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Vedic remedies

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Hari Om


Most people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods

and goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from

childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so strong that formal

worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem in an

individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer is

consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to ward

off an evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are undertaken

carefully and performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly

involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain times

on auspicious days.


Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated within

the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the middle

and the end as well of all living entities".


It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma

Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the

idols of various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in performing

yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight against fatal

diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the

healer of all ills



Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted by

worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort to

various deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures.

But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he

has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets

from it everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver.

But these men of small understanding only pray for what is transient

and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to the devas.

So, also, my devotees will come to me."



Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship different

deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different

products from different shops but God is like a big department store,

everything is available there. I personally feel it encourages

materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

for God.


When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though

the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is

prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and

Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear.


I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this discussion

group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta

devata as per birth chart etc






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Dear sir,

Vedic astrology group boost up our knowledge. But from the past three

months observation I feel that it is almost academic.

You know your chart best and devatas of each planets.

you please mark everydays ruling star and start writing every day incidents

which are prominent. After three months you will learn that certain things

happens on certain nakshatras frequently. You will also observe some

negative nakshatras also.

Start praying to a Devata in proper way for some months, continue

observing incidents in life . If u could note down the time also,it is good.

You will observe things getting changing. Your Devatas will be the ruler of

the major incidents. Depending on the strength of planets, your mind,

Devathas nature positive or negetive things happens and you will feel that

prayer to particular God has effect.

This is result of my experiments. This mail comes to you and not to

vedic astrology group.


It is always better to find Ista Devata and do prayer.








tri1708 <tri1708

<vedic astrology>

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:39 PM

[vedic astrology] Vedic remedies



> Hari Om


> Most people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods

> and goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from

> childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so strong that formal

> worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem in an

> individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer is

> consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to ward

> off an evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are undertaken

> carefully and performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly

> involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain times

> on auspicious days.


> Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated within

> the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the middle

> and the end as well of all living entities".


> It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma

> Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the

> idols of various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in performing

> yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight against fatal

> diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

> believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the

> healer of all ills



> Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted by

> worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort to

> various deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures.

> But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he

> has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

> Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets

> from it everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver.

> But these men of small understanding only pray for what is transient

> and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to the devas.

> So, also, my devotees will come to me."



> Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship different

> deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different

> products from different shops but God is like a big department store,

> everything is available there. I personally feel it encourages

> materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

> for God.


> When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though

> the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is

> prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

> like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and

> Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear.


> I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this discussion

> group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

> different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta

> devata as per birth chart etc





> Tri











> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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Rightly said Tri. One thing which always wonders me is that how can worshipping

gods or wearing stones or chanting mantras can ward of evil.


If it all depends on the position of planets at the time of birth and the

planets in transit, then how can stones, mantras or gods change the natal

position of planets or alter the planets' positions in transit???


Astrology is based on gravitational law of physics and by no means our destiny

can be changed IF one believes COMPLETELY in astrology. Probably the concept of

vedic remedies was started by some astrologers to make money out here in India.


Time is not the BEST but ONLY healer.





tri1708 <tri1708 >To:

<vedic astrology>Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:40

PM[vedic astrology] Vedic remedies

Hari OmMost people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods and

goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from childhood. Faith in

gods and goddesses is so strong that formal worship is considered to be

essential. If there is a problem in an individual's life or a special event at

home, a priest/astrologer is consulted with or without a horoscope. Any

remedies suggested to ward off an evil glance or attract beneficial

benedictions are undertaken carefully and performed in all sincerity. These

remedies mostly involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain

times on auspicious days.Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness

situated within the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the

middle and the end as well of all living entities".It clearly tells as that

God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma Gandhi was against consulting

priests or making offerings to the idols of various gods and goddesses. He did

not believe in performing yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight

against fatal diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the healer of all

ills Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted by

worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort to various

deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures. But it does not

matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he has faith, I (the

Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering. Endowed with the faith I give

him, he worships that deity, and gets from it everything he prays for. In

reality, I alone am the giver. But these men of small understanding only pray

for what is transient and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to

the devas. So, also, my devotees will come to me."Why do astrologers while

giving remedies ask us to worship different deities for different problems.

