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some quotes from Vivekananda and JK!!!

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I will tell you a story...


A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was

born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog. Of

course the evolutionists were not there then to tell us whether it

lost its eyes or not, but for our story's sake we must take it for

granted that it had eyes and that it everyday cleansed the water of

all the worms and bacilli that lived in it, with an energy that would

do credit to our modern bacteriologists. In this way it went on and

became a little sleek and fat. Well, one day another frog that lived

in the sea came and fell into the well.


"Where are you from?"


"I am from the sea."


"The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well? And he took a

leap from one side of the well to the other.


"My friend", said the frog of the sea, "how do you compare the sea

with your well?"


Then the frog took another leap and asked, "Is your sea so big?"


"What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!"


"Well, then," said the frog of the well, "nothing can be bigger than

my well. There can be nothing bigger than this. This fellow is a

liar. Turn him out."


That has been the difficulty all the while. I am a Hindu. I am

sitting in my own well and thinking that the whole world is my little

well. The Christian sits in his little well and thinks the whole

world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his well and thinks that is

the whole world..."




Some quotes from JK (1928):



"I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it

by any path whatever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth cannot be

organised,.... I do not want any followers, and I mean this...You

have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the kingdom of

happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that

key. That key is your own Self." (1928)



"Most of us are used to being told what to do. The giving and

following of directions is considered to be positive teaching. To be

lead appears to be positive. But truth is the negation of false, not

the opposite of false."



"We are so concerned with our own problems, or we are so conditioned,

so heavily burdened with belief, with tradition, with the past, that

this actually prevents us from seeing or listening."





My comments: Truth or knowledge is no one country's or man's property

or copyright. No one can can claim any knowledge as having come from

a particular school or guru or country exclusively. It is another

form- a more subtler one - of ego that makes us believe so. Till one

breaks free from this kind of conditioning that everything was known

to our ancestors, that everything, every great idea was born in

India, we will be misleading ourselves. Every ancient culture, every

ancient race contributed to what we have today. Humanity's heritage

is common to all, and comes from all. Babylonians, Iranians

(Zorastrian), Greeks, Egyptians, ..., every single ancient race had

its own contribution. In fact knowledge comes from One Source, the

common Source.












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Dear Dr. Choudharyji,

Thanks for writing it up. I have enjoyed reading many of your

articles/posts and hope you write more often.


> "We are so concerned with our own problems, or we are so


> so heavily burdened with belief, with tradition, with the past,


> this actually prevents us from seeing or listening."


I recently saw a TV program (The Power of Myth: Interview by Late

Prof. Joseph Campbell). It was an eye opener. When discussing about

the ultimate reality / Truth / Brahm, he said that all civilizations

of the world use symbolisms/myths and all scriptures are littered

with symbolisms/myths. As time progresses, the use of

symbolisms/rituals/images become more important than the truth they

were intended to represent. As a result, people argue on symbolisms,

and go backwards in their progress towards reality.


I have for long wondered why Jesus Christ, Ramalinga Adigalar (the

saint who saw God in form of jyothi - www.vallalar.org), Buddha,

etc., all God realized(1) persons, cautioned people against

symbolisms (eg. idol worship). The reason is to avoid confusing the

common folk who confuses symbolisms with real thing. As Prof.

Campbell said, if symbolisms are not fully understood, the image of

God becomes the biggest obstacle for God realization! He quoted

someone who had put it very well: RELIGION (with its dogma) IS THE


JK's message in better words.


Ekam sat vipraha bahudha vadanti


These words are very profound. Irrespective of whether you see Brahm

as Heavenly Father or Ksrishna or Shiva or formless divine

light/energy it is all the same thing. As you might concur, the parts

of Holy Bible or anything else for that matter, that deals with

God/Brahm is para-vidya as are the parts of vedas that deal with

Brahm. When it is said that nobody created vedas and they exist

eternally, I take it that it refers to the eternal Truth (or Brahm)

that is represented by the Vedas - not the literal texts and sounds

in them - which are again symbolisms.


