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To N Rao & Visti: Lg vs Pk, &c what is wrong in my analysis about friend's spouse?

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Dear Mr Narasimha

(Visti: u told me y'day to start applying, else I will forget what little I

know. OK, so this is my 2nd such attempt after the Dream assignment. So

pliss to comment, as u invariably & graciously do):


Some questions on this posting of yours:

Ref your phrases:

1. "In navamsa, the 7th house is Aries. Taking Aries as lagna.....":

2. In relevant d-chart, hemming of lagna= the relevant relative (d-12 for

parents, etc) is beautiful.


>From your various writings, I gather instead:

1. Lg in relevant d-chart is the native wrt that domain, AND specifically

in d-9, the native's (not the wife's) appearance.

2. nth house in that d-chart is the domain itself.

3. Lord of nth house in that d-chart is a) the physical aspects of that

relative, & b) charts could be cast taking THAT as the Lg for that

relative's life.

4. Arudh: for other's perception of one's appearance: eg with all the

twisted face & uneven teeth that I see in my wife's face specifically, the

world thinks she is beautiful, so her arudh must be great. I guess I need

to refer to A7 in d-9, or A12 in d-1, or both???

5. External Looks of spouse specifically= planets affecting (dispositor,

conjunction, aspects, etc) 7 & L7, both in d-1 & d-9, not L7 itself. Versus

Nature of wife more from A12

6. Ignoring ONE factor: ie they are still not married: so A7, not A12??


So, using your teachings in text-book fashion, can I attempt Sagar Chitnis'

case, & please correct me where I have veered/ misunderstood your

teachings. Every where below, I am ignoring argalas only for simplicity

tho' I should, & using only sign-aspects in the d-9. Note I am seggregating

factor for MARRIAGE from SPOUSE from LOOKS of spouse (am trying still to

differentiate before integration, as you have taught):


MARRIAGE: 7 & A12 in d-1, 1 & 7 in d-9, Ve in d-1 & d-9:


7 in d-1= marriage: Ta: a) has retro St L3/4, b) aspected by Ma L1/6 in own

1, sign-aspected by vargottam Mc L8/11 conjoined Sn L10 in 3, c) lord Ve

(ref below) reasonably placed, d) supporting kendras/ kons have Ma in own 1

& Mn YogKrk L9 in 10 & Mc/ Sn in 3: influences are independently strong; so

marital issues, both good & bad, are individually taken seriously.


A-12 in d-1= marriage: in 4= Aq: its lord St (= spouse) retro L3/4 in 7,

planetary-aspected by Ma L1/6 in own 1, its lord St L3/4 in 7 & Mn YK L9 in

10: same comment as for 7 in d-1.


Lg in d-9= self's view of marriage= Li: a) has Ra, b) aspected by Mn L10

exalted in 8, c) its lord Ve (L1/8) deb in 12, d) supporting kendras/ kons

have Ma L7/2 & vargottam Mc L9/12 forming a combined RYK in 4, Ke in 7, &

RYK retro St L4/5 in 10: desire marriage & wish to make it a success,

confronting & not evading the challenges (eg weak Lord of Lg, &c) in the

various placements.


7 in d-9= marriage itself= Ar: a) has Ke, b) its lord Ma well-placed with

Mc RYK combo, c) supporting kendras have the nodes & retro RYK St L4/5 in

10, kons have Jp L3/6 vargottam in own 3, d) hemmed by luminaries Sn L11 in

6 & exalted Mn L10 in 8: will have challenges (Ke) but is so well supported

that issues will always be overcome.


Ve: Ve: same as L7 in d-1. In d-9: L1/8 debilitated in 12: try to wring

more out of inherent potential of relationship/ over-expectation


Mutual placement between these indicators= Ease of process, Not result:

(ignoring AL for simplicity): UL wrt 7/ 1/ L7 in d-1: basically in mutual

co-working kendras, with UL wrt L7 being in 3/11, the relationships being

mutually naturally friendly also: partners work well together to resolve

all issues.


Summary of Marriage: Challenging marriage, with basic desire from both

sides (see next below) to confront & successfully resolve all issues &

emerge stronger. Being more realistic in expectations would help.


SPOUSE specifically: L7 & Ve in both d-1 & d-9, A-7 in d-9:


L7 in d-1= spouse: Ve L7/12 in 2: a) conjoined vargottam Jp L2/5 in own 2

but also exalted Ra, b) totally unaspected, d) supporting kendras/ kons

have Mn L9 in 10: independent, financially stable, but seeking more.


Lord of UL in d-1= physical nature of wife: retro St L3/4 in 7 (ref 7

above): limited self-expression/ limited desire to reach out & seek



L7 in d-9= physical nature of wife: Ma L2/7 in 4= Cp: a) has RYK combo with

Mc L 9/12, b) aspected by exalted Mn L10, supporting kendras have exalted

nodes & RYK St, & kons have exalted Mn L10 in 8 & deb Ve L1/8 in 12: tho

d-9 weak intrinsically (Lg lord), but many supporting strong & positive

factors: L7 very positive.


A7 in d-9= perception of marriage & spouse: in 10= Cn: a) has retro RYK St,

b) lord Mn exalted, c) aspected by its lord exalted Mn: again very positive



9 from Ve in d-1 & d-9: Mn L9 in 10 in d-1, exalted Mn L10 in 8 in d-9:

very good.


Summary of Spouse: well established, confident girl, needs well-meaning

support, which the native would provide.


LOOKS: most affected by: Planets affecting 7 & L7 in d-1 & d-9:


7 in d-1: has St, aspected by Ma, vgtm Mc & Sn, disposited by Ve.

L7 in d-1: conjoined vargottam Jp & exalted Ra, & disposited by Jp.

7 in d-9 : has Ke, disposited by RYK Ma.

L7 in d-9 : has RYK combo with Mc, aspected by exalted Mn, disposited by



Giving most importance to L7 in d-1 & d-9: RYK Mc, exalted Mn, RYK St &

vargottam Jp are the main influencers, of which St & Jp are the strongest &

most benign planets considering both d-1 & d-9. Both St & Jp give height,

while strong & benign Mc & Mn in d-9 would give attractive features &

speech (both for Mn & Mc), skin (Mc) & eyes (Mn).


INTERNAL NATURE OF SPOUSE: Ref UL in d-1 above, which is very well

supported by St, Ma & Mn, all strong & benign.





PS to Sagar: Please note that I only know some terminology of astrology, I

havent yet learnt to knit them together.

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