It's like purchasing different products from different shops but God is like a

big department store, everything is available there. I personally feel it

encourages materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

for God. When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though the

pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is prescribed'. Like this

one has to approach God in a particular form like Vishnu or Shiva. When the

scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference

is still not clear. I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this

discussion group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta devata as per

birth chart etc TriArchives: vedic astrologyGroup

info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE:

Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's

light shine on us .......|| Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu


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Dear Jai,




This is a very deterministic point that you represent. Pleas note the first

chaters of BPHS where Parashara explains that the Grahas are the incarnations

of the Supreme Lord, representing the potencies of the different avataras.

However, Krishna nsays in the Bhagavad-gita that He does not take

responsibility for the good or bad reactions of anyone. He merely bestows then

according to the law of karma. Now if the activities are performed not by His

desire, then by whose desire? They are verily performed by our desire, which

sprouts from our tiny independent free will given by Him.


Therefore it is said in the Vedas that a thorn may be used to relieve the pain

caused by another thorn, if we use it to pull out the other one. So we have

made bad decisions in the past, but now, having proper knowledge we are able to

rectify them.


Of course you are right that the position of the planets will not change. How

will then the chart show the karma of the natve altered by the application of

an Upaya?


First of all you should understand that the indications of the different planets

in the different sings and of all the other astrological parameters are not

one-to-one indications, i.e. the same set of data may represent a set of

different meanings. Thus a very important factor in giving correct predictions

will be intuition, or guidance by the Supersoul. After applying the remedy the

astrologer will say different things than before it, although he sees the same

chart.This is why computer programs will never become as accurate as a gifted

astrologer, who is able to give correct predictions even from incorrect input



And also another important factor in astrology is Prashna, because it is guided

by God when you approach an astrologer to put a query, especially if there's a

certain method for ascertaining the Prashna Lagna like in Prashna Marga. This

will give an insight into the present state of affairs, which may differ from

the indications of the birth chart if proper Upayas are applied properly. So

one should not neglect the Prasna chart in assessing the results of the Upayas.



Of course the birth chart is more or less intact with most people, because very

few will seriuosly apply remedies or worship God to free themselves from karma.

Most people re ap the results of their past karma and prepare their karma for

the next life.


I hope this helps.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:

WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET Phone:+36-309-140-839Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies: WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET






vedic astrology

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 8:29 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Vedic remedies

Rightly said Tri. One thing which always wonders me is that how can worshipping

gods or wearing stones or chanting mantras can ward of evil.


If it all depends on the position of planets at the time of birth and the

planets in transit, then how can stones, mantras or gods change the natal

position of planets or alter the planets' positions in transit???


Astrology is based on gravitational law of physics and by no means our destiny

can be changed IF one believes COMPLETELY in astrology. Probably the concept of

vedic remedies was started by some astrologers to make money out here in India.


Time is not the BEST but ONLY healer.





tri1708 <tri1708 >To:

<vedic astrology>Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:40

PM[vedic astrology] Vedic remediesHari OmMost people in India today

seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods and goddesses whose miraculous

stories they have heard from childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so

strong that formal worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem

in an individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer is

consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to ward off an

evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are undertaken carefully and

performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly involve making material

offerings to specific gods at certain times on auspicious days.Lord Krishna

says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated within the heart of all living

entities and I am the beginning, the middle and the end as well of all living

entities".It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma

Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the idols of

various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in performing yajnas to ward off

`evil' propensities, to fight against fatal diseases, or guard against

unforeseen calamities. However, he believed in chanting the name of God and

considered it to be the healer of all ills Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose

discrimination has been blunted by worldly desires, establish this or that

ritual or cult and resort to various deities, according to the impulse of their

inborn natures. But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship.

If he has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets from it

everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver. But these men of

small understanding only pray for what is transient and perishable. The

worshippers of the devas will go to the devas. So, also, my devotees will come

to me."Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship different

deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different products from

different shops but God is like a big department store, everything is available

there. I personally feel it encourages materialistic thinking rather than

spiritual and unconditional love for God. When once I asked an astrologer this

question he said `even though the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only

get what is prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and Shiva is

Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear. I will be highly

obliged if some learned members in this discussion group can clarify the

relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping different Gods for different

problems and the selection of ishta devata as per birth chart etc TriArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Jyotisha,




> Hari Om


> Most people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods

> and goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from

> childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so strong that formal

> worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem in an

> individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer is

> consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to ward

> off an evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are undertaken

> carefully and performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly

> involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain times

> on auspicious days.


> Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated within

> the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the middle

> and the end as well of all living entities".


