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Om Gurave Namah

Dear Jyotisha, Gurus & all,


The events following the recent announcement made my myself have

been quite a learning experience and only confirm the teachings of

our Param Guru Sri Achyuta Dasa (please read some of the articles on

the Janaka shadakshara mantra, Vrindavati sadhana etc if you have not

read them). As Narasimha has correctly pointed out, the Parampara

and the Organisation are separate like the Satya Peetha (Lagna) and

the Maya (Arudha). The Satya or the Parampara exists all the time and

cannot be destroyed. What is 'created or destroyed' is the Arudha.

Eversince we started teaching, we have had the desire to have a new

Arudha (Vehicle or body) for carrying forward the teachings in an

organised manner and for which purpose we have spoken to different

persons, requested help and have also given certain responsibilities.

The Arudha is the Sri Jagannath Vedic Center which was created in

India in 1998 and finally came into being in 2001 in the form of a

Trust registered with the Government of India at Delhi. Being the

vehicle (Rath) or Jagannath, this is large enough to carry all in it.

It is important to understand that ages back Sri Achyuta Dasa had

also created such centers called Gaddi (in oriya meaning

seats/centers of learning). The Guru being the representive head of

the Satya Peetha (Lagna) was not allowed to have anything to do with

the Maya Peetha (AL) which was normally looked after/headed by one of

the senior Sisya. The Guru would concern himself with the Major

activity of the propagation of knowledge and the admission and exit

of people into the Center. The entire management of the Center rested

with the other head. In similar lines, we have nothing to do with the

creation or running of these Centers and have given the

responsibility to others. One such responsibility was given to

Dinanath Das who with the help of Kusa Devi was to form SJVC in the



It was but natural that when the formation of this was taking an

inordinately long time, we decided to request Sri Brendan Feeley to

organise this. Being a very able organiser, Brendan immediately

organised the East Coast & West Coast conferences with the help of

Lakshmi Devi (Lynn Kary). They have proved their abilities beyond an

iota of doubt and the correct thing is to allow them to be the

President & Secretary of the Arudha (Vehicle) i.e. SJVC or SJC or

whatever name that you wish to name the vehicle, my only request

being to retain 'Sri Jagannath..in the begining'. On the other hand,

with the blessings of Sri Jagannath, Kusa Devi has become the head of

the Hawaii temple and that is a full time responsibility. She is

working hard to spread the Mahamantra, a task which befits her

spiritual development and sincerity. It would not be in the best

interests of either ISKCON or us that we request her to look after

SJVC. Her husband, Sruta Kirti Maharaj has served Srila Prabhupada

for many many years and was kind enough to be the President of SJVC

when the organisation was being set up. He is not knowledgable in

Jyotish but is very spiritually evolved. Dinanath is the secretary of

SJVC. Thus, there are two issues - One of the Administrative

structure and the second of the Teaching structure.


SJVC has also been growing by the day and it was not possible for

us to screen, examine and decide about the Jyotish Gurus throughout

the world. So, we delegated these tasks to (a) Sri Robert Koch

(a.k.a. Patraka Das) for the western region comprising North & South

America and (b) Pearl Finn for Europe. The Guru is responsible for

ensuring that the learning of Jyotish proceeds without hindrance,

that a decent atmosphere prevails in all the forum where this is

taught, and that there are competent Jyotisha, designated as Jyotish

guru, who shall teach the subject. Mere knowledge of te subject mater

is sufficient for a person to qualify to teach the subject and when

this is done, he is normally given the mantra and becomes a Jyotish

guru. The Jyotish Guru is expected to recite the (specific Gayatri)

mantra every day and there are other conditions that will enable them

to be good teachers. However, the Guru nominated by us for the

regions are expected to guide the Jyotish Guru's in matters of

conflict, differing opinions on the subject and maintain a healthy

atmosphere for learning. Although they have no role to play in the

administration of SJVC, they have to be a part of the 'legal' setup

which is necessary as per prevailing laws in each region. SJVC can

only be a non-profit organisation and is secular in the positive

sense of the word i.e. belief in God and encourages spirituality.


The President and Secretary are to be the real executives of

SJVC, and perhaps, as Narasimha had pointed out, there should be a

treasurer who shall be responsible for audit and financial

management. Thus, for the (a) USA, the President & Secretary shall be

Dr.Brendan Feeley & Lakshmi Devi respectively, and for (b) Ireland,

the President & Secretary(s) shall be John and Fiona & Helen



The Problem definition:

Problem ariese out of the perception of what the Jyotish Guru

should be doing. The Jyotish Guru is supposed to teach Jyotish and

not involve in administrative matters unless he is explicitly

directed by the Guru to do so. In thi9s context, long back we had

asked Dinanath to setup the organisation. Having done so, and on my

request, he should step down and hand this over to the ones who have

been chosen for the purpose so that we all benefit from their

administrative abilities. Problem arises when the perception changes

and the realisation is lost that the SJVC is the vehicle for the

Parampara and not vice versa just like ISKCON being the vehicle for

the Mahamantra and not vice versa. The Mahamantra does not depend on

ISKCON and this should be realised. The mantra continues to exist in

perpetuity as it is an integral part of Satya Peetha and is the Yuga

Nivarana Mantra (I shall write about this when translating the works

of Achyuta Dasa).


