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Truthful history of Jyotish? - Historical Events

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Hello Group


Some years back I came across an article on net which re-sparked my

interest in Astrology. I was always interested to learn astrology but

could not learn it. I am posting the details of the article. This

article relates to the historicity of Mahabharata. May be some gurus

in this group can interpret something from this.






Article -




Historicity of Mahabharat


This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995

issue of Devastaanam authored by Shri Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The

article itself was based on the research effort of Professor

K.Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous

pandits of Panchanga Shastra including the secretary of the All India

Panchanga Sanskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shastri from Haryana

and vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shri D.R. Mankad, etc.


Based on the astrological information provided by Maharishi Veda

Vyasa (position of stars etc) Mahabharat war was estimated to have

started on Nov 22, 3067 B.C. On the day of the war, the

astrological positions of the planets and stars Sun, Moon, Rahu,

Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Shukra have been described by Veda Vyasa.

By looking at the positions based on Panchangam the Indian Calendar

and the Julian Calendar one can arrive at the precise dates for war.

Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before or

after the war were described in Mahabharat and the dates for these

can be precisely matched with the Julian Calendar as discussed below.


Lord Sri Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but failed.

He left upaplavya city for Hastinapuraa on Kaartika Shuddha Dwaadasi

day in Revati Nakshtra between 7.36 Bharani Nakshatra and had

discussions with the Kauravaras till pushyami nakshtra. The peace

proposal was rejected by Duryodhana on Krishna Panchami. Krishna left

Hastinapura and had discussions with Karna before he departed

revealing to him that he was the eldest son of Kunti. Krishna

informed Karna that Duryodhana must get ready to fight the day which

will be Amaavaasya day (New Moon Day) with Jyesta Nakshatra. Krishna

returned to Upaplavya City on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that

on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplavya. Next Pushya

Nakshatra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra.



Krishna returned from Hastinapura after his unsuccessful peace

mission on Uttara Phalguna day. Starting from that day the seventh

day was Amavaasya (New Moon Day) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as

discussed by Vyasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun and the Moon was

turning towards Amaavasya.


Fifteen days after return from Upaplavya on Punarvasu Nakshatra

Balarama left for pilgrimage of sacred places (Balarama did not want

to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He

returned to kurukshetra after forty-two days in the Shravana

Nakshatra. The Mahabharata war had duration of eighteen days and

Duryodhana died on the nineteenth day, which was Bahula Chaturdashi

with Shravana Nakshatra, and this was the fifty-ninth day after the

Amavaasya with Jyesta Nakshatra.



36 days after the Mahabharata war, Yadava kula or clan was destroyed.

This was predicted by Krishna by astrological happening compressed

Purnmima on Chaturdashi day. This happened once before the

Mahabharata war and will happen again and this will lead to our



Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata

war, the lunar cycle (paksha fourteen days) was strange and this

aspect was discussed in the Bheeshma Adhyaya. Guru and Shani are in

Vaishaka, Moon and Sun entered in the same house one after the other

making Amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day itself. This peculiar

condensation of the thithis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare

phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably

followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a

direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharata war.

According to the modern Julian calendar this type of planetary

collusion occurred definitely in 3067 BC in November.

Vyasa writes:

Chaturdashim panchadashim

Bhuuta puurvamcha shoodhashim

Imaantu naabhi jaaneham

Amaavaasyam trayodashim

Chandra soorya bhougrastou

Ekamevam trayodashim

Prajaa sakshapaishytah.


This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never

seen before and the same month the Sun, Moon eclipses is a rare

phenomenon resulting in large scale disaster to the people.


One month before, in Margashira during Poorvashaada Nakshatra armies

of Pandavaas and Kouravaas had assembled on the West and East sides

or the Hiranya river respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and

Durga pooja day. Duryodhana was inching for the war. That evening

Duryodhana sends a word with Shakuni and they pray to the arms and

everybody is ready to start the war. The war started on Krittika

Nakshatra and the Bhaghavad Gita also started on the same day. The

war began at 6.30 am. The date according to the Julian Calendar this

was on 22nd November 3067 B.C.



