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Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

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Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


What is in the chart of India that makes other powers perceive her as the

aggressor and not the victim? In other words, why are the terrorist incursions

against India that have left so many people dead over the years not seen in

their correct perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?





R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Thursday, June 06, 2002 5:22 AM

[vedic astrology] Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!Narasimha P.V.R. RaoJune 5,

2002[All rights reserved by Narasimha P.V.R. Rao. Disclaimer: These predictions

can go wrong.]In the last few days, we have seen travel advisories from USA and

UK urging their citizens to "consider leaving" India and Pakistan. Today UK

went one step ahead and issued an upgraded advisory urging UK citizens to

"leave" India and Pakistan. These western governmental reactions as well as the

media hype about the possible nuclear holocaust have served Pakistan's purpose

of building, albeit out of fear of the unknown, international opinion against

Indian military action against the terrorist camps in

Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir. The casualty of all this hype and scare-mongering is

India's legitimate case against the terrorist camps of

Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir, allegedly running with the blessings of Pakistani

government.USA freely went after "terrorists" operating against it in the last

6 months. Israeli army surrounded Chairman Arafat's compound again today, in

retaliation to the latest terrorist attack against Israel. Yet, when it comes

to India's suffering at the hands of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, India is

continually urged to "show restraint". Pakistan's nuclear threats appear to

have worked well.Astrologically, let us answer two questions: (1) Can there be

a war between India and Pakistan in the coming month? (2) Will there be a

nuclear holocaust?As per A.B. Vajpayee's Rudramsa Mandooka dasa, dasa of the

6th house containing Rahu runs 1998-2005. As long as he is the leader of India,

India will only win in wars in this period and India's enemies will be crushed.

Especially antardasa of Satru Rudra Bahya and pratyantardasa of Satru Rudra

Dwara in June 1999 resulted in a victory in the Kargil war. The pratyantardasa

of Satru Rudra Bahya in the antardasa of Satru Rudra Dwara is just about to

start (during June 7-25, 2002). This period can again bring a victory over

enemy. There is a decent chance of Indian offensive against the enemy during

June 7-25.Saturn and Rahu are currently conjoined closely. This conjunction of

evil planets occurs close to India's natal lagna. From India's lagna (Taurus),

Saturn and Rahu are 9th and 10th lords and their conjunction - in transit - in

lagna is materially favorable. It makes India bold. From natal Moon, this is

the 11th house transit and good. But, for Pakistan, this is the 12th house

transit and very bad.India is about to begin the 9-year Narayana dasa of Libra,

which is likely take India to great heights during August 2002-August 2011.

India is not a country on the verge of destruction and setbacks. It is a

country on the verge of an aggressibe and assertive phase and is all set to

become a superpower by 2015.There is a decent chance of some military strikes

by India after June 7. However, there will NOT be a nuclear holocaust. The

media hype is unjustified. It is an overreaction to the bluff of Pakistani

leaders.India will be very careful. India will have a well-defined mission and

stick to it. India will ignore provocations to expand the war. Despite huge

amount of casualties, but India will succeed in its primary mission and in not

giving in to provocations. The war will not lead to a nuclear holocause.Anyway,

war or not, the end result in the coming 6 months will be face loss for

Musharraf and dissatisfaction in the militant groups and revolt against him in

Pakistan by the militant groups that suffered setbacks in Kashmir and

Afghanistan.The next few years are very dangerous for Pakistan and Pakistan may

spiral down the path of decay. In fact, there is a good chance that the nation

of Pakistan as we know today will not exist 8 years from now and will split

into a few nations. However, it will not come about via a nuclear holocaust. It

will come about as a result of the militancy nurtured by the state for decades

in an attempt to trouble the neighbors turning inwards. It is a slow process

that started in 2001, at the onset of Aries Shoola dasa (trine from arudha

lagna and a maraka dasa - killer period). Military/diplomatic victory of India

in June-July 2002 will speed up this process.Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Guest guest

Dear Robyn,


> Om Gurave Namah!

> Dear Narasimha Rao,


> What is in the chart of India that makes other powers perceive

> her as the aggressor and not the victim? In other words, why

> are the terrorist incursions against India that have left so

> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct

> perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?



> Robyn


Other powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has

been an increased level of understanding of India's position among

big powers in the last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are

freedom fighters and not terrorists" line has been met with scorn in

US and UK. Nevertheless, the big powers don't want to apply too much

pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it will lead to the collapse

of Pakistan (which will most probably happen anyway).


