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To Pt Rath: Queries from CoVA

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Dear Gurudev


Much time has passed since I first asked these 5 questions. I thought I

would get the answers by myself in time. But the fog remains. So I am

asking again:

[As there are only 3 days left, and I dont want to jam everyone's e-mail

box for my "pleasure & good-will-feel" by wishing everyone around, let me

do so in THIS mail: May 2002 be brighter than 2001 for your families and

you, & less bright than future years (no typo there. Original French saying

goes: "I love u more than y'day, & less than tomorrow" : to be used ideally

on upapada vs darapada, ie on spouse vs spice]


1. Difference between occupying vs aspecting a house/ planet: Ref pg 428

CoVA: St occupying/ conjoining a house/ lord= decreases the longevity of

the relevant signification of the house/ lord. BUT if St graha-aspects them

(I suppose this holds true also for rasi-drishtis), it INCREASES their

longevity, as St is the natural significator for longevity. This opposite

result between occupying & aspecting a house, is unclear.


2. Natural friends/ enemies of planets X influencing houses represented

by X by natural signification:

a) Ref pg 235: bad effect of Mc on Mn as Mn is v friendly to Mc, while Mc

hates Mn.

b) Ref Pg: 167: Ve is natural enemy of Mn, so in 5, as is 2 from 4, is

malefic to mother (4).

But I thought that Mn has no enemies while the enemy of both Mc & Ve is Mn.

c) Ma conjoin Lord of 2 in 11 (also then, aspects 2)= wealth, BUT speak

late in childhood (as Mc= karaka of 2 for speech, & is natural enemy of


d) Mc in 11= many friends, early gains, good marital relations, BUT

disinterest in sex, as Ve (natural karaka of 7) is deb in Mc's sign, so Mc

negates influence of Ve (NC: but Mc & Ve are supposed to be mutual



3. In CoVA chapter on 2nd house: planets/ house in 4 (probably as argala)

from lord of 2 (probably as maraka) are weakened, eg L2 in 3= enemy (6)

destroyed. Why? L2 will also argala other planets/ houses in 2/4/11/5/8

from it. Why only the 4th arg specifically?


4. Planetary friendships for finance: In the chapter on the 9th house in

CoVA, special friendship relations between planets is mentioned, to be used

only for financial affairs. For the 9 planets, in week-day order followed

by nodes, these are mentioned as: Jp, Mc/Jp, Mc/Ve, All except Sn, All

except Ma, All except Sn & Mn, Mc/Jp/Ve, Mc/Jp/Ve/St & lastly for Ke=

Sn/Mn. Then a table is provided for friend-signs for each of the 9 planets,

which basically follow the above as per ownership by friends, WITH TWO

EXCEPTIONS which is puzzling me: a) For Ra: Ta & Aq is missing. b) For Ke:

Ar is added. Are these printing mistakes, or is there any particular

reason? c) also in the age table there, an odd figure for St is 82 as a

secondary age: correct or printing mistake?


5. Nodes conjoin planet: I thought they simply eclipse any planet they

conjoin incl Sn/ Mn, but unclear fm Pt Rath, whether this is only if they

win the yudh with that plnt. Also, what is the orb for such yudh/ eclipse,

for the nodes in particular





May I have more listening & less talking

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!---------------------

Dear Nandan,


I hope you don't mind if i answer these questions for Gurudeva.

Do you remember all the principles that you've been asking about?

Begin applying them or you'll forget them.

1. Difference between occupying vs aspecting a house/ planet: Ref pg 428CoVA:

St occupying/ conjoining a house/ lord= decreases the longevity ofthe relevant

signification of the house/ lord. BUT if St graha-aspects them(I suppose this

holds true also for rasi-drishtis), it INCREASES theirlongevity, as St is the

natural significator for longevity. This oppositeresult between occupying &

aspecting a house, is unclear.

Visti: Yes, Saturns desire is to strenghten us, and give us long life. But at

the same time, Saturn is the greatest malefic, and punishes us quite severely

if we make mistakes. As its Saturns desire todo so, this won't apply to Rasi


2. Natural friends/ enemies of planets X influencing houses representedby X by

natural signification:a) Ref pg 235: bad effect of Mc on Mn as Mn is v friendly

to Mc, while Mchates Mn.


