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The Bush Presidency - Profile & Prediction - REPOST

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dear group,

I am reposting this Forecast due to editing improvements. I

apologize for any confusion or concern this may cause. I think my

Mars subcycle made me a little impetuous.


doug riemer



Vedic Predictive Astrology


The Bush Presidency - Profile & Prediction

Composed October 24, 02


Mundane (world) forecasting describes the celestial map, the

planets' placements in the zodiac constellations. World leaders'

Vedic charts impact within this broad context, perhaps like a meteor

shower. At this juncture, Bush's predestined Presidency is the

linchpin for civilization's progress or decline. This Forecast

interprets Bush's Vedic chart, delving deeply into his lifelong and

cyclical karmas.




I Background - The Predestined President


The annual Forecast for August 02 - July 03 predicts Bush's

downfall or irreparable damage to his reputation. Concern is

expressed about a calamity, such as an Iraq invasion in 2003.

January 7 to February 23 is the sensitive period, with January 27

spotlighted. The two-month Sept. - Oct. 02 Forecast speaks to Bush's

fated Presidency, predestined to fall from favor. Those Forecasts,

as well as this Presidential Forecast, are found on the Works page of

VedicPredictiveAstrology.com at





The Sept. - Oct. 02 Forecast indicated the planets to be in

favorable positions, but that actual political and economic gains

would be delayed until October. However, beginning in late August,

President Bush's Christian moral imperative spawned his preemptive

strike policy to justify regime change in Iraq and to attack any

country he believes threatens the U S. The Bush "meteor shower"

consequently negated the planets' auspicious placements. An already

tense world responded with increased terrorism abroad and turmoil in

securities markets.


It is not this author's intention to politicize. Yet, as the

Bush Presidency has transformed the U S into a preemptive-strike

superpower, a naturally critical eye colors this Vedic

interpretation. Seemingly blunt or negative astrological statements

are not intended to antagonize Bush's supporters, nor to further

inflame his detractors.


Summary statements within the narrative are made in blue bold

type. Substantiating Astrological details follow in regular type.

The latter are stated simply. The summary below provides a brief

overview. Bush's Vedic birthchart and attendant planetary cycles are

included at the end of this narrative for reference.


These Forecasts are done as a public service, and readers are

invited to forward this timely and meaningful Vedic Astrology

interpretation to friends and acquaintances. Comments are welcome,

and the author's contact information is found at the end of this

essay. Finally, this Forecast interpretation may be reprinted in any

media, in whole or in part, with permission of the author.




II Summary Statements On Bush's Vedic Chart


Bush's acts to gain his father's long withheld approval.


Bush implements his father's goals through the father's

powerful associates, who

are his dedicated advisors.


The First Lady can be a stabilizing and grounding influence

upon the President.


President Bush is fearful, suspicious, violent and cold

hearted, especially about

foreigners, and he uses moralistic Christian beliefs to

justify his actions.


Bush's mind is further disturbed by limitation on judgment and

ethics, lack of

common sense, a changeable nature, deception and self-



The President's charm and "poverty of speech" elevate his

appeal and disguise

his true feelings. When the President "blurts something

out," he often reveals his

true beliefs.


Bush's rise to power and his misuse of that power cause an

equivalent fall.

This is the unalterable fate in his life.


Since December 2000 and until November 2003, Bush is both


motivated and empowered to gain power through whatever

action required, and

this brings out his long dormant violence.


Bush's predestined fall may be precipitated by calamity on or

about January 27, 03.





III Influence Of Father, Friends/Advisors And First Lady


Bush's acts to gain his father's long withheld approval


The 3 paternal influences for the President are powerful but

mixed. The 9th house indicates Bush Jr.'s benefits from his father,

as well as his father's fortune. Here, the combination of aspects

(glances) from Jupiter, the Moon and Mars combine to bring Bush Jr.

tremendous paternal advantages. These influences also describe Bush

Sr. as an "ambassador of war for a cause" - a role his son follows.

Warriors tend to bear warrior sons. The two other paternal

influences, the Sun and the 10th house, are severe.


The Sun is placed in the 12th house of loss, indicating that

George Bush Sr. was somehow absent from the President's life and

therefore was not a positive and supportive role model.


The relationship with the father is found in the 10th house.

