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D-20 analysis, Advaita and Sadhana (to PVNR)

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"Brahmaiva Satyam"



Dear Narasimha,


Thanks for the belated birthday wishes and your interesting analysis

on my chart. My comments to some of your observations.


>Other paths are not for us. You can note

> the same thing in Swami Aurobindo's chart, for example. He has AK

> Mercury in Pisces and Gemini has Jupiter (all in D-20).



While all the other examples are fair enough, with Aurobindo I would

not expect Jupiter much. I would rather expect Sun and Mercury based

on his works. Having studied his works I cannot see Jupiter's role

much here. And I remember you too mentioning Solar Yoga wrt Aurobindo

somewhere. Could you see any other angle here that we have missed? I

dont have his chart in front of me.




> In your D-20, 4th from AK Jupiter (Libra) is empty. Lord Venus is

> exalted and joins Mercury. Normally, the spiritual path should be

> shown by Venus. However, debilitated Mercury dominates over exalted

> Venus (it is after all D-20). While Venus gives predisposition

> towards Vaiseshika school of spirituality, Mercury shows purva

> mimamsa. That is why you will have an inclination to understand

> everything but not make the final judgment. It is the Mercurian

> nature. Mercury is good at understanding everything, analyzing

> everything and discussing them, but cannot make up mind easily.



Here I have an observation. Not being able to make up mind and

CHOOSING not to make up the mind are different. But I will address it



>Regarding Dwaita, Adwaita, Visishtadwaita,

> Sankhya, Yoga, Vedanta etc confusion also, you will find your path

> in this period.



There is absolutely no confusion here in the mind. Even by 1991 I had

MADE UP MY mind that Advaita is my chosen path. And there is no

second thought about it. Not only had I been initiated into the path,

but am also practising accordingly.


Now you may have got the idea that there must be some confusion in my

mind because of two reasons.


1.I discuss all philosophies and also because I spoke of my Samkhya


2. Refusal to accept that any one path is exclusively right.


As far as this stance is concerned, it is a legacy that I inherited

from Sri Ramakrishna and my first Guru for Vedanta studies (Sri

Ranganathananda ji). There is a difference between one's chosen path

and one's stance. While Advaita is my chosen path, the path that

gives me joy, my stance wrt refusal to accept any one path as

exclusively holding the Truth is what I got from SRK as I already



It is because I was firm on my path of Advaita that, I graduated to

more deeper studies into the same, for which I had to be guided by

Swami Sacchidananda of Sringeri parampara. Very few people know that

within Advaita there are a few more schools of thought regarding the

exact nature of Brahman and other nuances. Agamas (study as well as

practice) is part of Advaitic practices.


Advaita makes a distinction between Paramarthika (Absolute) and

Vyavaharika (for daily purposes so to speak practically). While at an

absolute and higher level, it sees Nirguna Brahman as the highest

Truth, for practical purposes a Saguna Brahman is introduced. So all

the agamic or bhakti practices have their role here.


One may ask why? Why make this distinction at all. Why not be content

with the highest truth? At the level that we lead our daily lives, we

are yet not ready for the highest. For all practical purposes we

still live at the level of Maya.


Even modern science has a model called Triune model of the brain

which proposes three drivers for the neural chasis. The R-complex

needs a little of rituals etc that come under agamic practices. The

limbic system needs its emotional needs to be fulfilled. The need to

adore and love is as important as the need to be loved. If this does

not find an expression in a healthy way, some people end up

worshipping matinee idols! Fans of pop stars and movie stars who do

irrational things at times (like Rajanikanth's fans committing

suicide because they did not get the tickets for the first release

show!) are an example. So the most healthiest and highest expression

for the needs of the limbic system are in Bhakti or Divine love. The

third driver is the Neo-cortex where the intellectual and higher

functions come. Gnana or Knowledge takes care of this.