India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than

to put Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal

with a changed India from 2002.


As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no single

perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to

analyze it astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may

have one perception of a native, father may have his own perception,

some friends may have one perception and some other people may

perceive the native differently. The image of a person (AL) has many

sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.


India's arudha lagna is in Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and

several other planets. There are going to be multiple factors

influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an intelligent

person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent people.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Its because the Arudha Lagna shows the Mental Mirror of the truth.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 11:45 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Consciousness is a big word, and depends on how our emotions and intelligence

works together. However if we solely worked on rationale based intelligence,

then there would be no Maya.

Hence the intelligent person looks through Maya.


So Maya is rather a playground for the mind(moon). I know you have a certain

ammount of arms and legs, as many other humans, yet thats not all i see! Hence

i differentiate you from another human being, using the concept of Maya. A good

example is the case of a world leader. The person has roughly the same bodily

qualities as us, and prolly also a soul and mind, yet i see more than this in

the person. I see a person in a position of power, with certain characteristics

attributed to him/her.


A strict ruler/person would have Saturn influencing his Arudha Lagna, whilst a

soft and giving ruler would have Jupiter. A Mystical ruler, who we'd never know

about until too late, would have Ketu, and an agressive ferocious ruler would

have Mars.


But this is all that i see.. it may not be their actual actions, or goals.


So what do i see in your posts. Theres a nice sense of feminity, indicating some

Venus. Theres Mercury because you don't settle with a final answer, and also

shows your wit and ability to laugh at it all.


How is this messured? Through the mirror of the person(lagna) and their

actions(paka Lagna).. the result is the Arudha Lagna.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.




vedic astrology

Saturday, June 08, 2002 1:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Visti,


I really enjoy your pithy replies but could you be more specific? Do you mean

that this is how one perceives the 'truth' or 'reality' through one's own

consciousness or how the reality is mirrored back to us? Sorry...but its a real

problem for me this concept and its vital in understanding the whole chart.


Best wishes


R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 6:08 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Its because the Arudha Lagna shows the Mental Mirror of the truth.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 11:45 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

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vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

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shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Guest guest

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Visti,


I really enjoy your pithy replies but could you be more specific? Do you mean

that this is how one perceives the 'truth' or 'reality' through one's own

consciousness or how the reality is mirrored back to us? Sorry...but its a real

problem for me this concept and its vital in understanding the whole chart.


Best wishes


R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 6:08 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Its because the Arudha Lagna shows the Mental Mirror of the truth.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 11:45 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Visti,


Absolutely! It certainly helps. I think I am beginning to understand it at last.

Not a bad summing up of my AL Btw! One could however describe it as the newage

email AL!


There is one last question I have, if I can take this time of yours. From where

do we see in the chart how we perceive ourselves? In other words, a person with

Sun as AK, as per Pt Rath, must learn to become humble. So, where can one see in

one's own chart if one has done this, is doing it, or will never be able to do

it. IN other words, the AL of the person's own perception.


Once I've got that straight, I think i have got it finally. Thank you very much.




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 8:32 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Consciousness is a big word, and depends on how our emotions and intelligence

works together. However if we solely worked on rationale based intelligence,

then there would be no Maya.

Hence the intelligent person looks through Maya.


So Maya is rather a playground for the mind(moon). I know you have a certain

ammount of arms and legs, as many other humans, yet thats not all i see! Hence

i differentiate you from another human being, using the concept of Maya. A good

example is the case of a world leader. The person has roughly the same bodily

qualities as us, and prolly also a soul and mind, yet i see more than this in

the person. I see a person in a position of power, with certain characteristics

attributed to him/her.


A strict ruler/person would have Saturn influencing his Arudha Lagna, whilst a

soft and giving ruler would have Jupiter. A Mystical ruler, who we'd never know

about until too late, would have Ketu, and an agressive ferocious ruler would

have Mars.


But this is all that i see.. it may not be their actual actions, or goals.


So what do i see in your posts. Theres a nice sense of feminity, indicating some

Venus. Theres Mercury because you don't settle with a final answer, and also

shows your wit and ability to laugh at it all.


How is this messured? Through the mirror of the person(lagna) and their

actions(paka Lagna).. the result is the Arudha Lagna.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.




vedic astrology

Saturday, June 08, 2002 1:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Visti,


I really enjoy your pithy replies but could you be more specific? Do you mean

that this is how one perceives the 'truth' or 'reality' through one's own

consciousness or how the reality is mirrored back to us? Sorry...but its a real

problem for me this concept and its vital in understanding the whole chart.


