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A Modern Vedic Astrologer's Approach Toward Solving Old Problems

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Since the discussion has centered around Sade Sati and

Saturn, and since someone else has asked me how I go

about dealing with such things, I thought to address

these concerns in this email and knock out two birds

with one stone.


I thank Dasji for his comments on Saturn and how to

deal with it. Saturn, as it has been pointed out,

likes labor - work. Therefore, whenever a person is

undergoing a Saturn period in their life, it is time

to put their nose to the grindstone.


Also, Dasji pointed out that Saturn times call for

getting rid of old stuff that has outlived its

usefullness. He hit the nail right on the head with

that! That is what I suggest to all of my clients, and

this is what I try to do myself. Get rid of all old

things - broke down things, too. Anything that is old,

run down, etc. get rid of it. Free up the space in

your home. Clean out all of the closets, giveaway old

clothes, and so on. This is the fundamental idea

behind Feng Shui, to make your living space more

amenable to positive energy around you.


Saturn represents loss, separation in one way or

another from something else. Saturn also represents

Time itself, and in time, we become separated from

what has occurred in the past.


Instead of lamenting pain and strife, difficult times

as shown in the horoscope, are actually times to

rejoice - they are times that give us a grand

oppotunity to do things in a new way, to come up with

a new plan, to envision a newer, fresher perspective.

Saturn times give us the chance to "clear the decks"

and prepare for the times to come.


Sade Sati times, especially when it comes to the Moon,

are EXCELLENT times to lose those unwanted pounds. A

great time to get into a excercise program, kick that

smoking habit, etc. Get rid of those limiting habits

that hold you back - and goes for people, too. This is

why so often, Sade Sati often corresponds to a

relationship breaking up, because it has outlived it



As both a Western Astrologer that has embraced the

profound wisdom of the Vedas and in particular, its

AStrological framework, I try to bring new ideas to

that process. Therefore, when it comes to solving

problems indicated in the Vedic chart, I try to apply

commonsensical solutions that someone here in the West

can use and see some measurable results within a

reasonable period of time.


So, I tend to stay away from prescribing gems and the

like; even in the more ancient books on the subject,

and among the more classical Vedic Astrologers today,

they will tell you, that gemology is a "rich man's

game". James Braha has written at length about the

fact that for it to really work in the way that you

want, you have to have a stone of the proper weight,

size and purity. That is NOT an inexpensive thing, let

me tell you. And, if you're having trouble just

putting together the money to see an Astrologer in the

first place (which several people in this and other

forums have said to me in private emails) - a very

inexpensive therapedic model, to be sure - then you

will surely have trouble putting together the money to

buy a pure and large stone to alleviate your problems.

I'm not against anyone going that route, hey, if you

have the money, God Bless Ya, do your thing. I just

think it is more practical to pursue more reachable

methods of remediation.


Often, I have found that good, sound counseling

techniques, allied with commonsense and a knowledge of

Life itself, does the trick for most. Of course, there

are times when people need a bit more than that, and

it is here where the Astrologer, regardless of the

system they use, should be aware of their limitations.

I am quick to refer someone to expert legal or medical

counsel, for example, should the need arise for it. I

think the practice of giving referrals is something

that we Astrologers should get better at.


But there are times when I have seen some of the more

arcane, traditional methods of the ancient Vedic

Astrological world work. Once, I had a young couple

come to see me. They were both under the age of 30,

with two small children. The husband was out of work,

and this was creating problems in the home, the issue

of money was beginning to really put a strain on the

marriage. The wife was a Scorpio and the husband was

an Aries - and not only an Aries, but an Aries with a

VERY strong Mars in his chart. One of the reasons why

he was out of work was because of his uncontrollable

anger. Clearly, putting this together with the

commonly held misconceptions about Black males, and

you could see why he was having a hard time finding

and then keeping work to raise his family. The husband

walked into my home, wearing a red cap, red sneakers,

carrying a red duffle bag, and wearing a plaid shirt

that red streaks in it! Whew.


Within the first 5 minutes of the consultation, I

turned to the wife and told her, to get rid of

EVERYTHING red in the house, and that included her

husband's wardrobe - all red cups, lamps, dishes,

bowls, red pepper, ketchup, hot sauce, you name it.

Plus, I told her to stop frying food and instead broil

it, and that her husband had to stop eating red meat,

etc. They both looked at me like I was crazy, but I

held my ground, and asked them to just try it for a



Well, as it turned out, the wife called me about 2

months later, and I could hear in her voice that

things had dramatically improved - her husband was now

as calm as a lamb, they had no more heated arguements,

and he had found a very good job. There was harmony in

the home.


So, I guess what I'm saying is, that I think we as

Astrologers have to be aware of so much more out here

in this world than just the planetary symbols with

which we are so familiar. We have to be aware of Life

itself, to be aware of when we are out of our league

and refer the client to someone else, and when to use



That's how I do it.





Suggested Further Reading:

The Creative Astrologer, Noel Tyl

Autobiography of a Vedic Astrologer, B.V. Raman




Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu





Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer


AOL IM Screen Name: JediMu

2Way Pager: 1-877-345-6499/8773456499; Cell phone:


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