Other Notable incidents that occurred.



Bheeshma died on Maagha Shudda Ashtami (*** this is debatable as

Bheeshma is supposed to have died on Ekadasi in the Uttarayana

punyakalam and hence the name Bheeshma Ekadasi) which is the 58 day

of the war though he fell on the 10 day of the war.


Pandavaas Birth

Yudhishtra was born on Shudda Panchami Jyesta Nakshatra and was

elder to Krishna. Bheema was 347 days younger to Yudhishtra and

Arjuna was 303 days younger to Bheema and was born on Shukla

Chatrudashi Soma Vaaram Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.


When Pandavaas came to Hatinapura after the death of their father

Pandu in 3091 B.C and Yudhishtra was 14 years, 9 months and 11 days

old. When he was coronated by Bheeshma as a prince Yudhishtra was 20

years, 1 month and 26 days old.



Pandavaas reached Varanaasi in Phalguna Shudda Ashtami Rohini

Nakshatra which took 10 days from Hastinapura. They stayed there for

a year and after the wax house was burned they spent six months in

the Shaalihotraa ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city.


The second coronation and buildin of Indraprashta was in November

3091 B.C seven months after the marriage with Draupadi.


Abhimanyu was born in 3083 B.C February, Kaliyugam started in 3105 BC

October 13th, Amaavasya Mangla Jyeshta Nakshatra – Kali was born.

This is the most inauspicious day. The next poornima day was full

eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104 B.C. That was the day when the

five Grahas along with the moon were in Dhanista Nakshatra.


Rajasuya Yagna:

Rajasuya yagna by Dharmaja was performed by Dharmaraja on on

amavaasya Jyeshta Moola nakshatra. Yudhishtira shakam started in 3082

B.C, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas to

forest was in November 3081 B.C, Margashiraa shukla-tryodashi.


Vanavaasam for 12 years and living incognito for one year ( 13 lunar

years + 12 or 13 solar years plus 18 days) which was calculates and

declares that Duryodhana was wrong in claiming that the pandaavaaas

were indentified. Agnatha vaasam(living incongnito) began in

Margashira 3069 BC, Arjuna was noticed on Margashira shudda ekadashi



The mahabharata war lasted for 18 days, Dharmaraja ruled for 36 years

after the war. Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started

Dhrutharashtra, Gandhari, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta

(living in forest). That year itself Vidura performed praayopavesham.

Two years after that Dhrutarashtra, Kunti and Gandhari were caught in

forest fire and died and Sanjaya was the only survivor. Sri Krishna

passed away on 3031 B.C, April 13th Friday. Pandavaas Mahaprastaanam

was in 3031 B.C in November.

All these dates that matched the Indian astrological description of

the stars and the moon and the Julian Calendar predictions. There is

so much consistency in all these events and descriptions that makes

one wonder. Based on this information Mahabharata must be Five

thousand years old as per the historical accounting. The analysis is

extremely precise and scientific matching the astronomical positions.


The beauty and scientific psychoanalysis of Bhaghavad Gita stand out

as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind.

Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharata cannot be



Translated by K. Sadananda

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Can you give the exact article (perhaps scan it and send the image)

or give its source?





vedic astrology, "astro4kris

<astro4kris>" <astro4kris> wrote:

> Hello Group


> Some years back I came across an article on net which re-sparked my

> interest in Astrology. I was always interested to learn astrology


> could not learn it. I am posting the details of the article. This

> article relates to the historicity of Mahabharata. May be some


> in this group can interpret something from this.


