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Some moksha doubts

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Hi all,


One reply to my question on moksha was to the effect that our birth

is in a way a curse and that they're because of the bad karmas of our


past life. Since I've seen nothing in refutation of that supposition,

I've three more corollaries...


1. How are infant deaths to be interpreted? My reasoning would be

that their past lives had been excellent and only a little residual


punishment had to be borne by being born.


2. Is it right to assume that balarishta yogas in horoscopes are

actually emancipation yogas, since children can't obviously do any





3. What about the bad karmas of an individual with the indications of

moksha in his horoscope, as stated in BPHS? How can anyone with


such a chart get away without punishment?


4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who



they paying for? I wonder...


I know all this isn't directly related to astrology, but who knows,

understanding this might help us fathom other niceties in astro.


Warm regards,





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Nor only the bad karmas, but the good karmas too are not help for

moksha. For people very, very rich, specialy in the western countries,

is very dificult to make spiritual life. For people very poor, it is

very dificult too. If a chart shows moksha, is very probable that the

jiva has made a lot of austerities in his past life, and not with the

desire of enjoy, but with the desire to be liberated. And the best of

them is not the one who wants moksha, but one whom only desire is to

serve to the Lord.

>4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

>about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who

>were they paying for? I wonder...

If you know a woman who you know is a very good person, and a very good

mother. You come out from your house, and you see this woman punish her

son. What you may thing? First, this woman is a very bad person, how she

can punish her son? Or you may think, that maybe her son makes something

wrong, and is the duty of the mother correct his bad actions. So, every

bad thing you see in this world, you may think, what have we done to

have such a punishment? But is the punishment of our creator. Maybe a

son may think that the punishment of his parents is very cruel, but it

isn't. When you grow up, you starts to understand and thanks all the

work they try to do to educate you. So it is time for our spiritual grow

up, and understand that we are eternal living beings.

Please, read Bhagavad Gita. Sanjay recommends Srila Prabhupada's

translation. Back to the first paragraph, Srila Prabhupada explains that

as the only person who knows who is your father, is your mother. So, if

you are wondering who is your trascendental father, you have to ask to

your mother. And the Vedas, are the mother. So read. And after read, you

will understand the conclusions of the scriptures:

harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nasty eva nasty eva

nasty eva gatir anyatha

"In this age of quarrel and hipocrasy, the only means of deliverance is

the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way. There

is no other way. There is no other way." Brihan-naradiya Purana 38.126.

So, chant:

hare krishna hare krishna

krishna krishna hare hare

hare rama hare rama

rama rama hare hare

and be happy.

At your feet:

Arjuna-vallabha das.

dear arjuna-vallabha prabhu

please accept my obeisances. all glories to srila prabhupada

the past few days i have been feeling very low, then i just read your e mail on

'moksa doubts'..it went straight to the heart and i feel much better..

thankyou for that

your servant

stavavali devi dasi

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Hare Krishna Ramapriya and the rest of members.


Please accept my humble obeisances.



About how or why we, the jivas or living entities are here, there are

different views, so i'll not explain the one i consider. But, from my

standpoint, is obviously that this world is not a place for

"gentlemans", as Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati use to said. So, if you

are in a well asking for help, and anybody comes with a rope to help

you, you may said: "No, i will no out, until anybody explains how i fall

here". It doesn't seem prety smart. And nobody remembers (at least i

fond anybody) from where we come and how we are here. I hope you agree

with me until here.



>1. How are infant deaths to be interpreted? My reasoning would be

>that their past lives had been excellent and only a little residual

punishment had to be borne by being born.


Nor you, nor me know how much we have to suffer in the womb of a woman.

And get the oportunity of be a human being, it doesn't seems to be easy

either, as there are many jivas that are in other kind of bodies, like

plants or animals. So, if a woman aborts her baby, what you believe

could be her punishment in her next life? So maybe, to be in the womb of

a woman, born, and not live a much time. But in the next life, to

incarnate again, hopely as a human being, and get again the chance of

make spiritual life.


>2. Is it right to assume that balarishta yogas in horoscopes are

>actually emancipation yogas, since children can't obviously do any

>bad karmas?


The animals don't make bad or good karmas either, and obviously the are

not emancipated. They can only suffer the consecuences of their past





>3. What about the bad karmas of an individual with the indications of

>moksha in his horoscope, as stated in BPHS? How can anyone with

>such a chart get away without punishment?


Nor only the bad karmas, but the good karmas too are not help for

moksha. For people very, very rich, specialy in the western countries,

is very dificult to make spiritual life. For people very poor, it is

very dificult too. If a chart shows moksha, is very probable that the

jiva has made a lot of austerities in his past life, and not with the

desire of enjoy, but with the desire to be liberated. And the best of

them is not the one who wants moksha, but one whom only desire is to

serve to the Lord.



>4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

>about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who

>were they paying for? I wonder...


If you know a woman who you know is a very good person, and a very good

mother. You come out from your house, and you see this woman punish her

son. What you may thing? First, this woman is a very bad person, how she

can punish her son? Or you may think, that maybe her son makes something

wrong, and is the duty of the mother correct his bad actions. So, every

bad thing you see in this world, you may think, what have we done to

have such a punishment? But is the punishment of our creator. Maybe a

son may think that the punishment of his parents is very cruel, but it

isn't. When you grow up, you starts to understand and thanks all the

work they try to do to educate you. So it is time for our spiritual grow

up, and understand that we are eternal living beings.