Here restrictive and separative Saturn aspects badly its fallen sign

of Aries, governed by military Mars. This further denied Bush Jr. a

warm and supportive paternal bond and brought tension between father

and son. These challenges were most notable and truly formative

during Bush Jr.'s Mars planetary cycle from birth to age 6.


As the President's life turned to politics a decade ago at the

onset of his 19 year Saturn cycle (responsibility and leadership),

Bush Jr. had to deal with his father issues. However, his father's

absence and the tense relationship between them left Bush Jr. with a

perceived lack of approval - feeling inadequate and unworthy. This

is further aggravated by Bush Sr.'s achievements paving the way for

his son. Also consider the President's Mercury/Venus lightness of

mind (discussed in Section IV Inside The President's Mind) in

delaying maturity until his early forties, resulted in a lightweight

intellect. The President seeks to live up to the paternal model to

earn his father's long withheld approval. He, the uninformed playboy

son, therefore must look to his father's superior experience and

intellectual capability.


Bush became President to finally gain the attention and

recognition lacking since his developmental years, but even this is

not enough. By attacking Saddam Hussein, his father's worst enemy,

Bush Jr. seeks to finally gain his father's respect and approval.

Bush Sr.'s hands-off position is untrue, for his controlling

influence upon son was firmly established a half century ago. This

is an alarming situation. The President works on his father's behalf

rather than for the country.


Bush implements his father's goals through the father's powerful

associates, who are his

dedicated advisors.


Friends and goals are seen from the Venus ruled 11th house, and

Venus is placed in the President's 1st house of the self. As Venus

is love: his friends truly love him. Mercury, being conjunct Venus

in the 1st house, makes him a loving and gracious friend. Saturn,

also in the 1st house, endears him as a responsible and dutiful

friend. In Venus's ruling the 4th house of the heart and mother, his

friends are close to his heart, as is his mother. Thus, the

President's friends are intimately bound to him and dedicated to his



Rahu, (a powerful eclipse point and head of a dragon in Vedic

Astrology) is placed in Bush's 11th house, where it is exalted and

brings truly powerful and creative friends, some of whom

are "foreign" to him, like Tony Blair and Colin Powell, the latter

foreign for his different race. That Jupiter (the teacher), rules

the 9th house of the father, and aspects the 11th of friends, Bush's

friends come from his father, teaching him his father's goals.

Inevitably, his father's friends become his top officials. We can

see, then, how the President is not his own man but a servant to the



The First Lady can be a stabilizing and grounding influence upon the



Saturn rules Bush's 7th house of relationship and is placed in

his 1st house of the self, thereby bonding Bush closely with his wife

and identifying with her needs. Because Venus is the planet of the

wife and also of Bush's emotional mind, and Venus is in the 1st house

of the self with Saturn bonding them together, the relationship is

dutiful, stable and durable. He may even sometimes "obey" her out of

duty and fear of making her unhappy. The First Lady also has some

power and wisdom, although she's not likely to be influential beyond

her husband. It appears, then, the First Lady is the keel under

Bush's boat. and her behind-the-scenes influence upon the President

is of the utmost importance in the unfolding of this Presidency.

This leads to the suggestion that she be lobbied to promote peace.




IV Inside The President's Mind


President Bush is fearful, suspicious, violent and cold hearted,

especially about foreigners, and uses moralistic Christian beliefs to

justify his actions.


As stated above, Bush has been running his 19 year Saturn cycle

since he entered politics, and its significations consequently

dominate his mind and his Presidency. During previous planetary

cycles, Bush was attuned to fun, business and money, and the

reptilian quality was not evident. Malefic Saturn is a cold planet,

a separative and destructive influence. In Bush's Vedic chart,

Saturn is even more malevolent by its ruling the evil 8th house of

death, destruction, violence and assassination. Saturn also rules

the 7th house of relationships (business and marriage), bringing

problems there as well. (Note: the marriage is so closely bonded,

however, that it endures.) As Saturn is placed in the first house of

the self, Saturn is fundamental to Bush's character during its

cycle. Bush fears death, is suspicious of others and uses violence

to protect himself. He chooses some 7th house partnerships (advisors

from his father) who are of inferior status or morals who use 8th

house violence to protect him. This also results in other unwelcome

7th house associations with immoral men.