You are correct. The verdict of Bhagavad-gita is that worship of Devatas

(demigonds) is discouraged, however Krishna orders to offer all activities

as a sacrifice to Him. Becase the demigods are material personalities, thay

are able to offer only temporary, material benedictions, which will not

solve our ultimate problems: bith, death, old age and disease. But Krishna

is not one of the demigods, He is Swayam Bhagavan, He says Mattah parataram

naanyat, there is no Truth higher than Me. So His worship is not

materialistic, it is bhakti, and it will verily destroy all the sinful

reacions of the individual.


> It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma

> Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the

> idols of various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in performing

> yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight against fatal

> diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

> believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the

> healer of all ills


Yajnaanaam japa-yajno'smi says Krishna, of sacrifices I am the chanting of

the Holy Names. Therefore the best sacrifice in this age of Kali is to chant

Hare Krishna.


> Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted by

> worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort to

> various deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures.

> But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he

> has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

> Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets

> from it everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver.

> But these men of small understanding only pray for what is transient

> and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to the devas.

> So, also, my devotees will come to me."


The translation is a bit inaccurate. It does matter, who one worshirs, as is

seen from the final portion: yanti deva vrataa devan yanti mad yajino'pi

maam. One goes to the planet of a devata if he worships him, or goes to

Goloka Vrindavan if worships Krishna, which is beyond the material world,

whereas the planets of the demigods are temporary.


> Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship different

> deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different

> products from different shops but God is like a big department store,

> everything is available there. I personally feel it encourages

> materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

> for God.


Correct. The highest goal of life is love for God (prema pum-artho mahaan).

If one strives for pure devotion to Krishna (ananya-bhakti), then he will

actually not ask for any benediction even from Krishna. because love is not

a business. You love Him not to get something in exchange, but

unconditionally, without any selfish desire. So a pure devotee will endure

suffering in this world and not ask Krishna to relieve the reactions of his

karma (tat te'nukampam su-samiksamano bhunjana evatma krtam vipaakam) but

patienlty waits till they end. But usually those who turn to an astrologer

for remedies are attached to some material thing or condition, so they don't

have enough faith just to surrender to God and put their lives into His

hand. Still it's better to recommend tha worship of an Avatar of Vishnu than

of a Devata, because Vishnu or Krishna will gradually lead them towards



> When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though

> the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is

> prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

> like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and

> Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear.


There is a simultaneous oneness and difference. None is superior to the

other. This was establsihed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Other philosophers

either emphasize oneness or the difference, but they can't accept the two

being coexistent, This is the inconceivable nature of the Absolute Truth.


> I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this discussion

> group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

> different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta

> devata as per birth chart etc



Worship always depend on the consciousness of the worshipper, or the Gunas

that act upon him. Although Krishna considers the demigod-worshippers and

the impersonalists (worshippers of the universal form) to be imperfect

(avidhi-puravakam) still they are on some level of spiritual advancement,

because they at least accept some sort of a higher authority. And Krishna

says that wise men should not discourage the ignorant from performing the

duties they are attached to. After all, the system of demigods was also

created by Krishna. But we may encourage them to accept a higher form of

worship, i.e. worship of Krishna or Vishnu.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:










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Can we look at it like this? suppose we want to get some work done from a Govt.

office, should we approach the Govt itself (who has no particular form) or the

officer concerned? Krishna is the abstruct super power without any form. Various

dieties are his officers. How? Let us look at ourselves. We are sons to our

parents, parents to our children, husband/wife to our spouses, friends to our

friends as well enemy to our enemies, boss to the subordinates and subordinates

to the bosses-all various personalities in one body. I am the same person,

having various personalities to fullfill various tasks in this life. That is my

understanding of God and his various forms. We choose the form according to our

mental inclinations and requirements and approach him for fullfillment of our



jk dasgupta



vedic astrology

Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:39 PM

[vedic astrology] Vedic remedies



Hari Om


Most people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of gods

and goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from

childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so strong that formal

worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem in an

individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer is

consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to ward

off an evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are undertaken

carefully and performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly

involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain times

on auspicious days.


Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated within

the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the middle

and the end as well of all living entities".


It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts. Mahatma

Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the

idols of various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in performing

yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight against fatal

diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the

healer of all ills



Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted by

worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort to

various deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures.

But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If he

has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets

from it everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver.

But these men of small understanding only pray for what is transient

and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to the devas.

So, also, my devotees will come to me."



Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship different

deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different

products from different shops but God is like a big department store,

everything is available there. I personally feel it encourages

materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

for God.


When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though

the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is

prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and

Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear.