> Thanks


> Kris


> Article -




> Historicity of Mahabharat


> This article is based on the information that I found in March 1995

> issue of Devastaanam authored by Shri Janamaddi Hanumanta Rao. The

> article itself was based on the research effort of Professor

> K.Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous

> pandits of Panchanga Shastra including the secretary of the All


> Panchanga Sanskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shastri from


> and vice chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shri D.R. Mankad,



> Based on the astrological information provided by Maharishi Veda

> Vyasa (position of stars etc) Mahabharat war was estimated to have

> started on Nov 22, 3067 B.C. On the day of the war, the

> astrological positions of the planets and stars Sun, Moon, Rahu,

> Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Shukra have been described by Veda


> By looking at the positions based on Panchangam the Indian Calendar

> and the Julian Calendar one can arrive at the precise dates for


> Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before or

> after the war were described in Mahabharat and the dates for these

> can be precisely matched with the Julian Calendar as discussed



> Lord Sri Krishna made a last minute effort to make peace but


> He left upaplavya city for Hastinapuraa on Kaartika Shuddha


> day in Revati Nakshtra between 7.36 Bharani Nakshatra and had

> discussions with the Kauravaras till pushyami nakshtra. The peace

> proposal was rejected by Duryodhana on Krishna Panchami. Krishna


> Hastinapura and had discussions with Karna before he departed

> revealing to him that he was the eldest son of Kunti. Krishna

> informed Karna that Duryodhana must get ready to fight the day


> will be Amaavaasya day (New Moon Day) with Jyesta Nakshatra.


> returned to Upaplavya City on Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after


> on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came to Upaplavya. Next Pushya

> Nakshatra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to Kurukshetra.



> Krishna returned from Hastinapura after his unsuccessful peace

> mission on Uttara Phalguna day. Starting from that day the seventh

> day was Amavaasya (New Moon Day) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as

> discussed by Vyasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun and the Moon was

> turning towards Amaavasya.


> Fifteen days after return from Upaplavya on Punarvasu Nakshatra

> Balarama left for pilgrimage of sacred places (Balarama did not


> to participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He

> returned to kurukshetra after forty-two days in the Shravana

> Nakshatra. The Mahabharata war had duration of eighteen days and

> Duryodhana died on the nineteenth day, which was Bahula Chaturdashi

> with Shravana Nakshatra, and this was the fifty-ninth day after the

> Amavaasya with Jyesta Nakshatra.



> 36 days after the Mahabharata war, Yadava kula or clan was


> This was predicted by Krishna by astrological happening compressed

> Purnmima on Chaturdashi day. This happened once before the

> Mahabharata war and will happen again and this will lead to our

> destruction.


> Astrologically a strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata

> war, the lunar cycle (paksha fourteen days) was strange and this

> aspect was discussed in the Bheeshma Adhyaya. Guru and Shani are in

> Vaishaka, Moon and Sun entered in the same house one after the


> making Amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day itself. This peculiar

> condensation of the thithis into thirteen from fifteen is a rare

> phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably

> followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a

> direct means to establish the precise date of Mahabharata war.

> According to the modern Julian calendar this type of planetary

> collusion occurred definitely in 3067 BC in November.

> Vyasa writes:

> Chaturdashim panchadashim

> Bhuuta puurvamcha shoodhashim

> Imaantu naabhi jaaneham

> Amaavaasyam trayodashim

> Chandra soorya bhougrastou

> Ekamevam trayodashim

> Prajaa sakshapaishytah.


> This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never

> seen before and the same month the Sun, Moon eclipses is a rare

> phenomenon resulting in large scale disaster to the people.


> One month before, in Margashira during Poorvashaada Nakshatra


> of Pandavaas and Kouravaas had assembled on the West and East sides

> or the Hiranya river respectively. The next day was Navaraatri and

> Durga pooja day. Duryodhana was inching for the war. That evening

> Duryodhana sends a word with Shakuni and they pray to the arms and

> everybody is ready to start the war. The war started on Krittika

> Nakshatra and the Bhaghavad Gita also started on the same day. The

> war began at 6.30 am. The date according to the Julian Calendar


> was on 22nd November 3067 B.C.



> Other Notable incidents that occurred.


> Bheeshma

> Bheeshma died on Maagha Shudda Ashtami (*** this is debatable as

> Bheeshma is supposed to have died on Ekadasi in the Uttarayana

> punyakalam and hence the name Bheeshma Ekadasi) which is the 58


> of the war though he fell on the 10 day of the war.