Please, read Bhagavad Gita. Sanjay recommends Srila Prabhupada's

translation. Back to the first paragraph, Srila Prabhupada explains that

as the only person who knows who is your father, is your mother. So, if

you are wondering who is your trascendental father, you have to ask to

your mother. And the Vedas, are the mother. So read. And after read, you

will understand the conclusions of the scriptures:


harer nama harer nama

harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nasty eva nasty eva

nasty eva gatir anyatha


"In this age of quarrel and hipocrasy, the only means of deliverance is

the chanting of the holy names of the Lord. There is no other way. There

is no other way. There is no other way." Brihan-naradiya Purana 38.126.


So, chant:


hare krishna hare krishna

krishna krishna hare hare

hare rama hare rama

rama rama hare hare


and be happy.


At your feet:

Arjuna-vallabha das.




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Dear Ramapriya,





> Hi all,


> One reply to my question on moksha was to the effect that our birth

> is in a way a curse and that they're because of the bad karmas of our


> past life. Since I've seen nothing in refutation of that supposition,

> I've three more corollaries...


> 1. How are infant deaths to be interpreted? My reasoning would be

> that their past lives had been excellent and only a little residual


> punishment had to be borne by being born.


Well Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gita that an unsuccessful yogi, in other

words someone who hasn't completed the process of self-realisation, is born

in the family of saintly persons or devotees if he was very advanced in his

previous life. Ohterwise he will be born in the family of Brahmins or rich

people. So your above theory may be true in the case of children born in the

families of saintly persons (like there's a story of Srivas Thakura's child

passing away while Lord Caitanya had Kirtana in his house). Of course this

would mean that besides the Balarishta, some Moksha-yogas should also be

present, and the chart in general should indicate a highly advanced

spiritualist. In the parents' chart it should also be indicated that the

child will be very spiritual. Ohterwise, if only the Balarishta is present,

and no strong signs of spirituality, then the infant death is simply due to

bad karma (maybe the native was killing or torturing infants in his previous

life, and in this case infant death will follow him several lifetimes).

Considering the law of karma, one who aborts his/her own child or others'

children, will be born as an embryo and aborted several thousand or even

more times.


> 2. Is it right to assume that balarishta yogas in horoscopes are

> actually emancipation yogas, since children can't obviously do any

> bad


> karmas?


The effect of certain activities may take some time to fructify, so an

activity preformed in a previous life may bring its effects at a young age

in this life. Therefore your idea does not hold true.


> 3. What about the bad karmas of an individual with the indications of

> moksha in his horoscope, as stated in BPHS? How can anyone with


> such a chart get away without punishment?


The duty of the Atmakaraka is to punish, for the purpose of spiritual

advancement. therefore, the individual may be purified of his bad karma

within one lifetime, especially if he perfforms bhakti, and the he can reap

the results of the moksha/yoga at the end of his life. It's not that an

individual born with a moksha-yoga need not do any effort to actually

achieve it.


> 4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

> about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who

> were


> they paying for? I wonder...


> I know all this isn't directly related to astrology, but who knows,

> understanding this might help us fathom other niceties in astro.


Actually these questions are very much related to astrology and it should be

able to give us a guidance in them. Now the first birth of a jiva in this

world is due to the fact that she misused her free will and voluntarily

wanted to give up God's service. Therefore she gets a physical body in which

the jiva tries to enjoy independently of God. This is a logn story, so I'm

just giving a hint.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:








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Hi Ramapriya, it has a lot to do with my personal study of astrology, so th=

anks for starting the thread, :) Take care, Angie


refutation \Ref`u*ta"tion\ (r?f`?*t?"sh?n), n. [L. refutatio: cf. F. r[´e]f=

utation.] The act or process of refuting or disproving, or the state of bein=

g refuted; proof of falsehood or error; the overthrowing of an argument, opi=

nion, testimony, doctrine, or theory, by argument or countervailing proof.




vedic astrology, "ramapriya_d" <ramapriya_d> wrote:

> Hi all,


> One reply to my question on moksha was to the effect that our birth

> is in a way a curse and that they're because of the bad karmas of our


> past life. Since I've seen nothing in refutation of that supposition,

> I've three more corollaries...


> 1. How are infant deaths to be interpreted? My reasoning would be

> that their past lives had been excellent and only a little residual


> punishment had to be borne by being born.


> 2. Is it right to assume that balarishta yogas in horoscopes are

> actually emancipation yogas, since children can't obviously do any

> bad


> karmas?


> 3. What about the bad karmas of an individual with the indications of

> moksha in his horoscope, as stated in BPHS? How can anyone with


> such a chart get away without punishment?


> 4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

> about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who

> were


> they paying for? I wonder...


> I know all this isn't directly related to astrology, but who knows,

> understanding this might help us fathom other niceties in astro.


> Warm regards,


> Ramapriya


> hubli@v...

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I shall answer all your questions just answer <<<which came first egg or hen ???

>>>so simple question for you ......... Best Regards




ramapriya_d <ramapriya_d > wrote: Hi all,One reply to my question on

moksha was to the effect that our birth is in a way a curse and that they're

because of the bad karmas of our past life. Since I've seen nothing in

refutation of that supposition, I've three more corollaries...1. How are infant

deaths to be interpreted? My reasoning would be that their past lives had been

excellent and only a little residual punishment had to be borne by being

born.2. Is it right to assume that balarishta yogas in horoscopes are actually

emancipation yogas, since children can't obviously do any bad karmas?3. What

about the bad karmas of an individual with the indications of moksha in his

horoscope, as stated in BPHS? How can anyone with such a chart get away without

punishment?4. If all births are for the bad karmas of the previous life, what

about the birth of the very first set of human beings on earth? Who were they

paying for? I wonder...I know all this isn't directly related to astrology, but

who knows, understanding this might help us fathom other niceties in astro.Warm

regards,Ramapriyahubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) comArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......

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