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Shadbala vs Ashtakavarga (lost & found Dep.) ...

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Dear Zoran, Visti, Vas and others,


I have the two pages which are enclose for the benefit of all (I hope I do not

break any rules here ...).


Kind regards


Jay Weiss



Zoran Radosavljevic

vedic astrology

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 1:36 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] Shadbala vs Ashtakavarga

Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Visti, Zoran has earlier given an example of this

usage in an Article about Avasthas, but unfortunately i can't find it on the

http://sjvcusa.org site. ZORAN: I cannot find it as well. Yet, if necessary I

can post it to you. I cannot find my article on Atmakarak. Have you perhaps

saved it? If yes, do kindly send it to me. In my friend chart, most of grahas

have low shadbal. Only mangal and surya are strong. She had too many

opportunites yet low achievements. That is the case of low shadbal. We can

discuss the chart if you wish Astakavarga is more advanced, and

relates to the 7 Grahas influence on the various houses, from themselves. Hence

this is related to activity and the place where there is activity. There is

something called Bhava Balas as well. Otherwise see the house. Treat the

friends and enemies of the house, as per the karaka of it, and hence decide the

results. I.e. for Mother see 4th house, and Moon being karaka gives; Saturn,

Venus and Mercury as enemies towards Moon. Hence Saturn, Venus or Mercury in

the 4th house, can be bad for the health of mother. Education is also the 4th

house, and its Karaka is Mercury. Mars is very enimical towards Mercury, and

its placement in the 4th obstructs education, and the person has trouble

reading, learning math etc. Hence Mars occupying the Siddhamsa-Narayana Dasa

Rasi also gives problems with education during its Dasa. I assume you are

checking for wealth of the person. Well 2nd house doesn't show wealth gained

but shows he sustaining forces of ones life. i.e. which factors keeps one

alive, and how one keeps alive. Karaka for wealth is Jupiter. Hence Rahu and

Saturn in 2nd is very troubling for the person and gives a poor upbringing.

11th from Arudha Lagna should be check to determine the wealth propperly. The

more grahas aspecting/joining this place, gives more sources of gains. I hope

this helps.Best wishes, Visti.



vedic astrology

Wednesday, July 10, 2002 6:13 AM

[vedic astrology] Shadbala vs Ashtakavarga Can someone explain to me

which system - Shadbala or Ashtakavarga - is the one to use when trying to

estimate house strength? I anticipate the answer being Shadbala. But then, of

what use is Ashtakavarga if Shadbala is more complete? Here are two examples I

have seen: 1) Strength of 2nd house is 5.07 rupas using Shadbala system - It is

the weakest house in the chart. However, in the Ashtakavarga system, it has 39

bindus (in the Rasi) - making it the "strongest". 2) Strength of 8th house is

9.25 rupas using Shadbala system - It is the second strongest house in the

chart. However, in the Ashtakavarga system it has 20 bindus - making it the

"weakest". A related question - is there some such thing as a mean or average

house strength in the Shadbala system? For example, is 9.25 rupas considered to

be a strong house or not? I ask this because, for planets, Shadbala strength is

cited as a percentage (125% of average, 95% of average), but not for houses.

Why? Thanks VAS Group

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Last edited May 07,


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Atma means Self, while karaka means Indicator. There are naturally two grahas

that are called Atmakaraka in the chart. One is natural (naisargik) and another

is temporal (chara). Natural Atmakaraka in each chart is Surya, while chara Atmakaraka

in each chart is calculated in accordance with a placement of a Graha in a sign.


Sun is an indicator of dharma (Natural Law principle). It rules self, innate

nature and intelligence. While Moon rules manas (mind), sun is an indicator of

Atman (a transcendental Self) which is unborn and undying, beyond the relative

field of existence. Sun is a natural indicator for a first house affairs or Lagna.

It rules natural 5th house of a zodiac, and along with Guru, it has a say over

Dhi-Shakti, an intelligence coupled with wisdom, proper growth of the mind, and

mantra-primordial sound that reflects the transcendental Impulse of Natural Law.