When we try to seek God, we seek it through love, devotion, and in

that process, we venerate all things that stand for God/brahm as

holy. Just like the frogs in Swami Vivekananda's story, each one of

us gets attached to one set of symbolisms and fail to realize that

there are other systems and symbolisms that point to the same truth.

As you said, maharishis, avatars, civilizations are common to all and

not exclusive property of some country or people.


A quote you gave before was also a sort of eye opener for me. (When

someone fully understands Brahm, s/he will ceaze to exist as s/he

will become part of Brahm). Only After reading it, I could understand

(atleast partly) the message of Ramalinga Adigalar and similar saints

and their miracle filled life. His work - Thiruarutpa is a

masterpiece that captures in beautiful poetry each stage of his

spiritual development. He was initially a devotee of Karthikeya &

Lord Shiva. As his *realizations*(1) became more and more closer to

truth, he perceived God in different forms. As his realizations grew,

so were his miraclous powers (meaning the law of maya didnt trouble

him anymore;- bet he tried his best to hide it like Ramakrishna

Paramahamsa). Finally, when his realization was complete - he ceazed

to exist (he didnt die - he vanished after telling disciples that

from then on he will exist everywhere). He also advised people to not

compress universal God inside a few notions of avatars or characters

in puranas but realize universal God as what He is - all permeating

divine light or energy.


Such ultimate God-realization is not specific to only saints/rishis

in India. As Yogananda mentions, Christianity had and probably other

religions/cultures would have had such God realized rishis and saints.


The purpose behind saying all these is that we need to understand the

difference between symbolisms/scriptures, etc which should be

pointers to the REAL THING and dont become the real thing itself.

Once we understand this, we can overcome spiritual arrogance, which

unfortunately follower of each path unkowingly develops in the deep

of his/her mind. Since in all cultures, ancient shastras are related

to scriptures, this spiritual arrogance turns into *intellectual

arrogance* that everything originated from only one place and there

is no mutual exchange or borrowing. Once we become closed in mind -

we close the doors to realization and ultimately again symbolisms

become the biggest obstacle in the path of realization.


As you have said in your article about KP system of astrology, "true

knowledge can only be liberating and not close our minds to truths in

other forms". The ultimate realization of TRUE knowledge liberates

one from this world as we perceive it. A PERSON WITH TRUE


AS VEDAS. There will be less scope for spiritual or intellectual

arrogance then.


........ (footnote:).....

(1) It is easy to understand - but difficult to *realize*. For

example, our intellect can think it has understood the path to Brham,

karma, etc. Our intellectual understanding is only partial. But only

when we realize it, we *fully* understand it. At that point we merge

into the ever permeading ultimate Truth. There are many gnanis like

JK, swamis, who intellectually understand brahm, but when they

realize it, they would have ceazed to exist in separate form or exist

in whatever form they want - outside of birth-death cycle and laws of

maya - like Jesus Christ or Babaji or Ramalinga Adigalar or Trilinga



For example, many of us accept/understand that God is in every

human/object. However, when we realize it, we see God everywhere and

we become part of everything - we will cease to exist as a separate

entity. Ultimate realization brings in ultimate liberation.





I used the words "spiritual/intellectual arrogance" as a generic

term that refers to tendencies which all of us unknowinlgy develop at

somepoint in our spiritual path. Please pardon me if I had said

somthing that offends someone's belief or faith. These are just my

opinions and understandings.


As PVRji used to say, May Jupiter's light shine on us!



vedic astrology, "Dr Satya Prakash Choudhary

<satyaprakasika>" <satyaprakasika> wrote:









> Why We Disagree



> I will tell you a story...


> A frog lived in a well. It had lived there for a long time. It was

> born there and brought up there, and yet was a little, small frog.


