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please help! Will this girl marry the man of her choice

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The following is the horoscope of a girl who has been having problems

with getting married. She is 29 years of age and was deeply in love

with a boy for 6 years, but broke off the relationship 5 months ago

because her family guru advised against the match and warned her that

she would have severe problems if she got married and there could

even be a divorce. There was a boy in her office who was interested

in marrying her and she also developed a liking for the boy. However

the boy is unable to make up his mind whether he wants to marry her

and this is creating a lot of mental tension for her. Her parents

have meanwhile looked for other suitable aliances and are keen that

she marry one of them. She does not know whether this boy in her

office will commit and marry her. Please help.




B i r t h D a t e# : 01-08-1972

B i r t h D a y # : Tuesday

B i r t h T i m e# : 14:05:00

J a n m a L a g n a : SCORPIO

B i r t h R a s i : ARIES

B i r t h Nakshtra : Ashwini

Charana : 1

Sun Sign (Western Style): LEO


Y o n i : ASHWA

G a n a : DEV

Y u n j a : PURVA

N a d i : AADYA

V a r n a : KSHATRIYA

H a n s a k : AGNI


B i r t h P l a c e# : MADRAS

Latitude of Birth Place : 13-04 N

Longitude of BirthPlace : 80-17 E

Standard Diff. From GMT : 05:30:00


R.A.M.C. : 159-02-47

Ayanamsha (Chitra Based): 023-28-40


Vishomtari Dasa Planet : KETU

Total Years of Dasa : 07

Years Past in Dasa : 1-05-11

Balance Years in Dasa : 5-06-20


Lucky Elements

Lucky C o l o u r s : Red, Orange

Lucky Stones / Gems : Coral, Ruby



Ghata Month (Indian) : KARTIK

Tithi (Indian) : 1-6-11

D a y : SUNDAY

N a k s h t r a : MAGHA


K a r a n a : BAV

P r a h a r a : 1st

Male Moon Position : 1st

Female Moon Position : 1st


Software Developed by Microcell Graphics Tel:620 6442 Page



Graha-Mandal Horoscope Software

Planetary Positions



Planet.Name Ra-Dg-Mt-Sc Rasi Name Nakshatra Name Pad

Navmansha Rasi



Ascendant 07-12-19-00 SCORPIO Anuradha 3 LIBRA

M.C. 04-13-52-03 LEO Purva-Falguni 1 LEO

SUN 03-15-42-16 CANCER Pushya 4 SCORPIO

MOON 00-02-45-13 ARIES Ashwini 1 ARIES

MARS 03-27-51-39 CANCER Ashlesha 4 PISCES

* MERCURY 03-26-37-29 CANCER Ashlesha 3



* VENUS 02-03-14-40 GEMINI Mrigashirsha 3 LIBRA

SATURN 01-23-56-44 TAURUS Mrigashirsha 1 LEO

RAHU 09-01-51-11 CAPRICORN UttraShadha 2


KETU 03-01-51-11 CANCER Punarvasu 4 CANCER

HARSHAL 05-21-19-47 VIRGO Hasta 4 CANCER

NEPTUNE 07-09-02-12 SCORPIO Anuradha 2 VIRGO

PLUTO 05-06-24-10 VIRGO Uttara-Falguni 3




Cusp Of Houses According to Indian System



No Bhavas Sandhi



01 07-12-19-00 07-27-34-31

02 08-12-50-01 08-28-05-31

03 09-13-21-02 09-28-36-32

04 10-13-52-03 10-28-36-32

05 11-13-21-02 11-28-05-31

06 00-12-50-01 00-27-34-31

07 01-12-19-00 01-27-34-31

08 02-12-50-01 02-28-05-31

09 03-13-21-02 03-28-36-32

10 04-13-52-03 04-28-36-32

11 05-13-21-02 05-28-05-31

12 06-12-50-01 06-27-34-31








** ***


*10* * 8 * *


*RAH * * ASC NEP * * HAR


* * JUP * * * PLU


* * 9 * * 7 *


* * *


* * 11 * * 5 *


* * *** ************* *


* * *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 4


* 12 * ************* *** * SUN


* * ************* *** * MER KET


* * * * *


* * *


* * 1 * * 3 *


* * MON * * VEN *


* * * SAT * *


* * * 2 * *


** ***





Software Developed by Microcell Graphics Tel:620 6442 Page



Graha-Mandal Horoscope Software

RasiChakra Kundli




** ***


* 3* * 1 * *


*VEN * * ASC MON * *


* * SAT * * *


* * 2 * * 12 *


* * *


* * 4 * * 10 *


* * SUN MAR *** ************* RAH *


* * MER KET *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 9


* 5 * ************* *** * JUP


* * ************* *** *


* * * * *


* * *


