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Whether this Horoscope belongs to Priest? (Continue)

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Dear Hari,


I have take some time to analyse your friend's chart in detail. Here

are some extra information. Hope you can give me reply on whether my

interpretation is right.



Since Sun being the Karaga for the father is in the 8th house, the

native's relationship with his father is probably inimical. He does

not see eye-to-eye with his father. He may sees his father as a

restricting person trying to suffocate him.



The mother may either comes from a large family or she possess much

wealth before she gets married or give birth to the native. This is

represented by Jupiter in the 4th house. I believe the mother will

him some inheritance as fourth house is karaga of fixed assets such

as properties and vehicles.



As Jupiter is the karaga for expansion, wealth, and fortune, the

native will probably get some inheritance and this will occur during

Ketu Dasa Jupiter Bukhti. However, as Jupiter also owns the 8th

house, this period will also bring some chronic or hidden problems.

Probably, there are some hidden enemies feeling jealous of the

native's receiving a big inheritance and are seeking to bring his




The native probably is a person generous with his wealth and will

donate them to charity and the pursuit of Moksha. This is signified

by the aspect of Jupiter on the 12th house and also the postion of

Ketu in 12th. The 12th house is the house of expenditure. Any

planets posited in or aspecting the twelfth house will show how the

native channel his money.


He most probably spend on activities represented by Mars due to its

aspect. I think this is what contributed to his buying of books on

war stories. I believe he also has books on military and weaponary.

Can you just check with him?



Whenever the native speaks, he speaks with logic and his words will

appeal to people's rationale rather than feelings and ethics.

However, he may have problem expressing his self due to the neecha of

Saturn in Aries. To know more of Saturn's effect, we have to look at

Navamsa chart.


The native probably eats lot of `fiery' food due to position of

Mercury, lord of 2nd house, in Aries, a fire sign. The 2nd house,

is the house of food. The quality of the cannot be considered as

premium. Probably, it is of low quality since a debilated Saturn is

in conjunction with Mercury.



The native most probably suffers from some occasional digestive

problem or stomach problems due the the effect of Rahu in the 6th

house. The 6th house represent stomach. This may occur when it

comes to an unfavourable Dasa Bukhti period for Rahu.



Domestic bliss is probably `mellow' as the the lord of the 2nd house

(house of family) is in 9th in conjuction with Saturn. It is the

effect of Saturn that mellows the native's relationship with his

spouse and children. Furthermore, there may be some disturbance from

the Sun's aspect on the 2nd unless if we Sun as a benefic because it

is the Lagna Lord. How do you see the effect of Sun in this case on

the 2nd house? Nevertheless, the father again will create conflict

within the family unit with the native. Therefore, it may not be

advisable for the native to live with his father.



Mars being on the fifth shows he is an amorous person. In the affair

of heart, he is the initiator and will be assertive in his approach.

He likes outdoor and the limelight (I don't think he is a low profile

person). Probably, he is a sport person. Is that true?



Since 5th house is the house of speculation and Mars is the lord of

fortune, he will be fortunate in speculative activities when the Dasa

Bukhti is right. As he is running Mercury Dasa, he may want to wait

until Mars period to enter into speculation. Mercury is lord of 2nd

and 11th which are the house of liquid assets and gain in the 9th

house and Mars is the lord of 4th in 5th. I believe this is the best

time for him unless Mars and Mercury is not in a favourable position

in his Navamsa chart as all the profitable house is activated.



Nevertheless, the native has to be watchful for his health during

Mercury Dasa Mars Bukhti. Since Mercury being the owner of 11th

house is considered as functionally `evil' and may give some

disturbance to the native's general well-being. Furthermore, the

gain he gets may not be a very large amount as Mercury and Mars are

inimical to each other.


I believe a more accurate reading can be given if there is the

Navamsa chart.


Yours truly,




> vedic astrology, Hari Krishnan <hariks>

> wrote:

> > Hi John,

> > I agree with most of the thoughts presented by you.

> > Still I have some questions with u.

