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an advice needed (for Barbara)

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Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars being

in a kendra position from the lagna. So, the inherent

weakness of Saturn has been mitigated. Also, Jupiter

is aspecting your Saturn which alleviates the



In brief, this means that you can solve many of your

concerns through your own efforts (Mars) and learning



You should be aware that you are now undergoing sade

sati which is considered to be a challenging period.

Since Saturn is featured in this transit, this means

that you can meet the challenge through hard work and



To relieve the stress caused by these circumstances,

you should adopt an ayurvedic diet for your health,

and take up meditation for your mind.




John R.







--- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva


> Dear respected Gurus,


> I dare to address you for a piece of advice

> concerned my personal chart (Attached).

> The question is about the position of Shani in the

> eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause

> this position? Cause I've read somewhere that it

> leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like

> surprises.



> Thanks in advance for those who will answer this

> message.


> Barbara



> -----


> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword







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Hello all,


I have couple of related questions on the topic which I write

below. I would appreciate your feedback on this. As the

uncertainties in my life have increased, I have discovered a new

interest in Astrology and I have benefited much from the information

being shared on this and through several contributors on this forum.

My questions are:


1. I have learned that transit Saturn's aspects on the houses are

not good. However, it helps the house it is transiting. The

reverse is true for transit Jupiter. Does the same apply for natal

Saturn and natal Jupiter? I have Sat in Taurus-1st house, and

Jupiter in Scorpio-7th house in my natal chart.

2. Does wearing blue sapphire enhance the effects of both natal and

transit Saturn?


I also need a bit of advice on buying a blue sapphire for myself.

How important are cleanliness and no heat treatment for this gem? I

don't know how to verify this other than trusting the seller. Any

advice you can give me on buying this gemstore (specs and sellers)

would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you in advance and best regards,






vedic astrology, John Rasonabe <jr_esq>


> Barbara,


> Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars being

> in a kendra position from the lagna. So, the inherent

> weakness of Saturn has been mitigated. Also, Jupiter

> is aspecting your Saturn which alleviates the

> situation.


> In brief, this means that you can solve many of your

> concerns through your own efforts (Mars) and learning

> (Jupiter).


> You should be aware that you are now undergoing sade

> sati which is considered to be a challenging period.

> Since Saturn is featured in this transit, this means

> that you can meet the challenge through hard work and

> vigilance.


> To relieve the stress caused by these circumstances,

> you should adopt an ayurvedic diet for your health,

> and take up meditation for your mind.


> Regards,


> John R.

--- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva@n...>

> wrote:

> > Dear respected Gurus,

> >

> > I dare to address you for a piece of advice

> > concerned my personal chart (Attached).

> > The question is about the position of Shani in the

> > eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause

> > this position? Cause I've read somewhere that it

> > leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like

> > surprises.

> >

> >

> > Thanks in advance for those who will answer this

> > message.

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -----


> > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword

> name=horoscope82864042.rtf






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Dear John,

Thank you for your advice. You've brought peace to my restless mind. I have been

worring if I'm on the right way. Now I know for sure that I am though I suffer

sade sati in full:-))

I really apreciate your time and affort to help.

May I ask you one more question about the planets in the 10th house they are too

close to the Sun. Is it of any problem or it isn't.


Sorry, if I've been a bore to you.

your servant



John Rasonabe

vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:34 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] an advice needed (for Barbara)

Barbara,Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars beingin a kendra position

from the lagna. So, the inherentweakness of Saturn has been mitigated. Also,

Jupiteris aspecting your Saturn which alleviates thesituation.In brief, this

means that you can solve many of yourconcerns through your own efforts (Mars)

and learning(Jupiter).You should be aware that you are now undergoing sadesati

which is considered to be a challenging period. Since Saturn is featured in

this transit, this meansthat you can meet the challenge through hard work

andvigilance.To relieve the stress caused by these circumstances,you should

adopt an ayurvedic diet for your health,and take up meditation for your

mind.Regards,John R.--- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva (AT) ncc (DOT) nnov.ru>wrote:>

Dear respected Gurus,> > I dare to address you for a piece of advice> concerned

my personal chart (Attached). > The question is about the position of Shani in

the> eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause> this position? Cause

I've read somewhere that it> leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like>

surprises.> > > Thanks in advance for those who will answer this> message.> >

Barbara> > > -----> ATTACHMENT part 2


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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Dear Rajesh,




> Hello all,


> I have couple of related questions on the topic which I write

> below. I would appreciate your feedback on this. As the

> uncertainties in my life have increased, I have discovered a new

> interest in Astrology and I have benefited much from the information

> being shared on this and through several contributors on this forum.

> My questions are:


> 1. I have learned that transit Saturn's aspects on the houses are

> not good. However, it helps the house it is transiting. The

> reverse is true for transit Jupiter. Does the same apply for natal

> Saturn and natal Jupiter? I have Sat in Taurus-1st house, and

> Jupiter in Scorpio-7th house in my natal chart.


