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lagna aquarius or capricorn

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Dear Chandrashekhar,

Thank you, thank you so very much for taking the time and trouble to look at

my chart. You are so very kind to us all. As to your question re: lagna …

Like my parents (he Polish she English), I am short - blonde, straight hair,

blue eyes, fair skin – but yes it is somewhat darker than theirs. My figure

is ‘hourglass’ (small waisted )common in English women of my generation, not

particularly chubby.

I have always been told that I was born as the 7.30 carpet factory buzzers

sounded (and it began to snow!). which gives me a lagna of 2 Aq 20 and one

day of moon dasa remaining. I think without that bit of moon dasa, having

Saturn as 4th dasa, my life would have been far less pleasant. However I am

really intrigued to know the answer and after several days of looking I am

unable to unravel it for myself and would be grateful for your comments.

I’m not sure what you prefer for rectification so here is my life:- (anyone

who wants to use this info to study a very ordinary person’s chart can be

sure that I will answer any questions truthfully).


Mother born July 1910 died July 1997

Father (Nov not sure of year ?1915 died August 1958 (road accident)

Half sister born May 1920 still living

Brother born May 1948 died Sept 1987 (heart attack)

2 year love relationship with Indian doctor 1966 (our parents prevented


Married June 1981 (had lived exclusively with husband since Oct 1970 – but

didn’t want official marriage until then) John, born 27th December 1948

9am,Horsforth (near Leeds) England 1W39, 53N51 0.00 W of GMT

March 1981 spiritual experience of bliss

Minor back injury from climbing injury July 1973 broke 5 transverse

processes no long term effects but caused career change to teaching -


Became Principal of School of Radiography January 1975

Daughter, Layla, born 18th September 1981 5.30amFalls Church, Virginia

77W10, 38N53 4.00 W of GMT (one hour daylight saving) – waited 13 years for

her and had given up hope of conception

Moved permanently to USA July 1982

Opened a learning centre for high school drop outs and immigrants in need of

high school diploma Sept 1986

Diagnosed and first surgery for ovarian cancer October 1997 no major health

problems before then


Qualified as radiographer Oct 64

Teaching certificate Jan 74

Higher Diploma of College of Radiographers June 74

University of London/Institute of Archaeology Diploma in Archaeology Oct

79 (study for pleasure)

Cambridge University BA June 82 . MA Jan 86

I truly look forward to you comments.








you can't transcend what you haven't experienced






>"Chandrashekhar" <boxdel

>vedic astrology

><vedic astrology>

>Re: [vedic astrology] also need help

>Sat, 25 Jan 2003 01:08:11 +0530


>Dear Gili,

>First let me thank you for having attached your horo thus saving me time.As

>your ascendant is 2 degrees ,are you slim and dark for your family ? Did

>you make your mark in life late? If so your ascendant could be Aquarius as

>indicated by the chart you have sent.

>Now assuming that the Aquarius let us see why you were able to hold your

>calm. In your case Mercury lord of 5th is in Ascendant. This gives a good

>intellect specially as with Sun Budhaditya yoga is formed in

>Ascendant.Your Venus is in friend's house forming Nava pancham with her

>friend Saturn the Lord of ascendant and aspected by a powerful Jupiter.

>Jupiter also aspects your 2nd house giving you good education, specially it

>is his own rasi.

>Again moon gets fortified by Jupiter being placed in its house and as Moon

>herself is with Mars its Friend who reduces the power of Saturn to some


>In navamsha too you will notice that Mercury is in Navamsha of Mars and

>Mars is powerfully placed in Navamsha owned by Sun.More over Moon occupies

>his own house in navamsha giving you a strong mind.

>Most of what is stated above will hold good even if the ascendant is

>Capricorn, only you then might have had some setbacks in education and

>would have a slightly plumpish figure.

>Kindly let me know how far off the mark am I.


> -

> Gili Alvey

> vedic astrology

> Friday, January 24, 2003 8:58 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] also need help



> Dear Chandrashekar,

> I am really interested in your assessment of this young girl's chart and

> would be most grateful if you would comment on what has protected me


> mental anguish given that i have saturn, moon (rohini) and mars with Al


> 4th. Venus in 12th (parivartana) must help? I have not ever even been a

> worrier as i don't believe worry alters anything, but most people ask me

> whether i worry when they look at my chart.

> I have also been lucky enough to have had a good education (MA


> and always enjoyed school. I too had an over protective father and when


> died when I was fourteen we had been having a lot of arguments due to my

> early fight for independence.

> my lagna is 2Aqu20

> Please help me if you have time.

> Love,

> Gili

> 2nd March 1944 7.30am 52N23 2W14 GMT minus 1 hour wartime daylight




> you can't transcend what you haven't experienced





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Attachment: (application/octet-stream) gili.jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) john's chart.jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) layla's chart.jhd [not stored]

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Dear Gili,

Your Ascendant is definitely Aquarius. With the details provided by you

meticuliously, it was pretty easy. At the time of both the major tragedy(Father

and Mother) Saturn was placed in eighth house from their house. Again with

Capricorn as Ascendant you would have married against your parent's wishes the

first time. Again Mars aspecting 7th and Saturn aspecting Mercury lord of the

8th house shows possibility of problems in reproductive system and operation.

You would always get a position of authority (Sun in Ascendant)and have a great

analytical capacity(Saturn aspecting ascendant).I think the period of Saturn

Mahadasha- Jupiter antardasha that you are running currently,should see to your

getting a spritual guide specially around time that Saturn enters Gemini again.