> Pandavaas Birth

> Yudhishtra was born on Shudda Panchami Jyesta Nakshatra and was

> elder to Krishna. Bheema was 347 days younger to Yudhishtra and

> Arjuna was 303 days younger to Bheema and was born on Shukla

> Chatrudashi Soma Vaaram Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.


> When Pandavaas came to Hatinapura after the death of their father

> Pandu in 3091 B.C and Yudhishtra was 14 years, 9 months and 11


> old. When he was coronated by Bheeshma as a prince Yudhishtra was


> years, 1 month and 26 days old.


> Vanavaasam:

> Pandavaas reached Varanaasi in Phalguna Shudda Ashtami Rohini

> Nakshatra which took 10 days from Hastinapura. They stayed there


> a year and after the wax house was burned they spent six months in

> the Shaalihotraa ashram and seven months in Ekachatra city.


> The second coronation and buildin of Indraprashta was in November

> 3091 B.C seven months after the marriage with Draupadi.


> Abhimanyu was born in 3083 B.C February, Kaliyugam started in 3105


> October 13th, Amaavasya Mangla Jyeshta Nakshatra – Kali was born.

> This is the most inauspicious day. The next poornima day was full

> eclipse of the Moon, October 1, 3104 B.C. That was the day when the

> five Grahas along with the moon were in Dhanista Nakshatra.


> Rajasuya Yagna:

> Rajasuya yagna by Dharmaja was performed by Dharmaraja on on

> amavaasya Jyeshta Moola nakshatra. Yudhishtira shakam started in


> B.C, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of Pandavaas


> forest was in November 3081 B.C, Margashiraa shukla-tryodashi.


> Vanavaasam for 12 years and living incognito for one year ( 13


> years + 12 or 13 solar years plus 18 days) which was calculates and

> declares that Duryodhana was wrong in claiming that the


> were indentified. Agnatha vaasam(living incongnito) began in

> Margashira 3069 BC, Arjuna was noticed on Margashira shudda


> Nakshatra.


> The mahabharata war lasted for 18 days, Dharmaraja ruled for 36


> after the war. Fifteen years after Dharmaja rule started

> Dhrutharashtra, Gandhari, Kunti and Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta

> (living in forest). That year itself Vidura performed


> Two years after that Dhrutarashtra, Kunti and Gandhari were caught


> forest fire and died and Sanjaya was the only survivor. Sri Krishna

> passed away on 3031 B.C, April 13th Friday. Pandavaas


> was in 3031 B.C in November.

> All these dates that matched the Indian astrological description of

> the stars and the moon and the Julian Calendar predictions. There


> so much consistency in all these events and descriptions that makes

> one wonder. Based on this information Mahabharata must be Five

> thousand years old as per the historical accounting. The analysis


> extremely precise and scientific matching the astronomical



> The beauty and scientific psychoanalysis of Bhaghavad Gita stand


> as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind.

> Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharata cannot be

> questioned


> Translated by K. Sadananda

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I am sending the word file I have. Hope this suffices


"indigenius <indigenius (AT) (DOT) co.uk>" <indigenius (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote: Can you

give the exact article (perhaps scan it and send the image) or give its

source?Thanks.vedic astrology, "astro4kris

<astro4kris>" <astro4kris> wrote:> Hello Group> > Some years back I

came across an article on net which re-sparked my > interest in Astrology. I

was always interested to learn astrology but > could not learn it. I am posting

the details of the article. This > article relates to the historicity of

Mahabharata. May be some gurus > in this group can interpret something from

this.> > Thanks> > Kris> > Article -> > > >

Historicity of Mahabharat> > This article is based on the information that I

found in March 1995 > issue of Devastaanam authored by Shri Janamaddi Hanumanta

Rao. The > article itself was based on the research effort of Professor >

K.Srinivasa Raghavan. The research was acclaimed by several famous > pandits of

Panchanga Shastra including the secretary of the All India > Panchanga

Sanskarana Sangha, Pandit Radhashyaam Shastri from Haryana > and vice

chancellor of Sourashtra University, Shri D.R. Mankad, etc.> > Based on the

astrological information provided by Maharishi Veda > Vyasa (position of stars

etc) Mahabharat war was estimated to have > started on Nov 22, 3067 B.C. On

the day of the war, the > astrological positions of the planets and stars

Sun, Moon, Rahu, > Saturn, Guru, Mangala and Shukra have been described by

Veda Vyasa. > By looking at the positions based on Panchangam the Indian

Calendar > and the Julian Calendar one can arrive at the precise dates for war.