While the scholars are still divided in opinion

whether to use seven or eight charakarak scheme, Parasara and Jaimini are clear

in their preference to the latter.

Thus I am describing the role of Atmakaraka, having in mind 8 Chara karaka

scheme, as recommended by the sages.

Let’s see what Parasara says about Atmakaraka:

“O Brahmin, just as the minister cannot go against

the king, the other karakas, viz, Putrakaraka, Amatyakaraka etc. cannot

predominate over Atmakaraka in the affairs of the native. If the

Atmakaraka is adverse, other karakas cannot give their benefic effects (fully).

Similarly, if Atmakaraka is favorable, other karakas cannot predominate with

their malefic influences.”

Atmakaraka is the most personal planet in the chart. It is

the king of the horoscope. Its role is to protect, as the king protects his

kingdom and territory. Being the most personal planet, it has the strongest say

over Moksha (final emancipation) and for that reason, the 12th house from the Atmakaraka

in the Navamsa chart (dharmamsa) is used to ascertain the ishtadevata or the

personal Deity who will guide the soul to its real home - Moksha. Thus,

the main role of Atmakaraka is to purify the soul. Therefore, the position

of Atmakaraka in a chart describes the suffering of a soul, obstacles and bad

karma which are all meant to cleanse the soul from its sins, and promote rise

and evolution. It is for that reason that house placement of Atmakaraka as well

as Arudha ruled by it are indicative of disturbed areas of life, where a person

has to work unselfishly to ward off the previous sins. For that reason, a person

will suffer most while given the opportunity to progress most through the

instrument of Atmakaraka power. While different astrologers opine that Atmakaraka

places will be beneficial for a chart owner, it has been the case that house

placement of Atmakaraka becomes very sensitive in a person’s life, where the

obstacles and sufferings are found, giving rise to personal growth and

evolution. However, to make it clear, Atmakaraka doesn’t necessarily indicate

suffering by its mere placement. There may be happiness under the conditions set

by Atmakaraka/spiritual inclinations. Let’s examine a few charts:

Case one

o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f"


height:182.25pt' fillcolor="window">


Shani is both Atmakaraka and yoga karaka, and it is

retrograde and placed in mritavasta, as well as Rasi sandhi. Shani is placed in

dharmamsa (Mithun Navamsa). Shani is also strong in own sign while its placement

in 8th house from Al is not good. In shani mahadasha, a lady gave birth to 3

children, the 1st pregnancy was lost, due to mrith avasta of Shani and dristi of

a strong Maraka - Mangal. After the last childbirth, she has developed

post child-birth depression. Being a very caring mother, she is too concerned

for her children. Her huge sense of responsibility (Shani) towards her

children, made her give up all personal enjoyment. Due to these troubles, this

person started meditation and finished a homeopathic course, and she spends a

few hours daily in meditation and prayers. Thus we can see both the punishing

and purifying role of Shani in her chart.


Arial">Case two

id="_x0000_i1026" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'



Atmakaraka Mangal is in own sign in 7th house and the person is a dedicated

ISKCON follower. He is still unmarried and his spiritualism and ascetic way of

living are very pronounced so far. Otherwise, Guru and Mangal combination

in 7th house should be conducive to an early householders life.


Arial">Case three

id="_x0000_i1027" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'





Shani is placed in 4th house and the person had to renounce a part of

his own property for the benefit of his elder sister.

yes"> The difficulties met by this person and the responsibilities

in domestic life were huge. These had a purifying effect and firmly grounded the

personal life into a spiritual direction.


Arial">Case four


id="_x0000_i1028" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'




Mangal in the 4th house has given the most terrible experiences in 4th

house affairs – viz., early loss of mother and a younger brother falling ill.

The person’s Mangal mahadasha was the most terrible.

The person spent it in prayers and meditation. Her Rahu mahadasha is on

at present and she has completely dedicated herself to the spiritual life.


