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World Vegetarian Day - 1st October 2002

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Fwd: World Vegetarian Day - 1st October 2002

Sun, 22 Sep 2002 14:34:03 -0400

----Original Message Follows---- "Gaura Nitai"


"Temple Congregation e-members \(E-mail\)"

World Vegetarian Day - 1st October 2002 Sun, 22 Sep 2002 09:05:05 -0400

World Vegetarian Day ----------------------

Please do something to celebrate - 1st October 2002!

---------- --

Fact Sheet: ----------------- Vegetarian - It’s Healthier Vegetarians are

healthier than people who eat meat. It’s a fact. Scientific studies show that

vegetarians suffer much less from illnesses like cancer, heart disease, high

blood pressure and other common health problems. A major study reported in the

British Medical Journal in 1994 found that, of 5000 meat-eaters and 6000

non-meat eaters, vegetarians had 40% less risk of cancer and 30% less risk of

heart disease than the meat-eaters and were 20% less likely to die of any cause

(Oxford Vegetarian Study).

A US study of 50,000 vegetarians showed a very low rate of cancer (Seventh Day

Adventist Study, Massachussets). It has been estimated that by following a

low-fat vegetarian diet, the risk of food poisoning is decreased by 80%. More

evidence of the benefits of a vegetarian diet is being found each year.

>From TIME magazine (July 2002) - A balanced vegetarian diet is better for

humans than one that includes meat:


Vegetarian - It’s Humane Billions of animals are killed in slaughterhouses

around the world. In the US, some half a million are killed each hour, while in

the UK over 600 million are killed each year. A proportional number are killed

in Australia. It is nothing more than an undercover massacre. Animals suffer

enormously in the process. Quite apart from the terror of being killed, they

undergo pain and fear through routine stock mutilations and during

transportation to saleyards and abattoirs.

Most animals eaten in New Zealand, Australia, UK, USA and similar countries

today are intensively raised in dark, sunless sheds where they are fed a diet

of processed foods. In most cases antibiotics, growth-promotants and hormones

are routinely administered. As biological entities, these animals are treated

as little more than meat machines. We would be horrified if our pet cat or dog

was treated in this way, so why should we subject other animals to such

cruelty? The fact that the killing is done by someone else makes it easy to eat

meat but, by eating it, we are really condemning the next animal in line. Have

you ever really stopped to think about the cruelty we systematically inflict on

other species simply by eating them?



Vegetarian - It’s Economical Meat is expensive, both economically and

agriculturally. With so many starving people in the world today it is a

criminal waste of food to produce it. Meat-animals are fed perfectly good plant

food which could have been fed directly to starving people. For instance, it

takes 17 kilos of corn, beans, grain, etc, to produce one kilo of beef in

feedlot cattle. This is like investing $17.00 in a bank term deposit and

withdrawing $1.00 at maturity! It requires massive reserves of land to grow the

crops which are used as animal feed. About 70% of crops grown in the US are fed

to animals and not to humans. Meanwhile, a child dies of starvation somewhere

in the world every two seconds. As the world human population grows, so too

does the need for the dwindling reserves of arable land on which to grow crops

to feed it.

see more fact about the cost of meat in different ways HERE: www.hknet.org.nz/Cost-of-meat-page.htm

Vegetarian - It’s Environmentally Friendly In Central America, entire forests

are felled or burnt to provide land for grazing cattle. Most of these cattle

end up as second-quality hamburger meat for the North American junk food

market. Being hard-hooved, cattle erode the vulnerable topsoil, while each

animal produces over 300 litres of methane (a “greenhouse” gas) per day. Also,

the trees which are felled to clear land for cattle ranching are left to rot.

The termites which then feed on them produce even more methane than the cattle.


Weight for weight, cattle alone outweigh the entire human population of our

planet. A recent Greenpeace report told how the dairy industry of California

uses enough water to supply a city of 22 million people. The effluent produced

from intensive piggeries, cattle feedlots and broiler units is polluting our

river systems. A NSW government newsletter pointed out that the late Homebush

abattoirs was the single greatest industrial polluter of Sydney’s coastal



Vegetarian - Exploding Some Myths Understandably, people are a bit apprehensive

about changing their diet. Everyone seems to know “someone” who looks as pale

as a bleached potato since giving up meat! The truth is that a well-balanced

vegetarian diet provides all the protein and nutrients needed for a vigorous

and healthy life (American Dietary Association Study). What is seldom pointed

out are the millions of conventional eaters who suffer from constipation,

malnutrition, gout and a host of other problems and diseases brought on by a

lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in their diet, combined with the adverse

effects of meat.

