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The Kala Sarpa Yoga Explained (In Response to Robyn)

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Hi Robyn,


Was cleaning out my mailbox and ran accross your post.

I will try to answer.


The KSY (Kala Sarpa Yoga) is a planetary alignment, in

a horoscope, that hails from the Tantric school of

Vedic Astrology. The term means, "The Black Serpent of

Time Combination", and as Tantrics tend to have a

"thing" for snakes and the occult, this combination,

if other factors in the chart supports this, tends

toward the native having an interest in such things



Very little is actually written down in the massive

literature of VA, partially because not much in the

Tantric School of Thought is written down, and

partially because of the same in Vedic Astrology on

the whole; only about a third of all VA knowledge and

theory is actually written down - the other 2/3 are

passed down orally, from teacher to student. This has

existed for centuries.


In order to fully understand the KSY, one has to fully

understand what the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, represent in

Vedic Astrological thought. If you have James Braha's

Ancient Hindu AStrology for the Modern Western

Astrologer, he gives a very insightful breakdown of

all this. The immortal Light on Life, by Hart deFouw,

also gives a concise explanation of the KSY. The late

great B.V. Raman, in his 300 Important Combinations,

takes up the thorny issue of the KSY.


As is the case with Vedic Astrology in the main, many

of the Graha Yogas (Planetary Combinations) have to be

updated and Westernized, if they are to have any

utility in the Modern, 21st Century World. In the

past, one have the KSY could very well have meant that

they could be killed by poisonus snakes by or before

their 18th year (the time it takes for the Nodes to

return to their natal position in the horoscope), but

today, even in India, such things are rare. So the

meaning of the KSY has tro be updated.


I have intensely studied this matter, and have found

the following concerning the KSY:


1. That it does not matter whether the formation of

planets runs from Rahu to Ketu, or vice-versa; the

point being made is that the Nodes have prime

importance in this yoga, as all of the planets are

hemmed between the two.


2. That KSY can occur even if the Asc is not involved;

of course, if it is involved, the strength of the

combination is all the more heightened.


3. That the KSY tends to suggest areas of life that

are subject to compulsion, obsession, upheaval, in

terms of the Houses that the Nodes fall in. For

example, take the French writer, Anais Nin, who had

the KSY running in the Relationship Axis (1-7); her

entire life revolved around her many and torturous



4. It must also be said that, if other factors in the

chart indicate it, KSY can be a very powerful force

for success and resourcefulness in life. Witness the

horoscope of current American President Geo. W. Bush,

who has the KSY in his chart, but also has several

other combinations suggesting wealth, power and

influence tying themselves into the KSY.


5. Dasas relating to the KSY, that is to say, the

Dasas of either Rahu or Ketu, are extremely powerful

times to look out for, and absolutely must be

discussed within consultation with the client, if that

is the case. Nin, for example, experienced most of her

relationship troubles (which spurred her on to pen her

volumnous "Diary") during her Rahu Dasa; Bush went on

what he called his "Wandering Years" during his Ketu



You asked about how the KSY could possibly relate to

one having a Virgo Asc, and this is a very good

question, as, you may well know, all of the Lagnas

have certain planets that agree more with them than

others. In the case of Virgo, no planet is more

inimical to it than Mars (note that Mercury, lord of

Virgo, is an enemy of Mars), in the main because, Mars

rules the worst house in the chart, the 8th. Mars also

rules the 8th from the 8th, the 3rd house, and so, if

Mars is badly placed or is afflicted by the Nodes

and/or Saturn, without the modification of Benefics,

and the appropriate Dasas are in operation, there is

the very strong chance of the person experiencing a

good bit of challenges relating to the areas of life

involved. In the case of KSY, the results can be

devastating, again, if there are no mitigating

factors. Going back to Anais Nin, she had Virgo Asc,

with Mars and Rahu (if memory serves) rising in the

Asc. Light on Life has a bio on her, and it makes for

very good reading. Nin's sexual escapades are legend,

and this is another area for Virgo Asc, again, if the

factors are there to corroborate.


There is much more to say about all of this, but I

just wanted to try to give you some ideas of what KSY

is all about. By the way, while I don't have KSY, I DO

have the Nodes placed very strongly in my horoscope

and in my life - I have Sag Asc, with Asc Lord Jup in

the 10th conjunct Ketu and Mars, and Rahu in the 4th

conjunct Saturn. At present, I am running Rahu Dasa,

Jup sub-period. As my chart indicates a strong Occult

focus overall, is it any accident that I would

encounter Vedic Astrology at the end of my Mars Dasa

and the start of my Rahu Dasa?