Arial">Case five

id="_x0000_i1032" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'




Mangal is in neecha in 12th

house (deepest debilitation degree), and in Mangal mahadasha she lost her

property, kept facing losses and expenses, had great difficulties, however, her

life views have changed and she took an interest in Jyotish (astrology) and



Arial">Case six

id="_x0000_i1029" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'




Venus is exalted in 10th house giving rise to Pancha Maha Purusha

Yoga. The person is a businessman, while in Venus mahadasha he has to work very

hard, facing with a great difficulties and troubles in professional life, while

at the same time started to fast, changed his attitudes and has taken life more

seriously admitting its spiritual dimension. It is worth mentioning that Venus

has given excellent professional growth, yet coupled with immense difficulties



is my own observation that natural benefic Atmakaraka

tends to punish in a milder way, comparing to natural malefic Atmakaraka



Arial">Case seven

id="_x0000_i1030" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'




Mercury has lost a planetary war to Jupiter, and even though in own sign (Virgo)

in Kendra to Al, the person is still unmarried and unsuccessful in personal life

and profession. Note that mercury is both 7th and 10th

lord. She has met various obstacles in professional life and a great source of

difficulties. However, due to her humble and chaste character she is dealing

with troubles well. She has developed utmost patience and servitude in her life.


Arial">Case eight

id="_x0000_i1031" type="#_x0000_t75" style='width:182.25pt;height:182.25pt'



Atmakaraka Sun

is well placed in 4th house along with Mercury with Neechabhanga. She

is an instructor of meditation, while her troubles with property, and all 4th

house significations started after the relatively premature death of her father.

She has met various troubles from influential people in spiritual movement. She

is still unmarried (sun is lord of Upapada)


It is evident

in all cases, that Atmakaraka has created disturbances in all matters signified

by its placement. Depending on the person’s attitude, one has either learnt

the lessons given by Atmakaraka and turned to spiritual life, or continued


Thus, by no

means will Atmakaraka improve the

house significations in a standard way (as will lord of Lagna for example) The

king of the chart has one single motive - to ward off the sins from previous

birth, and to cleanse the person by giving suffering and pains, thereby setting

the soul towards the higher planes.

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Last edited May 07,


Indian Site






by Zoran Radosavljevic

Avastha simply means “state” . It is a state of a Graha, the way It

feels, and consequently behaves. We can compare planets with people. Supposing a

man was found in a miserable state, he wouldn’t be able to act in a healthy

and efficient manner. On the other hand, if he feels hale and healthy, content

or alert, his activities and impact on his surroundings would be positive and

evolutionary. Sage Parasara dedicated the whole chapter to Avastha. He basically

divided Avastha into four groups.





Parasara also mentions three Avastha derived on the bases of natural

friendship scheme.


They are 5 in number. These Avastha are calculated on the bases of their

position in a sign degree.

1.Baal-infant-The first 6 degrees in

odd sign. Positive effects are negligible

2.Kumar-boy-From 6-12 degrees in odd

sign. Positive effects are 50%

3.Yuva-adolescent- 12-18 degrees in

odd sign. Positive effects are 100%

4.Vriddha-18-24 degrees in odd sign.

Positive effects are very poor

5.Mrith-24-30 degrees in odd sign.

Positive effects are nil, while negative are 100%

For even sings the order of Avastha is reversed.


These Avastha are calculated as per their sign dignity. There are 9 Avastha

1.Deeptha-planet in exaltation or moolatrikona


2.Swasth-planet in own sign

3.Pramudith-planet in a sign of a

great friend

4.Shant-planet in a sign of a friend

5.Deen-planet in neutral sign

6.Dukhit-planet in a sign of


7.Khal-planet in a sign of great enemy

or debilitation

8.Vikhal-planet in yuti with a malefic

9.Kop-combust planet

Please note that there is a disagreement in classical texts about this

set of Avastha.

Some authors opine differently, and it seems that only Satyacharya supports Parasara

view. There is even a variation in Avastha names. Thus, a planet in a sign of

great enemy is somewhere called adhidukhit or khal, while debilitation heen. I

find this terms more appropriate, even though this is my own opinion. I also

tend to include bheetavasta (Avastha formed by a planet having a higher speed

than usual) and separate a planet placed in a great enemy sign from a planet

placed in a debilitation sign, for the sake of convenience. This is my own view,

and may learned scholars correct me if I am wrong.