A study carried out the by University of Surrey in Britain found that

vegetarians were better nourished than meat eaters, and much closer to the

“ideal” diet recommended by the government’s own health advisers.

More information on our Vegetarianism and Beyond site www.hknet.org.nz/Vege-AdirajIntroVeg.html

Hard Facts www.hknet.org.nz/Cost-of-meat-page.htm

Links to hundreds of Vegetarianism related sites www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links1.html

Vegetarian - Aren't We Designed To Eat Meat? Not at all. Many people say that we

are meat-eaters because we have sharp teeth. This is like judging a book by its

cover. Look inside and you will find out what is really going on.

Our digestive system resembles that of the herbivores and the frugivores

(fruit-eaters). It consists of a very long intestine allowing slow digestion of

nutrients. By contrast, carnivores have a short digestive tract designed so that

meat can quickly pass through the body before it putrefies and becomes toxic. To

compensate for this rapid transition, carnivores have a stomach acid

concentration 10 times greater than that of vegetarian mammals (including

humans) to enable them to quickly digest the meat. When humans eat meat it

begins to putrefy before leaving the body, often resulting in disorders as

diverse as constipation and bowel cancer if eaten persistently over a period of

time. Sure, the more fibre eaten with meat, the quicker it passes through the

intestines, but why eat meat at all? Only vegetable matter contains fibre and a

good vegetarian diet provides all the fibre the body needs without having to add

extra”artificially”. If you are serious about lowering your cholesterol intake,

a vegetarian diet is the best way to go since only animal products contain


Health Fact Sheet www.hknet.org.nz/VegeGo.html

Speaking out - www.hknet.org.nz/veg-stubborn-page.htm

Vegetarianism and the Bible - You mean it says that in the Bible


Religion and Vegetarianism - www.hknet.org.nz/WesternIndologists-page.htm

Random Christian Quotes supporting Vegetarianism - www.hknet.org.nz/Veg-christians-page.htm

Vegetarian - What do I eat then? Most people imagine vegetarian eating to be

meat and two “veg” minus the meat. To a conventional meat-eater this sounds

like someone being sold a car with the engine missing! Nothing could be further

from the truth. Vegetarian eating is about eating a wide variety offoods

prepared in an abundance of different ways.

Being a good vegetarian means being adventurous and open-minded about food. It

is not simply about eating a predictable menu day-in, day-out. Many vegetarian

staples had their origin in different countries hundreds of years ago … pasta

from China (and later Italy), tofu from China, and tempeh from Indonesia. Tofu

is bean curd made from soya beans. Tempeh is a sort of nut-flavoured cheese

made from fermented soy beans. It is rich in enzymes and easily digested. Both

can be bought at health food stores and larger supermarkets. These are not

merely substitutes for meat, but nutritious food in themselves which have

proved to be an excellent source of protein for centuries.

Stupid things that vegetarians hear all the time from meat-eaters:


Vegetarian - Where Do I Get My Protein? Protein is naturally very plentiful. It

occurs in every living thing, plant and animal. Apart from fruit and

vegetables, good sources of protein include pasta, lentils, rice, potatoes, soy

beans, chick peas, nuts, seeds and grains, with or without moderate use of eggs

and dairy products.

The amount you need depends on different personal attributes (weight, height,

etc) and the daily requirement varies considerably from 20 to 90 grams per day.

By eating a variety of foods each day you should easily meet your individual

requirements. In fact, the nutritional attitude to protein has changed

dramatically in recent years. The old-fashioned notion that “you can never get

too much protein” has now been proved wrong. Excess protein not used by the

body has to be broken down and excreted as waste. In fact, a major culprit in

many human degenerative diseases is a protein overdose. For example, calcium

loss in osteoporosis has been linked largely to an excess of high-protein


This site lists everything that anyone would need to have a balanced healthy

life-style as a vegetarian; vitamins and minerals sources, the food triangle,

check it out: www.hknet.org.nz/Vege-VitaminSources.html

Vegetarian - What about Minerals like Iron and Calcium? A sound vegetarian diet

should provide all needed nutrients. The presence of vitamin C with iron in the

diet will help iron absorption by up to 30%. It is a myth that you have to eat

meat to get sufficient iron. It is readily available in breakfast cereals,

whole grain products, soy products, legumes and leafy green vegetables.