Hope I've answered your Q.




Dec 2, 1968



Phila, PA


Lagna: 21 Sag


--- resimpson <resimpson wrote:

> Dear Group,


> Does anyone know where I can get accurate

> information on the www on a kala sarpa yoga with

> Virgo as lagna?


> Om Tat Sat


> Robyn

> -

> dr_rahul_99

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, February 13, 2002 7:06 PM

> [vedic astrology] kala sarpa yoga



> kala sarpa yoga occurs when all the planets are

> engulfed by rahu and

> ketu. what experiences do you have about poorna

> kalasarpa and ardh or

> anshik kalasarpa yoga?



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Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


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Dear Mu,


Now that was really interesting. I shall print it out and add it to my private

collection of texts on Jyotish.


Particularly in relation to Anais Nin. I have read all her books, particularly

her journals, and yes, it is fascinating to hear this. I am currently

re-reading Light on Life and strange that I did not pick this up before (mind

you, not strange, I find myself going back to my original reading when I

started Jyotish a couple of months ago and seeing things in there as if I had

never seen them before!). So yes, I shall look out for the analysis.


Luckily, my sarpa is broken up according to my Jyotish guru, but I can tell you,

this last Venus sub-period of Ketu was enough to warrant a description of

mahadasha Ketu! According to my new birth time (still in rectification), I have

Virgo lag with Ma/Ke in conjunction, then Mo in third house, Me/VeR/Ju/Su all

squashed together in 5th house, Ra in 7th, and SaR in 12th. (Not the proper

Jyotish way to say it, I know, but I am getting there). So, I have a wonderful

old time with all these malefics aspecting everybody else here, but, Mercury is

in vargottama, and Jup in exhaltation in Navamsa, and according to my Jyotish

guru I have Raja-Yoga's and Laksmi Yogas in my chart which have probably saved

my bacon.


Coming from a Tantric background as I do (Satguru Paramahamsa Satyananda

Saraswati), and having had some very close shaves with actual very large and

dangerous snakes in the African bush (live in Africa), and not only the

reptilian kind either, this semi-sarpa formed in my chart has proved more to be

a blessing in many ways than a curse.


But, there have been some times in my life when I seriously wondered whether

there wasn't some form of curse or at least, some very, heavy karma to be

worked out in this lifetime. Many of these speculations are now being answered

for me through the study of Jyotish. And, I don't think there is any doubt in

my mind now, that these planetary placements in my chart, plus my largely

intuitive and clairvoyant approach to Jyotish thus far, hark back to past life

associations in the Tantric tradition, which, as you know are buried deep

within the oral tradition and thus largely inaccessible unless one is lucky

enough to gain access to a guru on an ongoing basis.


So, it is little wonder I think that I have taken to Jyotish like the proverbial

duck to water. It has gripped my mind like no other study has done before. I

have literally been 'grasped' by not only the planetary forces, but Hora

Shastra as well. To my immense gratification, I have also been granted an

extremely astute Jyotish guru to add to the mix.


Thank you once again for that insightful information. I feel these lists have so

much to offer a beginner in terms of the sharing from more experienced

Jyotishisi's who have walked the walk.


Thanks for the birth data. Will take a look. I'm not going to post mine until

that birth time is considered spot on.


Om Tat Sat






Mu'Min Bey

vedic astrology

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 6:07 PM

[vedic astrology] The Kala Sarpa Yoga Explained (In Response to Robyn)

