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Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?- Ramadas/Sarbani

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font-family:Verdana">Jaya Jagannatha


font-family:Verdana">Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,


LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP


Some additions and corrections below on

Lapis Lazuli:


Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial

value 2.6-2.99)

R.I. 1.50

Mohs’ scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)


Considered a rock.

It is formed by metamorphic action on

impure limestone through contact with intrusive igneous rocks, causing a

re-crystallization to marble with the formation of a number of new minerals.

Several minerals in particular Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to

the cubic system. (It is easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the

obnoxious smell of hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).


Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition



The most famous locality is in Badakshan

district of the mountainous NE part of Afghanistan. The mine having been

intermittently worked for 6,000 years. However, due to its remoteness, the

mines at Sar-e-Sang on the upper reaches of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus),

lapis are found in black and white limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a

primitive manner. First, the rock is heated and then quenched with water in

order to obtain sizeable +/- 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)

In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are

found on the Slyudyanka river, flowing into the south end of Lake Baikal

bordering Mongolia.


A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes.

High in the Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense blue,

but heavily charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel

mountains in California; also in San Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador

Peninsular-Canada, the porous blue grey splotched with bright blue and white

and inclusions of pyrite, are also found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for

finest pigeon’s blood rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found

here), Bhutan-Pakistan etc.


Imitations and treatments:

Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour

comes off with a swap of amyl acetate (nail varnish remover).

Some go as far as bonding them with

plastic. Apply with hot needle to ascertain this. The recent imitation is

barium sulphate with pyrite, bonded with polymer, while another imitation is

dyed calcite marble.

Some of the lapis beads are heated in

molten paraffin wax which enhances the colour after a light polishing.

(Thanks for reminding me to update data on

the website

"Trebuchet MS";color:blue;mso-char-type:symbol;mso-symbol-font-family:Wingdings">J)




GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the

of the clouds of rainy season, (suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) “Lapis

Lazuli” gems shoot off flames (reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill

cry of the demon.


Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of

all gems available on the earth beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of

the rainbow)

GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the

neck of a peacock OR that which has the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests

green here). “Lapis Lazuli” gems that have

the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay) bird, are NOT approved

of by the experts in technical literature.

GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see

the difference. A universal characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface,

lightness (specific gravity) and softness to touch (mohs’ scale).

Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of

the calcite with it, and therefore not useable. However, it does have

striations of green. The Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.

Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not

far from the lofty Vaidura mountain (which mountain is this?) and very near the

frontiers of Kamabhutika (this place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli

color:blue">¹ gems.


Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds

like chalcedony family (Mohs’ scale 6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with

all the hues with different presence and deposits.


Chalcedony Family

I will sate 2 here below:

Green (chrysoprase)

Agate; heating may change brown to red).

Natural colours are green, yellow, red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white

among others.

The description on all the above fits most

of the criteria. What do you think?


It is easier for me to decipher what

gemstone it really is, if these places (Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are




¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and

you say LAJAVARTA. So who is right?


BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be

accident prone; are these the people born on 9th, 18 and 27th??

Or you added all numbers e.g., birth date 1.1.1996?

In jyotish, the 9th house is

Guru’s house, so the number 9 creating havoc does not make sense.

I always know Red Coral is good for 6th

house and indications, including accidents. So which planet would you assign

Lapis to? VRA suggests this be worn by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I

will go with that, pyrite (Mars), calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue

colour; Saturn). It would also mean formation of gall stones etc., can be


Your descriptions seem to akin this

particular gemstone to Venus. (which may not be Lapis in the first place).


Best wishes,


12.0pt;font-family:Verdana'> AUTOTEXTLIST \s "E-mail Signature"



mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net










Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

7:34 AM


vedic astrology

Re: [vedic astrology] Re:

Suitable Gems-Sanjayji






Dear Sarbani,

Lapis Lazuli is also called as

LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue coloured Upa Ratna.If it is heated it will lose

its colour.In olden days people used to make utenils and beautiful plates

also.Normally this kind of stone is available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia and

Chile.Its specific gravity is 3.It is used as a substitute for Blue Saphire.

It is particularly favourable for ladies

engaged in music,art,dance ,drama etc.Persons using this gem will be known by

their powers of love and affection and can generally win over others through

the powers of love.They would find that they can transmit love to others with

ease and confidence. The ancient people used this gem because of its

healing power.It will protect the wearer from melancholoy and depressing

outlook and from intermittent fevers and eye infections.This gem is good for

general prosperity and happiness.It protects the wearer from dangers of any

kind.The wearer will acquire and build up financial reserves.It heals all sorts

of liver and stomach problems.But this gem can not be used by a diabetic

patient. or those who have extra fat in their body.Those who wear this gem will

be considered most fortunate and blessed by Godess Bhagavati.Such persons will

never be found to be wanting in money or love.It safe gaurds against the

adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by those who have their birth dates

with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

I hope this helps.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.


font-style:italic">"Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org>"

<sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

auto;margin-left:38.5pt;border:none;mso-border-left-alt:solid #1010FF 1.0pt;

padding:0in;mso-padding-alt:0in 0in 0in 3.0pt">Dear Swee,

"Courier New";color:black">

Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda puran

for lapis lazuli?



vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"

<swee@c...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Sanjayji,


> Thank you for clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very rare

> (collectible) gemstone called morganite from the spathik family

which was

> prescribed for him.


> BTW, do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with

you? I need

> to clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the

translations into

> English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis Lazuli,

as they

> do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a mish

mash there.

> I will write you privately about this if this is okay with you.


> Best regards,


> Swee

> swee@b...


> http://www.brihaspati.net/



> Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]

> Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems



> Om Gurave Namah

> Dear Swee,


> There are two people I have made the recommendation for and it is

because of

> PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange

between venus

> and Saturn with the latter getting exalted. So wearing of diamond

has been

> very good for you and will continue to be good without fail. Diamond

> combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense benefit for


> and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn is in MK


> and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give excellent

results as he

> uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal and


> Venus is better to be strengthened.


> Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships should be done


> caution.


> At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,

> I remain,

> Sanjay Rath

> Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091,


> Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages: http://.org;

Personal Web:

> http://srath.com

> -

> "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> <vedic astrology>

> Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM

> RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems



> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Gauranga Das,

> >

> > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case. Venus is


> > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for D-10. I

used to

> > wear several Diamonds in platinum.

> > I asked Guruji how come my career shot up at such a young age

with wearing

> > Diamond (which he also recommends for me to wear again). I notice

my ND

> of

> > Capricorn is starting this April. So I have one of 2 main

choices: My

> > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I had not been


> > any gemstones for a while and thought that I should wear my aqua


> before

> > my fall. It did bring almost immediate relief. The string of

Pearls felt

> > like they were suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting the


> of

> > Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing for a number

of years

> .

> > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn. (Low


> > pressure suffered for years has ceased).

> > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine gives me


> > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green tourmaline


> lots

> > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite. Citrine


> immense

> > calm during meditation.

> >

> > Here come the theory of treating like and like during their

dasas. (as in

> > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4 recommendations and 4


> in

> > ailments, but not enough to warrant a mention as yet), what is


> caratage

> > that will suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state the


> >

> >

> > (In case members here think that I switch gemstones all the time,

it is

> not

> > the case, and I have had these in my collection for many years.)

> >

> > Will appreciate more inputs.

> >

> > Best regards,

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> >









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Dear Swee,


I have not seen the term lajavarta or rajavarta mentioned in GP. The

translation you give of vaidurya sounds a bit distorted. In 1.73,

which you talk about,vaidurya is described, as hailing from the peaks

of the Vidura mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of

Kamabhutika.The gem was created by the loud sound/scream (ninad)

emanted by Balasura. The colour of the gem is like monsoon clouds,

glowing like a spark of fire and many hued. Vaidurya imitates and

takes on the beauty of all other gems available under the earth, like

padmaraag. It is superior among all gems. It has a distinct hue like

the peacock neck and is bright like the bamboo leaves. I had already

mentioned to you earlier that glass, shishupal, sphatik and girikach

are mentioned as variants of vaidurya. These variant also have a lot

of varieties. Now, the colour of monsoon clouds seems like cats eye

and peacock neck bit, more like lapis. So how do you determine which

is vaidurya? There are some other gems mentioned like tailasphatik

and rudhirakhya, the description of which fit cat's eye. But since I

would not know the gelogical specifications of the gems I cannot say

for sure.


