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Time and King Herla

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Here is an account of a Briton King named Herla who went underground

and experienced time dilation- the Saxons only took over his kingdom

while he was gone. Hmmm


Anyway, this account, along with the explanation below it by Jospeh H

Cater, of time dilation will give us a better idea of how time

fuctions- that actions take place first of all in subtle realms and

then trickle down to the physical plane. For this reason Shree

Krishna told Arjuna that " ... all these kings and warriors have

already been put to death by my arrangement in the form of

time ... ". Events indicated in our horoscopes have already occurred

on subtler planes and are already in the process of manifesting on

this physical platform. This iswhy they arecalledprarabdha karmas, or

already-manifesting karmas.


" Arguably the first detailed account of an actual visit to this

`underworld' appears in the remarkable collection of tales and

reminiscences, De Nugis Curialium, assembled by the twelfthcentury

Welsh poet and historian, Walter Map, or Mapes. In his book he

recounts the story of a visit by King Herla 'one of the most ancient

of British kings' to just such a place. Some authorities have

suggested it is merely a fantasy about Fairyland, but the description

seems far more likely to be referring to an actual underground tunnel

inhabited by a race of subterraneans.


In the tale, King Herla is approached one day by a handsome man who

tells him: 'I am the King over many kings and princes, and unnumbered

and innumerable people.' The stranger invites Herla to accompany him

on a trip to his kingdom which, he says, is below ground. Walter

Map's narrative then continues:


They entered a cave in a high cliff, and after an interval of

darkness, passed, in a light which seemed to proceed not from the sun

or moon, but from a multitude of lamps, to the mansion of the king.

This was as comely in every part as the palace of the Sun described

by Naso [in Ovid's Metamorphosis - Author].


King Herla enjoys his host's hospitality for what seems like a short

period of time and is then given leave to return to the surface

world - suitably laden with gifts and presents. He is escorted 'to

the place in the tunnel where darkness began' and the two monarchs

take their farewell of each other. Walter Map then concludes:


Within a short space Herla arrived once more at the light of the sun

and at his kingdom, where he accosted an old shepherd and asked for

news of his Queen, naming her. The shepherd gazed at him with

astonishment and said: 'Sir, I can hardly understand your speech, for

you are a Briton and I am a Saxon: but the name of that Queen I have

never heard, save that they say that long ago there was a Queen of

that name over the very ancient Britons, who was the wife of King

Herla; and he, the old story says, disappeared at this very cliff,

and was never seen on earth again, and it is now two hundred years

since the Saxons took possession of this kingdom and drove out the

old inhabitantsl' And at his words, the King who thought he had made

a stay of but three days, could scarce conceal his amazement


It is evident from this curious account, that King Herla had been

below ground far longer than he imagined, although how literally we

should take the time period suggested - two hundred years - is

debatable! The specific mention of the form of lighting in the

subterranean kingdom matches almost precisely those from other

sources, and it is only to be regretted that the report does not tell

us any more about the king and the impressive world in which he

lived. For my part, I am satisfied that the tale does represent an

encounter with underworld people."


In his book The Ultimate Reality, Joseph H. Cater explains the nature

of such time dilation, in Chpater 28:


" Since particles of matter in higher realms are far more active than

those in lower realms, it follows that events in realms of higher

frequency matter take place more rapidly. This means that smaller

units of time must be employed in the higher realms. The

consciousness automatically adjusts to these changes, so that the

inhabitants in these worlds are not aware of any differences.

Accounts received from entities residing in an astral realm who have

recently lost their physical bodies confirm this. A notable case

which the author encountered involves a person who seemingly had

spent many months in an astral realm since his demise. At this time,

he was informed to his amazement that some guides were going to take

him down to the physical realm so he could view his own funeral.

This funeral took place only three days after his departure, yet he

thought several months had passed. occult lore is steeped with cases

of this type, yet the obvious reason for the time anomalies always

escaped those who researched the subject. It is to be expected that

the wrong interpretations concerning the properties of time are

always placed on such incidents. One of the most popular explanations

is the erroneous conclusion that time doesn't exist in the astral



Posted by Dharmnapad, aka Dharma/Dean

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Dear Dharmapada prabhu et al,


Hare Krishna.


