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To Visti on exaltations and moolatrikonas. My Attempt to Answer.

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Dear learned Jyotish guru's, RamPriya, Visti and members in the list,




Reading this mail about planetary Moolatrikona;s, exaltations i wanted to

attempt in answering this query and in the process learn the concepts.


Guru Narasimha has given an analogy regarding Moolatrikona (Dharma or duty), own

house(Comfortable) , exaltations(Happiest state) and debilitation (Un-happy

State). I am trying to learn by extending the same principles to all planets he

has taught. Please feel free to correct me.




The graha sun stands for Atman and the self. Aries is the first sign in the

natural zodiac and corresponds to the self, physique. Aries is a firey sign and

Rajasic in nature. What sun enjoys doing is boosting the activity of the Atma.

Thus Aries is the exaltation point of Sun.


The fifth sign in the natural zodiac is Leo. Its Saatwik in nature. The 5th

stands for intelligence. This is Sun's duty or Dharma. Thus Leo is the

Moolatrikona sign of Sun. This activity is also what sun is comfortable in

performing. Thus Leo is sun;s own house too. Leo is also the place for kings.

The giver of Raja yoga is Sun!!!!


The 7th sign in the natural zodiac is the setting sign too. The sun is weak when

he sets. Thus this is the place where sun does not like being as compared to

east (Aries from the natural zodiac) where he is strong the 7th sign Libra is

his debilitation point.




Cancer is the 4th sign in the natural zodiac. The 4th signifies Mother. What

moon (mother) is comfortable doing is taking care of the child. Thus Cancer is

the own house for Moon.


Mother is most happy when the child is fed. The second house in the natural

zodiac stands for Food. In broader sense this house also stands for sustenence.

Food sustains. Thus moon is most happiest when food is provided to the child.

Thus Taurus is the Exaltation point of moon.


The Dharma or duty of moon also is sustenence.This too falls in Taurus. Thus

Moolatrikona of moon is Taurus





The first house in the natural zodiac is Aries which stands for physique and

it's strength. Mars is comfortable providing strength to the physique. Thus

Aries is the own house for mars


The Dharma or duty of mars coincides with the acticity of boosting strength.

Thus Aries is it's moolatrikona also


Mars signifies action or planned karma. Thus mars is most happiest in the 10th

house (karma) of the natural zodiac. This is capricorn. Capricorn is an earthy

sign. Mars is most happy in performing defined karma. Thus mars is exalted in



Mars is tamasic in nature. The primodial element of mars is fire. Cancer is a

saatwik in nature and it's primodial element is water. All this is opposite

traits of mars. The element of water is fluid.. again opposite of earthy as in

capricorn. Thus mars hates to be in Cancer. Mars debilitation point is Cancer




Marcury stands for intellect and communications. The 3rd sign in the natural

zodiac, Gemini stands for these attributes. This is what mercury is

comfortable doing. Thus Gemini is the own house for mercury.


Mercury loves debates. Matching one;s wit against another, leading often to

aruguements. The 6th house in the natural zodiac is Virgo. As mentioned

Mercury does best in debates and arguments. Thus mercury is Exalted in the

tamasic sign of Virgo.


While Mercury is comfortable in gemini performing the actions of communications,

the dharma or duty of mercury again in debates and matching wits. Thus Virgo is

the moolatrikona of mercury


Mercury's element is earth and taamasic. Mercury is most uncomfortable in a

watery and a saatwik sign pisces. Thus Debilitation of mercury happens in





Jupiter is a Saatwik planet. Jupiter stands for knowledge, wisdom, guru of the

many things. Jupiter is most comfortable in a watery sign of pisces analogous

to religious practices. Thus jupiter;s own house is Pisces


Jupiter;s duty is the upholding dharma. Thus the 9th house of the natural zodiac

which is the firey saggitarius is where jupiter;s duty lies. Thus Saggitarius is

the Moolatrikona of jupiter.


The 4th house in the natural zodiac is cancer. 4th house is knowledge, teachings

of the guru. This is what jupiter is most happy performing.. that is imparting

knowledge. Thus Cancer is the exaltation point of jupiter.


Jupiter is Saatwik in nature. He is most unhappy being placed in a tamasic sign

of capricorn. Capricorn also is the 10th house (action or karma) of the natural

zodiac. Jupiter inherent nature is to be idealsitc. He does not like performing

defined (practical) actions. Thus capricorn is the debilitation point of





Venus is the most refined planet. She stands for marriage and related matters.

The 7th sign of the natural zodiac is libra. The dharma of venus is to promote

marriage. Thus libra is the moolatrikona of Venus.


Venus is most comfortable performing the above said activity that is of

promoting the institution of marriage. Thus Libra is also the own house for



The 12th house stands for pleasures of the bed. This is what venus is most happy

in bringing out. Thus the 12th sign of the natural zodiac, pisces is the

Exaltation point of venus


The opposite traits of venus is debates and/or arugements. This is the taamasic

sign of virgo as it;s the 6th from the natural zodiac. This is where venus

hates to be in. Thus Virgo is the debilitation point for venus




I need more time for thinking for satrun. Please do give me more time.