The basic evaluation of these Avastha is as following: Up to deen Avastha,

planets give positive results in the decreasing order. Other Avastha are



There are six Avastha in this set. They are:

1.Lajjitavastha- planet placed in 5/10th

house together with a sun/Saturn/mars is found in this Avastha. Please note

the Sloka's 19-23 of chapter 45 in BPHS. Parasara mentions planetary

placement in 10th house in this Avastha. Lajjitavasta is said to give

aversion to God, loss of intelligence, loss of a child, interest in evil

speeches and listlessness in good things.

2.Mudithavasta-a planet in a friendly

sign, conjunct/aspected by a guru or another benefic. It gives comforts,

happiness from family (spouse and relatives), wisdom, learning and

destruction of enemies.

3.Garvitavasta- a planet placed in a

sign of exaltation or moolatrikona. This Avastha will cause happiness

through comforts, regal hood, skill in arts, continuous financial gains and

professional prosperity

4.Kshudithavasta- a planet in an enemy

sign, aspected by an enemy or in conjunction with shani. This Avastha will

cause downfall due to grief and passion, physical decline, troubles from

enemies and relatives, financial distress, and eclipse of a mind due to


5.Trushitavasta- a planet in a watery

sign aspected by a malefic. Benefic aspect cancel this Avastha. It gives

sexual diseases, wicked deeds, loss of wealth due to one’s own people,

physical weakness, miseries and decline of honor

6.Kshobitavasta- a planet that is

conjunct sun or a malefic, or is aspected by a malefic/enemy. This Avastha

causes acute penury, evil disposition, miseries, and troubles with


One can see that these effects are very specific, and in my own opinion

should be supported with some other indications in a chart.


These Avastha are also very specific, and are calculated in a specific way

too. Readers are requested to examine BPHS. There are 12 Avastha in this set,

and a special sub state which would determine the manifestation of the Avastha. Parasara

has given them a special attention, while explaining their effects. I will give

their names only:

1.Sayana; 2.Upaveshan; 3.Netrapani; 4.Prakashan; 5.Gaman; 6.Agaman; 7.Sabh;

8.Agam; 9.Bhojan; 10.Nrityalipsa; 11.Kautuk; 12.Nidra


1.Awakening- planet in own or exaltation sign-positive effects 100%

2.Dreaming- planet in a sign of friend or a neutral-positive results 50%

3.Sleeping- planet in a sign of enemy or debilitation- negative results 100%

Sage Satyacharya mentions a few interesting points regarding Avastha.

While explaining deepthanadhi Avastha, he mentions a strength of a planet.

Seemingly, he associates planetary Avastha with a planetary strength. One

possible conclusion arises. If a planet is equipped with a six fold strength (Shadbala)

the effects of an Avastha will be felt in full. For example if a planet is found

in mritavasta, and if Shadbala is very high, then the effects of mritavasta will

be felt in full. In case of a low Shadbala, the effect of the Avastha will be

negligible. One question naturally imposes. What happens when a Graha is placed

in both good and bad Avastha? My humble experience tells me that everything a Graha

represents in a chart will be felt and manifested. Let’s look at the following



o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" filled="f"


height:182.25pt' fillcolor="window">


In this Rasi chart, I shall consider Avastha of Venus. Venus is marked by SU.

Venus is placed in 5.43 minutes of Pisces. For the convenience sake, Avastha

will be tabulated

mso-table-layout-alt:fixed;border:none;mso-border-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt" bgcolor="#CCFFCC" width="100%" height="100%">

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Avastha

border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm

5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Baaladhi

border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm

5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Deeptanadhi

border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm

5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Lajitadhi

border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm

5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Sayanadhi

border-left:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm

5.4pt" bgcolor="#FFE3C6">Other

border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Venus

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Mrita

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Deepth, vikhal

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Garvith




none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Shayana


none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Awakening

border-top:none;mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Effect

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">100% negative

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">100% positive and very negative effects due to a

vikhal Avastha

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Garvith and Mudith are positive while kshudith

and kshobith are negative. Effects are given in BPHS

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">Effects: Dental diseases, be very short tempered,

bereft of wealth, seek union with courtesans, licentious Due to drishti

sub state, only 50% will manifest

none;border-bottom:solid windowtext .5pt;border-right:solid windowtext .5pt;

mso-border-top-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;mso-border-left-alt:solid windowtext .5pt;

padding:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt">100% positive

Basic lordship of Venus:


Sixth and eleventh houses from Lagna


Third and eight house from AL


Ninth and fourth houses from Paka Lagna

Let’s analyze Venus Antara in Mercury Mahadasa.

