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House jumping. second job etc.

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Dear AnilKumar


i think you have got me really confused here. First of all, I have

not yet tried tested any rules to business changes in my life, since

I am not a business man and all I tested was the rule given by Mr

Narayan on job changes related to 8th house in dasamsa. I found that

it was correct that whenver job changes happened in my life, I was

running the antaradasa/prtayantar/sooksham dasa of planets related

to 5th house of dasamsa, which is 8th house from 10th house.


i just extended this principle to 7th house of business in dasamsa.

Now 8th from any house indicates death/changes for that house. so 8th

from seventh house of business implies that

antaradasa/prtayantar/sooksham dasa of planets related to 2nd house

of dasamsa should be running for changes in business. But I also

maintained that the 7th house of business should be strong otherwise

there is no point in starting any new business in the first place. So

I am not doing any house jumping. I am merely extending a known

principle given by MR Narayan . Now after reading your email the new

confusion/critical fact is : Wehenver business changes happen the 8th

from 10th house should also be favourable, since 10th huse controls

career as well as business as well.after all business is also one

type of career>


SO my final conclusion is that for favourable business changes

antaradasa/prtayantar/sooksham dasa of planets related to 2nd house

of dasamsa should be running but plantes/lord of 5th house should

also be STRONG simultaneously during such a period. Any comments?

Hope I have got it right this time. Thanks and Regards Rajesh Kumaria


vedic astrology, "sanjayprabhakaran" <sprabhakaran@s...>


> Om Sri Gurave Namah,

> Dear Friends,

> I dont think this house jumping is permissible for job and dasamsa.

> For people who come to our life the the related jumps can be used

> like 3houses for d3, d7. 8th house jumps spouces in d9.

> Furthering of education use Brahma dasa movement(6th house) like

> 4,9,2,7 houses for educational qualifications.

> Even successive cars can be seen by 6th house jumping in D16 I

> suppose. Even Arudha's can be jumped to 8th from it if the images


> name is changed for organizations etc.

> But not for jobs & business I think. I really dont know the reason,

> But I havent seen it been used. Any more information would be

> appreciated


> Warm Regards

> S.Prabhakaran



> vedic astrology, "aokedia" <anilkedia@i...> wrote:

> > Dear Rajesh Kumaria

> >


> >

> > For second business you said that we should see 2nd house by


> > with 2nd wife!Do you mean to say that we should see 9th house for

> 3rd

> > business etc in the same way?Is it also true for jobs. So 8th fro

> > 10th

> > ie. 5th for 2nd job,12th for 3rd job etc?Have you tried it with

> > success.

> > Please let me know.

> >

> > Thanks

> >

> > Anilkumar

> >


> > *************

> > Rajesh Kumaria Wrote:

> > Well by analogy/comparision(with 10th house) it follows that 8th

> > house from 7th house (house of business) is to be considered for

> > business changes etc., so it implies that antardasa/pratyantar

> > dasa/sooksham dasa of 2nd house of dasmasa should be running.

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