The scheme of friendships is given in Bphs.

true, mercury doesn't like moon.

an easy way to remember friendships is;


Grahas lording 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th(Upachaya & 7th) houses from the

Moolatrikona sign of a graha, are enemies towards it.


If the graha lords both a friendly and an enimical house from the Moolatrikona

sign, then it becomes neutral. Grahas lording exaltation signs become friendly.

And hence Grahas lording debilitation signs are become enimical.

b) Ref Pg: 167: Ve is natural enemy of Mn, so in 5, as is 2 from 4, ismalefic to

mother (4).But I thought that Mn has no enemies while the enemy of both Mc & Ve

is Mn.

Venus doesn't like moon, and will harm it. Basta!

Moon is compassionate to everyone, and hence won't harm a soul.. look at the lordships.


c) Ma conjoin Lord of 2 in 11 (also then, aspects 2)= wealth, BUT speaklate in

childhood (as Mc= karaka of 2 for speech, & is natural enemy ofMa).

YES! Mars doesn't like Mercury and will hence cause problems for it. Is there a question here?


d) Mc in 11= many friends, early gains, good marital relations, BUTdisinterest

in sex, as Ve (natural karaka of 7) is deb in Mc's sign, so Mcnegates influence

of Ve (NC: but Mc & Ve are supposed to be mutualfriends?)

Jupiter is a great enemy of Venus, yet Venus is exalted in Jupiters sign. Any ideas?

3. In CoVA chapter on 2nd house: planets/ house in 4 (probably as argala)from

lord of 2 (probably as maraka) are weakened, eg L2 in 3= enemy (6)destroyed.

Why? L2 will also argala other planets/ houses in 2/4/11/5/8from it. Why only

the 4th arg specifically?

If it were related to Argala, then the house in the 4th would recieve,

Obstruction(10th) from the 2nd from Lagna. But its not related to Argala.


I guess its; if the houses succes/siddhi(10th) have your 2nd lord, then their

succes is ruined at the cost of sustaining you. Similarly the 2nd lord in any

house, can destroy it completely, to keep you alive.

4. Planetary friendships for finance: In the chapter on the 9th house inCoVA,

special friendship relations between planets is mentioned, to be usedonly for

financial affairs.


For the 9 planets, in week-day order followedby nodes, these are mentioned as:

Jp, Mc/Jp, Mc/Ve, All except Sn, Allexcept Ma, All except Sn & Mn, Mc/Jp/Ve,

Mc/Jp/Ve/St & lastly for Ke=Sn/Mn. Then a table is provided for friend-signs

for each of the 9 planets,which basically follow the above as per ownership by

friends, WITH TWO

EXCEPTIONS which is puzzling me: a) For Ra: Ta & Aq is missing. b) For Ke:Ar is

added. Are these printing mistakes, or is there any particularreason? c) also

in the age table there, an odd figure for St is 82 as asecondary age: correct

or printing mistake?

Unfortunately i can't comment on printing errors.

The Friendship table is the same as in Sanjays translation of MahaRishi Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras.

And wealth examination isn't on the topic board. I hope sanjay can enlighten us

on how these years are derived, and how the friendships for finances are


5. Nodes conjoin planet: I thought they simply eclipse any planet theyconjoin

incl Sn/ Mn, but unclear fm Pt Rath, whether this is only if theywin the yudh

with that plnt. Also, what is the orb for such yudh/ eclipse,for the nodes in


Nononono, this is a silly misunderstanding. Tell me, have you ever experienced a

Jupiter-eclipse? I think not. The PanchaGrahas have their own nodes, which we

don't use in astrology. Some western astrologers do use them thou.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.

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Dear Nandan and Visti,



5. Nodes conjoin planet: I thought they simply eclipse any planet theyconjoin

incl Sn/ Mn, but unclear fm Pt Rath, whether this is only if theywin the yudh

with that plnt. Also, what is the orb for such yudh/ eclipse,for the nodes in


Nononono, this is a silly misunderstanding. Tell me, have you ever experienced a

Jupiter-eclipse? I think not. The PanchaGrahas have their own nodes, which we

don't use in astrology. Some western astrologers do use them thou.


