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Wisdom: Mn vs Jp: Intelligence

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It is easy to understand that Mc= intelligence, ie it needs an inbuilt/ internal

system of organisation, to relate/ translate/ & thus understand an idea. Versus

Wisdom, which does NOT need such a crystallising seed/ pigeon-holes to

translate perceptions of reality to understandable ideas. I also understand

that Judgement, is more Jp than Mn

But who rules wisdom : Mn or Jp? Rather, what is the difference in their

rulership over Wisdom, if both are strong, benign, etc, ie without confusing

with other issues. It is not enough to say, Mn only reflects/ translates for

us, the Sn's wisdom, which (Sn's direction as natural AK) is messaged at a

soul-level, & hence, ununderstandeable, as is - while Jp provides the open soil

in our minds for the Sn's wisom to reach us. There is something that Mn does, vs

what Jp does, in translating the Sn's directions, which I have not fathomed. On

another note, St is NOT the most enigmatic planet. It is MOON. The most

benefic, the worst malefic, etc etc. Most difficult to understand, in any




Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net> wrote: Jaya Jagannath!Dear Partha and

jyotishas,Karaka for intelligence is GURU. He rules DHI-Shakti or intelligence

coupledwith wisdom and good judgement to chose the right karma or action.

Otherwise,karaka for intellect and intellectual discrimination is Budha, but

Budha isnetural. There is a mistake of the intellect. He cannot observe the

wholenesswhich underlines the creation. It functions on the level or APARA..

Theunifying value of intelligence which can behold the PARA is given by

Guru.For that reason, some classics state that budh should be under the aspect

ofGuru to give Raja Yoga. Budha or intellect needs guidence from GURU or

DhiShakti. Logic is aslo given by Ketu and Mangal. Mangal rules sharp

intellectbut stuborn and rush, while Ketu gives power to think at the abstract

level(as in meditaion). Rahu is also very intelligent according to Parashara.

Hegives enourmous grasping power, however with some sort of cunningness. Thatis

why he managed to steal the AMRITA from Gods. Shani rules debilitationsign of

Guru, so he would damage Dhi-Shakti considerably. That is why shanirules the

theives-no Dhi-Shakti. It is yet true that well placed shani wouldgive intovert

mind and inwardness, which is good for ascetic mind, but it hasnothing to do

with intelligence.Best wishes,Zoran--Zoran RadosavljevicJyotish Teacher at Shri

Jagannath Vedic Centremails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) netweb

address: http://www.sjvc.co.yuArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Nandan,


Thank you for an insightful post on the list. Indeed, moon is the most

enigmatic planet to understand in any chart. I have noticed, that texts

and the research articles usually skirt the issue of moon while citing

the examples of various horoscopes, try to avoid delving in depth upon

its singular effect on charts. Its like a slippery character which

illudes past most people. It grips the mind and hence memory,

imagination. The mental energizer perhaps rather than the wisdom giver?

Gives the power to the mind to seek out Jupiter's wisdom? Jupiter is all

wisdom, the protector. Moon is all about goodness. When benefic, it is

supremely benefic, when weak (not necessarily malefic) it creates a

miasma over the mind, so that the subject views the world as if through

a haze and does know what he or she is doing. I am no astrologer, but

just some observations...




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om gurave namah


Dear sarabani,

One point: I guess it must be a slip - Moon does not give power to the Mind.

It is the MIND itself. It is that field where everybody plays and it is the

empire - fair to both the teams. That is why it does not consider anyone as

an enemy.

With best wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/


"Sarbani Sarkar" <sarbani

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 11:57 AM

Re: Wisdom: Mn vs Jp: Re: [vedic astrology] Intelligence



Dear Nandan,


Thank you for an insightful post on the list. Indeed, moon is the most

enigmatic planet to understand in any chart. I have noticed, that texts

and the research articles usually skirt the issue of moon while citing

the examples of various horoscopes, try to avoid delving in depth upon

its singular effect on charts. Its like a slippery character which

illudes past most people. It grips the mind and hence memory,

imagination. The mental energizer perhaps rather than the wisdom giver?

Gives the power to the mind to seek out Jupiter's wisdom? Jupiter is all

wisdom, the protector. Moon is all about goodness. When benefic, it is

supremely benefic, when weak (not necessarily malefic) it creates a

miasma over the mind, so that the subject views the world as if through

a haze and does know what he or she is doing. I am no astrologer, but

just some observations...




