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Prasna, Satya, etc(Can we help this child and how?)

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Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah

Dear Satya,

Marvelous analysis!

Unfortunately my typing skills aren't as fast as yours, so i keep my analysis short of some points.


Regarding the Prasna Chart, i only errect it if the querry has been posed to me

personally.. otherwise i may do a quick prayer and look to see if the Natal

Lagna matches with the Prasna chart. If theres no match i disgard the prasna.


Its good to see that Jagannath blessed you with the acurate Prasna.

As for remedies for health topics. Mercury being the focal point of the issue

and being in the 1st Kauluka, is a sureshot problem for an internal imbalance

in the brain. Surely this is hard to remedy with medicine, but no doubt can be

done, we must agree.


As for the psychologist, i will add a note.

The 5th from the 8th shows the possible cures for diseases, and being Cancer, it

shows that care and nurturing will help. The lord Moon is in Scorpio, which is

the sign of psychologists, and in Kendra to Lagna, hence will enhance the



Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgITRANS Font:





Dr Satya Prakash Choudhary

vedic astrology

Tuesday, October 01, 2002 11:27 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Can we help this child and how?

Aum Namah ShivayaNamaste,With all my respects to the knowledge and experience of

Visti and Zoran, I beg to disagree with part of the analysis and most

importantly the remedy/solution suggested. I request astrologers to kindly

refrain from using words like `mental disease' etc,unless they are sure of the

implication of the words used. We should be careful about the language we use

in communicating our analysis to our clients. We often do not realize what

seeds they can sow in the minds of people, especially young girls, parents of

children, and most importantly the child himself. Please do not mistake me for

writing this. Normally I would prefer not to contradict another astrologer's

analysis. But in cases like this (involving achild), it is quite sensitive.

Another point to be kept in mind is that Medical astrology is not to be done

loosely (for that matter any form of astrology). To be able to employ medical

astrology, one needs to be conversant (if not trained) with some form of

medical system, since it involves a whole system of thinking. I will not do a

full analysis of the chart here. Instead I will draw your attention to certain

important areas that haven't beendiscussed fully. 1. Mercury COMBUST so

close to the Sun within less than 2 degrees. Combust Mercury is further

debilitated and is in a jala drekkana in Pisces. This debilitation of Mercury

in the RASI repeats in two very important vargas D-3, D-12, apart from D-4.2.

Moon is also debilitated in the Rasi (D-1), D-3, and D-6. Furthermore Moon is

in the first decante of Scorpio, a Sarpa drekkana.That such a Mercury is the 2nd

and 11th lord in the 8th, and Moon the 12th lord in the 4th, only worsens the

situation. The rest of the overall chart analysis can be done only after noting

these important points. Any Neechabhanga that occurs in such cases has another

implication. Firstly a planet is neecha, then there is bhanga. In other words,

a problem exists that later gets cancelled or solved. While Mercury has been

identified rightly, Moon's role has notbeen discussed as much as it deserves to

be discussed. But why am I highlighting the Moon apart from Mercury? Look at the

dashas. The universally applicable Vimshottari shows Mercury- Mercury. But there

are other conditional nakshatra dashas, which are ideal for this chart. What are

they?1. Shat Trimsat (Daybirth and Lagna in Sun's hora)- quite ideal for

this chart2. Dwadashottari (D-9 lagna Taurus)3. Ashtottari (Birth

during Krishna paksha and daytime-- The applicability/ conditions for this dasa

are controversial, with at least three alternate views that I have heard. So

this may be discarded by those following any other view)4. And of course

Vimshottari Let us see the planetary periods for the same.ShatTrimsat:

Moon (since antardasas are of short duration, not mentioned) Dwadashottari:

