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war with iraq

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dear members,

i am sending my predcitiosn with regardw ith usa. i

also thank mr.narasimha for providing a wonderful

software jh light which made this prediction possible







war with iraq

George bush has a strange legacy of the his father.

When the senior bush came in to power he fought

against iraq and also the usa ecnomy was not doing

well. In the same way junior bush has also waged war

against Afghanistan and also the markets are no0t

doing well. The question know is he going to wage war

with iraq? There is strong speculation he might and

also there is iraq using diplomatic efforts to avert a

strike or at least avert a possible international

collation against iraq?There is particular technique

in which the inauguration time in taken and the chart

will be cast. The vimhsottari dasa will be of only for

4 years. This is called as vimhsottari dasa.

Accordingly the following is the predictions which are

given.He will wage war with Iraq. In his past lives,

he would be war lord or war god blessing is abundant

in bush inauguration chart. also mars is the planet of

the war whose bhukthi is going to come. that too in a

strange way it begins of sep11 which shows the

completion of one year.

His chart shows the dasa of mars in compressed

vimhsottari dasa who is the lord of 8 th and one in

the seventh house and also the chandra lagna the lord

of sixth and one in twelth. From the karkamsha lagna,

it is the 3rd and 10 th lord. Strangely the sep 11

happened in the sub - sub period of mars. in the

dasamsa mars is in the eight house house of death and

also the 2nd and seventh lord.The following is the

implications.1.there will be not much in improvement

of stock markets in usa economy. The gloom, fall and

minimal rise can be expected. only there will be mild

improvements manufacturing sectors with autos

precision components will be doing well. America will

have economical fall and there will be still be at

recession2. he will wage war. Possibly with iraq

before the end of this year. There will be heavy

rhetoric from the us administration. It might be a

limited attack also.He will not be supported by the

entire Arab nation. Many will support covertly. War

will be mostly with in next four months.. There will

be a major accidents famous law suits, mass deaths due

to diseases.It will be prolonged than Afghanistan.

Also this will probably be sowing the seeds of cyclic

conflcits and problem










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