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Is Wealth a dirty word around here?

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Dear All


Reason for this posting: I keep seeing anti-wealth insinuations on the

List, of & on.


Some astrologers take pride in negating the importance of our duty to earn

& accumulate wealth. This biases client-communication, potentially leading

to harmful guilt-trips, in turn leading to harmful behaviour in various

fields of life, triggered by this subconscious guilt-trip. Given that in

most of India, our well-meaning parents keep telling our children not to

think of money but learning, in the growing up years, this

astro-buttressing of an already-formed deep-rooted guilt-trip, is



Correct attitude: Ref Pt Rath's story:


1 of the Trinity (I forget which) assured Indra (king of Gods) that the

Asuras would eventually lose all the wealth they've gained, as they were

carrying Lakshmi (Ve) on their heads while carousing around victoriously.

And that Her rightful place was on the thighs (= Sg= Jp). Note another

meaning of same story= partner (Ve) to be cared for on one's lap.


Remedy: Pt Rath instructs that a reading is incomplete without advising

remedies. So:


1. Donate without keeping back: Atleast once/ week, take the 1st note/ coin

from your wallet to give the 1st beggar u meet. DONT decide the

denomination (too big/ small), who to give (their perceived need, eg only

to the handicapped), what to give (eg biscuits to children versus money:

that can be additional, & different from this exercise). Dont rationalise

anything, eg this money would go to their mafia-protectors anyway. Such

rationalisations would TIE up the otherwise-undiluted act of giving to your



2. Respect Lakshmi: Have realistic expectations of the amounts you actually

need to earn to sustain responsibilities you have consciously vowed to

undertake, & that to be kept for emergencies, family's future, etc. And

unaffected by others' expectations of the same.


3. Respect the helpers of Lakshmi:

a) give your Best to the Source of your income (= Jp= Ve's exaltator), with

minimal expectations (Ref Gita: delinking of effort-reward equation).

b) beware when u get too much too suddenly (= Mc= Ve's debilitator). Ref

the Gita again: delinking of reward to effort equation.

c) invest wisely (= stable Ta & balanced Li) keeping in mind the "Respect

Lakshmi" para above. Use the help of Ve's friends, ie Mc's skills, St's

discipline. Note Lakshmi's vehicle= the wise owl who sees (at night) ahead

(which others dont), ie speculates (literally translated from the Latin

speculare, as "see ahead").





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That was very good Nandan.


Thanks for the write-up.




vedic astrology, Nandan.Chakraborty@i... wrote:

> Dear All


> Reason for this posting: I keep seeing anti-wealth insinuations on


> List, of & on.


> Some astrologers take pride in negating the importance of our duty

to earn

> & accumulate wealth. This biases client-communication, potentially


> to harmful guilt-trips, in turn leading to harmful behaviour in


> fields of life, triggered by this subconscious guilt-trip. Given

that in

> most of India, our well-meaning parents keep telling our children

not to

> think of money but learning, in the growing up years, this

> astro-buttressing of an already-formed deep-rooted guilt-trip, is

> dangerous.


> Correct attitude: Ref Pt Rath's story:


> 1 of the Trinity (I forget which) assured Indra (king of Gods) that


> Asuras would eventually lose all the wealth they've gained, as they


> carrying Lakshmi (Ve) on their heads while carousing around


> And that Her rightful place was on the thighs (= Sg= Jp). Note


> meaning of same story= partner (Ve) to be cared for on one's lap.


> Remedy: Pt Rath instructs that a reading is incomplete without


> remedies. So:


> 1. Donate without keeping back: Atleast once/ week, take the 1st

note/ coin

> from your wallet to give the 1st beggar u meet. DONT decide the

> denomination (too big/ small), who to give (their perceived need,

eg only

> to the handicapped), what to give (eg biscuits to children versus


> that can be additional, & different from this exercise). Dont


> anything, eg this money would go to their mafia-protectors anyway.


> rationalisations would TIE up the otherwise-undiluted act of giving

to your



> 2. Respect Lakshmi: Have realistic expectations of the amounts you


> need to earn to sustain responsibilities you have consciously vowed


> undertake, & that to be kept for emergencies, family's future, etc.


> unaffected by others' expectations of the same.


> 3. Respect the helpers of Lakshmi:

> a) give your Best to the Source of your income (= Jp= Ve's

exaltator), with

> minimal expectations (Ref Gita: delinking of effort-reward


> b) beware when u get too much too suddenly (= Mc= Ve's

debilitator). Ref

> the Gita again: delinking of reward to effort equation.

> c) invest wisely (= stable Ta & balanced Li) keeping in mind the


> Lakshmi" para above. Use the help of Ve's friends, ie Mc's skills,


> discipline. Note Lakshmi's vehicle= the wise owl who sees (at

night) ahead

> (which others dont), ie speculates (literally translated from the


> speculare, as "see ahead").


> Regards


> Nandan

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