Dear Nandan, are you trying to sya that Sanjayji refers to Graha yuddha between

the nodes and soem toher planets? Are you sure? Please point out the page in

his books or extract from emails, as I can't recall hearing anything similar

from him or from the classics. According to my understanding, there's three

classes of the planets: teh luminaries, the pancha-grahas and the chaya grahas

(nodes) which behave distinctly in many ways, including yuddha or planetary

war. The five grahas (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn) may enter into

a war with each other, once within 1 degree of longitude. According to

Varahamihira, the planet with a higher latitude will win the yuddha. On the

other hand, no planet may enter into a war with the Sun and the Moon. The Sun

is the overlord of all the planets, so he will burn them up if they are too

close to him. The Moon is Krishna, who is karuna-sindhu and dina-bandhu (the

ocean of mercy and the friend of the fallen) thus He will not fight with

anyone, but be everyone's friend. The nodes however are shadowy planets, so you

can't fight with them. But true, if they approach any planet, they will eclipse

it (i.e. cast a negative influence on it) because they represent the law of

karma, and no one can fight these laws. I have given some info in another mail

how their eclipse is especially harmful to the luminaries, as they can

overpower even them.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839

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Dear Visti


Thanks for replying. But I think due to my language, you misunderstood what

I was REALLY asking in the questions. Your reply to my questions is

forwarded below as an attachment for reference, to keep THIS e-mail short:


1. Saturn occupying vs planetary aspecting= decreasing vs increasing

longevity: Reason understood. Thanks.


2. Natural friendships, etc influencing karakatwas of planets they

influence: I KNOW the natural relationships. My question is when the

relationship is ONE-sided, why the OTHER side of the relation is being used

for the explanations in CoVA :

a) Mn-Mc: For Mc, Mn is enemy; For Mn, Mc is friend: pg 235: Mc (X) affects

Mn (Y) badly as Y is enemy for X

b) Mn-Ve: For Ve, Mn is enemy; For Mn, Ve is neutral: pg 167: Ve (X)

affects Mn (Y) badly as Y is enemy for X

c) Mc-Ma: For Ma, Mc is enemy; For Mc, Ma is neutral: Ma (X) affects Mc (Y)

badly as Y is enemy for X

In all the above cases, X affects its enemy Y badly, even tho FOR Y (the

affected party), X ( the affector) IS NOT AN ENEMY. That is, Y the affected

party, is getting badly affected by its FRIEND (case a) or its NEUTRAL

(cases b & c).

I thought, when a planet X aspects planet Y, Y is affected by whether it

receives the aspect of a friendly/ inimical aspect from X, ie if X is a

friend or enemy to Y, & not the other way round.

2d: about a planet being affected well/ badly by the other's influence

because of being related as its exaltation/ debilitation lord. This is

something oft used in CoVA & other writings of Pt Rath. But I cannot

understand WHEN this is used vis-a-vis the normal friendship etc

relationships. WHEN does this assume importance?


3. Planets/ houses in 4 from L2 get weakened: CoVA is not referring to

planets/ houses conjoining/ occupie by L2 respectively. It is talking about

those in the 4th from L2, eg for L2 in 3, its 4th= 6= enemies, get

destroyed. Why?


4. Question to which I need to wait for Pt Rath's reply


5. Nodes conjoin planet. OK, from your reply, can I summarise that: a) both

the nodes eclipse both the luminaries if they conjoin (is there any orb,

or the normal same-sign definition alone holds) AND this is irrespective of

which has the higher/ lower longitude, as they dont need to participate in

yudh with the luminaries; & b) the nodes do NOT eclipse the other planets,

but do participate in yudh with them, with the caveat that the degrees are

to be counted from the BEGINNING of the sign even for the nodes, & it is

particularly virulent for Ra-Jp & Ke-Ma yudhs.