Now though Samkara and other ancient teachers were not aware of this

Triune model of brain in these words, they being adepts knew this

intuitively. So Samkara disinguishes the higher truth of Nirguna

Brahman under Paramarthika and takes care of the needs of the limbic

system and R-complex under Vyavaharika. So though his philosophy

speaks of the Absolute as nirakara, nirguna, etc, the saguna Brahman

is introduced to take care of these needs.


That is the reason why even Samkara composed great devotional hymns

like Bhaja Govindam. So whether I study the agamas or practice

bhakti, it still is within the framework of Advaita.


Coming to my references to Samkhya etc, I should clarify my position

lest it be misunderstood that I am flirting with many schools of

thought. Out of the many variants of Advaita, three are main.



2.Srshti-Drshti vada

3.Drshti-Srshti vada


The srshti-drshti vada is very close to Samkhya philosophy and sees

Prakriti's role as Maya, but Maya as the power of Iswara. Whether you

call it as Prakriti or Maha Maya or Shakti or Mother Maya, it still

has the same connotation for an Advaitin. While Maya or Prakriti is

accorded a reality in the observed universe, it is denied an

independent existence, making it dependent on Iswara. It is here that

Advaita differs from Samkhya. In fact if one goes by the Bhamati

school of Advaita, the difference between Samkhya and Advaita is very

subtle. So my references to Samkhya and the Samkhya version of

Advaita come from here.


Coming to my interest in Buddhism, again it is very much related to

Advaita. The Gaudapada karikas and Drshti-srshti vada come

dangerously close to Buddhism. Drshti-srshti vada argues that

cognition and creation are simultaneous. This is almost like certain

schools of Buddhism, especially Mahayana. It is here that quantum

Mechanics, Vijnanavada, and other schools of Buddhism start sharing

the ground. And it is here that Advaita is accused by rival schools

of Vedanta as 'disguised Buddhism'!


Now I will summarise my stance. I had been advised to study all

philosophies that come close to Advaita, by my second siksha guru,

because if you represent a parampara or succession of teachers, you

will one day have to debate or prove your stance. In order to do that

you have to be very familiar with other schools of thought. Moreover

your own students could ask for a clarification. So one has to be not

only very clear about the teachings of his parampara, but also well

acquainted with other schools that share the ground. Now you may

recall that I specifically mentioned in my post a few weeks back

about trines from karakamsha and navamsha, about my own sadhana. In

that I had clearly mentioned I do not consider my stay at the

Buddhist monastery as sadhana, but considered it as intellectual



But I will make a passing observation, the Tantras, Shaivism,

Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism, all have certain REAL LINKS (this being a

very technical and lesser known subject I will not touch upon this).

Saivism has its own version of Vedanta. Even within the purely Vedic

fold, Advaita had been around much much before Samkara's advent. He

only established it firmly.


Finally about my constant cautioning about GURUs. What I say is in

line with Advaita. In the ultimate sense all Light is within. The

Self is your guide. But the external Guru has an indispensable role

at some point of time. But when such a guru is not an adept, it

creates a very unhealthy situation for both the guru and the student.

Since there are probably a handful of adepts anytime in the world, I

caution readers generally as I have seen too many disasters happening

due to problems created by false, half-baked or knowledgeable but

spiritually void gurus. Again I make a distinction between

paramarthika and Vyavakarika in true Advaitic spirit. There is only

one guru- ISWARA.



So even within an asirant's life, if you see even a staunch Advaitin

like Samkara, there will be times when he will be in bhakti, then

gnana etc. While the life path itself is definitely Advaitic (gnana),

according to the dashas, he may exhibit more inclinations towards

devotion or agamic rituals, or meditation, or discrimination (viveka

as a tool of gnana yoga).


Now that I have clearly confirmed that I already have been initiated

and firmly established in Advaita as the chosen path (and I have no

second thoughts about it), some of your analysis becomes invalid or

might need a re-interpretation. Of course I do ackowledge that the

Drig dasa of Taurus that you referred to will probably bring some

progress on the path and maybe some mystic experiences as you say.