Saturn aspects (glances) upon Jupiter, the ruler of the 6th

house of foreigners, enemies and war. (Note, this is a second

influence for violence, making it more determinative.) Bush directs

his suspicions against immoral foreigners with whom he is drawn into

7th house associations. He is remorseless and relentless in his fear-

based Saturnian violence against them. Bush has likely become

selectively paranoid as President.


The emotions and the heart are symbolized by the 4th house of

the emotions, the perceptional Moon and to a lesser degree, the Sun.

Bush's warm and compassionate Venus rules the 4th house of the heart

and is placed in the first house of the self with icy Saturn, freeze-

drying the emotional mind. Saturn also aspects the emotional Moon,

with a similar depressive impact, adding to the mental frigidity and

rigidity. Lastly, the Sun, also an indicator of the heart, is in the

12th house of loss - Bush's heart is literally lost.


Bush's Christian morality arises from the conjunction (joining)

of religious Jupiter with the perceptional Moon in the 3rd house of

desires. Jupiter/Moon brings devotion to God, but because religious

Jupiter rules the 6th house of enemies, conflict and foreigners, his

religious morality is directed violently against them.


These influences combine into a nice tidy bundle of fear,

suspicion, violence, immoral advisors, immoral foreign enemies and

self-righteousness. The perceptional Moon in the 3rd house of

desires brings an intoxication with power, focused by Jupiter against

foreigners and driven to foreign wars by Saturn's aspect to this

house. That Mars, Jupiter and the Moon join in aspecting the 9th

house of philosophy, adds a "misplaced missionary zeal," confirming

Bush's mind-set.


Mars, the planet of war, adds further confirmation in forging

Bush into a modern warlord during his Saturn cycle. Mars is his

career planet, and placed in his 2nd house of communications and

income, he prevailed in business using aggression. Now as President,

he imposes his morality using aggression. Also, Mars aspects Ketu

(the spiritual "tail of the dragon" in Vedic Astrology). It is this

virulent combination of angry Mars with god-inspired Ketu that

brings "seething anger" to this mental menu of death to the enemies

of U S Christianity. (Note, Mars conjunct Ketu in the world transit

chart is the combination that catalyzed the 9-11 events.) Further,

this Ketu/Mars combination occurs in Bush's 5th house of creative

intelligence and government, which makes him highly sensitive to

criticism, disturbs the mind with wrath and fuels his violent

Presidential vengefulness. Mars/Ketu makes Bush literally slightly

crazed. Notice how Bush's hyper-sensitivity to criticism stimulates

a paranoid reaction that anyone who doesn't agree with him is anti-

American. Bush, then, tends to act by reflex, like an animal



Another confirming influence is from Mercury, also the

intellect, which brings loss through emotional impulse. Mutable

Mercury acts this way because it rules the 3rd house of desires and

the 12th house of loss. Further, because of Mercury's conjunction

with Saturn, the planet of death, Bush is Saturnian fixed, stubborn,

narrow-minded and violent. He shoots first and talks later.


During the Saturn cycle, Bush truly only heeds the inner voice

craving parental approval as articulated by his advisors and as

fueled by his own fear, vicious nature and suspicion of foreigners.


Bush's mind is further disturbed by limitation on judgment and

ethics, lack of common sense, a changeable nature, deception and self-



With Bush's intellectual and emotional influences greatly

compromised, one would look to Jupiter's judgment and ethics and the

Moon's common sense to balance the mentality. This Jupiter is indeed

wise and wealthy in its ruling the 9th house of higher knowledge and

being conjunct the perceptional Moon. However, as mentioned above,

restrictive Saturn aspects Jupiter, stifling wisdom and its output,

which is judgment. The Moon similarly is compromised by Saturn,

blocking common sense, and thereby wisdom.


But, it is the house and sign position of these two fundamental

mental influences that is really injurious. Jupiter and the Moon are

both placed in the 3rd house of desires, which harms both planets but

tremendously energizes the 3rd house. As mentioned above, the Moon

in the 3rd house of desires gives an intoxication with power, and in

Jupiter's expanding this dangerous influence, Bush's acquisition and

use of power are paramount to his nature, but at the cost of good

judgment. Bush's ambition is unlimited, and it is not ethically



The third house for this chart is the constellation Virgo, and

neither the Moon nor Jupiter do well in this sign of perfectionists.