Best wishes

Hoping you have a blast with your family this evening. Rohan's (my 4.5 yr

old son) idea of a party is when my wife (also works) & I can get pastries

& cold drinx & spend 2 hours with him with the guitar, tabla & sing & dance

with undivided attention. I hope to have "his" party today, tho I know,

after we put him to sleep, we'll have to go out or be cursed the rest of

the year by our friends



PS: Have become a member of sjvc, am doing the lessons there. As I cant

understand the charts of even my family yet, I cant possibly say anything

about anyone else's. Thats my road-block. And I am hoping the sjvc

exercises will help me in that.


----- Forwarded by Nandan Chakraborty/ILFS on 31-12-01 10:28 -----


"Visti Larsen"


<vedic astrology>

> cc:

Re: [vedic astrology]

To Pt Rath:

28-12-01 21:54 Queries from CoVA

Please respond to

vedic astrology








Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Nandan,


I hope you don't mind if i answer these questions for Gurudeva.

Do you remember all the principles that you've been asking about?

Begin applying them or you'll forget them.



1.   Difference between occupying vs aspecting a house/ planet: Ref pg 428

CoVA: St occupying/ conjoining a house/ lord= decreases the longevity of

the relevant signification of the house/ lord. BUT if St graha-aspects


(I suppose this holds true also for rasi-drishtis), it INCREASES their

longevity, as St is the natural significator for longevity. This opposite

result between occupying & aspecting a house, is unclear.

Visti: Yes, Saturns desire is to strenghten us, and give us long life. But

at the same time, Saturn is the greatest malefic, and punishes us quite

severely if we make mistakes. As its Saturns desire todo so, this won't

apply to Rasi Dristi.



2.   Natural friends/ enemies of planets X influencing houses represented

by X by natural signification:

a) Ref pg 235: bad effect of Mc on Mn as Mn is v friendly to Mc, while Mc

hates Mn.


The scheme of friendships is given in Bphs.

true, mercury doesn't like moon.

an easy way to remember friendships is;


Grahas lording 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th(Upachaya & 7th) houses from

the Moolatrikona sign of a graha, are enemies towards it.


If the graha lords both a friendly and an enimical house from the

Moolatrikona sign, then it becomes neutral. Grahas lording exaltation

signs become friendly. And hence Grahas lording debilitation signs are

become enimical.


b) Ref Pg: 167: Ve is natural enemy of Mn, so in 5, as is 2 from 4, is

malefic to mother (4).

But I thought that Mn has no enemies while the enemy of both Mc & Ve is


Venus doesn't like moon, and will harm it. Basta!

Moon is compassionate to everyone, and hence won't harm a soul.. look at

the lordships.


c) Ma conjoin Lord of 2 in 11 (also then, aspects 2)= wealth, BUT speak

late in childhood (as Mc= karaka of 2 for speech, & is natural enemy of


YES! Mars doesn't like Mercury and will hence cause problems for it. Is

there a question here?


d) Mc in 11= many friends, early gains, good marital relations, BUT

disinterest in sex, as Ve (natural karaka of 7) is deb in Mc's sign, so Mc

negates influence of Ve (NC: but Mc & Ve are supposed to be mutual


Jupiter is a great enemy of Venus, yet Venus is exalted in Jupiters sign.

Any ideas?



3.   In CoVA chapter on 2nd house: planets/ house in 4 (probably as


from lord of 2 (probably as maraka) are weakened, eg L2 in 3= enemy (6)

destroyed. Why? L2 will also argala other planets/ houses in 2/4/11/5/8

from it. Why only the 4th arg specifically?

If it were related to Argala, then the house in the 4th would recieve,

Obstruction(10th) from the 2nd from Lagna. But its not related to Argala.


I guess its; if the houses succes/siddhi(10th) have your 2nd lord, then

their succes is ruined at the cost of sustaining you. Similarly the 2nd

lord in any house, can destroy it completely, to keep you alive.



4.   Planetary friendships for finance: In the chapter on the 9th house in

CoVA, special friendship relations between planets is mentioned, to be


only for financial affairs.