Best regards,





vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,


> LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP I.73?

> Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:

> Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)

> R.I. 1.50

> Mohs' scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)


> Considered a rock.

> It is formed by metamorphic action on impure limestone through

contact with

> intrusive igneous rocks, causing a re-crystallization to marble

with the

> formation of a number of new minerals. Several minerals in


> Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to the cubic system.

(It is

> easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the obnoxious

smell of

> hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).


> Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition "Gems"-R.Webster)

> The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of the

mountainous NE part

> of Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently worked for

6,000 years.

> However, due to its remoteness, the mines at Sar-e-Sang on the

upper reaches

> of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are found in black and


> limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive manner.

First, the

> rock is heated and then quenched with water in order to obtain

sizeable +/-

> 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)

> In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka


> flowing into the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.

> A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes.

High in the

> Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense blue,


> heavily charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

> In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel mountains in California;

also in San

> Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the


> blue grey splotched with bright blue and white and inclusions of

pyrite, are

> also found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for finest pigeon's


> rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found here), Bhutan-


> etc.


> Imitations and treatments:

> Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with a

swap of

> amyl acetate (nail varnish remover).

> Some go as far as bonding them with plastic. Apply with hot needle


> ascertain this. The recent imitation is barium sulphate with

pyrite, bonded

> with polymer, while another imitation is dyed calcite marble.

> Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax which

enhances the

> colour after a light polishing.

> (Thanks for reminding me to update data on the website :-))

> ---


> Vaidurya?:

> GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy


> (suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) "Lapis Lazuli" gems shoot


> flames (reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill cry of the


> Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of all gems available on the


> beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of the rainbow)

> GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a peacock OR that

which has

> the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green here). "Lapis

Lazuli" gems

> that have the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay)

bird, are

> NOT approved of by the experts in technical literature.

> GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A


> characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness (specific


> and softness to touch (mohs' scale).

> Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of the calcite with it, and

> therefore not useable. However, it does have striations of green.


> Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.

> Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty


> mountain (which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of

> Kamabhutika (this place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹



> Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony family


> scale 6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues with


> presence and deposits.


> Chalcedony Family

> I will sate 2 here below:

> Green (chrysoprase)

> Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are green,


> red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.

> The description on all the above fits most of the criteria. What do


> think?


> It is easier for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if

these places

> (Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are identified.

> ---

> ¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and you say LAJAVARTA. So who


> right?


> BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be accident prone; are these the


> born on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you added all numbers e.g., birth date

> 1.1.1996?

> In jyotish, the 9th house is Guru's house, so the number 9 creating


> does not make sense.

> I always know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications,


> accidents. So which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA suggests

this be

> worn by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that,


> (Mars), calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn). It


> also mean formation of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.

> Your descriptions seem to akin this particular gemstone to Venus.

(which may

> not be Lapis in the first place).


> Best wishes,


> Swee

> swee@b...


> http://www.brihaspati.net/ <http://www.brihaspati.net/>



> Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AM

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems-Sanjayji



> Dear Sarbani,

> Lapis Lazuli is also called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue

coloured Upa

> Ratna.If it is heated it will lose its colour.In olden days people

used to

> make utenils and beautiful plates also.Normally this kind of stone


> available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia and Chile.Its specific gravity

is 3.It is

> used as a substitute for Blue Saphire.

> It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in music,art,dance


> etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love and

> affection and can generally win over others through the powers of


> would find that they can transmit love to others with ease and


> The ancient people used this gem because of its healing power.It


> protect the wearer from melancholoy and depressing outlook and from

> intermittent fevers and eye infections.This gem is good for general

> prosperity and happiness.It protects the wearer from dangers of any


> wearer will acquire and build up financial reserves.It heals all

sorts of

> liver and stomach problems.But this gem can not be used by a


> patient. or those who have extra fat in their body.Those who wear

this gem

> will be considered most fortunate and blessed by Godess


> persons will never be found to be wanting in money or love.It safe


> against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by those who

have their

> birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

> I hope this helps.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> "Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>" <sarbani@s...>

> wrote:

> Dear Swee,


> Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda


> for lapis lazuli?


> Thanks,


> Sarbani




> vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>


> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji,

> >

> > Thank you for clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very rare

> > (collectible) gemstone called morganite from the spathik family

> which was

> > prescribed for him.

> >

> > BTW, do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with

> you? I need

> > to clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the

> translations into

> > English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis


> as they

> > do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a mish

> mash there.

> > I will write you privately about this if this is okay with you.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> >

> > http://www.brihaspati.net/

> >

> >

> > Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]

> > Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> >

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > There are two people I have made the recommendation for and it is

> because of

> > PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange

> between venus

> > and Saturn with the latter getting exalted. So wearing of diamond

> has been

> > very good for you and will continue to be good without fail.


> > combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense benefit


> Taurus

> > and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn is in


> avastha

> > and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give excellent

> results as he

> > uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal and

> instead

> > Venus is better to be strengthened.

> >

> > Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships should be


> with

> > caution.

> >

> > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,

> > I remain,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091,

> India

> > Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages: http://.org;

> <http://.org;/>

> Personal Web:

> > http://srath.com <http://srath.com/>

> > -

> > "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM

> > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> >

> >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > > Dear Gauranga Das,

> > >

> > > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case. Venus is

> duplicate

> > > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for D-10.


> used to

> > > wear several Diamonds in platinum.

> > > I asked Guruji how come my career shot up at such a young age

> with wearing

> > > Diamond (which he also recommends for me to wear again). I


> my ND

> > of

> > > Capricorn is starting this April. So I have one of 2 main

> choices: My

> > > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I had not


> wearing

> > > any gemstones for a while and thought that I should wear my aqua

> ring

> > before

> > > my fall. It did bring almost immediate relief. The string of

> Pearls felt

> > > like they were suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting the

> bracelet

> > of

> > > Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing for a


> of years

> > .

> > > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn.


> blood

> > > pressure suffered for years has ceased).

> > > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine gives me

> good

> > > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green tourmaline

> brought

> > lots

> > > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite. Citrine

> gives

> > immense

> > > calm during meditation.

> > >

> > > Here come the theory of treating like and like during their

> dasas. (as in

> > > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4 recommendations and 4

> successes

> > in

> > > ailments, but not enough to warrant a mention as yet), what is


> > caratage

> > > that will suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state the

> weights.

> > >

> > >

> > > (In case members here think that I switch gemstones all the


> it is

> > not

> > > the case, and I have had these in my collection for many years.)

> > >

> > > Will appreciate more inputs.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Swee

> > > swee@b...

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-


> >

> > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to







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Dear Swee,

The informations which I furnished is from a very old book on Gems which is in

Kannada Language and is written by Veda Bhushana Sri Basavayya Shastri of

Herematt in Karnataka State.Also I have checked with other books on Gems which

is availble in India and they also tell the same information.The hardness of

Lapis is 5-5.5 and its specific gravity is between 2.7 and 2.9.Number 9 which I

wrote is not by adding all the date,month and year.It is just date of birth

9/18/27 only.The theory here lies if anything is hot we have to cool it,so as

no.9 ruled by Kuja is hot and can be controlled by cold gem like Lapis or blue

saphire which is called Indra Neela.

Now regarding Vaidurya,the information on the website you gave is also

wrong.Vaidurya is Ketu's gem stone and it is also called as

Bidalaaksha,Abhraroha,Rashtuka,Megha Kharankura,Balasurya and Vidura Ratna.In

english it is called as Cat's Eye.In Hindi,it is called as Lahasunia.In this

there are 2 types.One is Vaidhurya and the other one is Hema Vaidhurya which is

called as Chrysoberyl.This is slightly yellow or yellowish green coloured.Normal

Vaidurya is whitish black coloured with white thread in the middle and both

sides look like 2 sides of globe.In that Kanaka Kheta vaidutrya looks just like

cat's eye and is of superiour quality.Dhoomra Kheta is like smoky colour with

white line in the middle.Krishna Kheta vaidurya is slight blackish in clour

with white thread like line in the middle.