You have explained an important and interesting principle, which is also

fully described by the laws of Karma in Vedic tradition. As soon as we have

sommitted any action, we have planted the seed for that karmic reaction to

fructify. Like a banyan seed has already the whole potency of the banyan

tree in it, and it will manifest in due course of time.


Padma Purana states as follows:


apraarabdha-phalam paapa, kutam beejam phalonmukham

kramenaiva praleeyeta vishnu-bhakti-rataatmanaam


"There are different stages of dormant reactions to sinful activities to be

observed in a sinful life. Sinful reactions may be just waiting to take

effect [phalonmukha], reactions may be still further dormant [kuta], or the

reactions may be in a seedlike state [bija]. In any case, all types of

sinful reactions are vanquished one after another if a person engages in the

devotional service of Lord Vishnu."


Srila Prabhupada explains as follows:


Nondevotees must undergo material hardships because they are prone to commit

sinful fruitive activities. The desire to commit sinful actions continues in

their hearts due to ignorance. These sinful actions are divided into three

categories-pätaka, mahä-pätaka and atipätaka-and also into two divisions;

prärabdha and aprärabdha. Prärabdha refers to sinful reactions from which

one is suffering at the present, and aprärabdha refers to sources of

potential suffering. When the seeds (béja) of sinful reactions have not yet

fructified, the reactions are called aprärabdha. These seeds of sinful

action are unseen, but they are unlimited, and no one can trace when they

were first planted. Because of prärabdha, sinful reactions that have already

fructified, one is seen to have taken birth in a low family or to be

suffering from other miseries. (Purport to SB 6.1.15.)


So here we should distinguish bentween these levels in the following ways:


1. Any activity performed on the material plane will have two kinds of

immediate results, stored on the subtle level: one is Beeja, the seed of the

karmic reaction (as you sow as you reap, if a pious activity, then a pious

seed, if sinful then a sinful), and the other, non the less important is

Kuta, or the desire to perform that activity again. This is even more subtle

than the beeja, and may have a strong influence in the future. Then the

Beeja develops into a plant, and bears a fruit. When the sings of a karmic

reaction are quite obvious, still it had not takem place, the plant is

called Phalonmukha (with unripe fruit). When the fruit ripens and hits the

native, it's called prarabdha then, i.e. the reaction manifests in the

native's life. The states from beeja to phalonmukha inclusive are called

aprarabdha, i.e. not yet fructified. The birth chart and especially D-40, 45

and 60 will indicate the prarabdha karma, while the rest indicate the

aprarabdha karma amnifesting through the life of the native. Some beejas are

planted in this life from the Kuta (desire to commit activities - should be

possible to analyse with respect to AK especially). These beejas are seen

more from prashna charts and muhurtha charts of different activities. gocara

or pravesha charts may also give a hint on the more recent layers of karma,

whilc may fructify in the native's next life.




Gauranga Das Vedic Astrologer


Jyotish Remedies:



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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Dharmapada,


Time is a relativistic concept and this is what the Einsteing theory of

Relativity all about, which tries to explain it with an illustration that an

old scientist falls in love with his young associate and because of the age

Difference. He goes on a space mission and when he return backs after a

year, he sees that 50 years have passed on the Planet earth and the age

difference is bridged between the Sceintist and the Associate and they got

married and lived thereafter.


The same theme has been used in the planet of APEs. This is interesting to

note that the time stops absolutely in a very high gravity zone such as

Blackhole. So in a black hole, even within an 1/infinity sec of your watch,

the world outside passes infinite years. Just think that you are caught in a

blackhold and within a blink infinite years have passed.


I am not an expert in these areas, however, I think Scientiest have started

appreciating such phenomenon and time will come when they shall accept the

various worlds, the nether world, where the time moves very slowly to the

astral world where it moves very fast.


About the things which has already happened, the scientists are thinking on

this, while conceiving the notions of Time Travel and Parrallal universes.