Mercury-SaturnAshtottari: Mercury-Moon

(controversial?)Vimsottari: Mercury-Mercury(I would be interested

to see whether the Tribaghi dasa also throws Moon into focus. I don't have the

time to do manually. Cansomeone with a software that calculates tribaghi check

and see? )From the above, it becomes clear that Moon is as much a part as

Mercury. Furthermore, both Moon (manas-mind) and Mercury (buddhi-intellect)

hold the natural significations for what seems to be the problem. Both are

equally important in a case of this kind. Saturn could play some role with its

placement in the 5th, as it may bring break in studies here, depending on other

factors.Almost always, it is a good idea to look at the Consultation chart or

Prasna chart. In this case, I read the post around 10.30am, at Sydney on

October 01 2002 (today). And I cast a Prashna chart at 10.33.am, read both the

Prasna and Natal charts till 10.50, finished my analysis, and am writing now,

since I did not get time in between. The Prasna chart is interesting. I will

mention the most important points only.1. Lagna is in Sagittarius, Moon

and Saturn in Gemini in the 7th, aspecting the lagna.2. Lagna lord Jupiter

is exalted in the 8th, while 8th lord Moon is aspecting lagna from the 7th.

Jupiter is also the 4th lord.3.7th lord Mercury exalted in the 10th and with

Sun (combust) 4. But what is more interesting is that Moon is at 29degrees

41minutes in Gemini. It is an important principle that a ***PLANET THAT HAS JUST

ENTERED OR IS LEAVING A SIGN is very important in a Prasna chart and could hold

the key to the answer. Moon, the significator of the mind, and an important

planet in Prasna is at the fag end of the sign, and will move into the next

sign shortly to join the lagna lord Jupiter. 5. When the all important

Moon moves into Cancer (he has already moved into Cancer as I write this), he

ALMOST forms Tambira yoga, an important Tajika yoga, except that the deeptamsha

range falls short. But whenever the Moon moves into a new sign, and gets within

the deeptamsha range on the same day, as in this case, one should not ignore

the nearly formed Tambira yoga. So what does Tambira yoga generally indicate?

"Accomplishment ofthe objective with the help of someone, but with some delay".

11thlord Venus in the 11th is a good sign, though the soon to occur association

of lagnesa and moon in the 8th makes it difficult. Now let us synthesize all

the above points from the Jataka as well as Prasna charts into a meaningful

lot. 1. Moon emerges as a key planet both in the Natal chart (in view of

the already mentioned points and the Conditional dashas) as well as the Prashna

chart. 2. Mercury is another equally important planet 3. Saturn could

have some role too, though clearly it is Moon and Mercury that are more in

focus.Once the grahas responsible for a problem are identified correctly, then

the remedy may be planned. If one of the key planets is ignored, how can the

remedy be fully effective. Generally there are three kinds of remedies

prescribed by the wise- Mani (gemstones), Mantra, and Aushadha (medicine). An

astrologer should know when to prescribe each of these. While a combination is

generally preferred, every case has one as the predominant or main remedy,

while mantra is quite often a general remedy. It is an **ESTABLISHED principle


LINE. With both Mercury and Moon as the key planets, counseling is an important

remedy that comes to mind. Now other remedies or treatment planning can follow

after this basic analysis.Conclusion: The child needs help from a PROFESSIONAL

CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST. The prognosis is fairly good, though it might take some

time. Other remedies LIKE homa, japa etc may be undertaken for the benefits,

but must probably be on the lines of Moon and Mercury. While one could do

other techniques or methodologies in the analysis, I am sure that the solution

should point to professional help, especially counseling, apart from any other

spiritual remedies.Berfoe I end this post, let me clarify a few points.1.