Best wishes


R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 6:08 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Its because the Arudha Lagna shows the Mental Mirror of the truth.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 11:45 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

There is more than 1 question in your question. Let me highlight;


a) From where do we see in the chart how we perceive ourselves?

where can one see in one's own chart if one has done this(b), is doing it©, or

will never be able to do it(d).


b, c & d are related the Dasa's.

Whether one is doing something depends on the Lagna, Paka Lagna and lord of Paka

Lagna, i have explained this in the past.


Learning to be humble(1), and percieving oneself as humble(2) are 2 seperate

themes again. Learning to be so, is explained above through the lagna, paka

lagna, etc.


How i percieve myself, is more a question of, whether i like my image or not.

Keep in mind that i created my Image through the goals i set for myself(Lagna)

and how i manifest these(Paka Lagna).


Whether i like what i have created may depend on the match between Lagna/Lagnamsa and Arudha Lagna.


Lagna to see how my goals/desires match with the Image.

Lagnamsa to see my attitude towards the image i have created for myself.


So try taking lagnamsa Rasi and see its match with Arudha Lagna.



1) My Arudha Lagna is in Aqua Rasi.

2) My Lagna is Scorpio.


The two are in 4th/10th from each other, so my Image of myself, and my

goals/desires, are working together perfectly.


Now; 3) My Lagnamsa is Leo.

Leo is in the 7th from Aqua, and i often feel that allthough i my image and I

work together, i often feel that my Image is causing obstacles in the way i

wish to be, and hence try to balance this. But truth is that my image causes no

obstacles.. i only feel that it may.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Saturday, June 08, 2002 2:39 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Visti,


Absolutely! It certainly helps. I think I am beginning to understand it at last.

Not a bad summing up of my AL Btw! One could however describe it as the newage

email AL!


There is one last question I have, if I can take this time of yours. From where

do we see in the chart how we perceive ourselves? In other words, a person with

Sun as AK, as per Pt Rath, must learn to become humble. So, where can one see in

one's own chart if one has done this, is doing it, or will never be able to do

it. IN other words, the AL of the person's own perception.


Once I've got that straight, I think i have got it finally. Thank you very much.




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 8:32 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Consciousness is a big word, and depends on how our emotions and intelligence

works together. However if we solely worked on rationale based intelligence,

then there would be no Maya.

Hence the intelligent person looks through Maya.


So Maya is rather a playground for the mind(moon). I know you have a certain

ammount of arms and legs, as many other humans, yet thats not all i see! Hence

i differentiate you from another human being, using the concept of Maya. A good

example is the case of a world leader. The person has roughly the same bodily

qualities as us, and prolly also a soul and mind, yet i see more than this in

the person. I see a person in a position of power, with certain characteristics

attributed to him/her.


A strict ruler/person would have Saturn influencing his Arudha Lagna, whilst a

soft and giving ruler would have Jupiter. A Mystical ruler, who we'd never know

about until too late, would have Ketu, and an agressive ferocious ruler would

have Mars.


But this is all that i see.. it may not be their actual actions, or goals.


So what do i see in your posts. Theres a nice sense of feminity, indicating some

Venus. Theres Mercury because you don't settle with a final answer, and also

shows your wit and ability to laugh at it all.


How is this messured? Through the mirror of the person(lagna) and their

actions(paka Lagna).. the result is the Arudha Lagna.


Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.




vedic astrology

Saturday, June 08, 2002 1:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah

Dear Visti,


I really enjoy your pithy replies but could you be more specific? Do you mean

that this is how one perceives the 'truth' or 'reality' through one's own

consciousness or how the reality is mirrored back to us? Sorry...but its a real

problem for me this concept and its vital in understanding the whole chart.


Best wishes


R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za


Visti Larsen

vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 6:08 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Robyn,

Its because the Arudha Lagna shows the Mental Mirror of the truth.


Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 11:45 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Om Gurave Namah!

Dear Narasimha Rao,


Thank you for the response. The Arudha lagna is a concept that still eludes me.

I find it difficult to grasp completely. On one tape of Guru Rath's he said

that the Arudha is the 'body' that we ride for this lifetime, implying that it

has a very real role to play in the reality of our lives. But at the same time,

I read that it is only the 'perception' that the world has of us that is the

arudha. I find that if I analyse my life according to Narayana Dasa from the

Arudha Lagna, I get a far more accurate picture of what happened to me in

actual occurences than from Lagna with Vim.


