Guest guest Posted February 12, 2003 Report Share Posted February 12, 2003 To All, Does anyone have the English translation of slokas 10 and 11 from Adhyaya III under "The Dasa of the Lord of the Sixth House" of Satya Jatakam? My copy is does not have them. Thank you, Robben Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2003 Report Share Posted February 12, 2003 Dear Robben, I have a English translation of Satya Jatakam by Sri S.K.Raman.Here are the results of Dasa of 6th lord : 1) If the lord of the 6th house is placed in the Lagna ,with the Lagna Lord,during the period of the lord of 6th house,the person may suffer from diseases,sores and disorders.He may have troubles through Government.If Rahu be in conjuction with the 6th lord,there may be losses and trouble through thieves.If Sun and the Moon be weak,he will suffer from poverty.If the Lagna lord be placed very near to Lagna's longitude or in the Lagna navamsha ,the period will bring diseases,miseries caused by enemies and poverty.These difficulties will go on increasing and there will be no relief from the troubles.If the lord of 6th is placed in 6th,8th or 12th Amshas and if the lord og Lagna is in its own Amsha,then thebad effects will be greatly reduced. 2) If the lord of 6th be placed in 2nd house along with 2nd lord,significance of 2nd house will become bad.Qarrels in the house,losses through the actions of enemies,eye troubles,toothache,untimely food,wound etc. are some of the bad results which can arise.Conjunctions of benefic planets will reduce the malefic results.If the Lord of Lagna is also with 6th lord in this house,during its sub period in the major period of the lord of 6th house ,even death of the native may come through and there will be evil results during the boyhood of the native. 3) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in the 3rd house along with 3rd lord,his brother may become inimical towards him.The person may suffer from ear troubles,and there will be losses caused by enemies.If the karaka of 3rd house be weak,his co-borns will become sick.If a maraka planet is conjoined with the 6th lord in this house,the native may even die during this period.Association of benefics or their aspects will reduce the malefic results. 4) If the lord of 6th house is in 4th and if Rahu is conjoined with Moon ,his mother will be of bad character and in her old age she will become very sick.If Mars be very weak,enemies will take away his lands.If Mercury be weak,his education will be interrupted.If Venus be weak,the person will have troubles through his vehicles and conveyances.When the lord of 5th is strong,if the native is a lady,she may become widow.If the lord of 6th and the Lagna lord be enemies to each other,or if situated in 6th or 8th house ,his mother may become abandoned.Combinations with benefics will surely reduce the evil results.Combination with malefics may cause losses to his cattle,crops and agriculture. 5) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in 5th house with its lord,some nobles will become his enemies.Or his sons or his father may be inimically disposed towards him.His children may become sick.Worships and austerities performed by him will be interrupted due to impediments.There will be unnecessary quarrels with others.Conjunction with malefic planets will cause of loss of children or childlessness.Conjunction and aspects of benefics will surely ward off much of the evil results. 6) If the lord of 6th be placed in 6th combined with benefics,results wil be good.At the beginning of the period results will be those indicated by planets in conjunction with the 6th lord.The native will enjoy comforts and happiness during this period.He will overcome his enemies and there will be success in his undertakings.Income from his landed propert will increase.He will wear good dress and acquire conveyances.If the 6th lord be weak,good results will be very little.If the lord of 6th be with lord of 8th or 12th house,throughout the period ,the person will enjoy happiness(Vipareeta Raja Yoga ).If it be posited in kendra or trikona navamsha ,enemies may give him trouble.During the sub period of the planets joined with the lord of 6th,therw may be unfavourable results. 7) If the lord of 6th be placed in 7th with 7th lord,signifiacnce of 7th house results will suffer.So his wife may not maintain good health or may be sick.Or there may be quarrels,speration or misunderstandings with his wife.Or he himself will fall sick ( 6th lord aspecting Lagna ). There will be impediments to auspicious ceremonies.Further if the lord of lagn also joined with malefic planets,the native will be troubled with sickness,activities of enemies,debts ,loss of women etc.If the lord of 6th house be in 6th/8th/12th namashas from 7th house,there will not be much troubles.If the lord of 6th and 2nd be in this house,the period may even bring death of the native.If the karaka of 7th house be placed in kendra or trikona amshas along with Rahu,his wife will be a victim of slander and scorn.If the karaka be weak and is placed in Ubhaya Rasi,he may marry 2nd time due to misunderstandings with his 1st wife.If Venus be in the rasi of Mars or Saturn,and is associated or aspected by malefics,he may enjoy many women due to his misunderstandings with his 1st wife. 8) if the 6th lord be placed in 8th house combined with benefic planets ,ther will be good results.Thesub period of these benefic planets will prove auspicious.If the lord of the 6th house is combined with lord of the Lagna in the Rasi or Navamsha chakra ,the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies