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visti i asked membersabout the manifestation of gajakesari yoga

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah----------Dear Ram,There

is no Gajakesari Yoga in the chart. Jupiter should be strong and definitely not

retrogade. This can be detrimental to his Dhi Shakti, tell him to stay away from

fire in Jupiter Dasa.


Raja Yogas:

The auspicious positions of Mars and Venus should also be checked in

Navamsa(D-9) and Shastiamsa(D-60), to decide the strength of them.

Acordingly Venus is in Own sign in Navamsa, whilst Mars is in a friendly sign,

however in Dusthana from Lagnamsa, so the yogas may show themselves, but maybe

through means he won't appreciate.

In D-60 Venus is well placed in a friendly Sign, whilst Mars is in an enimical sign.


Now Sun should be strong to initiate the Raja Yoga(sun=energy). Sun is

debilitated in Navamsa, and in enemies sign in Shastiamsa, so the Yoga may come



Moon should be strong to sustain the Yoga(Moon = nurturer). Moon is exalted in

Navamsa, and in own sign in Shastiamsa. So theres a good chance that the

results will come, but will be moderate.


Jupiter is lord of 7th from Hora Lagna and Ghati Lagna, whilst it gives Graha

Dristi on the 7th house from Lagna, hence in Jupiter Dasa he can expect his

wife to attain alot of prominence.


Mercury will do the same for him, as it lords Ghati and Hora Lagna and aspects Lagna by Rasi dristi.

So maybe Mercury Dasa, which comes late in life, will give him it. Note that

Mercury is 9th lord, aspecting 10th lord(Venus), and Mars, whilst in 8th. No

doubt theres some Raja Yoga through spreading knowledge. Mercury in 8th with

Sun indicates what kind of knowledge is spread.



But something else concerns me:

"If a Natural Benefics is Debilitated and Retrogade, in a Quadrant or Trine,

they will indicate a curse from Past birth, whilst in Dusthana, they will give

a blessing. Opposite for Malefics."


This is offcourse with reference to Natural Malefics and Benefics.


His Shastamsa(D-6) and Trimsamsa(D-30) Lagna has Jupiter in it, paving the way

for great difficulty with his 'sense of awareness'(Dhi-Shakti). This can cause



Lagna Lord, who is also lord of Chandra Rasi & Jupiters Rasi, is with

Ketu(BADHAKESH) doesn't look good either, which can cause inertia, and great

mental troubles. Rahu gives special dristi on Moon, and can cause



Now... all this kept in mind lets see the source of the problem:

Ketu being Badhakesh is in 6th house. This can indicate troubles through Black

Magic! As Satrupada(A6) is joined with Venus in 10th house, it maybe caused by

some woman at work. Venus is in 12th from Arudha Lagna, so theres a woman at

work scheming against him in secret.


Mars is strong in 6th from AL, and is removing the blemmish of Venus, so he

should seek alliance with a militant man at work, maybe someone involved with

the police, or military. This man will help him.



Remedial Messures:

Jupiter Dasa begins on 31st August 2004.

Jupiter is Palana Devata, protecting him in professional life, which is the area of the problem.


Tell him to;

1) Get initiated in Gayatri, and worship regularly.

2) Visit Jagannath Temple upon the begining of Jupiter Dasa, or church of

Christ. Bathing in Puri is very auspicious.

3) Stay FAR away from black magic(lagna lord in 6th).

4) Avoid fire(Jup in 3rd from AL becomes Marana Karaka, and can initiate any

severe mental disorders).

5) He should fast on Saturdays, to let marriage go smoothely, as theres some trouble here.


#1 & #5 is most important. There is no substitute here.


Now please give this reading to your friend so he can keep it safe for when future events come.

I hope this helps.


Jai Jai Gurudev

Best wishes, Visti.

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dear friends

i have a request to make. this will help all budding future astrologers. i

suggest that a data base be created about indian personalities on the

lines of say astrodatabank.

in the absence of this i have many different horoscopes of the important


does anyone have correct birth data of jayalaltha. working on personlities

whose progress is wellknown will surely sharpen our knowledge.



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