These planets' broad higher mental qualities are boxed-in by 3rd

house desires and Virgo's picky purity. There is too in this Virgo

placement a confirming influence for believing in Christianity's

superiority over repugnant Islam, or indeed any foreign religion,

culture, economic system or governing method. There is literally no

end to foreign invasions under Bush's preemptive strike policy

against any country not mimicking the U S in all ways. Considering

that Bush's ideas and philosophies come from his father via his

presidential advisors, in the absence of having clear judgment, Bush

even more readily adopts them.


Impulsive Mercury's intellect with Venus's sensitivity and

creativity combine in Bush's 1st house of the self to delaying

maturity untilhis forties and for a flighty and changeable nature.

While sticking to his religious fundamentals beliefs, Bush makes

inconsistent and contradictory statements without forethought.

(Note: with 3 planets in the 1st house of the self, much of this

interpretation responds to this emphasis on "self," bringing a

naturally self-centered quality to the character. Bush literally

cannot "see" beyond his own limited self interests driven by his

unending quest for achievement and parental approval.)


As Bush adopts his advisors' views, he shoe-horns them into his

vengeful self-centered religious belief system and tries to integrate

these artificial constructs into the fabric of U S politics and

international diplomacy. Bush vacillates in the strategies and

tactics of this modern Christian crusade against "infidels" because

his underlying ethics don't mesh with domestic or global values, and

his flighty mind cannot stay on a strict ethical path. Only his ever-

present advisors shield Bush from his own confusion and clarify his

administration's positions. They use public relations techniques to

great effect. Still, these increasingly obvious shifts create

confusion, which breeds fear and distrust at home and abroad about

the U S's true intentions. Bush is disconnected from the electorate

and public opinion due to his own religious fanaticism and because

his father's friends do his thinking for him.


Finally, there is deception and self-deception in Bush's

mentality. Saturn is a natural blocking agent, and in it's ruling

the terrible 8th house, Saturn's influence upon mutable and impulsive

Mercury (communications) is deception. Bush deceives others using

threats of violence and violence itself, and he even deceives himself

into believing he's right. A further planetary influence that

misleads is malefic Mars placed in his 2nd house of speech,

compromising truthfulness. Bush lies so naturally and convincingly

he exudes sincerity. That Bush believes his own dissembling only

serves to enhance his credibility.





V How Bush Operates


The President's charm and "poverty of speech" elevate his appeal and

disguise his true feelings. When the President "blurts something

out," he often reveals his true beliefs.


As discussed above, Mercury's intellect enlivens creative Venus,

bringing great charm. There is also a light, fun-loving quality to

the nature, as well as natural diplomacy, making Bush agreeable,

adaptable and fun to be with. One instinctively likes the fellow in

his engaging ways. He can be the finest salesman, especially in one-

on-one situations where personal charisma is most effectively

projected, enabling Bush to "engage" others. Saturn focuses

Mercury's communications when he lobbies individuals and small

groups, giving power to persuade, apparent sincerity and great

endurance, outlasting any opposing views. Bush uses his

seductiveness to make his moral agenda attractive, even beguiling.

His charm takes the bite out of his vacillations, his confusion and

his ultimately violent, paranoid-fueled, adopted views.


The Sun rules the 2nd house of speech and knowledge and is

placed in the 12th house of loss. Bush has literally lost his

ability to speak. He's at his limited best using short sentences and

small words to engagingly describe his positions on a limited number

of topics. The complex and subtle thinking needed to grasp and

articulate a sensitized foreign policy is simply absent.


It's revealing to witness Bush speaking unrehearsed or

impromptu, for he is bedeviled by being both inarticulate and

confused. However, Bush's natural reticence also makes him a smaller

target for detractors. By never addressing any meaningful topics

outside his simple and simplistic morality, critics have little

fodder. Yet, there's a curious opposing influence for penetrating

and logical speech in Bush's chart. Aggressive Mars is placed in the

2nd house of speech, causing Bush to sometimes blurt things out.

Unfortunately, Mars' influence here also causes lying to others, as

well as failure to know what is true. Therefore, unless Bush's

utterance is truly spontaneous, he may be lying. But then he lies

with such sincere devotion and charm, he serves his own deceitful and

deceptive ends rather than the truth.