Could you kindly re-interpret your analysis based on the feedback

given by me? Perhaps the exalted Venus (D-20)could take me to agamic

practices within the framework of Advaita. And as I say, during Sat-

Venus I was more into bhakti and agama. Venus and Moon are normally

accepted as indicating the path of bhakti. While Venus can also

indicate Agamas/Tantras at a rajasic level, the tamasic level of

Tantras/Agamas is indicated by Rahu. That is what I have learnt from

orthodox teachers of the Sringeri parampara.



And finally I will share another thing for your information. All the

siksha gurus as well as my diksha guru belong to Sringeri parampara

directly or indirectly. I had recieved the titles of Acharya and

Siromani for Yoga and Vedanta respectively (in 97 and 99) through the

parampara and am actually recognised as a teacher/acharya (I will not

use the word Guru). In fact when I had to do my Yoga sadhana, I was

directed to do it at Sivananda ashram. Even this traces its parampara

to Sringeri just as the Sri Ramakrshna math does. So you see for

thirteen years I had been under one parampara, with Advaita as my

chosen path, and yoga, agamas etc as part of the same study and

sadhana. After thirteen years of Vedantic studies,practice and

teaching, I do not think that there is any confusion whatsoever about

my path!!



And if you have the time and inclination to re-interpret the chart

against the background that I disclosed, can you discuss the role of

the following planets?





Vargottama lagna Dhanus, Atmakaraka Jupiter exalted, Venus exalted,

Ketu exalted (if Scorpio is considered)


Debilited Saturn, Mercury and Rahu.


In my D-20 you see three planets (Jupiter, Venus and Ketu)are exalted

and three debilited (Saturn, Rahu and Mercury)


Probably exalted Atmakaraka Jupiter in D-20, shows Vedanta? Or where

else would you find Advaita Vedanta as my chosen path in my chart?




The role of Saturn in Karakamsha lagna Pisces along with Moon and



And if you have any insights, feel free to comment (both good and



Interestingly when I wrote that personal mail to you in the morning,

I almost wanted to request you to mail your analysis wrt Drig dasa on

my chart since I lost the mail given by you on the same, a year and

half back! And here you are doing it on the list! Synchronicity. You

picked up my thought.

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Dear Satya,


> While all the other examples are fair enough, with Aurobindo I would

> not expect Jupiter much. I would rather expect Sun and Mercury based

> on his works. Having studied his works I cannot see Jupiter's role

> much here. And I remember you too mentioning Solar Yoga wrt Aurobindo

> somewhere. Could you see any other angle here that we have missed? I

> dont have his chart in front of me.


Jupiter in Ge IS aspected Sun in Sg and Mercury in Pi. Yes, the influences

you expected are there. Those influences do mould the Vedantic spirit that

gives comfort to his soul.


> There is absolutely no confusion here in the mind. Even by 1991 I had

> MADE UP MY mind that Advaita is my chosen path. And there is no

> second thought about it. Not only had I been initiated into the path,

> but am also practising accordingly.


> Now you may have got the idea that there must be some confusion in my

> mind because of two reasons.


> 1.I discuss all philosophies and also because I spoke of my Samkhya

> inclinations.

> 2. Refusal to accept that any one path is exclusively right.


<<<< A lot of philosophical analysis snipped >>>>


> And if you have the time and inclination to re-interpret the chart

> against the background that I disclosed, can you discuss the role of

> the following planets?


I honestly don't think a re-interpretation is in order. In my hurry, I may

have wrongly used a couple of words like "confusion" in my last mail. But

the basic point remains.


While exalted Venus shows following the Agamas etc that you were trained in,

he is exalted and easily satisfied. The unsatisfied part is what drives

one's spiritual journey. Debilitated Mercury joins Venus and he shows

tendency to Mimamsa. All the beautiful analysis you gave in your mail is a

case in point. I may have been careless in my language, making mimamsa look

silly. It's not. It's very profound.