As far as I know, Saturn transitting a house will activate the bad karma

connected to it, and Jupiter transitting weill activate the pious karma

connected to it. As for aspects, I'm not sure, but I also remember that Rasi

dristi of trasnsit Jupiter is benefic. Deatails may be found by studying the

Astakavarga charts of the chart in question. Jupiter tends to destroy the

house from which he is in the 8th. Thus Jupiter in 8th from Lg gives rise to

Asura yoga and destroys the native's piety. Saturn in 1st gives rise to

pravrajya yoga, and makes you bereft of physical comforts. Jupiter in 7th is

usually good for marriage and relationships, and the Karaka Bhava Nashaya

principle will not work here.


> 2. Does wearing blue sapphire enhance the effects of both natal and

> transit Saturn?


Yes. But being a natural malefic, you shuld make sure very cautiously that

the effects of Saturn in your chart are more benefic than malefic, because

wearing the gem would increase both. If you want to increase the benefic

effects already given by Saturn, wear it on the right middle finger. If you

want to decrease the malefic effects, then wear it for a few months in the

beginning of Saturn's Mahadasa on your left middle finger, then take it off.

My shishya, Swee Chan plans to write a detailed and very revealing book on

planetary gemstones and their application. You can refer to her for details.


> I also need a bit of advice on buying a blue sapphire for myself.

> How important are cleanliness and no heat treatment for this gem? I

> don't know how to verify this other than trusting the seller. Any

> advice you can give me on buying this gemstore (specs and sellers)

> would be greatly appreciated.


If you have a lot of money, then you can afford a nice clean sapphire. If it

is not clean, with cracks and inclusions, better don't buy. The best is

cornflower color. The retail price for a nice 6-7 carateer would be at least

around $1500-2000/Ct. So if you cannot afford spending this much, then a

nice bluish tourmaline would serve as a good substitute. Please refer to

Swee for more details, she can guide you. her email is Swee.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:






> Thank you in advance and best regards,


> Rajesh




> vedic astrology, John Rasonabe <jr_esq>

> wrote:

> > Barbara,

> >

> > Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars being

> > in a kendra position from the lagna. So, the inherent

> > weakness of Saturn has been mitigated. Also, Jupiter

> > is aspecting your Saturn which alleviates the

> > situation.

> >

> > In brief, this means that you can solve many of your

> > concerns through your own efforts (Mars) and learning

> > (Jupiter).

> >

> > You should be aware that you are now undergoing sade

> > sati which is considered to be a challenging period.

> > Since Saturn is featured in this transit, this means

> > that you can meet the challenge through hard work and

> > vigilance.

> >

> > To relieve the stress caused by these circumstances,

> > you should adopt an ayurvedic diet for your health,

> > and take up meditation for your mind.

> >

> > Regards,

> >

> > John R.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > --- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva@n...>

> > wrote:

> > > Dear respected Gurus,

> > >

> > > I dare to address you for a piece of advice

> > > concerned my personal chart (Attached).

> > > The question is about the position of Shani in the

> > > eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause

> > > this position? Cause I've read somewhere that it

> > > leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like

> > > surprises.

> > >

> > >

> > > Thanks in advance for those who will answer this

> > > message.

> > >

> > > Barbara

> > >

> > >

> > > -----

> >

> > > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword

> > name=horoscope82864042.rtf

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.

> > http://mailplus.









> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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The close conjunctions of the planets to the Sun can

weaken their significations. However, Jupiter in your

chart is aspecting your 10th house. So, the

weaknesses caused by the conjunction with the Sun is

somewhat mitigated.


The Sun in the 10th house is good for your career.

However, you need to balance you career goals with

your health and lifestyle objectives.


Since Mercury (1st house lord) is involved in this

close conjunction, you should watch your health

carefully to make sure that stresses from the job do

not weaken your body systems.


Your chart shows that you have a predominant pitta

constitution due to the heat of the Sun. You need to

avoid hot foods, alcoholic drinks and stressful

conditions from your work or career or even from your

own career ambitions.


As such, you should adopt an ayurvedic diet for

health, and take up meditation to soothe your mind.

In addition, you can wear an emerald stone set on a

steel ring. This stone should be good for your health

and career.




John R.




If it's available near where you live, you can request

a pundit to perform yagyas for you to enhance your

quality of life.




--- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva


> Dear John,

> Thank you for your advice. You've brought peace to

> my restless mind. I have been worring if I'm on the

> right way. Now I know for sure that I am though I

> suffer sade sati in full:-))

> I really apreciate your time and affort to help.

> May I ask you one more question about the planets in

> the 10th house they are too close to the Sun. Is it

> of any problem or it isn't.


