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Venus in the Sixth (Lagna Lord).....Dear Dean, PVR and Visti

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Dear Dean, PVR,beloved Visti and List,


What happens when Venus is the Lagna Lord? Say for Libra Lagna Venus

is in the 6th house (Pisces) where it is exalted?

I have a chart (not on this machine...hence am just giving details

and not the chart), which has Venus (Lagna Lord) in the 6th house,

exalted. Interestingly, the Sixth lord, Guru, is in the 8th with 9th

and 12th Lord Mercury,11th lord Sun and 4th and 5th lord Saturn.

There is a Parivarthana between the 6th and 8th lord. Even then am i

correct if I think there is a VRY with respect to 8th house? What

will be the effects of the parivarthana yoga between 6th and 8th



Birth Details:

Date&Time:15.5.2001 19:30

Lat: 42-17 N

Long: 83-45 W

Ann Arbor, MI


Thank You,




vedic astrology, "Dean" <0108@t...> wrote:

> People,


> Ouch! Check out Venus in the evil sixth for Cancer rising, in

Indira Gandhi's chart:


> " She allowed elections again in March of 1977, in the sub period

of Saturn-Venus. As one might imagine, the sub period of Venus in

the house of enemies ( sixth ) gave her a defeat.



> In keeping with the nature of the sixth house ( debts ), she found

herself quite without personal resources after she stepped down. She

even had to live in the house of a friend.




> Venus in the sixth even gave her a stint in jail for a few weeks,

starting on October 3rd of 1977. This makes sense because the sixth

is the main house of bondage. The transits were not helpful- Jupiter

was passing through the sixth, Saturn through the eighth and the Sun

was in the ninth.




> In November of 1978 she had gotten herself elected once more to

Parliament, but in December she was expelled. The Venusian sub

period was still running, Saturn was in the evil eighth, and the

Sun -the political planet- had just passed into the house of loss.

She simply wasn't able to pick herself up in the sub period of Venus

in the sixth.




> She did so in the sub period of Saturn-Sun, however. She

campaigned vigorously and was elected by a good margin as the prime

minister, ( back in the saddle again ). The Sun occupies a trine in

a friendly sign while receiving Jupiter's benefic aspect."




> Venus in the sixth according to Astro Vedica:




> " In the sixth: The existence of many enemies and trouble

through them is indicated by Venus in the sixth. If Venus be

fortified, then obstacles and enemies will be resisted or even

destroyed. If Venus lacks strength, then the opposite will be true.




> Debts, expenses or business losses will be experienced under the

influence of Venus in the sixth. Losses are likely to be in relation

to Venusian karakatva, such as the opposite sex, vehicles or

livestock. The lordship of Venus will be very helpful in determining

the exact nature of expenses or debts incurred. This doesn't have to

be as evil as it might sound; in modern times, for example, it is

common to borrow from a bank to purchase a car. If Venus is well

disposed in the chart, then such might be the case.




> Other Venusian significations suffer in the sixth as well.

Arguments with, separation from or illness of the spouse would all

be typical results. Equally typical would be to expect obstacles and

interruptions in relation to karma involving vehicles, learning,

artistic endeavors, writing, acting, luxuries and comforts. Venus

here doesn't support success through brahminical or professional





> Astro Vedica: http://www.hiddenmysteries.com/delucia/




> Posted by Dharma/Dean

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