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An off-the-line query

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I'd been wanting to inquire this for a while now.


I've seen posts hereabouts where, while discussing special aspects,

it's been stated that Mars, Saturn and Jupiter have special aspects

because they *want* to aspect those houses. Well then, if they have

the ability to pick and choose what they want to see, I'm sure they

also have the ability to steer clear of houses where they're

uncomfortable or where they're clearly unable to perform their

naisargika karakatwa. Why then do they transit those unwanted rasis?




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Hello Rampriya, I don't think there is much to the theory of wanting

to aspect,with due respect to whoever propounded it.As pect means

throwing of light.Any heavenly body is bound to throw light in all

directions lke we can see the light of the sun everywhere,the extent

of light depending upon the placement of the heavenly body vis a vis

the point of earth on which the light is being thrown.Thus there are

aspects everywhere,only the extent of aspect will be different

depending on relative placements.My experience teaches me that there

is great merit in the western method of aspects which considers

sexrile and trine etc. aspects of each planet.In fact even vedic

astrology talks of half and three quarter aspects,but unfortunately

these are being ignored by most of the astrologers.I am not able to

fathom your suggestion of avoiding transits since each planet has to

make a complete around of the zodiac.Sorry in a hurry,more some other

time.Bye RK vedic astrology, "ramapriya_d"

<ramapriya_d> wrote:

> Hi,


> I'd been wanting to inquire this for a while now.


> I've seen posts hereabouts where, while discussing special aspects,

> it's been stated that Mars, Saturn and Jupiter have special aspects

> because they *want* to aspect those houses. Well then, if they have

> the ability to pick and choose what they want to see, I'm sure they

> also have the ability to steer clear of houses where they're

> uncomfortable or where they're clearly unable to perform their

> naisargika karakatwa. Why then do they transit those unwanted rasis?


> Ramapriya

> hubli@v...

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Rk,


Am a little confused reading your mail. When you say aspects are everywhere what

do u mean? Are you saying that all graha's aspect all the places? even if the

extent could be less? Going by this logic are you saying that all planets

aspect the 12th from thier place? even if the extent of this aspect is very

minimal? Could you be kind enough to give some logic as to why the standard

texts mention 100% aspects (100% extent ) of mars (4th and 8th), saturn (3rd

and 10th) and Jupiter (5th and 9th)?


Thanks in advance







vedic astrology

Thursday, September 12, 2002 10:34 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: An off-the-line query

Hello Rampriya, I don't think there is much to the theory of wanting to

aspect,with due respect to whoever propounded it.As pect means throwing of

light.Any heavenly body is bound to throw light in all directions lke we can

see the light of the sun everywhere,the extent of light depending upon the

placement of the heavenly body vis a vis the point of earth on which the light

is being thrown.Thus there are aspects everywhere,only the extent of aspect

will be different depending on relative placements.My experience teaches me

that there is great merit in the western method of aspects which considers

sexrile and trine etc. aspects of each planet.In fact even vedic astrology

talks of half and three quarter aspects,but unfortunately these are being

ignored by most of the astrologers.I am not able to fathom your suggestion of

avoiding transits since each planet has to make a complete around of the

zodiac.Sorry in a hurry,more some other time.Bye RK --- In

vedic astrology, "ramapriya_d" <ramapriya_d> wrote:> Hi,> > I'd been

wanting to inquire this for a while now.> > I've seen posts hereabouts where,

while discussing special aspects, > it's been stated that Mars, Saturn and

Jupiter have special aspects > because they *want* to aspect those houses. Well

then, if they have > the ability to pick and choose what they want to see, I'm

sure they > also have the ability to steer clear of houses where they're >

uncomfortable or where they're clearly unable to perform their > naisargika

karakatwa. Why then do they transit those unwanted rasis?> > Ramapriya>

hubli@v...Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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