Rahu is the moon;s ascending node. He is characteriszed by the fact that he has

a head unline ketu the moon's descending node. Rahu's Dharma or duty is to

instigate fights, arugements and accidents. Thus the Moolatrikona of Rahu is

Virgo, the 6th sign of the natural zodiac.


Rahu is comfortable in giving material gains. Thus Rahu owns the 11th sign in

the natural zodiac, that being Aquarius


The 3rd house of the natural zodiac is Gemini and rahu gives creative work. This

makes him very happy. Thus Gemini is the exaltation point of Rahu.


Rahu has little respect for well laid down dharma or conventional rules and

wisdom. Thus Rahu is debilitated in Saggitarius




Ketu has no head. Thus he has no desires. The duty of ketu is the ultimate goal

of moksha. The 12th sign of the natural zodiac stands for final liberation from

this cycle of birth. Thus ketu's moolatrikona is Pisces.


Ketu is most happy when he is involved with religious activities. This is the

9th sign of the natural zodiac. Thus Saggitarius is the exaltation point of



Ketu is most confortable imparting the knowledge of occult. This is the 8th

(secret) sign of the natural zodiac - Scorpio. Thus Scorpio is the own house

for Ketu


Please let me know where i have missed. Comments from Guru's here will help me learn.




Katti Narahari

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Katti,

I really liked this attempt, as it seems that you've

been thinking hard about it, and its sincere.


Unfortunately nobody else tried the same..


You missed the following explanations:


Mars: Own sign Scorpio.

Venus: Own sign Taurus.


Some Comments to the explanations:



Exaltation> The Atman doesn't reside in the lagna, but

the Sun does enjoy promoting the Lagna. This usually

results in a big Ego of the person.. Sometimes the Ego

is so big, that it has to get into politics to get

satisfied. Its because the Sun is the King, and people

with Sun in lagna, feel like the King.


Once such people concentrate more on the soul instead

of the mind, there is a great blessing..



Cancers Guna is Rajas, whilst

Moons Guna is Sattwa.


The difference is that one is the place(Rasi) of

Rajas(Cancer), whilst it finds its fortune/Paka(Lord;

Moon) through sattwic activities.




Exaltation> Mars is the Commanding chief, and has

little todo with planned karma.. Instead it feels

overjoyed by its presence in the house of Siddhi and

accomplishments. Thats why you find many martian

fellows so fond of military-ways.


Mars loves accomplishments.


An intellect with martian traits makes a person

determined to find conclussions, rather than accept no


How about Scorpio?



Own Sign> Mercury doesn't deal with intellect, but is

always in search for knowledge, like an eager student.

Hence it rules the houses of Dhimantah (3rd & 6th)..

this is where the best scientists are produced.



4th house shows learning, not imparting knowledge. 9th

house shows teaching/imparting knowledge. The best

teacher is never tired of learning.


Sun is the soul ruler of all knowledge. Jupiter is the

one that imparts it, and Mercury is the one that seeks




Good points, how about Taurus?



Looking forward to this one.


The rest are good,

Lovely work, keep it up.

Best wishes, Visti.



--- Katti Narahari <katti_narahari wrote:

> Dear learned Jyotish guru's, RamPriya, Visti and

> members in the list,




> Reading this mail about planetary Moolatrikona;s,

> exaltations i wanted to attempt in answering this

> query and in the process learn the concepts.


> Guru Narasimha has given an analogy regarding

> Moolatrikona (Dharma or duty), own

> house(Comfortable) , exaltations(Happiest state) and

> debilitation (Un-happy State). I am trying to learn

> by extending the same principles to all planets he

> has taught. Please feel free to correct me.


> Sun


> The graha sun stands for Atman and the self. Aries

> is the first sign in the natural zodiac and

> corresponds to the self, physique. Aries is a firey

> sign and Rajasic in nature. What sun enjoys doing is

> boosting the activity of the Atma. Thus Aries is the

> exaltation point of Sun.


> The fifth sign in the natural zodiac is Leo. Its

> Saatwik in nature. The 5th stands for intelligence.

> This is Sun's duty or Dharma. Thus Leo is the

> Moolatrikona sign of Sun. This activity is also what

> sun is comfortable in performing. Thus Leo is sun;s

> own house too. Leo is also the place for kings. The

> giver of Raja yoga is Sun!!!!


> The 7th sign in the natural zodiac is the setting

> sign too. The sun is weak when he sets. Thus this is

> the place where sun does not like being as compared

> to east (Aries from the natural zodiac) where he is

> strong the 7th sign Libra is his debilitation point.


> Moon


> Cancer is the 4th sign in the natural zodiac. The

> 4th signifies Mother. What moon (mother) is

> comfortable doing is taking care of the child. Thus

> Cancer is the own house for Moon.


> Mother is most happy when the child is fed. The

> second house in the natural zodiac stands for Food.

> In broader sense this house also stands for

> sustenence. Food sustains. Thus moon is most

> happiest when food is provided to the child. Thus

> Taurus is the Exaltation point of moon.