Still there are so many informations are availble in this category.

I hope this helps you,

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

Swee Chan <swee (AT) coppernet (DOT) zm> wrote:

Jaya Jagannatha


Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,


LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP I.73?

Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:

Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)

R.I. 1.50

Mohs’ scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)


Considered a rock.

It is formed by metamorphic action on impure limestone through contact with

intrusive igneous rocks, causing a re-crystallization to marble with the

formation of a number of new minerals. Several minerals in particular Hauyne,

nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to the cubic system. (It is easily

decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the obnoxious smell of hydrogen

sulphide (rotten eggs).


Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition “Gems”-R.Webster)

The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of the mountainous NE part of

Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently worked for 6,000 years.

However, due to its remoteness, the mines at Sar-e-Sang on the upper reaches of

Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are found in black and white limestone.

The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive manner. First, the rock is heated

and then quenched with water in order to obtain sizeable +/- 5kg pieces. (the

gem is heated on site.)

In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka river, flowing

into the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.

A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes. High in the

Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense blue, but heavily

charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel mountains in California; also in San

Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the porous blue

grey splotched with bright blue and white and inclusions of pyrite, are also

found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for finest pigeon’s blood rubies),

Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found here), Bhutan-Pakistan etc.


Imitations and treatments:

Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with a swap of amyl

acetate (nail varnish remover).

Some go as far as bonding them with plastic. Apply with hot needle to ascertain

this. The recent imitation is barium sulphate with pyrite, bonded with polymer,

while another imitation is dyed calcite marble.

Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax which enhances the

colour after a light polishing.

(Thanks for reminding me to update data on the website J)



GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy season,

(suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) “Lapis Lazuli” gems shoot off flames

(reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill cry of the demon.

Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of all gems available on the earth

beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of the rainbow)

GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a peacock OR that which has the

colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green here). “Lapis Lazuli” gems that

have the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay) bird, are NOT

approved of by the experts in technical literature.

GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A universal

characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness (specific gravity)

and softness to touch (mohs’ scale).

Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of the calcite with it, and therefore

not useable. However, it does have striations of green. The Chilean deposits

are used for ornaments.

Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty Vaidura mountain

(which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of Kamabhutika (this

place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹ gems.


Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony family (Mohs’ scale

6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues with different presence

and deposits.


Chalcedony Family

I will sate 2 here below:

Green (chrysoprase)

Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are green, yellow, red,

reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.

The description on all the above fits most of the criteria. What do you think?


It is easier for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if these places

(Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are identified.

¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and you say LAJAVARTA. So who is right?


BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be accident prone; are these the people born

on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you added all numbers e.g., birth date 1.1.1996?

In jyotish, the 9th house is Guru’s house, so the number 9 creating havoc does not make sense.

I always know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications, including

accidents. So which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA suggests this be worn

by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that, pyrite (Mars),

calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn). It would also mean

formation of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.

Your descriptions seem to akin this particular gemstone to Venus. (which may not

be Lapis in the first place).


Best wishes,



swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net




Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao (AT) (DOT) co.in]Sent:

Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AMvedic astrologySubject:

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems-Sanjayji



Dear Sarbani,

Lapis Lazuli is also called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue coloured Upa

Ratna.If it is heated it will lose its colour.In olden days people used to make

utenils and beautiful plates also.Normally this kind of stone is available in

Afaghanistan,Saiberia and Chile.Its specific gravity is 3.It is used as a

substitute for Blue Saphire.

It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in music,art,dance ,drama

etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love and affection

and can generally win over others through the powers of love.They would find

that they can transmit love to others with ease and confidence. The ancient

people used this gem because of its healing power.It will protect the wearer

from melancholoy and depressing outlook and from intermittent fevers and eye

infections.This gem is good for general prosperity and happiness.It protects

the wearer from dangers of any kind.The wearer will acquire and build up

financial reserves.It heals all sorts of liver and stomach problems.But this

gem can not be used by a diabetic patient. or those who have extra fat in their

body.Those who wear this gem will be considered most fortunate and blessed by

Godess Bhagavati.Such persons will never be found to be wanting in money or

love.It safe gaurds against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by

those who have their birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

I hope this helps.

With best regards,

Ramadas Rao.

"Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org>" <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> wrote:

Dear Swee,Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda puran

for lapis lazuli?Thanks,Sarbanivedic astrology, "Swee

Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:> Jaya Jagannatha> > Dear Sanjayji,> > Thank you for

clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very rare> (collectible) gemstone

called morganite from the spathik family which was> prescribed for him.> > BTW,

do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with you? I need> to clear

some points. There seems to be a grey area in the translations into> English,

especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis Lazuli, as they> do not make

sense. The translated version is too much of a mish mash there.> I will write

you privately about this if this is okay with you.> > Best regards,> > Swee>

swee@b...> > http://www.brihaspati.net/> > >

Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]> Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM>

vedic astrology> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable

Gems> > > Om Gurave Namah> Dear Swee,> > There are two people I have made the

recommendation for and it is because of> PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha.

Both have an exchange between venus> and Saturn with the latter getting exalted.

So wearing of diamond has been> very good for you and will continue to be good

without fail. Diamond> combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense

benefit for Taurus> and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn

is in MK avastha> and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give

excellent results as he> uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is

minimal and instead> Venus is better to be strengthened.> > Strengthening

planets in malefic houses or lordships should be done with> caution.> > At the

feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,> I remain,> Sanjay Rath> Mail: 71 Vasant

Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi 110091, India> Tel: +91-11-2713201;

SJC Web pages: http://.org; Personal Web:> http://srath.com> -----

Original Message -----> "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>> To:

<vedic astrology>> Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM>

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems> > > > Jaya Jagannatha> >> >

Dear Gauranga Das,> >> > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case.

Venus is duplicate> > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for

D-10. I used to> > wear several Diamonds in platinum.> > I asked Guruji how

come my career shot up at such a young age with wearing> > Diamond (which he

also recommends for me to wear again). I notice my ND> of> > Capricorn is

starting this April. So I have one of 2 main choices: My> > quadruple blue

Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I had not been wearing> > any gemstones for

a while and thought that I should wear my aqua ring> before> > my fall. It did

bring almost immediate relief. The string of Pearls felt> > like they were

suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting the bracelet> of> > Moonstones on

my left hand which I have been wearing for a number of years> .> > Yes, this is

under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn. (Low blood> > pressure suffered

for years has ceased).> > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine

gives me good> > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green tourmaline

brought> lots> > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite. Citrine

gives> immense> > calm during meditation.> >> > Here come the theory of

treating like and like during their dasas. (as in> > homeopathy). If this is

the case (with 4 recommendations and 4 successes> in> > ailments, but not

enough to warrant a mention as yet), what is the> caratage> > that will

suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state the weights.> >> >> > (In case

members here think that I switch gemstones all the time, it is> not> > the

case, and I have had these in my collection for many years.)> >> > Will

appreciate more inputs.> >> > Best regards,> > Swee> > swee@b...> >> > > > >

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font-family:Verdana">Dear Sarbani,


[as hailing from the peaks of the Vidura

mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of




font-family:Verdana">Where is Kamabhutika? Bhutan?


font-family:Verdana">Thanks so much.


12.0pt;font-family:Verdana'> AUTOTEXTLIST \s "E-mail Signature"



mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net










Sarbani Sarkar

<sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> [sarbani (AT) (DOT) org]

Friday, February 07, 2003

7:43 AM


vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:

Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?- Ramadas/Sarbani


Dear Swee,

"Courier New";color:black">

I have not seen the term lajavarta or rajavarta mentioned in GP. The

translation you give of vaidurya sounds a bit distorted. In 1.73,

which you talk about,vaidurya is described, as hailing from the peaks

of the Vidura mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of

Kamabhutika.The gem was created by the loud sound/scream (ninad)

emanted by Balasura. The colour of the gem is like monsoon clouds,

glowing like a spark of fire and many hued. Vaidurya imitates and

takes on the beauty of all other gems available under the earth, like

padmaraag. It is superior among all gems. It has a distinct hue like

the peacock neck and is bright like the bamboo leaves. I had already

mentioned to you earlier that glass, shishupal, sphatik and girikach

are mentioned as variants of vaidurya. These variant also have a lot

of varieties. Now, the colour of monsoon clouds seems like cats eye

and peacock neck bit, more like lapis. So how do you determine which

is vaidurya? There are some other gems mentioned like tailasphatik

and rudhirakhya, the description of which fit cat's eye. But since I

would not know the gelogical specifications of the gems I cannot say

for sure.

