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Respected Gurus...cousin's marriage & mother's prblms ...pl. clarify

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Om Gurave NamaH.


Dear Narsimhaji, Sanjayji, Visti & all other respected gurus,




I am a beginner but an ardent student of jyotish and follow the

topics on this group quite regularly.I hope respected gurus present

here shall throw some light on this:


Here are my cousin sister's birth details :-


DOB - Jan 10 1971

TOB - 8:10 AM (local time)

lat. - 31 N 37

long. -74 E 55

time zone- 5:30 east of GMT


her parents have been trying to find a match for her for more than

last 6-7 years ....despite running Jupiter's mahaDasha(aspecting her

7th house & conjuct with yogakaraka Venus) no match was possible .Was

it due to the fact that jupiter in her chart is a functional malefic

(being 12th & 3rd lord) or that Saturn's sadhe-satti started around

that time (with Sat aspecting the 7th lord moon in 6th).

Moreover the 4th house , 4th lord Mars & Matri-karaka Moon in her

chart are badly afflicted by a debilitated & retrograde Saturn in 4

th house . And as the Maha Dasha of saturn started around late last

year ..her mother was taken ill very badly (diagnosed with 4th stage

malignant brest cancer).She is still undergoing the treatment

(Radiotherapy, Cheamotherapy and all) and is in a very bad state


Can you pl. suggest a remedy (for the mother) so that she gets the

strength from the lord to withstand her ordeal .....or does the chart

indicate loss of mother?

And for her marriage also ....pl suggest a remedy ..also what time is

indicated by her chart for marriage?


Thanks & Regards

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Namasthe Guruji's


I think her chart qualifies for NeechaBhanga Rajayoga

with Saturn debilitated in Rasi and exalted in



Also since Saturn is lagna lord, shouldn't it solve

all the problems for the native in Saturn's mahadasa.


Correct me if I am wrong.



--- jerry_ak <akshay wrote:

> Om Gurave NamaH.


> Dear Narsimhaji, Sanjayji, Visti & all other

> respected gurus,


> Namaste,


> I am a beginner but an ardent student of jyotish and

> follow the

> topics on this group quite regularly.I hope

> respected gurus present

> here shall throw some light on this:


> Here are my cousin sister's birth details :-


> DOB - Jan 10 1971

> TOB - 8:10 AM (local time)

> lat. - 31 N 37

> long. -74 E 55

> time zone- 5:30 east of GMT


> her parents have been trying to find a match for her

> for more than

> last 6-7 years ....despite running Jupiter's

> mahaDasha(aspecting her

> 7th house & conjuct with yogakaraka Venus) no match

> was possible .Was

> it due to the fact that jupiter in her chart is a

> functional malefic

> (being 12th & 3rd lord) or that Saturn's sadhe-satti

> started around

> that time (with Sat aspecting the 7th lord moon in

> 6th).

> Moreover the 4th house , 4th lord Mars &

> Matri-karaka Moon in her

> chart are badly afflicted by a debilitated &

> retrograde Saturn in 4

> th house . And as the Maha Dasha of saturn started

> around late last

> year ..her mother was taken ill very badly

> (diagnosed with 4th stage

> malignant brest cancer).She is still undergoing the

> treatment

> (Radiotherapy, Cheamotherapy and all) and is in a

> very bad state

> (healthwise).

> Can you pl. suggest a remedy (for the mother) so

> that she gets the

> strength from the lord to withstand her ordeal

> .....or does the chart

> indicate loss of mother?

> And for her marriage also ....pl suggest a remedy

> ..also what time is

> indicated by her chart for marriage?


> Thanks & Regards







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