Tiredness is not necessarily caused by iron deficiency. It may also be caused

by lack of sleep, depression, stress and poor eating habits (usually junk


Calcium is found in all unprocessed vegetable foods in amounts that are

sufficient to meet the needs of both adults and growing children. Whatever the

calcium intake, the intestine absorbs sufficient calcium to meet the body’s

needs. Good sources of calcium are sesame seeds, tofu, almonds, soy beans,

parsley, green vegetables and fortified soy milk. A recent dietary study on

6,500 Chinese found that even those who ate no animal products actually

consumed twice the amount of iron as the average North American. In spite of

the fact that dairy products were not eaten, osteoporosis was almost unknown.

It's all here www.hknet.org.nz/Vege-VitaminSources.html

Vegetarian - The change - How Do I Start? The best place to start going

vegetarian is in the kitchen! Buy a cookbook and start preparing. You will soon

get used to the types of food that are used and how they are prepared. Also,

your taste for vegetarian food will adapt. If you are doubtful about your

abilities as a cook you can enrol in cooking classes. Information about these

is often available in health food shops and some courses are run at TAFE

colleges(in Australia). See HERE www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links1.htm

for some we know of..... otherwise the Vegetarian Society(ies) www.hknet.org.nz/vege-links2.htm

often has a list of recommended classes.

Giving up meat might seem strange at first, but so does giving up tobacco to the

cigarette addict! If you feel that you can’t drop meat straight away, try

cutting it down bit by bit. Just increase your use of foods like beans, grains,

nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, gluten and some of the many low cholesterol

convenience foods (like burgers and sausages) now available at health food

stores and supermarkets.

Some Recommended On-line and Hard-copy Cook books Higher Taste Cookbook -

available from Hare Krishna temples and centres view it on-line

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/ht/ or at

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/ Great Vegetarian Dishes by Kurma dasa

- BBT http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/catalog/vd.html Cooking With Kurma -

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/catalog/cwk.html The Hare Krishna Book of

vegetarian cooking http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/catalog/hkvc.html

http://www.webcom.com/ara/col/books/VEG/hkvc1.html Vegetarian and lowfat food

recipes (WinHelp) (FREE Download) http://www.winsite.com/bin/Info?500000010774

Others available at the bookstore: Eat More, Weigh Less by Dean Ornish Food for

Life by Neal Barnard Squirrel’s Cookbook No.1 & No.2 PassionATE ­ Pure

Vegetarian Cuisine Christine Lehmann The Cookbook for People Who Love Animals

Gentle World The Vegan Health Plan Amanda Sweet The Moosewood Cookbook Mollie

Katzen The Vegan Kitchen Mate David Horton Vegetarian Cookery Rose Elliot Sarah

Brown’s Vegetarian Cookbook Sarah Brown The Very Best of Vegetarian Cooking

Janet Hunt Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking Rose Elliot First Steps in Vegetarian

Cooking Kathy SilkFor children and babies The Vegetarian Baby Sharon Yntema

Vegetarian Children Sharon Yntema Rose Elliot’s Vegetarian Mother and Baby Book


Vegetarian - Do You Want to Know More? The following books are highly

recommended for their revealing analysis of all aspects of vegetarianism and

how it relates to health, the environment and animal rights.

Living Without Cruelty Mark Gold (Green Print) Food for a Future Jon Wynne-Tyson

(Centaur Press) The Silent Ark Juliet Gellatley Diet For a New America John

Robbins (Stillpoint Publishing) Why You Don’t Need Meat Peter Cox (Bloomsbury)

Animal Factories Jim Mason and Peter Singer (Crown Publishers) Your Heart, Your

Planet Harvey Diamond (Pythagorean Press)

Vegetarian - Why Do So Many People Eat Meat? Meat-eating in the quantity our

society eats today really began with the industrial revolution. Better machines

led to more efficient agriculture. When a surplus of crops was produced, this

was fed to animals and the animals eaten by those who could afford meat. Thus

meat became something of a status symbol. Unfortunately the status symbol

developed into a habit so that most of us in the wealthier countries think that

it is a normal part of our diet. As we approach a new century, it is high time

we turned back to the healthier, less wasteful diet of our forebears.