Best regards,


vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"

<swee@c...> wrote:

> Jaya Jagannatha


> Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,


> LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP I.73?

> Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:

> Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)

> R.I. 1.50

> Mohs' scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)


> Considered a rock.

> It is formed by metamorphic action on impure limestone through

contact with

> intrusive igneous rocks, causing a re-crystallization to marble

with the

> formation of a number of new minerals. Several minerals in


> Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to the cubic system.

(It is

> easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the obnoxious

smell of

> hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).


> Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition "Gems"-R.Webster)

> The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of the

mountainous NE part

> of Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently worked for

6,000 years.

> However, due to its remoteness, the mines at Sar-e-Sang on the

upper reaches

> of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are found in black and


> limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive manner.

First, the

> rock is heated and then quenched with water in order to obtain

sizeable +/-

> 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)

> In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka


> flowing into the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.

> A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes.

High in the

> Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense blue,


> heavily charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

> In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel mountains in California;

also in San

> Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the


> blue grey splotched with bright blue and white and inclusions of

pyrite, are

> also found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for finest pigeon's


> rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found here), Bhutan-


> etc.


> Imitations and treatments:

> Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with a

swap of

> amyl acetate (nail varnish remover).

> Some go as far as bonding them with plastic. Apply with hot needle


> ascertain this. The recent imitation is barium sulphate with

pyrite, bonded

> with polymer, while another imitation is dyed calcite marble.

> Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax which

enhances the

> colour after a light polishing.

> (Thanks for reminding me to update data on the website :-))

> ---


> Vaidurya?:

> GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy


> (suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) "Lapis Lazuli" gems



> flames (reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill cry of the


> Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of all gems available on the


> beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of the rainbow)

> GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a peacock OR that

which has

> the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green here). "Lapis

Lazuli" gems

> that have the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay)

bird, are

> NOT approved of by the experts in technical literature.

> GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A


> characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness (specific


> and softness to touch (mohs' scale).

> Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of the calcite with it, and

> therefore not useable. However, it does have striations of green.


> Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.

> Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty


> mountain (which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of

> Kamabhutika (this place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹



> Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony family


> scale 6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues with


> presence and deposits.


> Chalcedony Family

> I will sate 2 here below:

> Green (chrysoprase)

> Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are green,


> red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.

> The description on all the above fits most of the criteria. What do


> think?


> It is easier for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if

these places

> (Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are identified.

> ---

> ¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and you say LAJAVARTA. So who


> right?


> BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be accident prone; are these the


> born on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you added all numbers e.g., birth date

> 1.1.1996?

> In jyotish, the 9th house is Guru's house, so the number 9 creating


> does not make sense.

> I always know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications,


> accidents. So which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA suggests

this be

> worn by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that,


> (Mars), calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn). It


> also mean formation of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.

> Your descriptions seem to akin this particular gemstone to Venus.

(which may

> not be Lapis in the first place).


> Best wishes,


> Swee

> swee@b...


> http://www.brihaspati.net/




> Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AM

> vedic astrology

> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems-Sanjayji



> Dear Sarbani,

> Lapis Lazuli is also called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue

coloured Upa

> Ratna.If it is heated it will lose its colour.In olden days people

used to

> make utenils and beautiful plates also.Normally this kind of stone


> available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia and Chile.Its specific gravity

is 3.It is

> used as a substitute for Blue Saphire.

> It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in music,art,dance


> etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love and

> affection and can generally win over others through the powers of


> would find that they can transmit love to others with ease and


> The ancient people used this gem because of its healing power.It


> protect the wearer from melancholoy and depressing outlook and from

> intermittent fevers and eye infections.This gem is good for general

> prosperity and happiness.It protects the wearer from dangers of any


> wearer will acquire and build up financial reserves.It heals all

sorts of

> liver and stomach problems.But this gem can not be used by a


> patient. or those who have extra fat in their body.Those who wear

this gem

> will be considered most fortunate and blessed by Godess


> persons will never be found to be wanting in money or love.It safe


> against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by those who

have their

> birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

> I hope this helps.

> With best regards,

> Ramadas Rao.

> "Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>"


> wrote:

> Dear Swee,


> Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda


> for lapis lazuli?


> Thanks,


> Sarbani




> vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"



> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Sanjayji,

> >

> > Thank you for clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very rare

> > (collectible) gemstone called morganite from the spathik family

> which was

> > prescribed for him.

> >

> > BTW, do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with

> you? I need

> > to clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the

> translations into

> > English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis


> as they

> > do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a mish

> mash there.

> > I will write you privately about this if this is okay with you.

> >

> > Best regards,

> >

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> >

> > http://www.brihaspati.net/

> >

> >

> > Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]

> > Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> >

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > There are two people I have made the recommendation for and it is

> because of

> > PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange

> between venus

> > and Saturn with the latter getting exalted. So wearing of diamond

> has been

> > very good for you and will continue to be good without fail.


> > combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense benefit


> Taurus

> > and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn is in


> avastha

> > and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give excellent

> results as he

> > uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal and

> instead

> > Venus is better to be strengthened.

> >

> > Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships should be


> with

> > caution.

> >

> > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,

> > I remain,

> > Sanjay Rath

> > Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi


> India

> > Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages: http://.org;

> <http://.org;/>

> Personal Web:

> > http://srath.com <http://srath.com/>

> > -

> > "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> > <vedic astrology>

> > Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM

> > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> >

> >

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > > Dear Gauranga Das,

> > >

> > > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case. Venus


> duplicate

> > > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for



> used to

> > > wear several Diamonds in platinum.

> > > I asked Guruji how come my career shot up at such a young


> with wearing

> > > Diamond (which he also recommends for me to wear again). I


> my ND

> > of

> > > Capricorn is starting this April. So I have one of 2 main

> choices: My

> > > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I had not


> wearing

> > > any gemstones for a while and thought that I should wear my


> ring

> > before

> > > my fall. It did bring almost immediate relief. The string of

> Pearls felt

> > > like they were suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting


> bracelet

> > of

> > > Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing for a


> of years

> > .

> > > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn.


> blood

> > > pressure suffered for years has ceased).

> > > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine gives


> good

> > > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green


> brought

> > lots

> > > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite.


> gives

> > immense

> > > calm during meditation.

> > >

> > > Here come the theory of treating like and like during their

> dasas. (as in

> > > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4 recommendations and


> successes

> > in

> > > ailments, but not enough to warrant a mention as yet), what



> > caratage

> > > that will suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state the

> weights.

> > >

> > >

> > > (In case members here think that I switch gemstones all the


> it is

> > not

> > > the case, and I have had these in my collection for many


> > >

> > > Will appreciate more inputs.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > > Swee

> > > swee@b...

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Swee,


I haven't the faintest idea!!





vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:

> Dear Sarbani,


> [as hailing from the peaks of the Vidura mountains situated on the


> boundaries of

> Kamabhutika.]


> Where is Kamabhutika? Bhutan?


> Thanks so much.


> Swee

> swee@b...


> http://www.brihaspati.net/ <http://www.brihaspati.net/>



> Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>

> [sarbani@s...]

> Friday, February 07, 2003 7:43 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?-



> Dear Swee,


> I have not seen the term lajavarta or rajavarta mentioned in GP. The

> translation you give of vaidurya sounds a bit distorted. In 1.73,

> which you talk about,vaidurya is described, as hailing from the


> of the Vidura mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of

> Kamabhutika.The gem was created by the loud sound/scream (ninad)

> emanted by Balasura. The colour of the gem is like monsoon clouds,

> glowing like a spark of fire and many hued. Vaidurya imitates and

> takes on the beauty of all other gems available under the earth,


> padmaraag. It is superior among all gems. It has a distinct hue like

> the peacock neck and is bright like the bamboo leaves. I had already

> mentioned to you earlier that glass, shishupal, sphatik and girikach

> are mentioned as variants of vaidurya. These variant also have a lot

> of varieties. Now, the colour of monsoon clouds seems like cats eye

> and peacock neck bit, more like lapis. So how do you determine which

> is vaidurya? There are some other gems mentioned like tailasphatik

> and rudhirakhya, the description of which fit cat's eye. But since I

> would not know the gelogical specifications of the gems I cannot say

> for sure.