For the 9 planets, in week-day order followed

by nodes, these are mentioned as: Jp, Mc/Jp, Mc/Ve, All except Sn, All

except Ma, All except Sn & Mn, Mc/Jp/Ve, Mc/Jp/Ve/St & lastly for Ke=

Sn/Mn. Then a table is provided for friend-signs for each of the 9


which basically follow the above as per ownership by friends, WITH TWO

EXCEPTIONS which is puzzling me: a) For Ra: Ta & Aq is missing. b) For Ke:

Ar is added. Are these printing mistakes, or is there any particular

reason? c) also in the age table there, an odd figure for St is 82 as a

secondary age: correct or printing mistake?

Unfortunately i can't comment on printing errors.

The Friendship table is the same as in Sanjays translation of MahaRishi

Jaimini's Upadesa Sutras.

And wealth examination isn't on the topic board. I hope sanjay can

enlighten us on how these years are derived, and how the friendships for

finances are derived.


5.   Nodes conjoin planet: I thought they simply eclipse any planet they

conjoin incl Sn/ Mn, but unclear fm Pt Rath, whether this is only if they

win the yudh with that plnt. Also, what is the orb for such yudh/ eclipse,

for the nodes in particular

Nononono, this is a silly misunderstanding. Tell me, have you ever

experienced a Jupiter-eclipse? I think not. The PanchaGrahas have their

own nodes, which we don't use in astrology. Some western astrologers do

use them thou.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.









||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu   ||



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Vyam Vysadevaya Namaha!


Dear Nandan,



2. I thought, when a planet X aspects planet Y, Y is affected by whether

itreceives the aspect of a friendly/ inimical aspect from X, ie if X is afriend

or enemy to Y, & not the other way round.

Lets say; I have a friend who likes to fight alot. Be it for fun, or seriously,

he likes to throw punches.

Now i don't like to fight, but yet i accept him as a friend, which i speak to

often. Ultimately, he will get me into problems that aren't very auspicious for

me due to his fiestyness. Understand?


2d: about a planet being affected well/ badly by the other's influencebecause of

being related as its exaltation/ debilitation lord. This issomething oft used in

CoVA & other writings of Pt Rath. But I cannotunderstand WHEN this is used

vis-a-vis the normal friendship etcrelationships. WHEN does this assume


Lets take an example of Mercury influenced by Moon or Jupiter.

Mercury is bastard child who's father is the Moon. Now whenever Moon associates

with the Dharma of Mercury, the child gets a very bad influence, and becomes

very promiscious. However if Jupiter takes Mercury in, then the person will be

spiritual and learn good dharma.


Similarly Venus, when influenced by its freind Mercury will get into such

activities which maybe inauspicious for it.. i.e. activities that may prove

inauspicious for it. Keep in mind that Venus is enimical towards its

debilitation sign, so Merc and Venus aren't friends but neutrals due to it.

Hence both effects of Venus' debilitation and 9th placement(from moolatrikona)

are brought by Mercury.

3. Planets/ houses in 4 from L2 get weakened: CoVA is not referring toplanets/

houses conjoining/ occupie by L2 respectively. It is talking aboutthose in the

4th from L2, eg for L2 in 3, its 4th= 6= enemies, getdestroyed. Why?


Because 2nd lord keeps you alive. Now whose succes(10th) should the 2nd lord

deprive to keep you alive?

And yes this can also be seen from the 2nd lords placement itself.5. Nodes

conjoin planet. OK, from your reply, can I summarise that: a) boththe nodes

eclipse both the luminaries if they conjoin (is there any orb,or the normal

same-sign definition alone holds) AND this is irrespective ofwhich has the

higher/ lower longitude, as they dont need to participate inyudh with the

luminaries; & b) the nodes do NOT eclipse the other planets,but do participate

in yudh with them, with the caveat that the degrees areto be counted from the

BEGINNING of the sign even for the nodes, & it isparticularly virulent for

Ra-Jp & Ke-Ma yudhs.

Orb: The closer, the orb the more extreme the situation. I can't remember the eclipse Orb.

Yudha: Not in the same context. But we don't count the nodes orb from the end of

the sign, incase of Yuddha.


Study the Chandala Yogas created by Rahu's influence on the various planets.


I would like to hear Sanjays version of the Yuddhas. I do support the version given by Gauranga.

Best wishes, Visti.

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