> Furthermore all other related incidents that took place before or > after the

war were described in Mahabharat and the dates for these > can be precisely

matched with the Julian Calendar as discussed below.> > Lord Sri Krishna made a

last minute effort to make peace but failed. > He left upaplavya city for

Hastinapuraa on Kaartika Shuddha Dwaadasi > day in Revati Nakshtra between 7.36

Bharani Nakshatra and had > discussions with the Kauravaras till pushyami

nakshtra. The peace > proposal was rejected by Duryodhana on Krishna Panchami.

Krishna left > Hastinapura and had discussions with Karna before he departed >

revealing to him that he was the eldest son of Kunti. Krishna > informed Karna

that Duryodhana must get ready to fight the day which > will be Amaavaasya day

(New Moon Day) with Jyesta Nakshatra. Krishna > returned to Upaplavya City on

Chitta Nakshatra. Three days after that > on Anuradha Nakshatra Balarama came

to Upaplavya. Next Pushya > Nakshatra day Pandavaas left with Krishna to

Kurukshetra.> > > Krishna returned from Hastinapura after his unsuccessful

peace > mission on Uttara Phalguna day. Starting from that day the seventh >

day was Amavaasya (New Moon Day) with Saturn on Rohini Nakshatra as > discussed

by Vyasa. Rahu was approaching the Sun and the Moon was > turning towards

Amaavasya.> > Fifteen days after return from Upaplavya on Punarvasu Nakshatra >

Balarama left for pilgrimage of sacred places (Balarama did not want > to

participate in the war that involved cousins on both sides). He > returned to

kurukshetra after forty-two days in the Shravana > Nakshatra. The Mahabharata

war had duration of eighteen days and > Duryodhana died on the nineteenth day,

which was Bahula Chaturdashi > with Shravana Nakshatra, and this was the

fifty-ninth day after the > Amavaasya with Jyesta Nakshatra.> >

> 36 days after the Mahabharata war, Yadava kula or clan was destroyed. >

This was predicted by Krishna by astrological happening compressed > Purnmima

on Chaturdashi day. This happened once before the > Mahabharata war and will

happen again and this will lead to our > destruction.> > Astrologically a

strange phenomenon occurred during the Mahabharata > war, the lunar cycle

(paksha fourteen days) was strange and this > aspect was discussed in the

Bheeshma Adhyaya. Guru and Shani are in > Vaishaka, Moon and Sun entered in the

same house one after the other > making Amaavaasya on the Trayodasi day itself.

This peculiar > condensation of the thithis into thirteen from fifteen is a

rare > phenomenon as discussed by Vyaasa in Mahabharat and has inevitably >

followed by mass destruction due to war. This incident provided a > direct

means to establish the precise date of Mahabharata war. > According to the

modern Julian calendar this type of planetary > collusion occurred definitely

in 3067 BC in November. > Vyasa writes:> Chaturdashim panchadashim> Bhuuta

puurvamcha shoodhashim> Imaantu naabhi jaaneham> Amaavaasyam trayodashim>

Chandra soorya bhougrastou> Ekamevam trayodashim> Prajaa sakshapaishytah.> >

This amaavaasya falling on the thirteenth day itself I have never > seen

before and the same month the Sun, Moon eclipses is a rare > phenomenon

resulting in large scale disaster to the people.> > One month before, in

Margashira during Poorvashaada Nakshatra armies > of Pandavaas and Kouravaas

had assembled on the West and East sides > or the Hiranya river respectively.