VI Bush's Predestined Rise And Fall


Bush's rise to power and his misuse of that power cause an equivalent

fall. This is the unalterable fate in his life.


This is a fated life, and thereby a fated Presidency, and the

fate must cut both ways - up and down. Bush's creativity, lack of

ethics, aggressive nature and his engaging personality brought him

business success before he was forty. Bush ran his expansive Jupiter

cycle from age 24 to 40, coinciding with his business success. In

1987, Bush entered his political 19 year Saturn cycle, and when he

ran his Mercury subcycle from 1990 to 1993, Bush had a "sudden rise"

to governor of Texas.


This unexpected elevation in Bush's life occurred because the

Saturn/Mercury cycle activated a long dormant Yoga (special planetary

combination) that Saturn and Mercury form in the 1st house of the

self. Saturn and Mercury both rule "evil" houses, and when the

rulers of two evil houses combine, they cause problems - the mental

issues discussed above. Conversely, this yoga also grants a great

boon in the form of a "sudden rise." The Yoga elevated him governor,

placing Bush in front-line position for the Presidency.


This Yoga is called a Viparita, which means reverse. Bill Gates

also has one. It is the most potent and powerful of Yogas. This is

a fated influence, bringing outstanding results from little merit or

effort. Viparita Yoga is winning the lottery, and lottery winners

often find their unearned riches ruin their lives.


The other fated influence in Bush's chart is his Kala Sarpa

Yoga. Kala Sarpa occurs when all of the planets fall into houses on

one side of the Moon's Nodes, Rahu and Ketu. These are the

astronomical points for eclipses of the Sun and Moon, and

any "planet" that can block these sources of light and life must

possess the greatest power. In Hindu mythology, Rahu/Ketu are two

severed parts of a snake or serpent. Rahu, the head, symbolizes

worldly cravings and desires. Rahu is our karma for the future.

Ketu, the tail, is our karma from the past and is thereby

otherworldly and of spiritual quality. These serpent halves are thus

the karmas of time, and in trapping all the other planets on one

side, they bring fate into the forefront in the most comprehensive

fashion. Kala Sarpa literally means "time serpent," and it

predestines the life to karmic control "moment by moment," thus

curtailing free will. Often, there are two halves to the life, like

Nelson Mandella, a prisoner for 30 years and later President of South

Africa. The reverse also occurs, when the person rises to a great

height and later falls to a commensurate great depth. In Bush's

chart, the Kala Sarpa Yoga places Rahu is in the 11th house of goals

and friends and Ketu in the 5th house of intelligence and government,

indicating where the fate will play out when the Yoga is activated.

Because warrior Mars aspects Ketu, the Kala Sarpa Yoga brings his

seething violence for unbridled warfare. This sounds curiously like

Sadam Hussien, whose chart may be next interpreted.


Bush's planetary cycles were Saturn and Rahu beginning in late

December, 2000. With Rahu active in his planetary cycles, Bush's

Kala Sarpa Yoga was turned on. Saturn, as discussed above, drives

Bush to defeat his enemies. Rahu pushes him to do so with the help

of powerful 11th house goals and friends. The Kala Sarpa Yoga

predestines him to prevail. Thus, Bush became President, not because

he actually won the election, but because he was fated to do so.


Since December 2000 and until November 2003, Bush is both

tremendously motivated and empowered to gain power through whatever

action required, and this brings out his long dormant violence.


This is the combination of Saturn with Rahu in Bush's planetary

cycles explained above. Rahu intensifies Saturn's duty and

responsibilities. Rahu's influence is exaggerated because it is

exalted in Bush's 11th house of goals and was stopped in the sky at

birth, further empowering it. Also, as Rahu is 11 houses away from

Saturn, this distance indicating goals, it turbo-charges his drive.

Bush's goals have been discussed in detail above, and it is during

this 3 year period that he suddenly and unexpectedly becomes

President. Just as abruptly, 9-11 propelled him into international

warfare against terrorism, a challenge his advisors and his Christian

righteousness were poised to respond to. Always the charming warrior

in business, he now became karmically ordained warrior exporting

Americanized Christian value to gain his father's approval.


On March 1 of this year, transit Rahu (where it is in today's

skies) moved into Bush's 11th house, where his birthchart Rahu is

placed. Recall Rahu is exalted here, which means it is most potent.