I haven't written a full analysis of the chart, but preferred to highlight the

points that are being ignored as I look at it.2. Actually even if one does

not do the other dashas, just from the birth chart and Prasna chart, Moon's role

seems quite clear. Doing these is only for confirmation. 3. The idea of

prescribing an oral rasayana, because "Budha being 2nd lord (food/drinks taken)

and placed in 8th house of weakness", is a loose way of looking at medical

astrologyand remedies. Let me explain this more clearly. The most common route

of administering a medicine is Oral, other than Intra Muscular (IM). Just

because the planet is connected to the 2nd house, oral rasayanas cannot be just

prescribed. For that matter, as I already said, most medicines are administered

orally. So that is not really a point in my opinion. While it a good idea to

see a physician (as Sri Zoran sort of indicated by the reference to the

Ayurvedic physician), there is not much that Ayurveda can offer that Modern

medicine cannot, in THIS CASE.Let me explain lest I be misunderstood. I am NOT

BIASED towards modern medicine, just because I specialised as a Dental Surgeon.

I also hold Diplomas in Siddha Medicine (a Tamil system similar to Ayurveda) as

well as Yoga. In fact at one time I spent a few months staying at Dr.Mahadeva

Iyer's place at the southernmost tip ofIndia, studying Ayurveda, especially

Panchakarma, while I discussed astrology with his family (three of them are

Ayurvedic physicians) occasionally. His family has been into Ayurveda for 8

generations continuously and he himself holds a Masters in Ayurvedic medicine

and surgery. I have observed and discussed various cases, as well as the

gathering of herbs and making medicines in the prescribed manner in his place.

Even he was of the opinion that there are some cases that are better treated by

Modern medicine, some by either equally, while some are ideal for Ayurveda. It

has become a very New Age thing to reject modern science and embrace all

ancient, especially eastern ideas. It is a dollar spinning business for some.

More and more so- called alternative medical practitioners are mushrooming in

the west, with very little or no training in whatever form of medicine (?) they

practice. A short certificate course or even a diploma cannot give the required

ability, knowledge and skills required to such practitioners. Quite often a

doctor takes five and half years in a Bachelor's degree,2-3 yrs for his Masters

and still needs some level of experience to do good work. Wonder how people

trained in some alternative system for 6 months or even 2yrs can be trusted to

achieve fantastic results! In short, my point is- if you want to go, go only to

a University trained Ayurvedic physician (who actually studies for a similar

amount of time like one trained in modern medicine). It is not true that

ancient systems of medicine are superior or that they are inferior. While they

have their advantages at times, modern medicine is actually quite good. It all

depends really on the PRACTITIONER and not the subject alone. A good

practitioner of Modern medicine, can be very good if he has a holistic

attitude.But the above does not mean that I am not in favour of any ancient

system of knowledge. I love all ancient Indian arts and sciences. If not, I

would not be studying all these things. The best, in my opinion, at least as

far as medicine is concerned, is a MODERN APPROACH with an ANCIENT SPIRIT. All

forms of knowledge, are from the ONE SOURCE, the ONE that became MANY. They all

sing His glory. We stand to be benefited by a diligent study of both the ancient

and the modern.Finally let me clarify once more that I do respect Visti's and

Zoran's knowledge. It is only that I disagree with the analysis partly and

wholly with the choice of remedy. And of course with the choice of words, since

medical analysis is a serious job to me. Kindly do not mistake me. Regards to

all,Satya Please excuse me for any typos/mistakes, if any, since I typed this

in a hurry.vedic astrology, Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@N...>

wrote:> Om Namo Narayanaya,> I have nothing to add but to agree with Visti.

Perhaps, some additional> ayurvedic-oral rasayana would help, Budha being 2nd

lord (food/drinks> taken)> and placed in 8th house of weakness. Do consult an

ayurvedic physician.> All best to him> Zoran> > Visti Larsen wrote:> > >

Vyam Vyaasadevaaya Namah> >

-----> > Dear

Srishi,Mercury Dasa is running and is the 11th & 2nd lord placed> > in the 8th

house, with Lagna lord Sun and both Mandi and Gulika. note> > this.Moon is

furthermore debilitated! No doubt there is some sort of> > mental anxiety

present in the boy, and it seems that its due to mental> > disease. Mercury is

Paraspara Karaka to Jupiter being 8th lord and> > kharesh, as well as Saturn

the 6th lord, hence the problem is clear.> > Mercury is furthermore in the 1st

Kauluka, hence the disease is> > internal, and cannot be found quickly..