The next day was Navaraatri and > Durga pooja day. Duryodhana was inching for

the war. That evening > Duryodhana sends a word with Shakuni and they pray to

the arms and > everybody is ready to start the war. The war started on Krittika

> Nakshatra and the Bhaghavad Gita also started on the same day. The > war began

at 6.30 am. The date according to the Julian Calendar this > was on 22nd

November 3067 B.C.> > > Other Notable incidents that occurred.> > Bheeshma>

Bheeshma died on Maagha Shudda Ashtami (*** this is debatable as > Bheeshma is

supposed to have died on Ekadasi in the Uttarayana > punyakalam and hence the

name Bheeshma Ekadasi) which is the 58 day > of the war though he fell on the

10 day of the war.> > Pandavaas Birth> Yudhishtra was born on Shudda Panchami

Jyesta Nakshatra and was > elder to Krishna. Bheema was 347 days younger to

Yudhishtra and > Arjuna was 303 days younger to Bheema and was born on Shukla >

Chatrudashi Soma Vaaram Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra.> > When Pandavaas came to

Hatinapura after the death of their father > Pandu in 3091 B.C and Yudhishtra

was 14 years, 9 months and 11 days > old. When he was coronated by Bheeshma as

a prince Yudhishtra was 20 > years, 1 month and 26 days old.> > Vanavaasam:>

Pandavaas reached Varanaasi in Phalguna Shudda Ashtami Rohini > Nakshatra which

took 10 days from Hastinapura. They stayed there for > a year and after the wax

house was burned they spent six months in > the Shaalihotraa ashram and seven

months in Ekachatra city.> > The second coronation and buildin of Indraprashta

was in November > 3091 B.C seven months after the marriage with Draupadi.> >

Abhimanyu was born in 3083 B.C February, Kaliyugam started in 3105 BC > October

13th, Amaavasya Mangla Jyeshta Nakshatra – Kali was born. > This is the most

inauspicious day. The next poornima day was full > eclipse of the Moon, October

1, 3104 B.C. That was the day when the > five Grahas along with the moon were in

Dhanista Nakshatra.> > Rajasuya Yagna:> Rajasuya yagna by Dharmaja was

performed by Dharmaraja on on > amavaasya Jyeshta Moola nakshatra. Yudhishtira

shakam started in 3082 > B.C, October 26th . The gambling and the banishment of

Pandavaas to > forest was in November 3081 B.C, Margashiraa shukla-tryodashi.> >

Vanavaasam for 12 years and living incognito for one year ( 13 lunar > years +

12 or 13 solar years plus 18 days) which was calculates and > declares that

Duryodhana was wrong in claiming that the pandaavaaas > were indentified.

Agnatha vaasam(living incongnito) began in > Margashira 3069 BC, Arjuna was

noticed on Margashira shudda ekadashi > Nakshatra.> > The mahabharata war

lasted for 18 days, Dharmaraja ruled for 36 years > after the war. Fifteen

years after Dharmaja rule started > Dhrutharashtra, Gandhari, Kunti and

Sanjaya left for Vaanaprasta> (living in forest). That year itself Vidura

performed praayopavesham. > Two years after that Dhrutarashtra, Kunti and

Gandhari were caught in > forest fire and died and Sanjaya was the only

survivor. Sri Krishna > passed away on 3031 B.C, April 13th Friday. Pandavaas

Mahaprastaanam > was in 3031 B.C in November. > All these dates that matched

the Indian astrological description of > the stars and the moon and the Julian

Calendar predictions. There is > so much consistency in all these events and

descriptions that makes > one wonder. Based on this information Mahabharata

must be Five > thousand years old as per the historical accounting. The

analysis is > extremely precise and scientific matching the astronomical

positions. > > The beauty and scientific psychoanalysis of Bhaghavad Gita stand

out > as monumental contribution by the Mahabharat period to the mankind. >

Based on the above facts the historicity of Mahabharata cannot be > questioned>

> Translated by K. SadanandaArchives:

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