We had been advised that there can be separate organisations

registered for each state just as it was done for ISKCON, so that if

one is sued, the others do not have to pay. See how much the church

has to pay for lack of this legal foresight. Srila Prabhupada had

also agreed to this. Based on the name of Prabhupada, I had agreed

initially, but then this is grossly wrong. If a person representing

the organisation is getting sued for misdeed, then th organisation

should ake the responsibility of not having handled this properly or

not having had strict rules about its functioning. Just because there

is a loophole in the law does not mean that we should exploit it. I

have been a lawmaker in India for many years working with major

structural reforms in the economy and cannot agree to this any

further. If someone representing the organisation has done a misdeed,

then the organisation has to accept the responsibility. Hence we have

to be very careful about certification etc, for which the executive

officers of SJVC shall be responsible. Srila Prabhupada did not

forsee how some of the temple presidents have 'run away' with the

temples and would never have agreed to this if he had the time and

inclination for deep thought into these legalities. Prabhupada was

immersed in Krishna consciousness and the Arudha had little meaning

for such a realised soul. Let us learn spirituality from him and not

administration. Learn Jyotish from us and not other things.


'Every saint had a past and every sinner has a future' has been

one of our fundamental teachings. Sri Robert Koch was not convinced

as to why he should not charge for the services like teaching that he

renders. It seems most logical from the western viewpoint for money

for work. However, the teaching, if done in the Parampara implies a

sacred transmission of knowledge called 'Paraa Vidya' which is

different from Aparaa Vidya. The purity (Niranjana) is lost if there

is any touch of rajas or tamas in this transmission and neither can

the teacher teach properly nor is the sisya going to learn properly.

Predictions will fail, understanding will be lacking, genuineness and

compassion will be absent and the most holy relationship of Guru-

Sisya shall be lost. Parampara is not a group or gang or class in any

form or manner, nor can there be any time limit to the learning

process. It has to be a natural pace. Parampara means ONLY THREE -

Sisya (Student), Guru (Teacher) and Ista (God). Thus, none other is

there in the picture - no father, mother, brother, friends,

colleagues..nobody at all. This is a very clear and simple picture to

visualise and this link alone matters. The rest is all asat or the

illusion of the Arudha. I will give the detailed writings of Sri

Achyuta Das on this at a later date.


When we visited the USA and discussed this and so many things

with Sri Robert Koch and others, they all agreed to teach free of

cost, so where is the question of charging fees etc? There is

unanimity in this issue and there is no need to throw brickbats at

anyone. In any case, learned people in a democratic nation will never

agree to your view point if you throw brick bats at them. This has to

be reasoned calmly and gradually accepted. Dinanath was not the first

one to raise this issue, and Narasimha had done so earlier. On my

advise, he had decided to wait. People need time to think over the

new knowledge, advise etc, and this seeps in gradually. It cannot

happen overnight, especially for older people. I believe that simple

because someone like Dinanath was not kept informed does not mean

that Robert is wrong. He does not have to give an explanation to




To respect elders and not to humilate a lady (especially in

public) is a sign of a gentleman. There was no need for Dinanath to

do this and hence, he was expelled from SJVC, whether this has been

carried out or not is to be checked from Kusa Devi. There are other

things that have been done which are quite shocking to say the least.

The reasons for this can be traced to his chart and the curse of

maternal uncle therein (Chart attached). Those who attended my

lectures at the West Coast will be able to easily see this. Mercury

is in debility ans is afflicted by Saturn & Rahu (Graha dristi).

curse is complete. Neecha bhanga and redemption from curse comes due

to Guru in Lagna. Parasara teaches that the ONLY waay out is to

worship Sri Vishnu, which I believe he is doing. He is runing Rahu

dasa Mercury antardasa (Moon Vimsottari) and in the Moola Dasa, the

dasa is of Rahu. Please get the tapes/CDs on my lectures on Curses,

remedial measures and Moola dasa to understand the implications



Many people were wondering as to why the Guru's are all quiet.

Well, this was done on our request that a tit-for-tat is not called

for and this is our opportunity to actually show that we deserve to

be called Guru's. We must exercise constraint realising that here is

a troubled soul, who just like us has taken rebirth due to a curse,

and has to face terrible hostility from his colleagues (Mercruy -

relations, colleagues etc) due to a curse from the last incarnation.

If we cannot understand this, who else will? In fact Narasimha & I

have had a very detailed discussion on his chart, the present Tithi

pravesh etc. You can examine this and exchange views if you wish, but

please remember that this is and shall continue to be an ASHRAM.


What is not-at-all surprising is that Dinanath threatened legal

action if the CDs or tapes of our teachings are sold! Please note

that the one person who shall benefit the most from this knowledge is

he himself, and he is stopping it or rather Buddha Mahagraha is

stopping the remedy from reaching him. In any case, the teachings

cannot be stopped even if the CDs are. I hope Kusa Devi is able to

set things right as administration is a painful task and hate to

trouble her when she already has a much better work of handling the

Hawaii temple. Nobod is running away with any funds or donations.

These funds will be accounted for and such accounts will be

submitted, after audit to the government regulatory authority in the

country, be it India, USA or Ireland for the present. The accounts

will also be circulated among the Jyotish Guru's in the Vyasa E-list

for Jyotish Gurus. Donaors will have the privilege of seeing the

accounts. We have nothing to hide, at least being Jyotisha's, we know

that nothing is hidden from Him. So, what is the point in trying to



We have clearly stated our views and have also given the clear

reasons for the same. If someone thinks that they can run away with

the Arudha and the Lagna shall follow, sorry this does not happen.

Another Arudha starts. One Arudha follows another just like we

discard an old car and buy another, but Satya never changes. We have

left it to Kusa Devi to do the needful and hope that this is done

failing which another Arudha can be registered and the good work can

continue. Sri Brendan Feeley shall keep you informed about the

developments in this regard. We hope the Cds and other reading

material can be made available at an early date for the benefit of



Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Sanjay Rath



71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Ph-1, New Delhi 110091, India

Tel:+91-11-2713201, Web: http://srath.com

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