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querry on 7th house

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dear list,i request the members to answer a very small

question.suppose ,in a husband chart a retrograde and debilitated

jupiter is in lagna(capricorn);moon also in lagna,and in wife's chart

sun is in lagna(capricorn) with mercury.kindly comment on the

relationship of such couple in general sense during the jupiter dasa

of husband and venus &sun dasa of wife (which come during jupiter

dasa of husband.)

for wife seventh house is occupied by saturn and in husband chart

seventh house is empty.



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Again, don't fall into this trap of asking questions without giving

the whole chart. No astrologer should even attempt to predict the

results with the given few information. Results can only be drawn

properly if one has both charts up.


I will give you a general answer only based on what you have ask.

This can change as soon as you give me all the aspects, degrees and

navamshas of both charts.


The man's chart


Jupiter in Capricon is debilitated but is Retro. This is good. Some

claim it gets exalted but I consider this a benefic nuetralization of

Jupiters' debilitation and it will act benefically. Guru/Chandra is

auspicious yoga here aspecting the 7th house of Cancer. This same

Jupiter is aspecting its exaltation sign conjuct with moon looking at

7th. I see that this can prove to have a very good effect on the 7th.

She is a gentle creature, intelligent, honest and good looking. His

7th is empty. But where is the Lord of 7th sitting? Who is aspecting

it? How strong is he? Where is he in Navamasha? This question is

horrible placed.


During the Jupiter Dasa of Husband, I see good results BUT 99% of the

chart is missing. So don't judge this.


In the wife:


Sun being the 8th lord becomes nuetral inspite of the fact that he is

lord of 8th. This same sun is conjuct with Mercury who is termed a

functional benefic. Sun in Saturn sits in the house of an enemy

giving malefic results. His a little stubborn. Mercury is a nuetral

planet by nature and will adopt qualities of the Sun. Sun's aspect

on 7th will tarnish the 7th a bit. Saturn sits in 7th and also in an

enemy sign. Not good for the 7th but not bad for 1st.


During the Sun Dasa of this lady - there will be some problems being

cause in the 7th for this lady. But her health will be good. BUT 99%

of the rest of the chart is missing. Dont make judgements based on

this. Where is Moon sitting? Who aspects it? How strong is he?


Ram ji - Please again, I beg you not to ask questions like these that

can lead people like us to make completely wrong judgements. I hope I

have proved to you what I mean.







vedic astrology, "ved_ram" <ved_ram> wrote:

> dear list,i request the members to answer a very small

> question.suppose ,in a husband chart a retrograde and debilitated

> jupiter is in lagna(capricorn);moon also in lagna,and in wife's


> sun is in lagna(capricorn) with mercury.kindly comment on the

> relationship of such couple in general sense during the jupiter dasa

> of husband and venus &sun dasa of wife (which come during jupiter

> dasa of husband.)

> for wife seventh house is occupied by saturn and in husband chart

> seventh house is empty.

> thanks

> ram

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Dear Mr. Ram,

Other planets will have to be seen, but for the lady the presence of

Saturn in the 7th house will give a loving, hard-working husband. The

same ascendant will lead to compatibility between husband and wife.

The wife will be caught between worldiness and spirituality and may

appear somewhat odd to people. The marriage relationship will grow

stronger with time.



ved_ram wrote:


>dear list,i request the members to answer a very small

>question.suppose ,in a husband chart a retrograde and debilitated

>jupiter is in lagna(capricorn);moon also in lagna,and in wife's chart

>sun is in lagna(capricorn) with mercury.kindly comment on the

>relationship of such couple in general sense during the jupiter dasa

>of husband and venus &sun dasa of wife (which come during jupiter

>dasa of husband.)

>for wife seventh house is occupied by saturn and in husband chart

>seventh house is empty.













>....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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