri

> Strong 9th lord and planets in 1st, 2nd, 7th and 12th houses

> Wealth, good spouse and children, fame, character, virtuous,

> religious

> 61 Other popular Bheri

> Jupiter, Venus and lagna lord in mutual kendras, strong 9th lord

> Wealth, good spouse and children, fame, character, virtuous,

> religious

> 62 Other popular Mridanga

> Planets in own/exaltation sign in kendras/konas and strong


> lord

> King or an equal and happy

> 63 Other popular Sreenatha

> The 7th lord exalted in 10th, 10th lord with 9th lord

> A great king equal to Indra (king of Gods)

> 64 Other popular Matsya

> Benefics in 1st and 9th, non-empty 5th, malefics in 4th and 8th

> Kind, intelligent, seer, astrologer

> 65 Other popular Koorma

> Benefics in 5th/6th/7th in own/exaltation/friendly signs,

> malefics in 1st/3rd/11th in own/exaltation signs

> King, pious, happy, helpful and famous

> 66 Other popular Khadga

> Lagna lord in a kendra/kona, 2nd lord in 9th, 9th lord in 2nd

> Skillfull, learned, wealthy, happy, fortunate, intelligent,


> 67 Other popular Kusuma

> Fixed lagna, Venus in a kendra, Moon in a kona with a benefic,

> Saturn in 10th

> King or an equal, charitable, endowed with pleasures and


> 68 Other popular Kalanidhi

> Jupiter in 2nd conjoined or aspected by Mercury and Venus

> Character, happiness, health, wealth, learning, respect

> 69 Other popular Kalpadruma/Parijata

> Lagna lord, his disposior, latter's rasi & navamsa dispositors

> are all in own/exaltation sign or kendra/kona

> King, principled, warrior, prosperous, strong, kind

> 70 Other popular Lagnaadhi

> Benefics and no malefics in 7th and 8th

> A great person, learned and happy

> 71 Other popular Kulavardhana

> All planets in the 5th house from lagna or Moon or Sun

> Happy, wealthy and brings name to lineage and community

> 72 Other popular Go

> Lagna lord exalted, Jupiter in moolatrikona with 2nd lord

> Wealthy, respected, from a good family

> 73 Other popular Vidyut

> The 11th lord in exaltation with Venus in a kendra from lagna


> Wealthy, pleasure-loving, charitable

> 74 Other popular Chaapa

> The 4th lord in 10th, the 10th lord in 4th, exalted lagna lord

> Works for a king, commands a lot of wealth

> 75 Other popular Pushkala

> Lagna lord and Moon together, their dispositor in a kendra or

> own/adhimitra sign, lagna occupied

> Eloquent, wealthy, famous, respected by kings

> 76 Other popular Makuta

> Jupiter in 9th from 9th lord, benefic in 9th from Jupiter,


> in 10th

> Powerful leader of men, manages unruly activities

> 77 Other popular Jaya

> Exalted 10th lord and debilitated 6th lord

> Happy, successful, victorious over enemies, long-lived

> 78 Other popular Harsha

> The 6th lord in the 6th house

> Happy, strong, good-natured, invincible

> 79 Other popular Sarala

> The 8th lord in the 8th house

> Long-lived, fearless, learned, celebrated, prosperous

> 80 Other popular Vimala

> The 12th lord in the 12th house

> Noble, frugal, happy and independent

> 81 Other popular Tapaswi

> Venus, Saturn and Ketu together or aspecting each other

> Tapas (austere pursuit), a dedicated and selfless pursuit

> 82 Other popular Tapaswi

> Venus, Saturn and Ketu in mutual konas

> Tapas (austere pursuit), a dedicated and selfless pursuit

> 83 Other popular Sadhu

> Only benefics in the 3rd and 6th from AL

> A saintly person

> 84 Other popular Hari

> Benefics in 2nd, 12th and 8th from the 2nd lord

> Happy, learned, blessed with wealth and children

> 85 Other popular Hara

> Benefics in 4th, 9th and 8th from the 7th lord

> Happy, learned, blessed with wealth and children

> 86 Other popular Brahma

> Benefics in 4th, 10th and 11th from the 1st lord

> Happy, learned, blessed with wealth and children

> 87 Other popular Brahma (2)