> Best regards,


> Sarbani



> vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>


> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,

> >

> > LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP I.73?

> > Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:

> > Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)

> > R.I. 1.50

> > Mohs' scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)

> >

> > Considered a rock.

> > It is formed by metamorphic action on impure limestone through

> contact with

> > intrusive igneous rocks, causing a re-crystallization to marble

> with the

> > formation of a number of new minerals. Several minerals in

> particular

> > Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to the cubic system.

> (It is

> > easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the obnoxious

> smell of

> > hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).

> >

> > Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition "Gems"-R.Webster)

> > The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of the

> mountainous NE part

> > of Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently worked for

> 6,000 years.

> > However, due to its remoteness, the mines at Sar-e-Sang on the

> upper reaches

> > of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are found in black and

> white

> > limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive manner.

> First, the

> > rock is heated and then quenched with water in order to obtain

> sizeable +/-

> > 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)

> > In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka

> river,

> > flowing into the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.

> > A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes.

> High in the

> > Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense blue,

> but

> > heavily charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

> > In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel mountains in California;

> also in San

> > Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the

> porous

> > blue grey splotched with bright blue and white and inclusions of

> pyrite, are

> > also found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for finest pigeon's

> blood

> > rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found here),


> Pakistan

> > etc.

> >

> > Imitations and treatments:

> > Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with a

> swap of

> > amyl acetate (nail varnish remover).

> > Some go as far as bonding them with plastic. Apply with hot needle

> to

> > ascertain this. The recent imitation is barium sulphate with

> pyrite, bonded

> > with polymer, while another imitation is dyed calcite marble.

> > Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax which

> enhances the

> > colour after a light polishing.

> > (Thanks for reminding me to update data on the website :-))

> > ---

> >

> > Vaidurya?:

> > GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy

> season,

> > (suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) "Lapis Lazuli" gems shoot

> off

> > flames (reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill cry of the

> demon.

> > Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of all gems available on


> earth

> > beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of the rainbow)

> > GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a peacock OR that

> which has

> > the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green here). "Lapis

> Lazuli" gems

> > that have the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay)

> bird, are

> > NOT approved of by the experts in technical literature.

> > GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A

> universal

> > characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness


> gravity)

> > and softness to touch (mohs' scale).

> > Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of the calcite with it,


> > therefore not useable. However, it does have striations of green.

> The

> > Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.

> > Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty

> Vaidura

> > mountain (which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of

> > Kamabhutika (this place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹

> gems.

> >

> > Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony family

> (Mohs'

> > scale 6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues with

> different

> > presence and deposits.

> >

> > Chalcedony Family

> > I will sate 2 here below:

> > Green (chrysoprase)

> > Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are


> yellow,

> > red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.

> > The description on all the above fits most of the criteria. What


> you

> > think?

> >

> > It is easier for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if

> these places

> > (Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are identified.

> > ---

> > ¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and you say LAJAVARTA. So


> is

> > right?

> >

> > BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be accident prone; are these the

> people

> > born on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you added all numbers e.g., birth


> > 1.1.1996?

> > In jyotish, the 9th house is Guru's house, so the number 9


> havoc

> > does not make sense.

> > I always know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications,

> including

> > accidents. So which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA suggests

> this be

> > worn by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that,

> pyrite

> > (Mars), calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn). It

> would

> > also mean formation of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.

> > Your descriptions seem to akin this particular gemstone to Venus.

> (which may

> > not be Lapis in the first place).

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> >

> > http://www.brihaspati.net/ < http://www.brihaspati.net/>

> >

> >

> > Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> > Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems-Sanjayji

> >


> > Dear Sarbani,

> > Lapis Lazuli is also called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue

> coloured Upa

> > Ratna.If it is heated it will lose its colour.In olden days people

> used to

> > make utenils and beautiful plates also.Normally this kind of stone

> is

> > available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia and Chile.Its specific gravity

> is 3.It is

> > used as a substitute for Blue Saphire.

> > It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in


> ,drama

> > etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love


> > affection and can generally win over others through the powers of

> love.They

> > would find that they can transmit love to others with ease and

> confidence.

> > The ancient people used this gem because of its healing power.It

> will

> > protect the wearer from melancholoy and depressing outlook and


> > intermittent fevers and eye infections.This gem is good for


> > prosperity and happiness.It protects the wearer from dangers of


> kind.The

> > wearer will acquire and build up financial reserves.It heals all

> sorts of

> > liver and stomach problems.But this gem can not be used by a

> diabetic

> > patient. or those who have extra fat in their body.Those who wear

> this gem

> > will be considered most fortunate and blessed by Godess

> Bhagavati.Such

> > persons will never be found to be wanting in money or love.It safe

> gaurds

> > against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by those who

> have their

> > birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

> > I hope this helps.

> > With best regards,

> > Ramadas Rao.

> > "Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>" <sarbani@s...>

> > wrote:

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda

> puran

> > for lapis lazuli?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Sarbani

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> wrote:

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjayji,

> > >

> > > Thank you for clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very


> > > (collectible) gemstone called morganite from the spathik family

> > which was

> > > prescribed for him.

> > >

> > > BTW, do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with

> > you? I need

> > > to clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the

> > translations into

> > > English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis

> Lazuli,

> > as they

> > > do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a mish

> > mash there.

> > > I will write you privately about this if this is okay with you.

> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Swee

> > > swee@b...

> > >

> > > http://www.brihaspati.net/

> > >

> > >

> > > Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]

> > > Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > Dear Swee,

> > >

> > > There are two people I have made the recommendation for and it


> > because of

> > > PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange

> > between venus

> > > and Saturn with the latter getting exalted. So wearing of


> > has been

> > > very good for you and will continue to be good without fail.

> Diamond

> > > combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense benefit

> for

> > Taurus

> > > and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn is in

> MK

> > avastha

> > > and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give excellent

> > results as he

> > > uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal and

> > instead

> > > Venus is better to be strengthened.

> > >

> > > Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships should be

> done

> > with

> > > caution.

> > >

> > > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,

> > > I remain,

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > > Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi


> > India

> > > Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages: http://.org;

> > < http://.org;/>

> > Personal Web:

> > > http://srath.com < http://srath.com/>

> > > -

> > > "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> > > <vedic astrology>

> > > Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM

> > > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> > >

> > >

> > > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gauranga Das,

> > > >

> > > > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case. Venus is

> > duplicate

> > > > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for D-


> I

> > used to

> > > > wear several Diamonds in platinum.

> > > > I asked Guruji how come my career shot up at such a young age

> > with wearing

> > > > Diamond (which he also recommends for me to wear again). I

> notice

> > my ND

> > > of

> > > > Capricorn is starting this April. So I have one of 2 main

> > choices: My

> > > > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I had not

> been

> > wearing

> > > > any gemstones for a while and thought that I should wear my


> > ring

> > > before

> > > > my fall. It did bring almost immediate relief. The string of

> > Pearls felt

> > > > like they were suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting


> > bracelet

> > > of

> > > > Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing for a

> number

> > of years

> > > .

> > > > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn.

> (Low

> > blood

> > > > pressure suffered for years has ceased).

> > > > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine gives


> > good

> > > > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green


> > brought

> > > lots

> > > > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite. Citrine

> > gives

> > > immense

> > > > calm during meditation.

> > > >

> > > > Here come the theory of treating like and like during their

> > dasas. (as in

> > > > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4 recommendations and 4

> > successes

> > > in

> > > > ailments, but not enough to warrant a mention as yet), what is

> the

> > > caratage

> > > > that will suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state the

> > weights.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (In case members here think that I switch gemstones all the

> time,

> > it is

> > > not

> > > > the case, and I have had these in my collection for many


> > > >

> > > > Will appreciate more inputs.

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Swee

> > > > swee@b...