Let us forget what gives comfort to your soul and concentrate on your

intellect. Paka lagna in your D-20 is in Cancer. The 9th from there is the

dharma of your intellect. It again contains Venus and Mercury. Mimamsa

(profound contemplation/analysis) is the dharma (duty/nature) of your

intellect, as far as your spiritual life goes. It's in you. It's not a

weakness and a great blessing. I am sorry if I made it look like a weakness.


Of course, when drigdasa lets Venus dominate, he will take you more towards

following the Agamas etc that you were trained in. I don't mean that what

you are doing now is bad.


I guess I misused the word "confusion" and that caused a lot of confusion!



> D-20:


> Vargottama lagna Dhanus, Atmakaraka Jupiter exalted, Venus exalted,

> Ketu exalted (if Scorpio is considered)


Rahu/Ketu are exalted in Ta/Sc for physical/ayur purposes and in Ge/Sg for

other purposes.


It looks like you use the so-called "true" nodes, which are not always

retrograde. I use the so-called "mean" nodes, which are always retrograde.


Based on the data you gave me earlier and using mean nodes, you have nodes

in Sg in D-20. Anyway, the exaltation and debilitation are valid still (more

valid now).


> Debilited Saturn, Mercury and Rahu.


> In my D-20 you see three planets (Jupiter, Venus and Ketu)are exalted

> and three debilited (Saturn, Rahu and Mercury)


> Probably exalted Atmakaraka Jupiter in D-20, shows Vedanta? Or where

> else would you find Advaita Vedanta as my chosen path in my chart?


>From paka lagna, 9th shows the dharma/path of your intellect. It is Pisces

ruled by Jupiter and can show Vedanta. Pisces is one of the three most

fruitful signs in D-20. Especially when Jupiter is in a trine from it, it is

very powerful.


Mercury and especially Venus there show the Advaita influence on the



The 9th house from lagna shows the dharma you follow and the guidance you

receive. Its arudha (A9) shows its manifestation. it shows the religious

group you belong to. (Now, we are not talking about Vedanta, Mimamsa etc,

which are relevant in the world of soul and intellect. We are now in the

world of maya/arudha.) Your A9 is in Aries with Saturn in it, showing

monastery or an order of austere people. That identifies the material body

that guides your spiritual journey. The most prominent argala on it is

Jupiter's and shows a very traditional monastery.


> D-9:


> The role of Saturn in Karakamsha lagna Pisces along with Moon and

> Jupiter.


Saturn makes you well-read and traditional. His argala on his own sign (4th

house in navamsa) is very significant. He gives a lot of sukha (comfort and

happiness) related to dharma. Though Saturn is not friendly to the karaka of

4th, he is in the 5th house whose karaka and lord is friendly to the karaka

of 4th. Moreover, he is the lord of 4th. So the argala is functional to a

great degree and he uses the 5th house resources to give the 4th house

results. He gives happiness in the matter of dharma.


> And if you have any insights, feel free to comment (both good and

> bad).


Exalted D-20 lagna lord shows some ahamkara, which can be an obstacle to the

spiritual journey.


As per D-20 Narayana dasa, you are running Libra dasa during 2003-2008. The

middle one third of this period (Aug 2004-Apr 2006) will increase your

bhakti, rituals and agamas.


> Interestingly when I wrote that personal mail to you in the morning,

> I almost wanted to request you to mail your analysis wrt Drig dasa on

> my chart since I lost the mail given by you on the same, a year and

> half back! And here you are doing it on the list! Synchronicity. You

> picked up my thought.


I guess!


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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Dear Narasimha,



> Jupiter in Ge IS aspected Sun in Sg and Mercury in Pi. Yes, the


> you expected are there. Those influences do mould the Vedantic

spirit that

> gives comfort to his soul.



Oh yes. From Aurobindo's works, this influence of Sun and Mercury

becomes clear to a student of spirituality as well as astrology.

Thanks for the confirmation.



And thanks for the D-20 and D-9 analysis on my chart. I will go

through it later properly.





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