> > 1. Since the native is Leo Ascendant, and MARS being

> > yoga karaka for Leo Ascendant.

> > I like to know few things more.

> > You see,

> > 1. Exchange of Houses between Jupiter and

> > MARS(yogakaraka)

> > 2. Mars is aspecting the Lagna Lord i.e. SUN

> > 3. Mars is aspecting Ketu(at 12th house ie. House

> > of Losses) also

> > 4. Mars is aspecting the Moon and saturn(resides in

> > Aries(Mars is the Lord) is also aspecting Moon

> > 5. Jupiter is also aspecting the Ketu, as jupiter

> > exchanged the house with Mars

> > So the collective aspect of all these planets,

> > shows me that he more inclined towards

> > Materialism than moksha. what do you think.

> >

> > 2. Now he is in Mercury Dasa, and Ketu Dasa is going

> > start by 2012 I believe.

> > This shows me second thought, he may opt for

> > Moksha.

> >

> > 3. Both Trine(5, Mars)/Kendra(4, Jupiter) are

> > aspecting Lagna Lord i.e. Sun

> > What it signifies here?

> >

> > 4. Eventhoug Rahu is in an Upachaya house 6th, but

> > also Jupiter is in Kendra,

> > this gives him a another Yoga. what do you think?

> >

> > 5. Since Mars and Jupiter are exchanged the house, can

> > it considered as

> > as GURU-Mangal Yoga.

> >

> > I will invite some more others along with John to

> > put their thoughts on this horoscope.

> >

> > regards

> > ~Hari~

> > --- asoka112002 <asoka112002> wrote:

> > > vedic astrology, "hariks" <hariks>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Hi,

> > > >

> > > > Birth Time: 03-14PM

> > > > Birth 03-04-1971

> > > > Birth Place: Vellore, Tamil Nadu

> > > >

> > > > Asc - Leo

> > > > Jupiter - 4 from Asc (Note: Both Jup and Mars are

> > > in Parivarthana)

> > > > Mars - 5 from Asc (Note: Both Jup and Mars are in

> > > Parivarthana)

> > > > Rahu - 6 from Asc

> > > > Venus - 7 from Asc

> > > > Sun - 8 from Asc (Lagna Lord in 8th)

> > > > Mercury & Saturn - 9th from Asc

> > > > Moon - 11 from Asc (Full moon)

> > > > Ketu - 12 from Asc

> > > >

> > > > Can somebody put their Vedic Knowledge on above

> > > said horoscope.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks in Advance

> > > > ~Hari~

> > >

> > > Dear everyone,

> > >

> > > My name is John from Malaysia and is currently a

> > > student in Vedic

> > > astrology. I'm looking for materials to practice my

> > > interpretation.

> > >

> > > Pardon my presentation as it may be haphazard.

> > >

> > > Sun is in 8th. The native may have problems with

> > > superiors and the

> > > government may not be helpful either as it may

> > > impose restrictions to

> > > the native's activities. This may not occur if the

> > > native is working

> > > for himself and very little dealings with the

> > > government.

> > >

> > > The native will experience long life as its

> > > Ascendant lord is in the

> > > 8th (house of longevity).

> > >

> > > As Rahu is in an Upachaya house 6th, the native will

> > > face disturbance

> > > from many enemies. He will have the power to defeat

> > > his enemy but

> > > after much struggle. The native power over his

> > > enemies also comes

> > > from Saturn being in 9th (house of fortune) and

> > > aspects its own house.

> > >

> > > The native may have some occasional disturbance of

> > > diseases but the

> > > extent of the illness is not serious since Saturn is

> > > aspecting its

> > > own house which acts as salvation.

> > >

> > > According to Prashara, Venus for this Ascendant is a

> > > functional

> > > malefic being the 3rd lord. In addition, when a

> > > benefic planet own a

> > > Kendra house is will become a functional malefic.

