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Narayanadasa--Judgement of results

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Fayyaz,


1.When ND begins from 7th house results are seen from 7th from Dasa rasi.

eg:During period of Pisces Rasi we see results taking Virgo as temp Lagna &

count all matters such as Lordship of houses, yogas, transits over

houses,Ashtakavarga (to see strength of Dasa Rasi& planets), Paka/Bhoga rasis,

Deha rasi,Badhaka house.Dusthana houses etc, for the period, from Virgo.


Visti: Keep in mind, that its only a temp. Lagna, so lordships Arudhas, and

yogas, do not change, only the persons progression through life.


Please correct & guide me if i am wrong.If this is so i wonder what is the use

of counting progression from the 7th house in the first place.

Visti: Its because the sequence of Dasa's may change due to the 7th sign

dominating, and also the years will be diferent.


2.Benefics/Malefics mentioned in chapter iv (Judgement of results--Narayana

Dasa) at various places mean natural benfics/malefics or functional

benfics/malefics: eg.Jupiter when he is a functional malefic for the period of

dasa rasi. Will his placement in dasa rasi be good or bad.

Visti: Natural offcourse. But do pay attention to both. You must understand

the difference first. Jupiter in Dasa Rasi is very auspicious.


3.While checking placements from Lagna, AL or in Dusthanas etc do we check with

ref to Natal chart or Dasa rasi chart,while judging results?

Visti: See the results of the persons whole life, from the 'Natal Chart',

whilst judging the temporal results of the Dasa from Dasa Rasi. Do not

calculate new Arudhas or say that 3rd from Dasa Rasi is your brother, or

sister.! That way i would have a new brother every Dasa.


4.How do we relate the results--as given in the chapter"Judgement of results" in

the book"Narayana Dasa (By: Sanjay Rath)---in Dasa Rasi chart with Antradasas

during the period,& the Natal chart?


Visti: Have you read the whole book? Read more examples.

5.Do we see yogas ( given in Jaimini Sutras etc) as formed in a particular Rasi

dasa for the specific period OR they are seen during that specific period as

they are formed in the Natal chart.If the former is true how do we relate them

to the yogas formed in the Natal chart& which one will prevail during the

specific period of a particular Rasi dasa?

Visti: Again you must differ between temporal results and results on a whole.

10th from Dasa Rasi, may indicate the temporary results related to ones work.

Dasa of the 10th house will show the fructification of yogas in the 10th house.


Hoping for guidance & response from the Gurus. Best regards to all, Fayyaz

I hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.

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Dear Visri

Thanks so very much for your reply.Could you please elaborate the following

portion a bit further. I am reproducing it here:

.. If , for instance,5th lord in natal chart forms a yoga with some planet(s) in

some house, will the fructification of the yoga be predicted in the rasi dasa

of the 5th house of the natal chart OR the dasa of the rasi where it is formed

in the natal chart? Visti: Maybe not in the Rasi Dasa of that exact house,

but yes thats the idea.


My best regards,


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Thanks indeed again.One more small point.When you say:

"Also dasa's of the 6th from Jupiter gives problems."

Now ,in cases where results are to be seen from 7th house as temp lagna rather

than the dasa rasi, will the problematic be the dasa rasi OR the 7th from

it(ie: Temp lagna)

eg: If Jupiter(or indeed Saturn or Sun,i guess) is in Taurus ,the 6th from it will be Libra.

Now,if Libra is the dasa rasi, but results are to be seen in this particular

case from the 7th from it ( Aries as temp lagna), will the problems be

experienced OR these problems will come if Aries (Temp lagna) was 6th from


Best regards,


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah



This means that we don't see lordship of planets as formed from Dasa lagna(but

from the natal lagna) while reading a Dasa rasi chart for the period of the

dasa. eg:10th lord in natal chart will be seen as 10th lord in dasa rasi

chart.Only its house placement will change due to changed dasa lagna. It will

continue to signify the same matters in dasa rasi chart as in natal chart. 10th

lord may be in a duthana in the natal chart& move to 5th house in the dasa rasi

chart thus denoting good results of its natal significations.Is this what you

meant or am i getting it wrong ?


Visti: Always when making an assesment of a charts results, you should look

at all the potentials before deciding the results.

See which grahas are enimical towards the Dasa Rasi. these grahas lordships from

Lagna will indicate the problem.


2 Antradasas are calculated from the dasa rasi.Where the dasa rasi results are

seen from 7th house from dasa rasi (temp dasa lagna) are the results of the

antradasas also seen similarly from the 7th from antradasa rasis?


Visti: No.

3 Is Ashtakavarga in such cases(to judge auspiciousness during the period)also

seen for the 7th from dasa rasi(temp dasa lagna)&antradasa rasis.

Visti: Yes, but not Antar Dasa Rasi's.

4. Is the Deha rasi the ( temp)dasa lagna in such cases( ie:7th from dasa rasi)

& the Paka lagna , the placement of temp dasa lagna lord? Visti: If you

started Dasa's from the 7th house, then offcourse treat the opposite from it as



5. If , for instance,5th lord in natal chart forms a yoga with some planet(s) in

some house, will the fructification of the yoga be predicted in the rasi dasa of

the 5th house of the natal chart or the dasa of the rasi where it is formed in

the natal chart?

Visti: Maybe not in the Rasi Dasa of that exact house, but yes thats the

idea.Sorry to bother you so much. I have read the book well & will read it

again plus the examples given there, but often advice/guidance from a Guru

helps a lot more than just reading.If there are any Tips or rules of thumb

which may help in a good judgement of ND, please do advise Best regards, Fayyaz


Ok heres a very easy and good example of Narayana Dasa, from Rasi Chart.