definitely mental. You can> > confirm more D-6 and D-30 The remedy is in

Worshipping Vishnu, as> > Mercury is in the 1st Drekkana and joined Sun, the

specific Avatara is> > Sri Rama. The following Mantra will do wonders:"Om Sri

Raama, Raama,> > Raama"Note that the mantra is Astakshari and will quickly give

the> > beneficial effects. However the native will not be completely out of> >

the woods until Ketu Antara, who is in Mercuries Nakshetra. Good luck> > to

him! Best wishes> > Visti> > ---> > Bhagavad Purana:

http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org> > ITRANS Font: http://www.aczone.com/itrans/>

>> > -> > arsuno> > To:

vedic astrology> > Sunday, September 29, 2002 5:26 PM> >

[vedic astrology] Can we help this child and how?> >

Guruji,Narasimha,Zoran,Visti, and List,> > I have been reading and

learning from the various posts for> > the past> > six months and

keenly following all the discussions of> > the learned> > gurus.> >

I have been approached by the parents(especially mother)> > for this>

> child. For the past few months(8-10) the child has lost all> >

interest> > in studies and is unable to concentrate on his studies(any> >

activity)> > for long.The lack of concerntration is such that he is> >

unable to sit> > for studies for less than an hour and appears lost

and> > tensed most> > of the time.Before this the child was quite

conscientious> > .The> > matter has reached the proportion that the

child is not> > eating well> > and is losing weight.Medically there

is no problem.> > Analysis of the chart reveals that- LEO Ascendent (Lord

Sun> > placed in> > 8th house)> > Fourth house(Rasi chart)> >

1. Debiliated moon in 4th house(scorpio)> > 2. Mars, the lord of 4th

placed in 6th house along with Rahu> > and venus> > 3. 4th house has

the rasi drishti-> > cancer,(12th),Capricon(6th),Mars> > (9th)> >

4. Mars is also the Yogakaraka as well as the badhak> > As the 4th lord

Mars is in dusthana 4th house-ie education> > is> > affected.As

malefic planets predominate in influencing the> > house> > there are

hinderances in education/requiring hard> > work.Argala on the> > 4th

house is 5th house(saturn),7th house and 2nd house> > Fifth house(Rasi

chart)> > 1,Saturn is placed in the 5th ( sagittarius).> > 2. Its

lord Jupiter is lord of 8th placed in 11th house.> > 3.Graha

drishti-Jupiter> > 4.Rasi drishi-Gemini(11th)Virgo(2nd)Pisces(8th).> >

Saturn placement shows slow developement of knowledge though> > it is> >

good for spiritual knowledge. Saturn is the AK and is> > vargottam that>

> is placed in same rasi in both rasi chart and navamsa.> > AL in 3rd

is aspected by Jupiter.HL is placed in sag.GL is> > placed in> >

Pisces.> > In navamsa the 4th lord is sun placed in 3rd house(cancer)> >

along with> > Rahu and mercury.> > 5th house has moon in

Virgo.Exchange of houses between moon> > and> > mercury and has the

aspect of Saturn placed in the 8th along> > with> > Juptier.> >

Presently the Mercury dasa is running from 18-11-2000 upto> > 18-11-2017.>

> The Ista Devta is Saturn because the 12th house from AK(7th> >

house) is> > scorpio, empty having the rasi drishti of cancer, capricon> >

and> > Aries.Saturn has the highest in degs.The child has started> >

praying to lord Ganesha and Ista Devta-Om Namo Narayana.> > Please

suggest what further can be done?> > The Birth details of child are:-> >

Date:- 17th march 1990> > Time:- 16.16.39> > Place:- New

delhi> > regards,> > Srishi> >> >> >> > Archives:

vedic astrology> >> > Group info:> >

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To

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light shine on us .......> >> > || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

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> > --> ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC> Jyotish Teacher of Shree

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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