> course the evolutionists were not there then to tell us whether it

> lost its eyes or not, but for our story's sake we must take it for

> granted that it had eyes and that it everyday cleansed the water of

> all the worms and bacilli that lived in it, with an energy that


> do credit to our modern bacteriologists. In this way it went on and

> became a little sleek and fat. Well, one day another frog that


> in the sea came and fell into the well.


> "Where are you from?"


> "I am from the sea."


> "The sea! How big is that? Is it as big as my well? And he took a

> leap from one side of the well to the other.


> "My friend", said the frog of the sea, "how do you compare the sea

> with your well?"


> Then the frog took another leap and asked, "Is your sea so big?"


> "What nonsense you speak, to compare the sea with your well!"


> "Well, then," said the frog of the well, "nothing can be bigger


> my well. There can be nothing bigger than this. This fellow is a

> liar. Turn him out."


> That has been the difficulty all the while. I am a Hindu. I am

> sitting in my own well and thinking that the whole world is my


> well. The Christian sits in his little well and thinks the whole

> world is his well. The Mohammedan sits in his well and thinks that


> the whole world..."


> ================


> Some quotes from JK (1928):



> "I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach


> by any path whatever, by any religion, by any sect. Truth cannot be

> organised,.... I do not want any followers, and I mean this...You

> have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the kingdom


> happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that

> key. That key is your own Self." (1928)



> "Most of us are used to being told what to do. The giving and

> following of directions is considered to be positive teaching. To


> lead appears to be positive. But truth is the negation of false,


> the opposite of false."



> "We are so concerned with our own problems, or we are so


> so heavily burdened with belief, with tradition, with the past,


> this actually prevents us from seeing or listening."



> ==========


> My comments: Truth or knowledge is no one country's or man's


> or copyright. No one can can claim any knowledge as having come


> a particular school or guru or country exclusively. It is another

> form- a more subtler one - of ego that makes us believe so. Till


> breaks free from this kind of conditioning that everything was


> to our ancestors, that everything, every great idea was born in

> India, we will be misleading ourselves. Every ancient culture,


> ancient race contributed to what we have today. Humanity's heritage

> is common to all, and comes from all. Babylonians, Iranians

> (Zorastrian), Greeks, Egyptians, ..., every single ancient race had

> its own contribution. In fact knowledge comes from One Source, the

> common Source.






> ===============




> Regards,

> Satya

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Dear Shiva,




> I have for long wondered why Jesus Christ, Ramalinga Adigalar (the

> saint who saw God in form of jyothi - www.vallalar.org), Buddha,

> etc., all God realized(1) persons, cautioned people against

> symbolisms (eg. idol worship). The reason is to avoid confusing the

> common folk who confuses symbolisms with real thing. As Prof.

> Campbell said, if symbolisms are not fully understood, the image of

> God becomes the biggest obstacle for God realization! He quoted

> someone who had put it very well: RELIGION (with its dogma) IS THE


> JK's message in better words.


I strongly object here. The arca.vigrama is not an idol, and not symbolism.

It is REALLY God. Despite you mentioning meny ssints discarding

Deity-worship, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was not against it at all, and He

declared that the Deity is non/different from God personally.


> Ekam sat vipraha bahudha vadanti


> These words are very profound. Irrespective of whether you see Brahm

> as Heavenly Father or Ksrishna or Shiva or formless divine


Brahman is not Krishna and Krishna cannot be sees as a representative of

Brahman. Brahman is the effulgence of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's transcendental

body. He says in Gita: brahmano hi pratishthaaham, i.e. I am the basis of

impersonal brahman. Please don't confuce things. Unfirtunately for so long

time since Shankaracarya almost everyone thinks that Hinduism means ALL IS

ONE, but this is not so. You need to read more of Ramanuja, Madhva,

Baladeva, Jiva Goswami and the other great Vaishnava commentators on the

Vedanta sutra to understand its real purport and hence the philosophy which

is the actual basis of Hinduism.




Gauranga das

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