Today the meat and dairy industries promote the myth of their products being

necessary through heavy advertising (you only have to count the times they

appear on television to see that!). Close behind them are the pharmaceutical

companies which provide the hormones, antibiotics and growth promotants to the

animal producers. Altogether there are many vested interests in keeping us

eating animal products! Unfortunately the only interests that are lost in this

expensive advertising jungle are yours. Individual health … and a healthy

environment … begins with good eating habits, and a vegetarian lifestyle is the

simplest and most effective way to achieve them.

Living in Harmony with Vegetarians www.hknet.org.nz/veg-friends.html

Taking a graphic look at Animal slaughter and meat eating:


Download books, musik and video VCd that reveal the truth about the big business

behind keeping you addicted to eating meat with no consideration for man nor

beast: www.hknet.org.nz/V-meetURmeat.html

Vegetarian - 101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian: http://www.vivavegie.org/vv101/index.html

Vegetarian - Making the Change To make any change is not easy, particularly when

it involves explanations to friends and family. However, making a change that

you know will take an enormous burden off the environmental stresses of the

planet, that will improve your health and ultimately save millions of animals

from cruelty makes it easy.

Already in the US and Britain there is a massive change towards a meat-free

diet. Some half a million people are adopting a vegetarian lifestyle each year

in the US while the number of British vegetarians is now 4 million. The trend

is catching in Australia and New Zealand where many, mainly young people, are

realising that they want a healthy and humane future. Whether you go vegetarian

overnight or over a period of time does not matter. The important thing is to

get on the track. Even cutting down on meat consumption will make an enormous


TIME magazine ran an 8 page article asking "Should we all be Vegetarians?" their

conclusion was that a healthy balanced vegetarian diet is better than one that

includes meat www.hknet.org.nz/veg-articles.html

Health and a Meatless Diet www.hknet.org.nz/veg-health-meatless-diet-page.htm

A Beginners Guide to Vegetarianism: http://people.qualcomm.com/sriharid/info/vegetarianism/veg.html

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat - very nice Vegetarian pages:


The new millenium is the time to make the change. Let’s make it a goal for the

whole planet. Remember … You’re in good company!

Vegetarian - Famous Vegetarians Pythagoras, Plutarch, Leonardo Da Vinci,

Tolstoy, Shelley, George Bernard Shaw, Gandhi, Thoreau, Bob Dylan, Joanna

Lumley, George Harrison, Paul and Linda McCartney, Michael Jackson, Madona,

Martina Navratilova, Hayley Mills, William Shatner, Sir Mark Oliphant, Cliff

Young, Peter Singer, Bob Barker, Spike Milligan, Nigel Hawthorne, Annie Besant,

Anthony Robbins, Peter Sumner, Chrissie Hynde, Tim McCartney-Snape, Peter Brock,

Lynda Stoner, Johnny Weissmuller (the first Tarzan), Julie Christie, Morissey

(The Smiths), Marty Feldman, Murray Rose, Paavo Nurmi (9 Olympic medals),

Andreas Cahling (body building champion), Dave Scott (6-time Ironman Triathlon

winner), k.d.lang, Belinda Carlisle, Edwin Moses, Sean Hughes, Bryan Adams,

Dennis Weaver, Woody Harrelson, Killer Kowalski (champion wrestler), Alicia

Silverstone, Annalise Braakensiek, Vanessa Amorosi, Greg Chappell, Jerry

Seinfeld, Uri Geller, Kim Basinger, Alec Baldwin, James Cromwell, Radha

Mitchell, Daniel Johns (silverchair), Susie Porter, Joaquin Phoenix, Josef

Brown, Daniel Jones (Savage Garden).

To see hundreds more visit our page http://www.hknet.org.nz/Veg-famouspeople-page.htm

For all this and more see our page at Vegetarianism and Beyond

http://www.hknet.org.nz/Veges-Beyond5page.htm or at

http://turn.to/Vegetarianism Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click


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