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BAVA Conference 26-29 September 2002

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This post is to notify you all of the forthcoming Vedic Astrology Conference in

London from 26th - 29th September 2002.

There are a lot of spare places still. Basically the organisers have been

individually so busy (me included) that the advertising has been slack.

This is also a reminder to all the British Association for Vedic Astrology

members who read this list that you are late getting your applications in!

More information at www.bava.org

The programme is very attractive and we have some really excellent speakers.

Here it is briefly. It will be much easier to see if you use the full page


You can attend for the whole weekend or a day or as you wish. Location 50

Gloucester Place, London W1

Thursday, September 26th 10.00-17.00 Workshop with RG Krishnan -Vedic

Astrology & the Stock Market

RG Krishnan is a highly successul financial/astakavarga & nadi specialist from

Texas. ACVA faculty. Speakers as follows:

Friday, September 27th AM Opening Ceremony, Address from RG Krishnan,

PM Nalini Kanta Das - ACVA faculty, follower of Bhrigu Samhita and very

well known astrologer. Spiritual Nature of Planets

Andrew Foss - BAVA President and author of the best astrology

software - Planets in Sign Transition Gordon Brennan - Vedic

specialist, astrology researcher and book dealer Speaking on houses

Komilla Sutton - author, succesful astrologer and BAVA Chair. -


Saturday, September 28th

AM Prashun Dutt - Gold Medal award Vedic Astrologer and newspaper

correspondent - Female Astrology

Geoffrey Pearce - ACVA tutor and leader of large study group - How

to identify career

Pam Carruthers - Western/Vedic professional astrologer - the mind

PM Steve Hubball - Vedic Astrologer and tutor, specialist on 7th house and


RG Krishnan - Ashtakavarga

Andrew Foss - Jupiter & Venus

Gordon Brennan - Vedic Cosmology - Sunday, september 29th

AM Komilla Sutton - Bhrigu Bindu

Prashun Dutt - Medical - Cancer & Diabetes

Pearl Finn - Teacher in Ireland for SJVC - Graha & Rashi Drishti

Jaya Sekhar - Brilliant lecturer, past president of Indian

astrological institutes, - choosing which dasha system

PM Nalini Kanta Das - Remedies

Geoffrey Pearce - Subtle career indications (part 2)

In addition to conference there will be some taking ACVA exams, bookstall, software, etc.., etc.

Conference rates are:

Full Conference £145 (this includes full BAVA membership if not paid already)

Day rates inc. vegetarian lunches £85 (inc temporary membership)

Thursday all day workshop - additional £75 (inc. temporary membership)

Enquiries to my own e-mail GWBrennan (AT) aol (DOT) com please, not to list

Bookings to bava (AT) btinternet (DOT) com

Download file for full programme or go to www.bava.org

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) BAVA2002Programme.doc [not stored]

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