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Dear Swee,

I am not an expert on scriptures but this could mean some mountain range in the

state of what is known as Orissa. May be Pt. Sanjay Rath could tell us about




Swee Chan

vedic astrology

Saturday, February 08, 2003 4:23 AM

RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?- Ramadas/Sarbani

Dear Sarbani,


[as hailing from the peaks of the Vidura mountains situated on the extreme

boundaries of Kamabhutika.]


Where is Kamabhutika? Bhutan?


Thanks so much.


12.0pt;font-family:Verdana'> AUTOTEXTLIST \s "E-mail Signature" Swee

swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net




Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani (AT) (DOT) org>

[sarbani (AT) (DOT) org]Friday, February 07, 2003 7:43 AMTo:

vedic astrologySubject: [vedic astrology] Re: Vaidurya: Lapis

Lazuli?- Ramadas/Sarbani


Dear Swee,I have not seen the term lajavarta or rajavarta mentioned in GP. The

translation you give of vaidurya sounds a bit distorted. In 1.73, which you

talk about,vaidurya is described, as hailing from the peaks of the Vidura

mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of Kamabhutika.The gem was created

by the loud sound/scream (ninad) emanted by Balasura. The colour of the gem is

like monsoon clouds, glowing like a spark of fire and many hued. Vaidurya

imitates and takes on the beauty of all other gems available under the earth,

like padmaraag. It is superior among all gems. It has a distinct hue like the

peacock neck and is bright like the bamboo leaves. I had already mentioned to

you earlier that glass, shishupal, sphatik and girikach are mentioned as

variants of vaidurya. These variant also have a lot of varieties. Now, the

colour of monsoon clouds seems like cats eye and peacock neck bit, more like

lapis. So how do you determine which is vaidurya? There are some other gems

mentioned like tailasphatik and rudhirakhya, the description of which fit cat's

eye. But since I would not know the gelogical specifications of the gems I

cannot say for sure. Best regards,Sarbani--- In

vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...> wrote:> Jaya

Jagannatha> > Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,> > LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text

in GP I.73?> Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:> Specific

gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)> R.I. 1.50> Mohs' scale: 5 – 6

(softer than glass)> > Considered a rock.> It is formed by metamorphic action

on impure limestone through contact with> intrusive igneous rocks, causing a

re-crystallization to marble with the> formation of a number of new minerals.

Several minerals in particular> Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to

the cubic system. (It is> easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the

obnoxious smell of> hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).> > Occurrences: (ref. 5th

edition "Gems"-R.Webster)> The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of

the mountainous NE part> of Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently

worked for 6,000 years.> However, due to its remoteness, the mines at

Sar-e-Sang on the upper reaches> of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are

found in black and white> limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive

manner. First, the> rock is heated and then quenched with water in order to

obtain sizeable +/-> 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)> In Syan

mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka river,> flowing into

the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.> A paler colour to this is

mined in Chile in the Chilean Andes. High in the> Sawach Range in Italy.

Material is almost black with intense blue, but> heavily charged with pyrite,

but lacks texture and hardness.> In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel

mountains in California; also in San> Bernadino mountains. North of the

Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the porous> blue grey splotched with bright blue

and white and inclusions of pyrite, are> also found. Mogok region in Myanmar

(famous for finest pigeon's blood> rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of

diamonds found here), Bhutan-Pakistan> etc.> > Imitations and treatments:> Some

lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with a swap of> amyl

acetate (nail varnish remover).> Some go as far as bonding them with plastic.

Apply with hot needle to> ascertain this. The recent imitation is barium

sulphate with pyrite, bonded> with polymer, while another imitation is dyed

calcite marble.> Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax

which enhances the> colour after a light polishing.> (Thanks for reminding me

to update data on the website :-))> ---> > Vaidurya?:> GP 1.73.5 Emitting the

fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy season,> (suggests skies of grey; so

grey colour) "Lapis Lazuli" gems shoot off> flames (reddish hue) as it were in

tune with the shrill cry of the demon.> Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours

of all gems available on the earth> beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the

colours of the rainbow)> GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a

peacock OR that which has> the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green

here). "Lapis Lazuli" gems> that have the colour of the outer feathers of the

Casa (Blue Jay) bird, are> NOT approved of by the experts in technical

literature.> GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A

universal> characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness (specific

gravity)> and softness to touch (mohs' scale).> Lapis: The Russian presence has

too much of the calcite with it, and> therefore not useable. However, it does

have striations of green. The> Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.> Only

Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty Vaidura> mountain

(which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of> Kamabhutika (this

place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹ gems.> > Analysis: With

reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony family (Mohs'> scale 6.5-7;

Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues with different> presence and

deposits.> > Chalcedony Family> I will sate 2 here below:> Green (chrysoprase)>

Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are green, yellow,>

red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.> The description on

all the above fits most of the criteria. What do you> think?> > It is easier

for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if these places> (Kamabhutika,

Vaidura mountains) are identified.> ---> ¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya

and you say LAJAVARTA. So who is> right?> > BTW, why would birth dates with 9

be accident prone; are these the people> born on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you

added all numbers e.g., birth date> 1.1.1996?> In jyotish, the 9th house is

Guru's house, so the number 9 creating havoc> does not make sense.> I always

know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications, including> accidents. So

which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA suggests this be> worn by people

with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that, pyrite> (Mars), calcite

(bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn). It would> also mean formation

of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.> Your descriptions seem to akin this

particular gemstone to Venus. (which may> not be Lapis in the first place).> >

Best wishes,> > Swee> swee@b...> > http://www.brihaspati.net/

<http://www.brihaspati.net/>>'>http://www.brihaspati.net/>> > > Ramadas Rao

[ramadasrao]> Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AM> To:

vedic astrology> Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable

Gems-Sanjayji> > OM KLEEM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH> Dear Sarbani,> Lapis Lazuli is also

called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue coloured Upa> Ratna.If it is heated it

will lose its colour.In olden days people used to> make utenils and beautiful

plates also.Normally this kind of stone is> available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia

and Chile.Its specific gravity is 3.It is> used as a substitute for Blue

Saphire.> It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in music,art,dance

,drama> etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love and>

affection and can generally win over others through the powers of love.They>

would find that they can transmit love to others with ease and confidence.> The

ancient people used this gem because of its healing power.It will> protect the

wearer from melancholoy and depressing outlook and from> intermittent fevers

and eye infections.This gem is good for general> prosperity and happiness.It

protects the wearer from dangers of any kind.The> wearer will acquire and build

up financial reserves.It heals all sorts of> liver and stomach problems.But this

gem can not be used by a diabetic> patient. or those who have extra fat in their

body.Those who wear this gem> will be considered most fortunate and blessed by

Godess Bhagavati.Such> persons will never be found to be wanting in money or

love.It safe gaurds> against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by

those who have their> birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.> I

hope this helps.> With best regards,> Ramadas Rao.> "Sarbani Sarkar

<sarbani@s...>" <sarbani@s...>> wrote:> Dear Swee,> > Can you tell me what is

the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda puran> for lapis lazuli?> > Thanks,> >

Sarbani> > > > vedic astrology, "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

wrote:> > Jaya Jagannatha> >> > Dear Sanjayji,> >> > Thank you for clearing

this. As for Shailesh, there's a very rare> > (collectible) gemstone called

morganite from the spathik family> which was> > prescribed for him.> >> > BTW,

do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit) with> you? I need> > to

clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the> translations into> >

English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis Lazuli,> as they> >

do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a mish> mash there.> >

I will write you privately about this if this is okay with you.> >> > Best

regards,> >> > Swee> > swee@b...> >> > http://www.brihaspati.net/> >> >

> > Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]> >

Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM> > To:

vedic astrology> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable

Gems> >> >> > Om Gurave Namah> > Dear Swee,> >> > There are two people I have

made the recommendation for and it is> because of> > PARIVARTANA - you and

Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange> between venus> > and Saturn with the

latter getting exalted. So wearing of diamond> has been> > very good for you

and will continue to be good without fail. Diamond> > combination with blue

sapphire is said to be of immense benefit for> Taurus> > and Libra Lagna.

Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn is in MK> avastha> > and we have to

wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give excellent> results as he> > uses the blue

sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal and> instead> > Venus is better

to be strengthened.> >> > Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships

should be done> with> > caution.> >> > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,>

> I remain,> > Sanjay Rath> > Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1,

New Delhi 110091,> India> > Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages:

http://.org;> <http://.org;/>> Personal Web:> >

http://srath.com <http://srath.com/>> > -> >

"Swee Chan" <swee@c...>> > <vedic astrology>> > Sent:

Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM> > RE: [vedic astrology] Re:

Suitable Gems> >> >> > > Jaya Jagannatha> > >> > > Dear Gauranga Das,> > >> > >

There must be an exception to the rule as in my case. Venus is> duplicate> > >

yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga for D-10. I> used to> > >

wear several Diamonds in platinum.> > > I asked Guruji how come my career shot

up at such a young age> with wearing> > > Diamond (which he also recommends for

me to wear again). I notice> my ND> > of> > > Capricorn is starting this April.

So I have one of 2 main> choices: My> > > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my

baguette Diamonds. I had not been> wearing> > > any gemstones for a while and

thought that I should wear my aqua> ring> > before> > > my fall. It did bring

almost immediate relief. The string of> Pearls felt> > > like they were

suffocating me, so I took them off, excepting the> bracelet> > of> > >

Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing for a number> of years> >

..> > > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from Saturn. (Low>

blood> > > pressure suffered for years has ceased).> > > Wearing the diamond

bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine gives me> good> > > concentration. (cut from

non dichroic crystal) Green tourmaline> brought> > lots> > > of new contacts in

the industry; so did the Rubellite. Citrine> gives> > immense> > > calm during

meditation.> > >> > > Here come the theory of treating like and like during

their> dasas. (as in> > > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4

recommendations and 4> successes> > in> > > ailments, but not enough to warrant

a mention as yet), what is the> > caratage> > > that will suffice? Garuda and

Agni Puranas do not state the> weights.> > >> > >> > > (In case members here

think that I switch gemstones all the time,> it is> > not> > > the case, and I

have had these in my collection for many years.)> > >> > > Will appreciate more

inputs.> > >> > > Best regards,> > > Swee> > > swee@b...> > >> >> >> >> >> >

Archives: vedic astrology> >> > Group info:

vedic astrology/info.html> >> > To UNSUBSCRIBE:

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font-family:Verdana">Jaya Jagannatha


font-family:Verdana">Dear Sarbani,


font-family:Verdana">I was only kidding! Your summary makes a lot of sense to

me, which will be the crux for the various identifications.


Thank you very much.


12.0pt;font-family:Verdana'> AUTOTEXTLIST \s "E-mail Signature"



mso-ansi-language:EN-GB">swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net










Sarbani Sarkar

<sarbani (AT) (DOT) org> [sarbani (AT) (DOT) org]

Saturday, February 08, 2003

11:33 AM

vedic astrology

[vedic astrology] Re:

Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?- Ramadas/Sarbani


Dear Swee,

"Courier New";color:black">

I haven't the faintest idea!!


vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"

<swee@c...> wrote:

> Dear Sarbani,


> [as hailing from the peaks of the Vidura mountains situated on the


> boundaries of

> Kamabhutika.]


> Where is Kamabhutika? Bhutan?


> Thanks so much.


> Swee

> swee@b...


> http://www.brihaspati.net/




> Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>

> [sarbani@s...]

> Friday, February 07, 2003 7:43 AM

> vedic astrology

> [vedic astrology] Re: Vaidurya: Lapis Lazuli?-



> Dear Swee,


> I have not seen the term lajavarta or rajavarta mentioned in GP. The

> translation you give of vaidurya sounds a bit distorted. In 1.73,

> which you talk about,vaidurya is described, as hailing from the


> of the Vidura mountains situated on the extreme boundaries of

> Kamabhutika.The gem was created by the loud sound/scream (ninad)

> emanted by Balasura. The colour of the gem is like monsoon clouds,

> glowing like a spark of fire and many hued. Vaidurya imitates and

> takes on the beauty of all other gems available under the earth,


> padmaraag. It is superior among all gems. It has a distinct hue like

> the peacock neck and is bright like the bamboo leaves. I had already

> mentioned to you earlier that glass, shishupal, sphatik and girikach

> are mentioned as variants of vaidurya. These variant also have a lot

> of varieties. Now, the colour of monsoon clouds seems like cats eye

> and peacock neck bit, more like lapis. So how do you determine which

> is vaidurya? There are some other gems mentioned like tailasphatik

> and rudhirakhya, the description of which fit cat's eye. But since I

> would not know the gelogical specifications of the gems I cannot say

> for sure.


> Best regards,


> Sarbani



> vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"



> > Jaya Jagannatha

> >

> > Dear Ramadas and Sarbani,

> >

> > LAJAVARTA: Is this the original text in GP I.73?

> > Some additions and corrections below on Lapis Lazuli:

> > Specific gravity: 2-4 to 2.9 (commercial value 2.6-2.99)

> > R.I. 1.50

> > Mohs' scale: 5 – 6 (softer than glass)

> >

> > Considered a rock.

> > It is formed by metamorphic action on impure limestone through

> contact with

> > intrusive igneous rocks, causing a re-crystallization to marble

> with the

> > formation of a number of new minerals. Several minerals in

> particular

> > Hauyne, nosean, sodalite and lazurite belong to the cubic system.

> (It is

> > easily decomposed by hydrochloric acid, giving off the obnoxious

> smell of

> > hydrogen sulphide (rotten eggs).

> >

> > Occurrences: (ref. 5th edition "Gems"-R.Webster)

> > The most famous locality is in Badakshan district of the

> mountainous NE part

> > of Afghanistan. The mine having been intermittently worked for

> 6,000 years.

> > However, due to its remoteness, the mines at Sar-e-Sang on the

> upper reaches

> > of Kakcha river (tributary of Oxus), lapis are found in black and

> white

> > limestone. The Afghani mines are worked in a primitive manner.

> First, the

> > rock is heated and then quenched with water in order to obtain

> sizeable +/-

> > 5kg pieces. (the gem is heated on site.)

> > In Syan mountains, light blue pieces are found on the Slyudyanka

> river,

> > flowing into the south end of Lake Baikal bordering Mongolia.

> > A paler colour to this is mined in Chile in the Chilean


> High in the

> > Sawach Range in Italy. Material is almost black with intense


> but

> > heavily charged with pyrite, but lacks texture and hardness.

> > In San Antonio Peak in the San Gabriel mountains in California;

> also in San

> > Bernadino mountains. North of the Labrador Peninsular-Canada, the

> porous

> > blue grey splotched with bright blue and white and inclusions of

> pyrite, are

> > also found. Mogok region in Myanmar (famous for finest pigeon's

> blood

> > rubies), Lobito Bay in Angola (lots of diamonds found here),


> Pakistan

> > etc.

> >

> > Imitations and treatments:

> > Some lapis on the market are dyed and this colour comes off with


> swap of

> > amyl acetate (nail varnish remover).

> > Some go as far as bonding them with plastic. Apply with hot


> to

> > ascertain this. The recent imitation is barium sulphate with

> pyrite, bonded

> > with polymer, while another imitation is dyed calcite marble.

> > Some of the lapis beads are heated in molten paraffin wax which

> enhances the

> > colour after a light polishing.

> > (Thanks for reminding me to update data on the website :-))

> > ---

> >

> > Vaidurya?:

> > GP 1.73.5 Emitting the fine colours of the of the clouds of rainy

> season,

> > (suggests skies of grey; so grey colour) "Lapis Lazuli"

gems shoot

> off

> > flames (reddish hue) as it were in tune with the shrill cry of


> demon.

> > Next: GP I.73.6, it states the colours of all gems available on


> earth

> > beginning from Ruby. (suggesting the colours of the rainbow)

> > GP1.73.7 The chief of them resembles the neck of a peacock OR


> which has

> > the colour of the leaf of bamboo (suggests green here).


> Lazuli" gems

> > that have the colour of the outer feathers of the Casa (Blue Jay)

> bird, are

> > NOT approved of by the experts in technical literature.

> > GP1.73.13 An intelligent man can easily see the difference. A

> universal

> > characteristic of alien ness is glossy surface, lightness


> gravity)

> > and softness to touch (mohs' scale).

> > Lapis: The Russian presence has too much of the calcite with it,


> > therefore not useable. However, it does have striations of green.