I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this discussion

group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta

devata as per birth chart etc






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I'm not a Vaishnava, but Parasara mentions that worship

of the planets can mitigate bad effects (apparently on

a mundane level). He also says that devotion to Shiva

destroys sins.


The gravitational effect of for instance Saturn is completely

neglibile, so it can't be that. It must be through some higher

level of reality. However what we believe and think

can also shape things more strongly on these levels

of the reality (etheric, astral, mental) than on the physical.


I beleive karma is created when we descend through these

levels into incarnation with our past life energies. It's

more what we are, so may not be able ward off that ourselves.

Probably only our higher self can do that, when we sincerely

regret and are unselfish.


Transit is more external to what we already are, so can

maybe be warded against. (Or looked at for opportunities.)




vedic astrology, "Jai" <shashankastro> wrote:

> Rightly said Tri. One thing which always wonders me is that how can

worshipping gods or wearing stones or chanting mantras can ward of



> If it all depends on the position of planets at the time of birth

and the planets in transit, then how can stones, mantras or gods

change the natal position of planets or alter the planets' positions

in transit???


> Astrology is based on gravitational law of physics and by no means

our destiny can be changed IF one believes COMPLETELY in astrology.

Probably the concept of vedic remedies was started by some

astrologers to make money out here in India.


> Time is not the BEST but ONLY healer.


> Regards,

> Jai



> tri1708 <tri1708>

> <vedic astrology>

> Tuesday, February 19, 2002 12:40 PM

> [vedic astrology] Vedic remedies



> Hari Om


> Most people in India today seek shelter by worshipping idols of


> and goddesses whose miraculous stories they have heard from

> childhood. Faith in gods and goddesses is so strong that formal

> worship is considered to be essential. If there is a problem in an

> individual's life or a special event at home, a priest/astrologer


> consulted with or without a horoscope. Any remedies suggested to


> off an evil glance or attract beneficial benedictions are


> carefully and performed in all sincerity. These remedies mostly

> involve making material offerings to specific gods at certain times

> on auspicious days.


> Lord Krishna says, " I am the Ultimate Consciousness situated


> the heart of all living entities and I am the beginning, the middle

> and the end as well of all living entities".


> It clearly tells as that God is situated within our hearts.


> Gandhi was against consulting priests or making offerings to the

> idols of various gods and goddesses. He did not believe in


> yajnas to ward off `evil' propensities, to fight against fatal

> diseases, or guard against unforeseen calamities. However, he

> believed in chanting the name of God and considered it to be the

> healer of all ills



> Lord Krishna clarifies "Men whose discrimination has been blunted


> worldly desires, establish this or that ritual or cult and resort


> various deities, according to the impulse of their inborn natures.

> But it does not matter what deity a devotee chooses to worship. If


> has faith, I (the Manifestation of God) make his faith unwavering.

> Endowed with the faith I give him, he worships that deity, and gets

> from it everything he prays for. In reality, I alone am the giver.

> But these men of small understanding only pray for what is


> and perishable. The worshippers of the devas will go to the devas.

> So, also, my devotees will come to me."



> Why do astrologers while giving remedies ask us to worship


> deities for different problems. It's like purchasing different

> products from different shops but God is like a big department


> everything is available there. I personally feel it encourages

> materialistic thinking rather than spiritual and unconditional love

> for God.


> When once I asked an astrologer this question he said `even though

> the pharmacy contains lot of medicines, you only get what is

> prescribed'. Like this one has to approach God in a particular form

> like Vishnu or Shiva. When the scriptures say Vishnu is Shiva and

> Shiva is Vishnu. Why there is a difference is still not clear.


> I will be highly obliged if some learned members in this discussion

> group can clarify the relevance of Vedic remedies like worshipping

> different Gods for different problems and the selection of ishta

> devata as per birth chart etc





> Tri




> Sponsor










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Dear Dasguipta,





> Can we look at it like this? suppose we want to get some work done from a

Govt. office, should we approach the Govt itself (who has no particular

form) or the officer concerned? Krishna is the abstruct super power without

any form. Various dieties are his


Why does the government have no form? The king or the prime minister, who is

the head of the government, has his own form and personality. But his

position is that all the other controllersa are under his direction. So they

can't bestow any benediction without asking a permission from Him.


officers. How? Let us look at ourselves. We are sons to our parents, parents

to our children, husband/wife to our spouses, friends to our friends as well

enemy to our enemies, boss to the subordinates and subordinates to the

bosses-all various personalities in one body. I am the same person, having

various personalities to fullfill various tasks in this life. That is my

understanding of God and his various forms. We choose the form according to

our mental inclinations and requirements and approach him for fullfillment

of our desires.


