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Dear Sarbani


According to a famous astrologer, gulika will cause troubles to the

house where it is placed. For example, if it is in the 7th house

then it will cause problems related spouse etc,. I don't know if this

is true and whether we should take this too serious a matter.




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Dear Narasimha ji,


You have mentioned below that "Gulika shows the poison going from us to the

world . . . . Mandi shows the poison coming to us from the world".


Is it in relation to past births/ karma or the current one?


Thanks and regards


Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha (AT) hotmail (DOT) com



"Narasimha P.V.R. Rao" <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net>

<vedic astrology>

Friday, January 25, 2002 10:33 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Gulika

> Namaste Gauranga,> > You wrote: <<I just shortly state the version of Sanjayji

on Mandi/Gulika> controversion. He says that most classics do not differentiate

between them.> However, Sarwartha Cintamani seems to make a difference between

the two> Upagrahas, which makes us think that there should be separate methods

fro> calculation the positions of each. Both rise at the portion lorded by>

Saturn, however Mandi will rise at the beginning, while Gulika in the middle>

of it. So many times they will fall into the same house, but not always. So,>

being the Upagrahas linked to Saturn, they will give similar malefic effects>

to him. However, there's some difference between the two. Mandi will> indicate

the poison inflicted to others, while Gulika will indicate the> poison

inflicted to the native. Thus Gulika Dasa (Vimsottari dasa based on> Gulika's

position) may be useful for timing poisoning or intoxication etc. I> may be

confusing the two, please check in archives. Narasimha has given> mails about

this.>>> > I write:> > Yes, I am afraid you are confusing between the two.

Gulika rises at the> beginning of Saturn's portion and Mandi in the middle.> >

Gulika shows the poison going from us to the world. He shows the sins we>

commit towards others. Mandi shows the poison coming to us from the world.> He

shows the troubles given to us by the world. The two together complete> the

cycle of karma. Beginning of Saturn's portion shows our bad karma and> the

middle of Saturn's portion shows punishment for it.> > Sanjay said that we

cannot start Vimsottari dasa from the position of> Gulika. But we can start

Vimsottari dasa from the longitude of Mandi instead> of Moon. This can show

suffering inflicted on the native.> > May Jupiter's light shine on us,>

Narasimha> > > > ------------------------ Sponsor

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Dear Narasimha,




> I write:


> Yes, I am afraid you are confusing between the two. Gulika rises at the

> beginning of Saturn's portion and Mandi in the middle.


OK. Now correct. But please check your book, as you have stated the opposite

way around on page 37 of Vedic Astrology - an Integrated Approach.


> Gulika shows the poison going from us to the world. He shows the sins we

> commit towards others. Mandi shows the poison coming to us from the world.

> He shows the troubles given to us by the world. The two together complete

> the cycle of karma. Beginning of Saturn's portion shows our bad karma and

> the middle of Saturn's portion shows punishment for it.


> Sanjay said that we cannot start Vimsottari dasa from the position of

> Gulika. But we can start Vimsottari dasa from the longitude of Mandi


> of Moon. This can show suffering inflicted on the native.


Thanks for the additions.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:








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