Natal Chart


October 17, 1981Time: 5:42:10Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East

of GMT)Longitude: 12 E 25' 00"Latitude: 55 N 46' 00"Altitude: 0.00



Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 18 Vi 44' 49.29" Hastha 3 Vi Ge -Sun 0

Li 07' 49.67" Chitra 3 Li Li DKMoon 21 Ta 12' 19.85"

Rohini 4 Ta Cn BKMars 4 Le 07' 31.69" Makha 2

Le Ta PKMercury ® 2 Li 52' 58.15" Chitra 3 Li Li

GKJupiter 27 Vi 48' 44.46" Chitra 2 Vi Vi AKVenus

15 Sc 34' 49.08" Anuradha 4 Sc Sc PiKSaturn 20 Vi 35'

29.93" Hastha 4 Vi Cn MKRahu 3 Cn 36' 00.47" Pushyami

1 Cn Le AmKKetu 3 Cp 36' 00.47" U.Shaa. 3 Cp Aq

-+--------------+| |

|Moo | || | | | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|Rah GL || | |Mnd Glk ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Rasi |-----------||Ket | |Mar HL ||

| | || |

| || | | || |

| ||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||

|Ven AL |Sun MerR |Asc Jup || | |

|Sat || | | | || |

| | || | | |


So without going into prediction we can note following things; Jupiter and

Saturn in Lagna, makes a person abit disturbed, as the two enemies; Saturn and

Jupiter constantly fight to form the personality.


Lagna Lord is in 2nd house, retrogade with debilitated-Vargottama Sun. Its clear

that there is some personality disorder, with the Sun, very badly posited

creating a weak ego-disposition.


Lagna Lord, represents many things about our character. As Jupiter it represents

our Awareness, and as Sun our health, and as Mercury our Name.


Mars posited in Leo is afflicting Mercury, who is also enimical towards Mercury.

Hence we can clearly state that Mercury(being Lagna lord) will result in a

changing og her name. Note that this might not have happened if Sun was well

disposed, as that makes a person proud of themselves.


Without copying or pasting anything, the Dasa's can be done in your head;


Dasa's Start from Lagna, and are forward and regular, due to Saturn in Lagna.

1 Virgo 0

2 Libra 11

3 Scorpio 12


Lets analyse Libra Maha Dasa. Mercury is in Libra, and Badhakesh from Dasa Rasi;

Sun, joins it. Mars is in Badhaka Sthana and aspects Libra, who is enimical

towards Mercury who is Lagna lord.

Lord of Dasa Rasi; Venus is joined Arudha Lagna, showing that the fortune of the

Dasa, may improve her Status(Benefic in Arudha Lagna).


In the 1 year of Libra Dasa, she changed her name from Marie(Ma=Mercury), to Amanda(A=Sun).



Now what else can we see in the scope.. 9th house has exalted Moon. Thats very

nice, creating a compassionate father. Ketu and Rahu afflict Moon in 9th,

whilst Ketu is in Badhaka Sthana.


Natural Karaka of Father; Sun is in 12th from AL, showing that she may loose her father somehow.


9th lord Venus is in Vargottama in Scorpio, and the Badhaka Sthana from it has

Rahu. Rahu in Badhaka Sthana causes imprisonment, danger and fear of death.


During the Narayana Dasa of Scorpio from 12th-20th year, her father traveled to

thailand for a short visit(see 7th house has Moon who is lord of Badhaka

Sthana), and got imprisoned(Rahu in Badhaka) for smugling drugs. Note that Sun

is in 12th from Dasa Rasi.


+--------------+|Mnd | |Mar

|Asc || | | | || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Ket AL |

|Moo Sat || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Navamsa |-----------||Glk | |Rah ||

| | || |

| || | | || |


||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||HL |Ven |Sun

MerR |Jup || | |GL | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |

|+--------------+ Make special attention to

page 73 in Narayana Dasa; Judgement of results.

Best wishes, Visti.

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Fayyaz,

Look at te example i gave. Sun was in 12th from Dasa Rasi when father went to

jail. Also dasa's of the 6th from Jupiter gives problems. You must asses the

whole chart.


But the potential for problems must be there first. So first look at all the

events, without timing them. Then draw the Dasa's and see when the events



Best wishes, Visti.


Fktareen (AT) aol (DOT) com

vedic astrology

Cc: Visti Larsen

Sunday, January 27, 2002 1:02 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Narayanadasa--Judgement of results

Dear Visri Thanks so very much for your reply.Could you please elaborate the

following portion a bit further. I am reproducing it here:

.. If , for instance,5th lord in natal chart forms a yoga with some planet(s) in

some house, will the fructification of the yoga be predicted in the rasi dasa

of the 5th house of the natal chart OR the dasa of the rasi where it is formed

in the natal chart? Visti: Maybe not in the Rasi Dasa of that exact house,

but yes thats the idea. Thanks,and My best regards, Fayyaz Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Yes, Fayyaz.

Best wishes, Visti.

--- Fktareen wrote:

> Dear Visti,

> Thanks indeed again.One more small point.When you

> say:

> "Also dasa's of the 6th from Jupiter gives

> problems."

> Now ,in cases where results are to be seen from 7th

> house as temp lagna

> rather than the dasa rasi, will the problematic be

> the dasa rasi OR the 7th

> from it(ie: Temp lagna)

> eg: If Jupiter(or indeed Saturn or Sun,i guess) is

> in Taurus ,the 6th from it

> will be Libra.

> Now,if Libra is the dasa rasi, but results are to be

> seen in this particular

> case from the 7th from it ( Aries as temp lagna),

> will the problems be

> experienced OR these problems will come if Aries

> (Temp lagna) was 6th from

> Jupiter.

> Best regards,

> Fayyaz









Great stuff seeking new owners in Auctions!


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