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What's moksha?

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Hi all,


I must confess that it's only recently that I've been charmed and

enamored by the delights of spirituality. I must also confess that I

have a silly-sounding query for the gurus here, originating in no

small measure due to an absolute lack of light on the subject in me.


My question - is emancipation an absolute rid from life itself or is

it just a rid from life the way we know it as humans? I mean, is

moksha the spiritual gateway into something higher in the process of

evolution on the same lines as what happened to the apes in physical



I somehow can't reconcile to the notion that it was God's intention

that his prime creation always keep striving not to be reborn; that

would seem as if the evolution into humans was itself a kinda curse.

What could well be God's intention is to see all life forms strive to

elevate themselves into a higher form. Perhaps those lower in the

animal kingdom rungs may be doing so too in forms unseen by us.


At this moment, from my minuscule window, it does appear that moksha

is a riddance not from life absolutely, but more a graduation into a

higher spiritual species.


Warm regards,





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My humble few cents,


> My question - is emancipation an absolute rid from

> life itself or is

> it just a rid from life the way we know it as

> humans? I mean, is

> moksha the spiritual gateway into something higher

> in the process of

> evolution on the same lines as what happened to the

> apes in physical

> terms?


In a way, yes and no.The concept of moksha is to

liberate onself from the unending birth and death

cycles all human beings are subjected to by God.And to

get moksha, one has to continuously refine oneself

towards the almighty with Bhakti and 'right knowledge'

of Him.Therefore, its not a one birth affair to get

moksha.It has to be multi birth effort with each birth

refining and purifying oneself.


> I somehow can't reconcile to the notion that it was

> God's intention

> that his prime creation always keep striving not to

> be reborn; that

> would seem as if the evolution into humans was

> itself a kinda curse.


In a way, its a kinda curse that we are on this

earth.We are here only to burn our bad Karma and

accumulate some good one.But, its also a boon that we

are humans who are the only capable species to attain

Moksha.In the process of burning bad karma, there is a

self perpetuation in the sense that we end up doing

more bad karma.And the birth and death goes on....


> What could well be God's intention is to see all

> life forms strive to

> elevate themselves into a higher form. Perhaps those

> lower in the

> animal kingdom rungs may be doing so too in forms

> unseen by us.


Its something like this:Its only the human form which

is the best suited for achieving the knowledge of God

and hence getting moksha.All other forms of life are

certainly inferior to Humans and certainly will not

get that liberation from birth and death cycle.It is

for this reason (human beings) that we should be

greatfull to the almighty God and pray him to bestow

on us, Knowledge, bhakti and 'vairagya

(unbelongingness).It is certainnly god's intention

that we all strive to elevate ourselves from this

morass that we find ourselves everyday.



> At this moment, from my minuscule window, it does

> appear that moksha

> is a riddance not from life absolutely, but more a

> graduation into a

> higher spiritual species.



Its correct.A higher spiritual human being who has rid

himself of the sufferings on this human earth and

enjoys the bliss with the knowledge of God according

to one's capability.


> Warm regards,

> Ramapriya


I feel this is the most novice answer that i have






> hubli



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My comments in [PRCV] block inline


---- Original Message -----

Vishnu Gupta

vedic astrology

Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:37 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] What's moksha?

My humble few cents,> My question - is emancipation an absolute rid from> life

itself or is > it just a rid from life the way we know it as> humans? I mean,

is > moksha the spiritual gateway into something higher> in the process of >

evolution on the same lines as what happened to the> apes in physical >

terms?In a way, yes and no.The concept of moksha is toliberate onself from the

unending birth and deathcycles all human beings are subjected to by God.And

toget moksha, one has to continuously refine oneselftowards the almighty with

Bhakti and 'right knowledge'of Him.Therefore, its not a one birth affair to

getmoksha.It has to be multi birth effort with each birthrefining and purifying




Who says that 'I' want Moksha? If you analyse: It is the desirous mind that

forms the idea that achieving moksha solves all its current problems. So, it

keeps it as a goal to reach and strives. Of course, in this process, it says ok

I will take the bus of Bhakti, and right knowledge (who judges what is right,

anyways!!!), and reach the goal.

A mind that is not caught in the web of its own machinations might see this

trick; trick to analyse its own state resulting in freedom, rather than make

another idea of freedom and complicate it.