> > > In this case,

> > > Venus owns the 10th house. Career wise, the native

> > > has to work hard

> > > and somehow the native has to devote his life to

> > > service. The 10th

> > > lord has gone to 10th from him. Being 6th from the

> > > Ascendant, the

> > > native is committed to his trade and will naturally

> > > work hard in his

> > > career. Even if his life is not of hardship, he

> > > still wants to work.

> > >

> > > The inclination towards moksha may also be

> > > strengthened as Saturn

> > > being 8th lord, a moksha, has gone into a 4th house,

> > > a moksha house.

> > > In addition, the Ascendant lord also falls into a

> > > moksha house. The

> > > tendency towards moksha is very strong for this

> > > native. Perhaps,

> > > Mars being the moksha lord aspecting the 12th house,

> > > also accentuate

> > > the inclination towards moksha. Furthermore, Mars

> > > is also aspecting

> > > the Ascendant lord in the 8th of the natal chart,

> > >

> > > Moon has gone backward from its house which may not

> > > bring much

> > > favourable results and therefore, the native may not

> > > enjoy much gain

> > > and fulfilment. His wealth is probably expended on

> > > his friends or

> > > elder siblings (signifies by 11th house). I feel

> > > the former to be

> > > true.

> > >

> > > The native is either handsome or beautiful due to

> > > Venus aspect.

> > > Charming the person may be, the native may be barren

> > > or infertile as

> > > Sun is in the 8th house (house of sexual organs). If

> > > the native is to

> > > have a partner, he or she will also be handsome or

> > > beautiful.

> > > However, the relationship may not last due to the

> > > strong moksha

> > > tendencies. The native may later renounce the

> > > affair.

> > >

> > > Mars,a trine lord, has gone to a trine. The native

> > > can engage in

> > > speculation when the right Dasa and Bukhti comes.

> > >

> > > There is Sambandha relationship between Mars and

> > > Jupiter as they

> > > exchange houses. In addition, Mars being a Kendra

> > > and Jupiter being

> > > a trine it create a Yoga Kara. Therefore, the

> > > native also received

> > > much fixed property and enjoy domestic happiness.

> > >

> > > In the family, there is no passionate display of

> > > emotion by the

> > > native due to the virtuous Jupiter. The native

> > > often communicate

> > > with other with intellectual thinking since Mercury

> > > the 2nd lord (2nd

> > > refers to speech) is in 9th in conjunction with

> > > Saturn. It is Saturn

> > > that put the refrain to the native intellectual

> > > process and prevents

> > > the native from being too impulsive in his thinking.

> > > The native

> > > always think before he speaks as both Saturn (karaga

> > > for refrain and

> > > restrain) and Mercury (karaga for intellectual

> > > process and rational

> > > thinking) is aspecting the third house (house of

> > > expression). If the

> > > native only has Mercury in 9th house in the Sign of

> > > Aries, the native

> > > may be a little impulsive in his speech.

> > >

> > > Perhaps, the native find its easy to win for fixed

> > > property or

> > > vehicles. Unfortunately, the Ascendant lord Sun is

> > > in the 8th. This

> > > may mean that the native either will not receive

> > > substantial benefits

> > > due to its weakened structure. Furthermore, the

> > > native may later not

> > > enjoy having such fortune and assets as Ketu is in

> > > 12th house leading

> > > the native to moksha.

> > >

> > > Jupiter being in a Kendra becomes powerful. Being

> > > the 8th lord also,

> > > it may carry with him some malefic content. As

> > > Jupiter is a natural

> > > benefic, any negative influence will be to a small

> > > extent. The

> > > effect of Jupiter will be seen during the dasa

> > > bukhti period.

> > >

> > > Question:

> > > 1. Just like to know, is this person a priest?

> > > 2. What is Parivarthana?

> > > 3. If the native is inclined to moksha, will he

> > > still be in pursuit

> > > of materialism?

> > > 4. Does the native philosophy and practice goes

> > > against the

> > > government?

> > > 5. Does the native have younger siblings? Are

> > > younger siblings

> > > wayward?

> > >

> > > Please tell me if I'm wrong so I can learn from all

> > > of you.

> > >

> > > Sincerely,

> > > John Choong

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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