With Virgo ascendant and Taurus as my AL, the personal as opposed to the

political is interesting to consider in relation to India's chart.


Let us hope that we get through the next week without some of the predictions coming true!


All the best




R.E.SIMPSONwww.jyotishdiscovery.comresimpson (AT) worldonline (DOT) co.za



vedic astrology

Friday, June 07, 2002 3:13 PM

[vedic astrology] Re: Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!

Dear Robyn,> Om Gurave Namah!> Dear Narasimha Rao,> > What is in the chart of

India that makes other powers perceive> her as the aggressor and not the

victim? In other words, why> are the terrorist incursions against India that

have left so> many people dead over the years not seen in their correct>

perspective? Is this something to do with the AL of India?> > OM TAT SAT>

RobynOther powers do not really perceive India as the aggressor. There has been

an increased level of understanding of India's position among big powers in the

last one year. Musharraf's "Kashmiri militants are freedom fighters and not

terrorists" line has been met with scorn in US and UK. Nevertheless, the big

powers don't want to apply too much pressure on Pakistan, as they fear that it

will lead to the collapse of Pakistan (which will most probably happen

anyway).India has always been a soft nation and highly tolerant of pain

inflicted on her. So big powers find it easier to pacify India than to put

Pakistan on the correct path. However, they will have to deal with a changed

India from 2002.As for the perceptions of the world about India, there is no

single perception. Different parts of the world and different levels of the

society have different perceptions of India. I don't know how to analyze it

astrologically. Even for individuals, one's mother may have one perception of a

native, father may have his own perception, some friends may have one perception

and some other people may perceive the native differently. The image of a person

(AL) has many sides to it, depending on from whose perspective we are looking at

things. I don't know how to analyze it astrologically.India's arudha lagna is in

Virgo, with argalas from Jupiter and several other planets. There are going to

be multiple factors influencing India's image. But mainly Virgo shows an

intelligent person. So India may be perceived as a nation of intelligent

people.May Jupiter's light shine on us,NarasimhaArchives:

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respected listmembers,


this has been a very interesting thread about the AL. thank you Robyn

and Visti and Narasimha Rao. But could someone take a bit of their

time and outline how to calculate the Atmakaraka (AK) in a chart and

what it signifies?


thanks in advance.




vedic astrology, "Robyn" <resimpson@w...> wrote:

> Om Gurave Namah!

> Dear Visti,


> Absolutely! It certainly helps. I think I am beginning to

understand it at last. Not a bad summing up of my AL Btw! One could

however describe it as the newage email AL!


> There is one last question I have, if I can take this time of

yours. From where do we see in the chart how we perceive ourselves?

In other words, a person with Sun as AK, as per Pt Rath, must learn

to become humble. So, where can one see in one's own chart if one has

done this, is doing it, or will never be able to do it. IN other

words, the AL of the person's own perception.


> Once I've got that straight, I think i have got it finally. Thank

you very much.

> Robyn

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Dear Narsimha Rao,


I am a worried Indian, just like rest of us. I fear that India would

be disintegrated into pieces by these different separatist movements

(kashmir, khalistan, boda, etc.). Can you please let us know would

India be able to maintain her integrity in the coming years?


Also, you said that India is going to thrive in years 2002-2011. But

how about after 2011? Can you read that far from our country's chart?


I pray our country survives all these terrible attacks on her.


Jai shree Ram,



vedic astrology, "raindancer_1998" <raindancer_1998>


> respected listmembers,


> this has been a very interesting thread about the AL. thank you Robyn

> and Visti and Narasimha Rao. But could someone take a bit of their

> time and outline how to calculate the Atmakaraka (AK) in a chart and

> what it signifies?


> thanks in advance.


> rain.


> vedic astrology, "Robyn" <resimpson@w...> wrote:

> > Om Gurave Namah!

> > Dear Visti,

> >

> > Absolutely! It certainly helps. I think I am beginning to

> understand it at last. Not a bad summing up of my AL Btw! One could

> however describe it as the newage email AL!

> >

> > There is one last question I have, if I can take this time of

> yours. From where do we see in the chart how we perceive ourselves?

> In other words, a person with Sun as AK, as per Pt Rath, must learn

> to become humble. So, where can one see in one's own chart if one has

> done this, is doing it, or will never be able to do it. IN other

> words, the AL of the person's own perception.