> Jupiter, Venus, Mercury in kendras from 9th lord, 11th lord,

> 1st/10th lord (respectively)

> Happy, learned, blessed with wealth and children

> 88 Other popular Vishnu

> The 9th lord, 10th lord and navamsa lord of 9th lord conjoin in

> 2nd

> Fortunate, learned, long-lived, liked by kings, worshipper of

> Vishnu

> 89 Other popular Siva

> The 5th lord in 9th, 9th lord in 10th, 10th lord in 5th

> Wise, virtuous, conqueror, army chief or businessman

> 90 Other popular Trilochana

> Sun, Moon and Mars in mutual konas

> Victorious over enemies, wealthy, intelligent, long-lived

> 91 Other popular Gouri

> Navamsa lord of 10th lord is exalted in 10th with lagna lord

> Virtuous, religious, happy, from a respectable family

> 92 Other popular Chandika

> Fixed lagna aspected by 6th lord, Sun joining navamsa lords of

> 6th and 9th lords

> Aggressive, charitable, wealthy, famous, long-lived

> 93 Other popular Lakshmi

> The 9th lord in a kendra in own/exaltation sign, strong lagna


> Wealth, good looks, character, fame, many children

> 94 Other popular Saarada

> Merc/Jup in a kona from Moon, Mars in 11th, Sun in Leo, Merc in


> quad, 10th lord in 5th

> Happy, learned, principled, wealth, good spouse and children,

> liked by kings, tapaswi

> 95 Other popular Bhaarathi

> Navamsa dispositor of 2nd lord is exalted and joins 9th lord

> Intelligent, religious, good-looking, famous

> 96 Other popular Bhaarathi

> Navamsa dispositor of 5th lord is exalted and joins 9th lord

> Intelligent, religious, good-looking, famous

> 97 Other popular Bhaarathi

> Navamsa dispositor of 11th lord is exalted and joins 9th lord

> Intelligent, religious, good-looking, famous

> 98 Other popular Saraswati

> Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in kendras/konas/2nd, Jupiter in

> own/exaltation/friendly sign

> Very learned, skillful, intelligent, famous, praised

> 99 Other popular Amsavatara

> Jupiter, Venus and exalted Saturn in kendras

> Unsullied reputation, king or an equal, learned, pleasure-loving

> 100 Other popular Devendra

> Fixed lagna, exchange between 2nd, 10th lords and also 1st,


> lords

> Handsome, romantic, famous, leader of men, long-lived

> 101 Other popular Indra

> The 5th lord in 11th, the 11th lord in 5th with Moon

> Bold, famous and long-lived

> 102 Other popular Ravi

> Sun in 10th, 10th lord in 3rd with Saturn

> Learned, passionate and respected by kings

> 103 Other popular Bhaaskara

> Sun in 2nd, Mercury in 3rd and Jupiter in 5th/9th, all from Moon

> Wealthy, valorous, aristocratic, learned in sastras, astrology

> and music

> 104 Other popular Vasumati

> Many benefics in upachayas

> Abundant wealth

> 105 Other popular Gandharva

> Exalted Sun, Moon in 9th, 10th lord in a kona from 7th, lagna

> lord conjoined/aspected by Jupiter

> Skillful and famous in fine arts

> 106 Raja Yogakaraka

> Same planet owns a kendra and a kona

> Success and achievements

> 107 Raja Raja/Lakshmi

> Conjunction, aspect or exchange of 1st/9th lords

> Fortunate and high achiever

> 108 Raja Raja/Dharma-Karmadhipati

> Conjunction, aspect or exchange of 9th/10th lords

> Dutiful and high achiever

> 109 Raja Rajayoga

> Conjunction, aspect or exchange of kendra/kona lords

> Successful and high achievements

> 110 Raja Raja (AK-PK)