Hi Robyn,Was cleaning out my mailbox and ran accross your post.I will try to

answer.The KSY (Kala Sarpa Yoga) is a planetary alignment, ina horoscope, that

hails from the Tantric school ofVedic Astrology. The term means, "The Black

Serpent ofTime Combination", and as Tantrics tend to have a"thing" for snakes

and the occult, this combination,if other factors in the chart supports this,

tendstoward the native having an interest in such thingsparanormal. Very little

is actually written down in the massiveliterature of VA, partially because not

much in theTantric School of Thought is written down, andpartially because of

the same in Vedic Astrology onthe whole; only about a third of all VA knowledge

andtheory is actually written down - the other 2/3 arepassed down orally, from

teacher to student. This hasexisted for centuries. In order to fully understand

the KSY, one has to fullyunderstand what the Nodes, Rahu and Ketu, represent

inVedic Astrological thought. If you have James Braha'sAncient Hindu AStrology

for the Modern WesternAstrologer, he gives a very insightful breakdown ofall

this. The immortal Light on Life, by Hart deFouw,also gives a concise

explanation of the KSY. The lategreat B.V. Raman, in his 300 Important

Combinations,takes up the thorny issue of the KSY. As is the case with Vedic

Astrology in the main, manyof the Graha Yogas (Planetary Combinations) have to

beupdated and Westernized, if they are to have anyutility in the Modern, 21st

Century World. In thepast, one have the KSY could very well have meant thatthey

could be killed by poisonus snakes by or beforetheir 18th year (the time it

takes for the Nodes toreturn to their natal position in the horoscope),

buttoday, even in India, such things are rare. So themeaning of the KSY has tro

be updated. I have intensely studied this matter, and have foundthe following

concerning the KSY:1. That it does not matter whether the formation ofplanets

runs from Rahu to Ketu, or vice-versa; thepoint being made is that the Nodes

have primeimportance in this yoga, as all of the planets arehemmed between the

two. 2. That KSY can occur even if the Asc is not involved;of course, if it is

involved, the strength of thecombination is all the more heightened.3. That the

KSY tends to suggest areas of life thatare subject to compulsion, obsession,

upheaval, interms of the Houses that the Nodes fall in. Forexample, take the

French writer, Anais Nin, who hadthe KSY running in the Relationship Axis

(1-7); herentire life revolved around her many and torturousrelationships. 4.

It must also be said that, if other factors in thechart indicate it, KSY can be

a very powerful forcefor success and resourcefulness in life. Witness

thehoroscope of current American President Geo. W. Bush,who has the KSY in his

chart, but also has severalother combinations suggesting wealth, power

andinfluence tying themselves into the KSY. 5. Dasas relating to the KSY, that

is to say, theDasas of either Rahu or Ketu, are extremely powerfultimes to look

out for, and absolutely must bediscussed within consultation with the client, if

thatis the case. Nin, for example, experienced most of herrelationship troubles

(which spurred her on to pen hervolumnous "Diary") during her Rahu Dasa; Bush

went onwhat he called his "Wandering Years" during his KetuDasa. You asked

about how the KSY could possibly relate toone having a Virgo Asc, and this is a

very goodquestion, as, you may well know, all of the Lagnashave certain planets

that agree more with them thanothers. In the case of Virgo, no planet is

moreinimical to it than Mars (note that Mercury, lord ofVirgo, is an enemy of

Mars), in the main because, Marsrules the worst house in the chart, the 8th.

Mars alsorules the 8th from the 8th, the 3rd house, and so, ifMars is badly

placed or is afflicted by the Nodesand/or Saturn, without the modification of

Benefics,and the appropriate Dasas are in operation, there isthe very strong

chance of the person experiencing agood bit of challenges relating to the areas

of lifeinvolved. In the case of KSY, the results can bedevastating, again, if

there are no mitigatingfactors. Going back to Anais Nin, she had Virgo Asc,with

Mars and Rahu (if memory serves) rising in theAsc. Light on Life has a bio on

her, and it makes forvery good reading. Nin's sexual escapades are legend,and

this is another area for Virgo Asc, again, if thefactors are there to

corroborate. There is much more to say about all of this, but Ijust wanted to

try to give you some ideas of what KSYis all about. By the way, while I don't

have KSY, I DOhave the Nodes placed very strongly in my horoscopeand in my life

- I have Sag Asc, with Asc Lord Jup inthe 10th conjunct Ketu and Mars, and Rahu

in the 4thconjunct Saturn. At present, I am running Rahu Dasa,Jup sub-period.

As my chart indicates a strong Occultfocus overall, is it any accident that I

wouldencounter Vedic Astrology at the end of my Mars Dasaand the start of my

Rahu Dasa?;)Hope I've answered your Q.Salaam,MuDec 2, 19689:43amESTPhila,

PAUSALagna: 21 Sag--- resimpson <resimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za> wrote:> Dear

Group,> > Does anyone know where I can get accurate> information on the www on

a kala sarpa yoga with> Virgo as lagna? > > Om Tat Sat> > Robyn> -----

Original Message ----- > dr_rahul_99 > To:

vedic astrology > Wednesday, February 13, 2002 7:06 PM>

[vedic astrology] kala sarpa yoga> > > kala sarpa yoga occurs when

all the planets are> engulfed by rahu and > ketu. what experiences do you

have about poorna> kalasarpa and ardh or > anshik kalasarpa yoga?> > >

Sponsor > > > >

> > Archives:> vedic astrology> > Group

info:>vedic astrology/info.html> > To

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