This is the constellation of Taurus, symbolizing wealth, and thereby

indicating the underlying issue to be money. At the same time, Ketu

transited into Bush's 5th house of investments and government, where

birthchart Ketu is also placed. Ketu symbolizes gas and oil. With

Bush's planetary cycles continuing as Saturn with Rahu, the Kala

Sarpa Yoga was activated even more powerfully in March, when transit

Rahu/Ketu moved into the houses/signs holding birthchart Rahu/Ketu


With Kala Sarpa Yoga at full output, like a fighter jet on

afterburners, in March of this year, Bush's advisors began developing

the preemptive strike policy to justify invading Iraq. Bush didn't

launch the "war is inevitable" Iraq campaign until August 24, when

his Saturn with Rahu planetary cycles were augmented by Ketu as a two

month subcycle. This boosted Kala Sarpa to an even higher intensity.

The President became an irresistible force, and he made everyone roll

over, including Congress. This multiple confirmation of influences

is quite remarkable, even amazing, for such repetition multiplies the

Kala Sarpa Yoga's effect by many times. Bush's moralistic motivation

and drive have reached a peak that likely amazed everyone around him,

even himself, and because Ketu is so active in his 5th house of

intelligence, his mind is at a fever pitch. "Slightly crazed" is now

an understatement.


Foreigners are the target of Bush's misplaced missionary zeal,

his ambassadorship of war for a cause. Oil pays for and drives the

effort. But foreigners also bring Bush his greatest resistance and

ultimately his downfall. As of July 23 of this year, Saturn in

transit moved into Bush's 12th house of loss, or "final liberation."

>From this position Saturn aspects Mars, a combination for warfare.

Saturn also aspects the 6th house of foreigners, enemies and

conflict, again a warfare influence. Consider that birthchart Saturn

brings the paranoid violence against foreigners for a moral cause,

and the repetition of influences here is now so overwhelming that to

Bush, war truly is inevitable. Consider also that the Kala Sarpa

Yoga continues in force until August 2003, and the inevitability of

war next year seems incontrovertible.


Yet, Saddam Hussein is just one of many foreigners involved.

Bush must experience incredible resistance internationally, and this

has already been seen inside and outside of the U N. Even if Bush is

bluffing to force Iraq to disarm, his is a most dangerous game that

may result in: 1) the U S backing down rather than invade without

international cooperation, thereby splitting allied efforts against

international terrorism, 2) invade alone and inflame seething anger

throughout the Mideast at deadly human costs on all sides. Iraq will

be the downfall of Bush's Presidency.


Bush's predestined fall may be precipitated by calamity on or about

January 27, 03


The annual Forecast for August 02- July 03 included the chart

for the world at large on January 27, 2003, suggesting calamity

then. This is because malefic Saturn will have temporarily

retrograded (gone backwards) into Taurus to be conjunct malefic Rahu,

making him a remorseless, ruthless, victimizer. At the same time,

malefic Mars will be conjunct malefic Ketu in Scorpio, revisiting 9-

11's seething anger. From these positions, both pairs of malefics

aspect each other. Also that day, the benefic Moon, perception and

life itself, will be sandwiched between Mars and Ketu, suggesting

terrible destruction of life and home. These four malefic planets in

combination signaled the beginning of World War II in September 1939

and the January 1991 Gulf War. With the world already hyped-up by

terrorism, and the U S now a preemptive aggressor, this planetary

combination signals violent calamity.


Actually, the planets will be in the above described calamitous

configuration from January 7 to February 23, 2003, making this entire

interval volatile. Still, the last week in January 2003 must be the

most likely time for an Iraq invasion or other major disaster.


Saturn will end its retrograde and return to Bush's 12th house

April 8, 2003. This change signals the beginning of 12th house loss

for Bush, the inception of his downfall. Although Bush will strive

mightily, especially around mid April, the result will ultimately be

failure, causing loss of his reputation, possibly of his presidency.

However, the inception of Bush's downfall will precede the actual

fall by months, possibly years.


During 2003, Bush's planetary cycles do not offer the confluence

of influences that make his downfall at a specific time a "fixed

Karma." More specific timing for Bush's reaping the fruits of his

violent karmas will thereby be offered in future Forecasts.

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