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Vimsottari Dasa Starting Point (A doubt)

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I just read your post. What i cant understand is as to how vimshottari dasa from

both Lagna & moon could be applicable in a chart.Both may be in different

nakshatras & will reflect different Dasas-Antradasas operating at a given

time. Hence,both will give a different picture of what is happeninig & going to

happen to a person in his life at a given time.

2.I'll be grateful if you could clarify this.

3.And where can we get the tapes you mentioned ?

Best regards,


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Namaste friends,


Karen is absolutely right. Count the planets in quadrants from lagna

and the planets in quadrants from Moon. The one with more planets in

quadrants from it is taken to be stronger. Note that Moon himself is

not counted as a planet when doing this. In case of a tie, then Moon

will cast his tiebreaker vote in his favor and Moon will win.


However, Sanjay did clarify that Chandra-Vimsottari and Lagna-

Vimsottari will both work for *everyone*. Moon shows mind and lagna

shows dhee-sakti (intelligence). Vimsottari dasa from Moon will show

what happens to mind with changing times and Vimsottari dasa from

lagna will show what happens to dhee-sakti with changing times. Both

are valid for everyone.


However, one with more planets supporting Moon is led more by his

mind and his mental condition reflects what happens in his life

better. OTOH, one with more planets supporting dhee (lagna) is more

independent and not easily swayed by emotions or what people say.

Thus the actions/reactions of his dhee better reflect what happens in

his life.


Suppose Moon has 6 planets in kendras from him (not including Moon)

and lagna has 2 planets in kendras from it. Then, according to

Sanjay, Chandra-Vimsottari is 75% important (6/8) and lagna-

Vimsottari is 25% (2/8).


You should consider getting the tapes of Sanjay's Udu Dasa lecture at

Princeton. It was a gem of a lecture.


May Jupiter's light shine on us,



> Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah


> Dear Jagmeet, Sudarshan and friends,


> Gurus,please correct me if I've misunderstood but I believe Sanjay

Guruji taught that for the basis of Vimshottari dasa that the

strength of Lagna and moon is determined by the number of planets in

quadrants to each excluding the moon. If there is then an equal

number then include the moon.


> Best Wishes,

> Karen


> Dear Sudarshan Ji,

> Please follow Narayana Dash Rules as given in Paramgurudev's Book

to find

> the stronger of the two.

> Learned members may correct me.

> With regards,

> Jagmeet

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Dear friends,

Please find examples of starting point for vim.dasa.


Byron, Lord Rasi Chart:Vimshotarri Dasa Starts from

Lagna because lagna has 4 planets in quadrants and Moon has only 1



| \ HL / \ / |

| \ Moo / \ JupR / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / MarR \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Asc x GL |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Ket / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 3 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| x AL |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Rah \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Mer x Sat Ven |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / Sun \ |

| / \ / Mnd Glk \ |




Bush, George

Natal Chart:Lagna and Moon Lagna same.Start from Moon degree as lAGNA HAS

TWO INCLUDING MOON AND moon has one but as moon is included therefore

moon takes precedence over lagna degree.


| \ / \ / |

| \ SatR / \ Rah / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Moo \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|JupR x Asc x Glk Mnd |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ 6 / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| GL x VenR |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

|HL AL x x Mer Sun |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / Mar \ / \ |

| / Ket \ / \ |



Natal Char

Lagna has 6 planets in quadrants, moon has 5 planets but as Moon is

involved so moon overrides and VIMSOATRRI DASA HAS TO BE TAKEN FROM MOON



| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Ket \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Asc x Mnd |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / HL \ 1 / Glk \ |

| / \ / \ |

| Moo x Ven |

| \ / \ / |

| \ GL / \ AL / |

| \ / \ / |

| \ / Jup \ / |

| \ / \ / |

| x Mar x Mer |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ Rah / \ |

| / \ / \ |

| / \ / Sun \ |

| / \ / Sat \ |



What I understood was that vim. dasas from both is applicable for

everyone.Moon would be more affecting the mind and Lagna would be at more

physical level.How do they affect I do not know.Also if Moon is stronger

then one tends to listen to others and if lagna is stronger than one

follows his own path.But sometimes one with stronger moon may not listen

to others and person with a stronger lagna may listen to others.All these

I am still trying to find out.

With regards


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Dear friends,

Disregard my last.Guru Shri Narsimha Ji has explained this very well.My

Dhi-Shakti is down what with Mahadasha of Rahu/mer from Lagna,

Sun/mer from Moon Lagna and

commencement of Sadesatti has me all muddled up.

I will have to start praying to Ganesh Ji/Durga Mata and Lord Shiva to

give me more sense and patience.

With regards,


P.S. Who says astrology is all serious?It can be fun also.When anything

goes wrong"Blame it on Rahu"

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Dear Narasimha- ji,




Thank you for clarifying about the use of chandra-vimsottari and

lagna-vimsottari. Your explanation is much appreciated and makes perfect


I was wondering if there is a way to tell at any given point in time if the

native will be more guided by the mind or the dhee-shakti. For example, if the

person has equal planets in quadrants from lagna and moon, how can one tell

which vimsottari dasa will give the better results?


Best Wishes,














vedic astrology

Friday, September 06, 2002 4:40 PM

[vedic astrology] Vimsottari Dasa Starting Point (Re: A doubt)

Namaste friends,Karen is absolutely right. Count the planets in quadrants from

lagna and the planets in quadrants from Moon. The one with more planets in

quadrants from it is taken to be stronger. Note that Moon himself is not

counted as a planet when doing this. In case of a tie, then Moon will cast his

tiebreaker vote in his favor and Moon will win.However, Sanjay did clarify that

Chandra-Vimsottari and Lagna-Vimsottari will both work for *everyone*. Moon

shows mind and lagna shows dhee-sakti (intelligence). Vimsottari dasa from Moon

will show what happens to mind with changing times and Vimsottari dasa from

lagna will show what happens to dhee-sakti with changing times. Both are valid

for everyone.However, one with more planets supporting Moon is led more by his

mind and his mental condition reflects what happens in his life better. OTOH,

one with more planets supporting dhee (lagna) is more independent and not

easily swayed by emotions or what people say. Thus the actions/reactions of his

dhee better reflect what happens in his life.Suppose Moon has 6 planets in

kendras from him (not including Moon) and lagna has 2 planets in kendras from

it. Then, according to Sanjay, Chandra-Vimsottari is 75% important (6/8) and

lagna-Vimsottari is 25% (2/8).You should consider getting the tapes of Sanjay's

Udu Dasa lecture at Princeton. It was a gem of a lecture.May Jupiter's light

shine on us,Narasimha> Vyam Vyasadevaya Namah> > Dear Jagmeet, Sudarshan and

friends,> > Gurus,please correct me if I've misunderstood but I believe Sanjay

Guruji taught that for the basis of Vimshottari dasa that the strength of Lagna

and moon is determined by the number of planets in quadrants to each excluding

the moon. If there is then an equal number then include the moon. > > Best

Wishes,> Karen> > Dear Sudarshan Ji,> Please follow Narayana Dash Rules as

given in Paramgurudev's Book to find> the stronger of the two.> Learned

members may correct me.> With regards,> JagmeetArchives:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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