<vedic astrology>

Friday, February 07, 2003 7:20 PM

[vedic astrology] Time and King Herla



> Here is an account of a Briton King named Herla who went underground

> and experienced time dilation- the Saxons only took over his kingdom

> while he was gone. Hmmm


> Anyway, this account, along with the explanation below it by Jospeh H

> Cater, of time dilation will give us a better idea of how time

> fuctions- that actions take place first of all in subtle realms and

> then trickle down to the physical plane. For this reason Shree

> Krishna told Arjuna that " ... all these kings and warriors have

> already been put to death by my arrangement in the form of

> time ... ". Events indicated in our horoscopes have already occurred

> on subtler planes and are already in the process of manifesting on

> this physical platform. This iswhy they arecalledprarabdha karmas, or

> already-manifesting karmas.


> " Arguably the first detailed account of an actual visit to this

> `underworld' appears in the remarkable collection of tales and

> reminiscences, De Nugis Curialium, assembled by the twelfthcentury

> Welsh poet and historian, Walter Map, or Mapes. In his book he

> recounts the story of a visit by King Herla 'one of the most ancient

> of British kings' to just such a place. Some authorities have

> suggested it is merely a fantasy about Fairyland, but the description

> seems far more likely to be referring to an actual underground tunnel

> inhabited by a race of subterraneans.


> In the tale, King Herla is approached one day by a handsome man who

> tells him: 'I am the King over many kings and princes, and unnumbered

> and innumerable people.' The stranger invites Herla to accompany him

> on a trip to his kingdom which, he says, is below ground. Walter

> Map's narrative then continues:


> They entered a cave in a high cliff, and after an interval of

> darkness, passed, in a light which seemed to proceed not from the sun

> or moon, but from a multitude of lamps, to the mansion of the king.

> This was as comely in every part as the palace of the Sun described

> by Naso [in Ovid's Metamorphosis - Author].


> King Herla enjoys his host's hospitality for what seems like a short

> period of time and is then given leave to return to the surface

> world - suitably laden with gifts and presents. He is escorted 'to

> the place in the tunnel where darkness began' and the two monarchs

> take their farewell of each other. Walter Map then concludes:


> Within a short space Herla arrived once more at the light of the sun

> and at his kingdom, where he accosted an old shepherd and asked for

> news of his Queen, naming her. The shepherd gazed at him with

> astonishment and said: 'Sir, I can hardly understand your speech, for

> you are a Briton and I am a Saxon: but the name of that Queen I have

> never heard, save that they say that long ago there was a Queen of

> that name over the very ancient Britons, who was the wife of King

> Herla; and he, the old story says, disappeared at this very cliff,

> and was never seen on earth again, and it is now two hundred years

> since the Saxons took possession of this kingdom and drove out the

> old inhabitantsl' And at his words, the King who thought he had made

> a stay of but three days, could scarce conceal his amazement


> It is evident from this curious account, that King Herla had been

> below ground far longer than he imagined, although how literally we

> should take the time period suggested - two hundred years - is

> debatable! The specific mention of the form of lighting in the

> subterranean kingdom matches almost precisely those from other

> sources, and it is only to be regretted that the report does not tell

> us any more about the king and the impressive world in which he

> lived. For my part, I am satisfied that the tale does represent an

> encounter with underworld people."


> In his book The Ultimate Reality, Joseph H. Cater explains the nature

> of such time dilation, in Chpater 28:


> " Since particles of matter in higher realms are far more active than

> those in lower realms, it follows that events in realms of higher

> frequency matter take place more rapidly. This means that smaller

> units of time must be employed in the higher realms. The

> consciousness automatically adjusts to these changes, so that the

> inhabitants in these worlds are not aware of any differences.

> Accounts received from entities residing in an astral realm who have

> recently lost their physical bodies confirm this. A notable case

> which the author encountered involves a person who seemingly had

> spent many months in an astral realm since his demise. At this time,

> he was informed to his amazement that some guides were going to take

> him down to the physical realm so he could view his own funeral.

> This funeral took place only three days after his departure, yet he

> thought several months had passed. occult lore is steeped with cases

> of this type, yet the obvious reason for the time anomalies always

> escaped those who researched the subject. It is to be expected that

> the wrong interpretations concerning the properties of time are

> always placed on such incidents. One of the most popular explanations

> is the erroneous conclusion that time doesn't exist in the astral

> realms!"


> Posted by Dharmnapad, aka Dharma/Dean









> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......




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