> The

> > Chilean deposits are used for ornaments.

> > Only Afghani ones are used. [GP 1.73.3] Not far from the lofty

> Vaidura

> > mountain (which mountain is this?) and very near the frontiers of

> > Kamabhutika (this place?) can be found the mines of lapis lazuli¹

> gems.

> >

> > Analysis: With reference to 1.73.13: Sounds like chalcedony


> (Mohs'

> > scale 6.5-7; Specific gravity is 2.58-2.64) with all the hues


> different

> > presence and deposits.

> >

> > Chalcedony Family

> > I will sate 2 here below:

> > Green (chrysoprase)

> > Agate; heating may change brown to red). Natural colours are


> yellow,

> > red, reddish brown, white and bluish-white among others.

> > The description on all the above fits most of the criteria. What


> you

> > think?

> >

> > It is easier for me to decipher what gemstone it really is, if

> these places

> > (Kamabhutika, Vaidura mountains) are identified.

> > ---

> > ¹Lapis Lazuli: GP says it is Vaidurya and you say LAJAVARTA. So


> is

> > right?

> >

> > BTW, why would birth dates with 9 be accident prone; are these


> people

> > born on 9th, 18 and 27th?? Or you added all numbers e.g., birth


> > 1.1.1996?

> > In jyotish, the 9th house is Guru's house, so the number 9


> havoc

> > does not make sense.

> > I always know Red Coral is good for 6th house and indications,

> including

> > accidents. So which planet would you assign Lapis to? VRA


> this be

> > worn by people with debilitated Saturn. Yes, I will go with that,

> pyrite

> > (Mars), calcite (bones; Saturn) Lazurite (blue colour; Saturn).


> would

> > also mean formation of gall stones etc., can be curtailed.

> > Your descriptions seem to akin this particular gemstone to Venus.

> (which may

> > not be Lapis in the first place).

> >

> > Best wishes,

> >

> > Swee

> > swee@b...

> >

> > http://www.brihaspati.net/

< http://www.brihaspati.net/>

> >

> >

> > Ramadas Rao [ramadasrao]

> > Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:34 AM

> > vedic astrology

> > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems-Sanjayji

> >


> > Dear Sarbani,

> > Lapis Lazuli is also called as LAJAVARTA.This is a opaque blue

> coloured Upa

> > Ratna.If it is heated it will lose its colour.In olden days


> used to

> > make utenils and beautiful plates also.Normally this kind of


> is

> > available in Afaghanistan,Saiberia and Chile.Its specific gravity

> is 3.It is

> > used as a substitute for Blue Saphire.

> > It is particularly favourable for ladies engaged in


> ,drama

> > etc.Persons using this gem will be known by their powers of love


> > affection and can generally win over others through the powers of

> love.They

> > would find that they can transmit love to others with ease and

> confidence.

> > The ancient people used this gem because of its healing power.It

> will

> > protect the wearer from melancholoy and depressing outlook and


> > intermittent fevers and eye infections.This gem is good for


> > prosperity and happiness.It protects the wearer from dangers of


> kind.The

> > wearer will acquire and build up financial reserves.It heals all

> sorts of

> > liver and stomach problems.But this gem can not be used by a

> diabetic

> > patient. or those who have extra fat in their body.Those who wear

> this gem

> > will be considered most fortunate and blessed by Godess

> Bhagavati.Such

> > persons will never be found to be wanting in money or love.It


> gaurds

> > against the adverse Shani.This gen can also be used by those who

> have their

> > birth dates with No.9 who are normally accident prone.

> > I hope this helps.

> > With best regards,

> > Ramadas Rao.

> > "Sarbani Sarkar <sarbani@s...>"


> > wrote:

> > Dear Swee,

> >

> > Can you tell me what is the name used in Sanskrit in the garuda

> puran

> > for lapis lazuli?

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Sarbani

> >

> >

> >

> > vedic astrology, "Swee Chan"


> wrote:

> > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > >

> > > Dear Sanjayji,

> > >

> > > Thank you for clearing this. As for Shailesh, there's a very


> > > (collectible) gemstone called morganite from the spathik


> > which was

> > > prescribed for him.

> > >

> > > BTW, do you have a copy of the Garuda Purana (in sanskrit)


> > you? I need

> > > to clear some points. There seems to be a grey area in the

> > translations into

> > > English, especially for Topaz (double refractive) and Lapis

> Lazuli,

> > as they

> > > do not make sense. The translated version is too much of a


> > mash there.

> > > I will write you privately about this if this is okay with


> > >

> > > Best regards,

> > >

> > > Swee

> > > swee@b...

> > >

> > > http://www.brihaspati.net/

> > >

> > >

> > > Sanjay Rath [daivagyna@s...]

> > > Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:04 AM

> > > vedic astrology

> > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> > >

> > >

> > > Om Gurave Namah

> > > Dear Swee,

> > >

> > > There are two people I have made the recommendation for and



> > because of

> > > PARIVARTANA - you and Sailesh Chaddha. Both have an exchange

> > between venus

> > > and Saturn with the latter getting exalted. So wearing of


> > has been

> > > very good for you and will continue to be good without fail.

> Diamond

> > > combination with blue sapphire is said to be of immense


> for

> > Taurus

> > > and Libra Lagna. Problem with Sailesh Chart is that Saturn

is in

> MK

> > avastha

> > > and we have to wait for it to leav! e Taurus to give


> > results as he

> > > uses the blue sapphire. Your dependance on saturn is minimal


> > instead

> > > Venus is better to be strengthened.

> > >

> > > Strengthening planets in malefic houses or lordships should


> done

> > with

> > > caution.

> > >

> > > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,

> > > I remain,

> > > Sanjay Rath

> > > Mail: 71 Vasant Apartments, Mayur Vihar Phase-1, New Delhi


> > India

> > > Tel: +91-11-2713201; SJC Web pages: http://.org;

> > < http://.org;/>

> > Personal Web:

> > > http://srath.com < http://srath.com/>

> > > -

> > > "Swee Chan" <swee@c...>

> > > <vedic astrology>

> > > Monday, February 03, 2003 9:06 PM

> > > RE: [vedic astrology] Re: Suitable Gems

> > >

> > >

> > > > Jaya Jagannatha

> > > >

> > > > Dear Gauranga Das,

> > > >

> > > > There must be an exception to the rule as in my case.

Venus is

> > duplicate

> > > > yogi, in parivatana with exalted 10th. Excellent yoga

for D-


> I

> > used to

> > > > wear several Diamonds in platinum.

> > > > I asked Guruji how come my career shot up at such a

young age

> > with wearing

> > > > Diamond (which he also recommends for me to wear

again). I

> notice

> > my ND

> > > of

> > > > Capricorn is starting this April. So I have one of 2


> > choices: My

> > > > quadruple blue Aquamarine or my baguette Diamonds. I

had not

> been

> > wearing

> > > > any gemstones for a while and thought that I should

wear my


> > ring

> > > before

> > > > my fall. It did bring almost immediate relief. The

string of

> > Pearls felt

> > > > like they were suffocating me, so I took them off,



> > bracelet

> > > of

> > > > Moonstones on my left hand which I have been wearing

for a

> number

> > of years

> > > .

> > > > Yes, this is under con! trol in terms of aspect from


> (Low

> > blood

> > > > pressure suffered for years has ceased).

> > > > Wearing the diamond bring me lots of sales. Aquamarine



> > good

> > > > concentration. (cut from non dichroic crystal) Green


> > brought

> > > lots

> > > > of new contacts in the industry; so did the Rubellite.


> > gives

> > > immense

> > > > calm during meditation.

> > > >

> > > > Here come the theory of treating like and like during


> > dasas. (as in

> > > > homeopathy). If this is the case (with 4

recommendations and 4

> > successes

> > > in

> > > > ailments, but not enough to warrant a mention as yet),

what is

> the

> > > caratage

> > > > that will suffice? Garuda and Agni Puranas do not state


> > weights.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > (In case members here think that I switch gemstones all


> time,

> > it is

> > > not

> > > > the case, and I have had these in my collection for



> > > >

> > > > Will appreciate more inputs.

> > > >

> > > > Best regards,

> > > > Swee

> > > > swee@b...

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Group info: vedic-


> > >

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