That I have to play many roles does not mean that all of them will be

different personalities and my personality gets divided into them. I am the

same person as a father and as a boss, maybe the realtionship is different.

So does Krishna. He is the same person, but He deals with all of the

individual jivas in a unique, personal way, according to their relationship

to him.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:



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Namaste Gaurangaji,


I fully agree to the logic. Still it is very difficult to ascimilate the

phylosophy of "whole to part" and "part to whole" for persons like us. So I try

to understand the concept like what I said-while I know it is only indicative

and there is much beyond that.


Best regards,


j.k. dasgupta


Gauranga Das

vedic astrology

Thursday, February 21, 2002 5:42 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Vedic remedies

JAYA JAGANNATHA!Dear Dasguipta,Namaste.> Can we look at it like this? suppose we

want to get some work done from aGovt. office, should we approach the Govt

itself (who has no particularform) or the officer concerned? Krishna is the

abstruct super power withoutany form. Various dieties are hisWhy does the

government have no form? The king or the prime minister, who isthe head of the

government, has his own form and personality. But hisposition is that all the

other controllersa are under his direction. So theycan't bestow any benediction

without asking a permission from Him.officers. How? Let us look at ourselves. We

are sons to our parents, parentsto our children, husband/wife to our spouses,

friends to our friends as wellenemy to our enemies, boss to the subordinates

and subordinates to thebosses-all various personalities in one body. I am the

same person, havingvarious personalities to fullfill various tasks in this

life. That is myunderstanding of God and his various forms. We choose the form

according toour mental inclinations and requirements and approach him for

fullfillmentof our desires.That I have to play many roles does not mean that

all of them will bedifferent personalities and my personality gets divided into

them. I am thesame person as a father and as a boss, maybe the realtionship is

different.So does Krishna. He is the same person, but He deals with all of

theindividual jivas in a unique, personal way, according to their

relationshipto him.Yours,Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer

gauranga (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net Jyotish Remedies:WWW.BRIHASPATI.NET


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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Hare Rama Krisna

Dear Suman


One sureshot solution to Happy marriage is vrata on the day ruled by Upapada

lord of rasi chart.


Please start it soon.. More after I look at your chart





Quoting Suman Malhotra <suman.malhotra:


> <html><body>



> <tt>

> Aadarniya Guruji,<BR>

> <BR>

> Namaskaar,<BR>

> <BR>

> My Date of Birth is 5.10.1977 Time 20:52 Place New Delhi,India.Can you

> <BR>

> please suggest me some remedies regarding happy married life?My In laws

> and <BR>

> my parents are very much against my marriage<BR>

> Regards<BR>

> Suman<BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


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> vedic astrology-<BR>

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> ....... May Jupiter\'s light shine on us .......<BR>

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> ||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri

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Aadarniya Guruji,




My Date of Birth is 5.10.1977 Time 20:52 Place New Delhi,India.Can you

please suggest me some remedies regarding happy married life?My In laws and

my parents are very much against my marriage



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Please tell me the date and the day

At 11:08 AM 2/23/02 +0600, you wrote:

>Hare Rama Krisna

>Dear Suman


>One sureshot solution to Happy marriage is vrata on the day ruled by

>Upapada lord of rasi chart.


>Please start it soon.. More after I look at your chart





>Quoting Suman Malhotra <suman.malhotra:


> > <html><body>

> >

> >

> > <tt>

> > Aadarniya Guruji,<BR>

> > <BR>

> > Namaskaar,<BR>

> > <BR>

> > My Date of Birth is 5.10.1977 Time 20:52 Place New Delhi,India.Can you

> > <BR>

> > please suggest me some remedies regarding happy married life?My In laws

> > and <BR>

> > my parents are very much against my marriage<BR>

> > Regards<BR>

> > Suman<BR>

> > <BR>

> > </tt>

> >

> > <br>

> >

> > <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->

> >

> > <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

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> > Sponsor</b></font></td>

> > </tr>

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> > cellspacing=0><tr><td align=center><font face=arial

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ps.comvedic astrology/info.html</a><BR>

> > <BR>

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to

> > vedic astrology-<BR>

> > <BR>

> > ....... May Jupiter\'s light shine on us .......<BR>

> > <BR>

> > ||   Om Tat Sat   ||   Sarvam Sri

> > Krishnaarpanamastu   ||</tt>

> > <br>

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> >

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