> Atma karaka and putra karaka together or in 1st/5th

> Loyal following and power

> 111 Raja Raja (AK-PiK)

> Atma karaka and pitru karaka together or in 1st/5th

> Power and favors from authorities

> 112 Raja Maha Yogada

> Associated with lagna, GL and HL (by aspect, conjunction or

> ownership)

> Power, authority and wealth

> 113 Raja Yogada (GL)

> Associated with lagna and GL (by aspect, conjunction or


> Power and authority

> 114 Raja Yogada (HL)

> Associated with lagna and HL (by aspect, conjunction or


> Wealth and prosperity

> 115 Raja Rajayoga

> Atma karaka and 9th lord in lagna, 5th or 7th

> Successful and high achivements

> 116 Raja Rajayoga

> Benefics in 2nd, 4th and 5th from atma karaka and lagna lord

> Successful and high achivements

> 117 Raja Rajayoga

> All benefics in kendras and all malefics in 3rd, 6th and 11th

> Becomes a king even if from a lowly family

> 118 Raja Rajayoga

> Lagna lord aspects lagna from own/exaltation sign and

> 6th/8th/12th lord is debilitated

> Successful and high achivements

> 119 Raja Rajayoga

> The 5th lord joins lagna lord or 9th lord in 1st/4th/10th

> Becomes a king

> 120 Raja Rajayoga

> The 5th and 9th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka, lagna lord

> aspecting lagna

> Prosperous and successful

> 121 Raja Rajayoga

> The 5th and 9th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka

> Prosperous

> 122 Raja Rajayoga

> Four or more planets in moolatrikona or exaltation signs

> Becomes a king even if from a lowly family

> 123 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> 6th lord in 8th or 12th

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 124 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> 8th lord in 6th or 12th

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 125 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> 12th lord in 6th or 8th

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 126 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> The 6th, 8th and 12th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 127 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> The 6th and 8th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 128 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> The 6th and 12th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 129 Raja Viparita Raja Yoga

> The 8th and 12th lords in conjunction or samasaptaka

> Success after pressures or someone else's losses

> 130 Raja Rajayoga

> Same planet aspecting lagna in D-1, D-9, D-2, D-3, D-12, D-30

> Success and high achievements

> 131 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Amatya karaka conjoining/aspecting 10th lord

> Important person in a king's court

> 132 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Dispositor of amatya karaka conjoining/aspecting 10th lord

> Important person in a king's court

> 133 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka and amatya karaka conjoining

> Very intelligent minister

> 134 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Amatya karaka in own sign or exaltation sign

> An intelligent minister

> 135 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Amatya karaka in a kona

> A famous minister

> 136 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Amatya karaka in a kendra/kona from atma karaka

> An associate liked by a king

> 137 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Malefics in 3rd/6th from lagna, arudha lagna and atma karaka

> Powerful chief of army

> 138 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka in own/exaltation sign in a kendra/kona, aspected


> 9th lord

> A fortunate minister

> 139 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka in lagna with a benefic and Moon in atmakaraka's


> Becomes a minister at an old age

> 140 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka in 5th, 7th, 9th or 10th with a benefic

> Association with and money from kings

> 141 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka in the 9th and bhagyapada in lagna

> Fortunate and associates with kings

> 142 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Lagna lord in 10th and 10th lord in lagna

> Powerful and associated with kings

> 143 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Moon and Venus in the 4th from atma karaka

> Royal insignia

> 144 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Atma karaka with 5th lord in a kendra or a kona