> >

> > Once I've got that straight, I think i have got it finally. Thank

> you very much.

> > Robyn

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Guest guest

Dear Narsimha Rao,


I am a worried Indian, just like rest of us. I fear that India would

be disintegrated into pieces by these different separatist movements

(kashmir, khalistan, boda, etc.). Can you please let us know would

India be able to maintain her integrity in the coming years?


Also, you said that India is going to thrive in years 2002-2011. But

how about after 2011? Can you read that far from our country's chart?


I pray our country survives all these terrible attacks on her.


Jai shree Ram,



vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote:

> Indo-Pak War? Possibly. Nuclear Holocaust? No way!


> Narasimha P.V.R. Rao

> June 5, 2002


> [All rights reserved by Narasimha P.V.R. Rao. Disclaimer: These

> predictions can go wrong.]


> In the last few days, we have seen travel advisories from USA and


> urging their citizens to "consider leaving" India and Pakistan.


> UK went one step ahead and issued an upgraded advisory urging UK

> citizens to "leave" India and Pakistan. These western governmental

> reactions as well as the media hype about the possible nuclear

> holocaust have served Pakistan's purpose of building, albeit out of

> fear of the unknown, international opinion against Indian military

> action against the terrorist camps in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir.


> casualty of all this hype and scare-mongering is India's legitimate

> case against the terrorist camps of Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir,

> allegedly running with the blessings of Pakistani government.


> USA freely went after "terrorists" operating against it in the last


> months. Israeli army surrounded Chairman Arafat's compound again

> today, in retaliation to the latest terrorist attack against


> Yet, when it comes to India's suffering at the hands of Pakistan-

> sponsored terrorism, India is continually urged to "show


> Pakistan's nuclear threats appear to have worked well.


> Astrologically, let us answer two questions: (1) Can there be a war

> between India and Pakistan in the coming month? (2) Will there be a

> nuclear holocaust?


> As per A.B. Vajpayee's Rudramsa Mandooka dasa, dasa of the 6th


> containing Rahu runs 1998-2005. As long as he is the leader of


> India will only win in wars in this period and India's enemies will

> be crushed. Especially antardasa of Satru Rudra Bahya and

> pratyantardasa of Satru Rudra Dwara in June 1999 resulted in a

> victory in the Kargil war. The pratyantardasa of Satru Rudra Bahya


> the antardasa of Satru Rudra Dwara is just about to start (during

> June 7-25, 2002). This period can again bring a victory over enemy.

> There is a decent chance of Indian offensive against the enemy


> June 7-25.


> Saturn and Rahu are currently conjoined closely. This conjunction


> evil planets occurs close to India's natal lagna. From India's


> (Taurus), Saturn and Rahu are 9th and 10th lords and their

> conjunction - in transit - in lagna is materially favorable. It


> India bold. From natal Moon, this is the 11th house transit and


> But, for Pakistan, this is the 12th house transit and very bad.


> India is about to begin the 9-year Narayana dasa of Libra, which is

> likely take India to great heights during August 2002-August 2011.

> India is not a country on the verge of destruction and setbacks. It

> is a country on the verge of an aggressibe and assertive phase and


> all set to become a superpower by 2015.


> There is a decent chance of some military strikes by India after


> 7. However, there will NOT be a nuclear holocaust. The media hype


> unjustified. It is an overreaction to the bluff of Pakistani



> India will be very careful. India will have a well-defined mission

> and stick to it. India will ignore provocations to expand the war.

> Despite huge amount of casualties, but India will succeed in its

> primary mission and in not giving in to provocations. The war will

> not lead to a nuclear holocause.


> Anyway, war or not, the end result in the coming 6 months will be

> face loss for Musharraf and dissatisfaction in the militant groups

> and revolt against him in Pakistan by the militant groups that

> suffered setbacks in Kashmir and Afghanistan.


> The next few years are very dangerous for Pakistan and Pakistan may

> spiral down the path of decay. In fact, there is a good chance that

> the nation of Pakistan as we know today will not exist 8 years from

> now and will split into a few nations. However, it will not come

> about via a nuclear holocaust. It will come about as a result of


> militancy nurtured by the state for decades in an attempt to


> the neighbors turning inwards. It is a slow process that started in

> 2001, at the onset of Aries Shoola dasa (trine from arudha lagna


> a maraka dasa - killer period). Military/diplomatic victory of


> in June-July 2002 will speed up this process.

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