You would have change of Jobs/professions often ( However this you have already

told in your mail). You could also be thinking of some change right now and it

could take place around the time your Mercury Mahadasha starts.

Why you do not face any mental probems is that your Moon derives strength from

Navamsha chart being in his own Navamsha.Other things I have already explained

in my earier mail.

If you have a specific question(As you have attached charts of your daughter and

Husband) please feel free to ask. I shall try to answer them to the best of my





Gili Alvey

vedic astrology

Sunday, January 26, 2003 10:47 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] lagna aquarius or capricorn

Dear Chandrashekhar,Thank you, thank you so very much for taking the time and

trouble to look at my chart. You are so very kind to us all. As to your

question re: lagna … Like my parents (he Polish she English), I am short -

blonde, straight hair, blue eyes, fair skin – but yes it is somewhat darker

than theirs. My figure is ‘hourglass’ (small waisted )common in English women

of my generation, not particularly chubby.I have always been told that I was

born as the 7.30 carpet factory buzzers sounded (and it began to snow!). which

gives me a lagna of 2 Aq 20 and one day of moon dasa remaining. I think

without that bit of moon dasa, having Saturn as 4th dasa, my life would have

been far less pleasant. However I am really intrigued to know the answer and

after several days of looking I am unable to unravel it for myself and would be

grateful for your comments.I’m not sure what you prefer for rectification so

here is my life:- (anyone who wants to use this info to study a very ordinary

person’s chart can be sure that I will answer any questions truthfully).Mother

born July 1910 died July 1997Father (Nov not sure of year ?1915 died August

1958 (road accident)Half sister born May 1920 still livingBrother born May 1948

died Sept 1987 (heart attack)2 year love relationship with Indian doctor 1966

(our parents prevented marriage)Married June 1981 (had lived exclusively with

husband since Oct 1970 – but didn’t want official marriage until then) John,

born 27th December 1948 9am,Horsforth (near Leeds) England 1W39, 53N51 0.00 W

of GMTMarch 1981 spiritual experience of blissMinor back injury from climbing

injury July 1973 broke 5 transverse processes no long term effects but caused

career change to teaching - fortuitousBecame Principal of School of Radiography

January 1975Daughter, Layla, born 18th September 1981 5.30amFalls Church,

Virginia 77W10, 38N53 4.00 W of GMT (one hour daylight saving) – waited 13

years for her and had given up hope of conceptionMoved permanently to USA July

1982Opened a learning centre for high school drop outs and immigrants in need

of high school diploma Sept 1986Diagnosed and first surgery for ovarian cancer

October 1997 no major health problems before thenQualified as radiographer Oct

64Teaching certificate Jan 74Higher Diploma of College of Radiographers June

74University of London/Institute of Archaeology Diploma in Archaeology Oct 79

(study for pleasure)Cambridge University BA June 82 . MA Jan 86I truly look

forward to you comments.Love,Giliyou can't transcend what you haven't

experienced>"Chandrashekhar" <boxdel (AT) (DOT) co.uk>>

vedic astrology><vedic astrology>>Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] also need help>Sat, 25 Jan 2003 01:08:11

+0530>>Dear Gili,>First let me thank you for having attached your horo thus

saving me time.As >your ascendant is 2 degrees ,are you slim and dark for your

family ? Did >you make your mark in life late? If so your ascendant could be

Aquarius as >indicated by the chart you have sent.>Now assuming that the

Aquarius let us see why you were able to hold your >calm. In your case Mercury

lord of 5th is in Ascendant. This gives a good >intellect specially as with Sun

Budhaditya yoga is formed in >Ascendant.Your Venus is in friend's house forming

Nava pancham with her >friend Saturn the Lord of ascendant and aspected by a

powerful Jupiter. >Jupiter also aspects your 2nd house giving you good

education, specially it >is his own rasi.>Again moon gets fortified by Jupiter

being placed in its house and as Moon >herself is with Mars its Friend who

reduces the power of Saturn to some >extent.>In navamsha too you will notice

that Mercury is in Navamsha of Mars and >Mars is powerfully placed in Navamsha

owned by Sun.More over Moon occupies >his own house in navamsha giving you a

strong mind.>Most of what is stated above will hold good even if the ascendant

is >Capricorn, only you then might have had some setbacks in education and

>would have a slightly plumpish figure.>Kindly let me know how far off the mark

am I.>Chandrashekhar.> -> Gili Alvey> To:

vedic astrology> Friday, January 24, 2003 8:58 AM>

Re: [vedic astrology] also need help>>> Dear Chandrashekar,> I am

really interested in your assessment of this young girl's chart and> would be

most grateful if you would comment on what has protected me >from> mental

anguish given that i have saturn, moon (rohini) and mars with Al >in> 4th.

Venus in 12th (parivartana) must help? I have not ever even been a> worrier

as i don't believe worry alters anything, but most people ask me> whether i

worry when they look at my chart.> I have also been lucky enough to have had

a good education (MA >Cambridge)> and always enjoyed school. I too had an

over protective father and when >he> died when I was fourteen we had been

having a lot of arguments due to my> early fight for independence.> my

lagna is 2Aqu20> Please help me if you have time.> Love,> Gili> 2nd

March 1944 7.30am 52N23 2W14 GMT minus 1 hour wartime daylight >saving>>> you

can't transcend what you haven't


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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......


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