* * 6 * * 8 *


* * HAR PLU * * NEP *


* * * * *


* * * 7 * *


** ***




Navmansha Kundli




** ***


* 9* * 7 * *


* * * ASC VEN * * SAT


* * SUN * *NEP *


* * 8 * * 6 *


* * *


* * 10 * * 4 *


* * RAH *** ************* KET HAR *


* * *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 3


* 11 * ************* *** *


*MER PLU * ************* *** *


* * * * *


* * *


* * 12 * * 2 *


* * MAR * * JUP *


* * * MON * *


* * * 1 * *


** ***










B i r t h D a t e# : 20-09-1973

B i r t h D a y # : Thursday

B i r t h T i m e# : 09:15:00

J a n m a L a g n a : LIBRA

B i r t h R a s i : GEMINI

B i r t h Nakshtra : Aadra

Charana : 1

Sun Sign (Western Style): VIRGO


Y o n i : SHWAN

G a n a : MANUSHYA

Y u n j a : MADYA

N a d i : AADYA

V a r n a : SHUDRA

H a n s a k : VAYU


B i r t h P l a c e# : MADRAS

Latitude of Birth Place : 13-04 N

Longitude of BirthPlace : 80-17 E

Standard Diff. From GMT : 05:30:00


R.A.M.C. : 135-23-29

Ayanamsha (Chitra Based): 023-29-39


Vishomtari Dasa Planet : RAHU

Total Years of Dasa : 18

Years Past in Dasa : 4-03-26

Balance Years in Dasa : 13-08-05


Lucky Elements

Lucky C o l o u r s : Yellow, Light Black

Lucky Stones / Gems : Emerald, Emerald



Ghata Month (Indian) : AASHAD

Tithi (Indian) : 2-7-12

D a y : MONDAY

N a k s h t r a : SWATI

Y o g a : PARIGH

K a r a n a : CHATUSHPAD

P r a h a r a : 3rd

Male Moon Position : 9th

Female Moon Position : 7th


Software Developed by Microcell Graphics Tel:620 6442 Page



Graha-Mandal Horoscope Software

Planetary Positions



Planet.Name Ra-Dg-Mt-Sc Rasi Name Nakshatra Name Pad

Navmansha Rasi



Ascendant 06-20-33-10 LIBRA Vishakha 1 ARIES

M.C. 03-19-25-54 CANCER Ashlesha 1


SUN 05-03-33-05 VIRGO Uttara-Falguni 3


MOON 02-09-51-53 GEMINI Aadra 1


MARS 00-15-46-12 ARIES Bharani 1 LEO

MERCURY 05-17-20-05 VIRGO Hasta 3 GEMINI

JUPITER 09-08-52-23 CAPRICORN UttraShadha 4 PISCES

VENUS 06-14-26-52 LIBRA Swati 3


SATURN 02-10-46-48 GEMINI Aadra 2



KETU 02-09-52-17 GEMINI Aadra 1


HARSHAL 05-28-11-52 VIRGO Chitra 2 VIRGO

NEPTUNE 07-11-28-45 SCORPIO Anuradha 3 LIBRA

PLUTO 05-10-20-07 VIRGO Hasta 1 ARIES



Cusp Of Houses According to Indian System



No Bhavas Sandhi



01 06-20-33-10 07-05-21-57

02 07-20-10-45 08-04-59-32

03 08-19-48-19 09-04-37-06

04 09-19-25-54 10-04-37-06

05 10-19-48-19 11-04-59-32

06 11-20-10-45 00-05-21-57

07 00-20-33-10 01-05-21-57

08 01-20-10-45 02-04-59-32

09 02-19-48-19 03-04-37-06

10 03-19-25-54 04-04-37-06

11 04-19-48-19 05-04-59-32

12 05-20-10-45 06-05-21-57








** ***


* 9* * 7 * *




* * NEP * *SUN MER *


* * 8 * * 6 *


* * *


* * 10 * * 4 *


* * JUP *** ************* *


* * *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 3


* 11 * ************* *** * MON


* * ************* *** * KET


* * * * *


* * *


* * 12 * * 2 *


* * * * *


* * * MAR * *


* * * 1 * *


** ***





Software Developed by Microcell Graphics Tel:620 6442 Page



Graha-Mandal Horoscope Software

RasiChakra Kundli




** ***


* 5* * 3 * *


* * * ASC MON SAT * * MAR


* * * KET * *


* * 4 * * 2 *


* * *


* * 6 * * 12 *


* * SUN MER *** ************* *


* * HAR PLU *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 11


* 7 * ************* *** *


*VEN * ************* *** *


* * * * *


* * *


* * 8 * * 10 *


* * NEP * * JUP *


* * * RAH * *


* * * 9 * *


** ***




Navmansha Kundli




** ***


* 3* * 1 * *


*MER * * ASC PLU * * SUN


*RAH * * *JUP * VEN


* * 2 * * 12 *


* * *


* * 4 * * 10 *


* * *** ************* SAT *


* * *** ************* *


* * *** **** *


** **********************


* * **** *** * 9


* 5 * ************* *** * MON


*MAR * ************* *** *


* * * * *


* * *


* * 6 * * 8 *


* * HAR * * *


* * * NEP * *


* * * 7 * *


** ***



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