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Dear Nandan,


> But who rules wisdom : Mn or Jp? Rather, what is the difference in

> their rulership over Wisdom, if both are strong, benign, etc, ie

> without confusing with other issues. It is not enough to say, Mn only

> reflects/ translates for us, the Sn's wisdom, which (Sn's direction as

> natural AK) is messaged at a soul-level, & hence, ununderstandeable,

> as is - while Jp provides the open soil in our minds for the Sn's

> wisom to reach us.



Jupiter is wisdom, while Moon is MIND-MANAS. Mind reflects the LIGHT OF

ATMA (SURYA). SUN is not wisdom. IT is atma, it is APARA level of

Transcendental Self. Everything in this material everchangeing field of

GUNAS is relfection of Self. Mind is also reflection of self. Guru is

wisdom. He is PRECEPTOR who rules DHI Shakti or the ability to reach the

Self and Uphold Dharma. Moon is not wisdom. Rather, well placed moon

gives fertile and stable mind, common-sense in ordinary words..



> There is something that Mn does, vs what Jp does, in translating the

> Sn's directions, which I have not fathomed.

> On another note, St is NOT the most enigmatic planet. It is MOON. The

> most benefic, the worst malefic, etc etc. Most difficult to

> understand, in any chart.


Why do you think so? Moon strength is judged from its PAKSHA, the amount

of LIGHT he would be able to catch from SUN. That means, how much LIGHT

from ATMA the mind would be able to REFLECT...I do not find it most

difficult to judge. Just apply the ordinary process, and see its PAKSHA

BALA, and relationship with other grahas, most preferably GURU, Than we

would have GAJA KESHARI, right? In case GURU is in shashtaka

relationship with CHANDRA, we would have SHAKATA yogas or cycles of

fortune and misfortune. CHANDRA is sustainer. He sustains everything..

the Great Mother DEVINE of all Creation. Even yogas wouldn't fare well

when Chandra is weak..

Hope this helps,

Best wishes,




Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa


web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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Dear Sanjay,

I meant it in that spirit. Maybe the framing of my sentence was wrong.

Yes, indeed the mind is the playing field. And when the light of the benefic

moon is strong and washes over that field, it enriches, empowers, rejuvenates,

perhaps brings to life the power that is inherent therein. Perhaps it is

the 'strengthening' factor. Provided it can uphold its 'strength' vis-a-vis

the other players in the field? And is it not the interplay between the

various 'strengths' and 'lights' over the empire of the mind, that we are

involved in understanding here? And what about the x factor, the free will,

what is its role in this game? Or is that role too determined by the preordained

celestial interplay? Does the X factor have a special relationship with

the moon? And is it not the interplay finally between the astral and the

physical, a microcosmic connection displaying a greater macrocosmic one?

Best regards,


Sanjay Rath wrote:

om gurave namah


Dear sarabani,

One point: I guess it must be a slip - Moon does not give power

to the Mind.

It is the MIND itself. It is that field where everybody plays and

it is the

empire - fair to both the teams. That is why it does not consider

anyone as

an enemy.

With best wishes

Sanjay Rath

Web: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

Services: http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htm

Jyotish Digest: http://jyotishdigest.com/

SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/


"Sarbani Sarkar" <sarbani (AT) vsnl (DOT) com>

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 11:57 AM

Re: Wisdom: Mn vs Jp: Re: [vedic astrology] Intelligence


Dear Nandan,

Thank you for an insightful post on the list. Indeed, moon is the


enigmatic planet to understand in any chart. I have noticed, that


and the research articles usually skirt the issue of moon while


the examples of various horoscopes, try to avoid delving in depth


its singular effect on charts. Its like a slippery character which

illudes past most people. It grips the mind and hence memory,

imagination. The mental energizer perhaps rather than the wisdom


Gives the power to the mind to seek out Jupiter's wisdom? Jupiter

is all

wisdom, the protector. Moon is all about goodness. When benefic,

it is

supremely benefic, when weak (not necessarily malefic) it creates


miasma over the mind, so that the subject views the world as if


a haze and does know what he or she is doing. I am no astrologer,


just some observations...


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