> A king's friend

> 145 Raja Sambandha Raja Sambandha

> Lagna lord with 5th lord in a kendra or a kona

> A king's friend

> 146 Dhana Dhana

> Sun in 5th, Saturn, Moon, Jupiter in 11th for Ar lagna

> Very rich

> 147 Dhana Dhana

> Mercury in 5th, Jupiter, Moon, Mars in 11th for Ta lagna

> Very rich

> 148 Dhana Dhana

> Venus in 5th, Mars in 11th for Ge lagna

> Very rich

> 149 Dhana Dhana

> Mars in 5th, Venus in 11th for Cn lagna

> Very rich

> 150 Dhana Dhana

> Jupiter in 5th, Mercury in 11th for Le lagna

> Very rich

> 151 Dhana Dhana

> Saturn in 5th, Moon, Sun in 11th for Vi lagna

> Very rich

> 152 Dhana Dhana

> Saturn in 5th, Sun, Moon in 11th for Li lagna

> Very rich

> 153 Dhana Dhana

> Jupiter in 5th, Mercury in 11th for Sc lagna

> Very rich

> 154 Dhana Dhana

> Mars in 5th, Venus in 11th for Sg lagna

> Very rich

> 155 Dhana Dhana

> Venus in 5th, Mars in 11th for Cp lagna

> Very rich

> 156 Dhana Dhana

> Mercury in 5th, Jupiter, Moon, Mars in 11th for Aq lagna

> Very rich

> 157 Dhana Dhana

> Moon in 5th, Saturn, Moon, Jupiter in 11th for Pi lagna

> Very rich

> 158 Dhana Dhana

> Mars in Ar lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Venus,


> Very rich

> 159 Dhana Dhana

> Venus in Ta lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Saturn

> Very rich

> 160 Dhana Dhana

> Mercury in Ge lagna, conjoined or aspected by Jupiter, Saturn

> Very rich

> 161 Dhana Dhana

> Moon in Cn lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Jupiter

> Very rich

> 162 Dhana Dhana

> Sun in Le lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mars, Jupiter

> Very rich

> 163 Dhana Dhana

> Mercury in Vi lagna, conjoined or aspected by Jupiter, Saturn

> Very rich

> 164 Dhana Dhana

> Venus in Li lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Saturn

> Very rich

> 165 Dhana Dhana

> Mars in Sc lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mercury, Venus,


> Very rich

> 166 Dhana Dhana

> Jupiter in Sg lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mars, Mercury

> Very rich

> 167 Dhana Dhana

> Saturn in Cp lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mars, Jupiter

> Very rich

> 168 Dhana Dhana

> Saturn in Aq lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mars, Jupiter

> Very rich

> 169 Dhana Dhana

> Jupiter in Pi lagna, conjoined or aspected by Mars, Mercury

> Very rich

> 170 Daridra Daridra

> Lagna lord in 12th and 12th lord in lagna, with maraka aspect


> atleast one

> Poverty

> 171 Daridra Daridra

> Lagna lord in 6th and 6th lord in lagna, with maraka aspect on

> atleast one

> Poverty

> 172 Daridra Daridra

> Lagna lord in 8th with maraka aspect, lagna/Moon with Ketu

> Poverty

> 173 Daridra Daridra

> Lagna lord in a dusthana with a malefic, 2nd lord in neecha or

> enemy's sign

> Even a royal scion becomes poor

> 174 Daridra Daridra

> The 5th lord in 6th, 9th lord in 12th, with maraka aspects

> Poverty

> 175 Daridra Daridra

> Malefics in lagna with maraka aspect, without 9th/10th lord in

> lagna

> Poverty

> 176 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Moon and Saturn together in arudha lagna

> Renunciation and an austere life

> 177 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Moon and Saturn together aspecting arudha lagna

> Inclination to renounce material comforts

> 178 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> The 10th lord in a kendra/kona with atleast 4 other planets

> Ascetic who attains emancipation

> 179 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Lagna at the end of a sign with a benefic in it, Jupiter in a

> kendra/kona

> An ascetic who attains emancipation

> 180 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Moon in Saturn's drekkana, aspected in rasi by Saturn and Mars

> An ascetic

> 181 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Moon in a navamsa of Mars, aspected in rasi by Saturn

> An ascetic

> 182 Parivraja/Pravrajya Parivraja/Pravrajya

> Moon's dispositor aspected only by Saturn

> An ascetic

> -------------------

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