I guess only such a might be able to comprehend Bhakti ???

[Don't be harsh in shooting me down :)))) Thanks]


> I somehow can't reconcile to the notion that it was> God's intention > that

his prime creation always keep striving not to> be reborn; that > would seem as

if the evolution into humans was> itself a kinda curse. In a way, its a kinda

curse that we are on thisearth.We are here only to burn our bad Karma

andaccumulate some good one.But, its also a boon that weare humans who are the

only capable species to attainMoksha.In the process of burning bad karma, there

is aself perpetuation in the sense that we end up doingmore bad karma.And the

birth and death goes on....

> What could well be God's intention is to see all> life forms strive to >

elevate themselves into a higher form. Perhaps those> lower in the > animal

kingdom rungs may be doing so too in forms> unseen by us.Its something like

this:Its only the human form whichis the best suited for achieving the

knowledge of Godand hence getting moksha.All other forms of life arecertainly

inferior to Humans and certainly will notget that liberation from birth and

death cycle.It isfor this reason (human beings) that we should begreatfull to

the almighty God and pray him to bestowon us, Knowledge, bhakti and

'vairagya(unbelongingness).It is certainnly god's intentionthat we all strive

to elevate ourselves from thismorass that we find ourselves everyday.> > At

this moment, from my minuscule window, it does> appear that moksha > is a

riddance not from life absolutely, but more a> graduation into a > higher

spiritual species.> Its correct.A higher spiritual human being who has

ridhimself of the sufferings on this human earth andenjoys the bliss with the

knowledge of God accordingto one's capability.> Warm regards,> RamapriyaI feel

this is the most novice answer that i havegiven.Regards,Kautilya> >

hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> > > Archives:> vedic astrology> >

Group info:>vedic astrology/info.html> > To

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May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu> || > > Your use of is subject to>

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Moksha karaka is only ketu among 9 planets ,12 house occupied by ketu

.............gives moksha

moksha rather bliss is to be experienced rather talking about it.....

your question is like this ....how will be the sugar taste ??? ........unless

you taste it you cannot tell.....

Best Regards

Srinagesh >>>Chanikya<<<


Ranga <pvangara > wrote:

My comments in [PRCV] block inline


---- Original Message -----

Vishnu Gupta

vedic astrology

Tuesday, January 08, 2002 11:37 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] What's moksha?

My humble few cents,> My question - is emancipation an absolute rid from> life

itself or is > it just a rid from life the way we know it as> humans? I mean,

is > moksha the spiritual gateway into something higher> in the process of >

evolution on the same lines as what happened to the> apes in physical >

terms?In a way, yes and no.The concept of moksha is toliberate onself from the

unending birth and deathcycles all human beings are subjected to by God.And

toget moksha, one has to continuously refine oneselftowards the almighty with

Bhakti and 'right knowledge'of Him.Therefore, its not a one birth affair to

getmoksha.It has to be multi birth effort with each birthrefining and purifying




Who says that 'I' want Moksha? If you analyse: It is the desirous mind that

forms the idea that achieving moksha solves all its current problems. So, it

keeps it as a goal to reach and strives. Of course, in this process, it says ok

I will take the bus of Bhakti, and right knowledge (who judges what is right,

anyways!!!), and reach the goal.

A mind that is not caught in the web of its own machinations might see this

trick; trick to analyse its own state resulting in freedom, rather than make

another idea of freedom and complicate it.

I guess only such a might be able to comprehend Bhakti ???

[Don't be harsh in shooting me down :)))) Thanks]


> I somehow can't reconcile to the notion that it was> God's intention > that

his prime creation always keep striving not to> be reborn; that > would seem as

if the evolution into humans was> itself a kinda curse. In a way, its a kinda

curse that we are on thisearth.We are here only to burn our bad Karma

andaccumulate some good one.But, its also a boon that weare humans who are the

only capable species to attainMoksha.In the process of burning bad karma, there

is aself perpetuation in the sense that we end up doingmore bad karma.And the

birth and death goes on....