A main rule for judging Antara is reference to Chandra. However, let’s

make a basic analyses of Venus placement in 4th house from Lagna.

As an 11th house lord, it signifies gains, and fulfillment in the area of

4.house significations, such as comforts, vehicles, homes, mother etc.

As a 6th house lord it carries some problems and obstacles in 4th house

affairs. Venus Shadbala is very high, which means that all things

represented by Venus and her Avastha will manifest in full.

What actually happened in Venus Antara?

tab-stops:list 18.0pt">There was a peaceful time throughout the first part, with

gains of comforts, movable assets, clothes, money and happiness from

friends(11.) It is all signified with very positive Avastha of Venus, her

nature, and karakatwa.

tab-stops:list 18.0pt">A person’s grandmother died, leaving his mother an

inheritance. This has brought a grief to his mother. Venus rules 8.th house

from 4.house, and bad houses from AL. Not analyzing D-12 chart and other

relevant factor, let’s ascribe this to 11.house lordship of Venus giving

comforts. By being in mrita Avastha, there is a death in a maternal family.

tab-stops:list 18.0pt">An immediate younger mother’s sister fell ill, due to a

6th house lordship of Venus, being placed in bad Avastha. However, it

wasn’t lethal since Venus has positive Avastha too.

tab-stops:list 18.0pt">A person elder sister suffered a terrible accident, and

barely survived, however, with life-long consequences. Venus is 11th house

lord placed in mrita and vikhal Avastha. Please note, position of mars in

11.th house ruling accidents and placed in mrita Avastha too with strength.

It is my opinion, that exaltation of Venus, as well as deeptha and other

positive Avastha prevented sister’s death in this case. Chara Bhratrikaraka

is Rahu leaving his sister terrible mental consequences (Rahu rules



It is notable that bad Avastha of Venus gave negative results in

sociological aspects of the Bhava concerned (4.house mother, 11.house elder

sister, and 6.house-maternal aunt) Mrita

Avastha of Venus exposed all three persons to death experience. Venus has

not given any significant love relation, even though it is natural karaka

for love/marriage, and despite of mahadasha mercury was running, while

mercury is lord of 7.house. Bad avastas of venus, such as mrita, vikhal

seemed to bring about the same, due to venus high shadbala which manifested

these avastas in full.

Good effects of venus were given in the domain of her karakatwas, and the

person experienced a rise of comfort, enjoyed stable income, and new

equipment was bought such as stereo, tv, new furniture etc..At the end of

venus antardasa his mother received a flat in inheritance, which was given

to a native. Due to very favourable avastas and strong shadbala, Venus

didn’t fail to bestow her natural significations, and seemed to protect

the person for big adversities such as ill health etc (Venus rules 6. house)

There is also one thing worth mentioning. Even though, timing can be done

more accurately with a help of pratyantar dashas or gochara. It is

interesting to mention that the first half of the antara was very favorable,

while the second was not. Venus seems to delightfully initiate the antardasa

first offering her exalted state, deeptha (radiating) Avastha, awake and

garvith Avastha, revealing her excellent mood in full. Later on, as the

anatara was going on, She started loosing her power, and obviously conquered

by bad avastas, she suffered a breakdown and collapse in her significations.

Each Graha is found in certain Avastha, describing its physiological,

psychological, emotional, and sociological state. Like in case of humans,

more powerful Graha's bring about their effects more fully and

significantly. It seems that Satyacharya’s hint can be very helpful to

examine this area more thoroughly.

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