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Vedic Astrology Group-Blessings of the Almighty

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I have been on the internet since the net came to India about 7 years

ago. Besides looking for business opportunities, I have been regularly

surfing the net and also been active with various groups. Providential

that it is, I landed on this vedic astrology group a couple of months

ago (perhaps my current Narayan dasa might indicate it) and find

myself so attracted to this group. The quality and depth of

discussions, the clarity provided by the Gurus seem so heavenly that I

personally feel that here is the virtual-land where I can wet my feet

to fulfil my deep desire to study astrology.


I recall the advice of His Holiness and the greatest saint of our

times, Paramacharya Sri Chandrasekara Saraswati Swamigal of Kanchi

Kamakoti Mutt, to Paul Brunton in one of Paul Brunton's books, on the

search for a Guru. In the past few years, only I know what my quest

has been to learn astrology and the waves this subject has produced in

me. Only I know how desperate I have been to find a Guru. But I could

not find a Guru till I landed here.


I introduced a close astrologer-friend to this group and during his

visit to my home, discussions on why predictions have always been

wrong brought us to visit this site again. He suggested to post a

message detailing my birth data, as no astrologer's predictions based

on Rasi and Navamsa charts seem to work for me. Being a close friend,

I allowed him to post my data. I think one person responded. He had

some differences. But subsequently I think the quality of postings

here has definitely altered his perceptions about vedic astrology for

good and he has now gone in search for books mentioned here.


Not wanting to miss the past, for the last one week, I have been

spending long time studying messages in the archives. It might take a

while for me to grasp matters, however, my interest in astrology has

gained momentum and I only hope I am destined to continue further in

this noble field.


What is satisfying is that Gurus here such as Sri Narasimha Rao, Sri

Sanjay, Sri Visti, Sri Gauranga Das (I may have missed some names)

advocate a consistent methodology and not find ways to deviate from

established preachings of the Maharishis. I cannot conceal my

admiration for Sri Narasimha Rao and Sri Sanjay Rath for their great

contribution to this group and society. I may not understand even of a

fraction of what they have talked about, but I can certainly

understand the interest, committment, dedication and depth to which

they have delved.


In my considered opinion, I have no hesitation to even proclaim that

Gurus like Sri Narasimha and Sri Sanjay, are probably God-sent and I

would liken to call them Kaliyuga Parasara and Kaliyuga Jaimini.

Revisiting the ancient texts and re-presenting certain rules such as

the Narayana Dasa, Kala Chakra Dasa etc is no simple task. I read in

the Archives that Sri Narasimha Guruji started discussing about Kala

Chakra Dasa (I think in May 1999) on a particular day and one year

later he started about Narayana Dasa. Maybe it is divine direction. I

recall the saying "Deivam Manushya Roopena". The time that this Group

should benefit from such knowledge has also been decided by the



We live in a world where knowledge is not shared by all. I think there

is something divine about this Group. Here are these Gurus, with their

objective of disseminating knowledge, sharing their experiences and

presenting to us the rules of the great Maharishis in a simple manner.


The postings on the special lagnas, their practical application notes,

articles, examples have been simply wonderful. I have downloaded the

JHL and RDD software and find them quite useful. I tried to download

the KCD program of Sri Narasimha Rao, but it seems unavailable there.

I have downloaded the Narayana Dasa resources also, but dont wish to

attempt it now.


As a beginner, I am now trying to buy the books and take the approach

recommended by Sri Narasimha in one of his posts, to start learning

vedic astrology.


I may start my posts seeking advice from the Gurus and learned members

in my attempt to study astrology. I hope to have the blessings of the

Gurus and all the learned members.


May I offer my sincere namaskarams to these learned Gurus. I pray God

to bless the Gurus and this Group and also bless me that my interest

in this field should continue forever, that I can contribute to this



I apologise for this tardy post, but wanted to talk my heart out.


R. Kasthuri Rangan



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