> What could well be God's intention is to see all> life forms strive to >

elevate themselves into a higher form. Perhaps those> lower in the > animal

kingdom rungs may be doing so too in forms> unseen by us.Its something like

this:Its only the human form whichis the best suited for achieving the

knowledge of Godand hence getting moksha.All other forms of life arecertainly

inferior to Humans and certainly will notget that liberation from birth and

death cycle.It isfor this reason (human beings) that we should begreatfull to

the almighty God and pray him to bestowon us, Knowledge, bhakti and

'vairagya(unbelongingness).It is certainnly god's intentionthat we all strive

to elevate ourselves from thismorass that we find ourselves everyday.> > At

this moment, from my minuscule window, it does> appear that moksha > is a

riddance not from life absolutely, but more a> graduation into a > higher

spiritual species.> Its correct.A higher spiritual human being who has

ridhimself of the sufferings on this human earth andenjoys the bliss with the

knowledge of God accordingto one's capability.> Warm regards,> RamapriyaI feel

this is the most novice answer that i havegiven.Regards,Kautilya> >

hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> > > Archives:> vedic astrology> >

Group info:>vedic astrology/info.html> > To

UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to> vedic astrology-> > .......

May Jupiter's light shine on us .......> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

Krishnaarpanamastu> || > > Your use of is subject to>

> >

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Hi Ranga,

As it was certainly a non-astrological discussion, i

am sending it you only.

> [PRCV]

> Who says that 'I' want Moksha? If you analyse: It

> is the desirous mind that forms the idea that

> achieving moksha solves all its current problems.

> So, it keeps it as a goal to reach and strives. Of

> course, in this process, it says ok I will take the

> bus of Bhakti, and right knowledge (who judges what

> is right, anyways!!!), and reach the goal.

> A mind that is not caught in the web of its own

> machinations might see this trick; trick to analyse

> its own state resulting in freedom, rather than make

> another idea of freedom and complicate it.

> I guess only such a might be able to comprehend

> Bhakti ???


So, you are just adding to my answer.First, let us be

aware that there are desires in every human being and

having a desire to achive moksha is one of the satwik

desires a man can have.Initially, a man can start his

journey with his goal as moksha and somewhere down the

line he will be self-immersed with God/Bhakti and

Knowledge , that he will forget about the goal he

started with.And thats when he can elevate himself to

freedom from this unending cycles of misery.All these

provided he has both knowledge and bhakti and the

knowledge that i mean is the Vedic Dharma that is in

Vedas/Upanishads/Purans which he has to learn through

a Guru.


> > I somehow can't reconcile to the notion that it

> was

> > God's intention

> > that his prime creation always keep striving not

> to

> > be reborn; that

> > would seem as if the evolution into humans was

> > itself a kinda curse.


> In a way, its a kinda curse that we are on this

> earth.We are here only to burn our bad Karma and

> accumulate some good one.But, its also a boon that

> we

> are humans who are the only capable species to

> attain

> Moksha.In the process of burning bad karma, there

> is a

> self perpetuation in the sense that we end up

> doing

> more bad karma.And the birth and death goes on....


> > What could well be God's intention is to see all

> > life forms strive to

> > elevate themselves into a higher form. Perhaps

> those

> > lower in the

> > animal kingdom rungs may be doing so too in

> forms

> > unseen by us.


> Its something like this:Its only the human form

> which

> is the best suited for achieving the knowledge of

> God

> and hence getting moksha.All other forms of life

> are

> certainly inferior to Humans and certainly will

> not

> get that liberation from birth and death cycle.It

> is

> for this reason (human beings) that we should be

> greatfull to the almighty God and pray him to

> bestow

> on us, Knowledge, bhakti and 'vairagya

> (unbelongingness).It is certainnly god's intention

> that we all strive to elevate ourselves from this

> morass that we find ourselves everyday.


> >

> > At this moment, from my minuscule window, it

> does

> > appear that moksha

> > is a riddance not from life absolutely, but more

> a

> > graduation into a

> > higher spiritual species.

> >


> Its correct.A higher spiritual human being who has

> rid

> himself of the sufferings on this human earth and

> enjoys the bliss with the knowledge of God

> according

> to one's capability.


> > Warm regards,

> > Ramapriya


> I feel this is the most novice answer that i have

> given.


> Regards,

> Kautilya

> >

> > hubli

> >

> >

> > Archives:

> > vedic astrology

> >

> > Group info:

> >



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> > ||

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