> The Dharma or duty of moon also is sustenence.This

> too falls in Taurus. Thus Moolatrikona of moon is

> Taurus



> Mars.


> The first house in the natural zodiac is Aries which

> stands for physique and it's strength. Mars is

> comfortable providing strength to the physique. Thus

> Aries is the own house for mars


> The Dharma or duty of mars coincides with the

> acticity of boosting strength. Thus Aries is it's

> moolatrikona also


> Mars signifies action or planned karma. Thus mars is

> most happiest in the 10th house (karma) of the

> natural zodiac. This is capricorn. Capricorn is an

> earthy sign. Mars is most happy in performing

> defined karma. Thus mars is exalted in Capricorn


> Mars is tamasic in nature. The primodial element of

> mars is fire. Cancer is a saatwik in nature and it's

> primodial element is water. All this is opposite

> traits of mars. The element of water is fluid..

> again opposite of earthy as in capricorn. Thus mars

> hates to be in Cancer. Mars debilitation point is

> Cancer


> Mercury


> Marcury stands for intellect and communications. The

> 3rd sign in the natural zodiac, Gemini stands for

> these attributes. This is what mercury is

> comfortable doing. Thus Gemini is the own house for

> mercury.


> Mercury loves debates. Matching one;s wit against

> another, leading often to aruguements. The 6th house

> in the natural zodiac is Virgo. As mentioned

> Mercury does best in debates and arguments. Thus

> mercury is Exalted in the tamasic sign of Virgo.


> While Mercury is comfortable in gemini performing

> the actions of communications, the dharma or duty of

> mercury again in debates and matching wits. Thus

> Virgo is the moolatrikona of mercury


> Mercury's element is earth and taamasic. Mercury is

> most uncomfortable in a watery and a saatwik sign

> pisces. Thus Debilitation of mercury happens in

> Pisces


> Jupiter


> Jupiter is a Saatwik planet. Jupiter stands for

> knowledge, wisdom, guru of the many things. Jupiter

> is most comfortable in a watery sign of pisces

> analogous to religious practices. Thus jupiter;s own

> house is Pisces


> Jupiter;s duty is the upholding dharma. Thus the 9th

> house of the natural zodiac which is the firey

> saggitarius is where jupiter;s duty lies. Thus

> Saggitarius is the Moolatrikona of jupiter.


> The 4th house in the natural zodiac is cancer. 4th

> house is knowledge, teachings of the guru. This is

> what jupiter is most happy performing.. that is

> imparting knowledge. Thus Cancer is the exaltation

> point of jupiter.


> Jupiter is Saatwik in nature. He is most unhappy

> being placed in a tamasic sign of capricorn.

> Capricorn also is the 10th house (action or karma)

> of the natural zodiac. Jupiter inherent nature is to

> be idealsitc. He does not like performing defined

> (practical) actions. Thus capricorn is the

> debilitation point of Jupiter.


> Venus


> Venus is the most refined planet. She stands for

> marriage and related matters. The 7th sign of the

> natural zodiac is libra. The dharma of venus is to

> promote marriage. Thus libra is the moolatrikona of

> Venus.


> Venus is most comfortable performing the above said

> activity that is of promoting the institution of

> marriage. Thus Libra is also the own house for Venus


> The 12th house stands for pleasures of the bed. This

> is what venus is most happy in bringing out. Thus

> the 12th sign of the natural zodiac, pisces is the

> Exaltation point of venus


> The opposite traits of venus is debates and/or

> arugements. This is the taamasic sign of virgo as

> it;s the 6th from the natural zodiac. This is where

> venus hates to be in. Thus Virgo is the debilitation

> point for venus


> Satrun


> I need more time for thinking for satrun. Please do

> give me more time.


> Rahu


> Rahu is the moon;s ascending node. He is

> characteriszed by the fact that he has a head unline

> ketu the moon's descending node. Rahu's Dharma or

> duty is to instigate fights, arugements and

> accidents. Thus the Moolatrikona of Rahu is Virgo,

> the 6th sign of the natural zodiac.


> Rahu is comfortable in giving material gains. Thus

> Rahu owns the 11th sign in the natural zodiac, that

> being Aquarius


> The 3rd house of the natural zodiac is Gemini and

> rahu gives creative work. This makes him very happy.

> Thus Gemini is the exaltation point of Rahu.


> Rahu has little respect for well laid down dharma or

> conventional rules and wisdom. Thus Rahu is

> debilitated in Saggitarius


> Ketu


> Ketu has no head. Thus he has no desires. The duty

> of ketu is the ultimate goal of moksha. The 12th

> sign of the natural zodiac stands for final

> liberation from this cycle of birth. Thus ketu's

> moolatrikona is Pisces.


> Ketu is most happy when he is involved with

> religious activities. This is the 9th sign of the

> natural zodiac. Thus Saggitarius is the exaltation

> point of Ketu


> Ketu is most confortable imparting the knowledge of

> occult. This is the 8th (secret) sign of the natural

> zodiac - Scorpio. Thus Scorpio is the own house for

> Ketu



=== message truncated ===





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