> Sorry, if I've been a bore to you.

> your servant

> Barbara

> -

> John Rasonabe

> vedic astrology

> Wednesday, December 18, 2002 10:34 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] an advice needed

> (for Barbara)



> Barbara,


> Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars

> being

> in a kendra position from the lagna. So, the

> inherent

> weakness of Saturn has been mitigated. Also,

> Jupiter

> is aspecting your Saturn which alleviates the

> situation.


> In brief, this means that you can solve many of

> your

> concerns through your own efforts (Mars) and

> learning

> (Jupiter).


> You should be aware that you are now undergoing

> sade

> sati which is considered to be a challenging

> period.

> Since Saturn is featured in this transit, this

> means

> that you can meet the challenge through hard work

> and

> vigilance.


> To relieve the stress caused by these

> circumstances,

> you should adopt an ayurvedic diet for your

> health,

> and take up meditation for your mind.


> Regards,


> John R.

--- ??????? ??????????? <bkondratyeva

> wrote:

> > Dear respected Gurus,

> >

> > I dare to address you for a piece of advice

> > concerned my personal chart (Attached).

> > The question is about the position of Shani in

> the

> > eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause

> > this position? Cause I've read somewhere that it

> > leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like

> > surprises.

> >

> >

> > Thanks in advance for those who will answer this

> > message.

> >

> > Barbara

> >

> >

> > -----


> > ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msword

> name=horoscope82864042.rtf






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> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......


> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri

> Krishnaarpanamastu ||



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Thank you very much.


Your servant,




John Rasonabe

vedic astrology

Wednesday, December 18, 2002 8:51 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] an advice needed (for Barbara)

Barbara,The close conjunctions of the planets to the Sun canweaken their

significations. However, Jupiter in yourchart is aspecting your 10th house.

So, theweaknesses caused by the conjunction with the Sun issomewhat

mitigated.The Sun in the 10th house is good for your career. However, you need

to balance you career goals withyour health and lifestyle objectives.Since

Mercury (1st house lord) is involved in thisclose conjunction, you should watch

your healthcarefully to make sure that stresses from the job donot weaken your

body systems.Your chart shows that you have a predominant pittaconstitution due

to the heat of the Sun. You need toavoid hot foods, alcoholic drinks and

stressfulconditions from your work or career or even from yourown career

ambitions.As such, you should adopt an ayurvedic diet forhealth, and take up

meditation to soothe your mind. In addition, you can wear an emerald stone set

on asteel ring. This stone should be good for your healthand

career.Regards,John R.PSIf it's available near where you live, you can requesta

pundit to perform yagyas for you to enhance yourquality of life.--- ???????

??????????? <bkondratyeva (AT) ncc (DOT) nnov.ru>wrote:> Dear John, > Thank you for your

advice. You've brought peace to> my restless mind. I have been worring if I'm

on the> right way. Now I know for sure that I am though I> suffer sade sati in

full:-))> I really apreciate your time and affort to help.> May I ask you one

more question about the planets in> the 10th house they are too close to the

Sun. Is it> of any problem or it isn't.> > Sorry, if I've been a bore to you.>

your servant > Barbara> - > John Rasonabe >

vedic astrology > Wednesday, December 18, 2002

10:34 AM> Re: [vedic astrology] an advice needed> (for Barbara)> > >

Barbara,> > Your Saturn is in neechabhanga because of Mars> being> in a

kendra position from the lagna. So, the> inherent> weakness of Saturn has

been mitigated. Also,> Jupiter> is aspecting your Saturn which alleviates

the> situation.> > In brief, this means that you can solve many of> your>

concerns through your own efforts (Mars) and> learning> (Jupiter).> > You

should be aware that you are now undergoing> sade> sati which is considered

to be a challenging> period. > Since Saturn is featured in this transit,

this> means> that you can meet the challenge through hard work> and>

vigilance.> > To relieve the stress caused by these> circumstances,> you

should adopt an ayurvedic diet for your> health,> and take up meditation for

your mind.> > Regards,> > John R.> > > > > > > --- ??????? ???????????

<bkondratyeva (AT) ncc (DOT) nnov.ru>> wrote:> > Dear respected Gurus,> > > > I

dare to address you for a piece of advice> > concerned my personal chart

(Attached). > > The question is about the position of Shani in> the> >

eight house (Mesha). What consequenses may cause> > this position? Cause I've

read somewhere that it> > leads to an accedental death:-)) Do not like> >

surprises.> > > > > > Thanks in advance for those who will answer this>

> message.> > > > Barbara> > > > > > -----> > > ATTACHMENT part 2

application/msword> name=horoscope82864042.rtf> > > >

> >

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info:>vedic astrology/info.html> > To

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Sarvam Sri> Krishnaarpanamastu || > > Your use of is subject

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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