from which there is no relief.If the lord of 6th occupies Malefic Amshas ,there will serious diseases and troubles from enemies.If the lord is placed in 6th/8th/12th Amshas but the Lagna lord occupies Auspicious Navamsha,there will be relief from these troubles.The planet combined with 6th lord in the 8th house becomes a maraka and has the power to inflict serious diseases and even the power to kill. 9) If the lord of 6th be placed in 9th combined with malefic planets and the karaka of 9th house is also aflicted ,father of the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies.Property obtained from his father will be wasted away.If the lord of the 6th be combined with the significator of 9th house the father may pass away.If the lord of 9th house and the 8th house be conjoined with and if 6th lord is also associated by conjunction or aspects in the 9th house,his father may die before his birth.If the lord of 7th house is also combined with this Yoga ,his father will die in some foreign place.If the lord of 9th and 6th be conjoined ,there will be enemity between the father and son. Results of 6th lord in 10th and 11th are not provided here. 10) If the lord of 6th house be placed in 12th,his enemies will be wiped out.During the beginning of period of 6th lord ,the native may commit some some bad deeds.The lord of 6th house can produce illness and evil results during the sub periods of the planets with which it is combined in the 12th house.If combined with benefics,the period of the 6th lord will bestow good results.If the lord of the 6th house be in 6th /8th/12th Navamshas ,results may not be good.But if it is in trikona Navamshas ,results will be good. I hope this helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. passage <passage (AT) burgoyne (DOT) com> wrote: To All,Does anyone have the English translation of slokas 10 and 11 fromAdhyaya III under "The Dasa of the Lord of the Sixth House" of SatyaJatakam? My copy is does not have them.Thank you,RobbenArchives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Catch all the cricket action. Download Score tracker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2003 Report Share Posted February 12, 2003 Dear Ramadas, Thank you very much for taking the time to look this up and write it out. It is very helpful. I have not seen this translation. Many, many thanks. Sincerely, Robben Ramadas Rao wrote: OM KLEEM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH Dear Robben, I have a English translation of Satya Jatakam by Sri S.K.Raman.Here are the results of Dasa of 6th lord : 1) If the lord of the 6th house is placed in the Lagna ,with the Lagna Lord,during the period of the lord of 6th house,the person may suffer from diseases,sores and disorders.He may have troubles through Government.If Rahu be in conjuction with the 6th lord,there may be losses and trouble through thieves.If Sun and the Moon be weak,he will suffer from poverty.If the Lagna lord be placed very near to Lagna's longitude or in the Lagna navamsha ,the period will bring diseases,miseries caused by enemies and poverty.These difficulties will go on increasing and there will be no relief from the troubles.If the lord of 6th is placed in 6th,8th or 12th Amshas and if the lord og Lagna is in its own Amsha,then thebad effects will be greatly reduced. 2) If the lord of 6th be placed in 2nd house along with 2nd lord,significance of 2nd house will become bad.Qarrels in the house,losses through the actions of enemies,eye troubles,toothache,untimely food,wound etc. are some of the bad results which can arise.Conjunctions of benefic planets will reduce the malefic results.If the Lord of Lagna is also with 6th lord in this house,during its sub period in the major period of the lord of 6th house ,even death of the native may come through and there will be evil results during the boyhood of the native. 3) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in the 3rd house along with 3rd lord,his brother may become inimical towards him.The person may suffer from ear troubles,and there will be losses caused by enemies.If the karaka of 3rd house be weak,his co-borns will become sick.If a maraka planet is conjoined with the 6th lord in this house,the native may even die during this period.Association of benefics or their aspects will reduce the malefic results. 4) If the lord of 6th house is in 4th and if Rahu is conjoined with Moon ,his mother will be of bad character and in her old age she will become very sick.If Mars be very weak,enemies will take away his lands.If Mercury be weak,his education will be interrupted.If Venus be weak,the person will have troubles through his vehicles and conveyances.When the lord of 5th is strong,if the native is a lady,she may become widow.If the lord of 6th and the Lagna lord be enemies to each other,or if situated in 6th or 8th house ,his mother may become abandoned.Combinations with benefics will surely reduce the evil results.Combination with malefics may cause losses to his cattle,crops and agriculture. 5) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in 5th house with its lord,some nobles will become his enemies.Or his sons or his father may be inimically disposed towards him.His children may become sick.Worships and austerities performed by him will be interrupted due to impediments.There will be unnecessary quarrels with others.Conjunction with malefic planets will cause of loss of children or childlessness.Conjunction and aspects of benefics will surely ward off much of the evil results. 6) If the lord of 6th be placed in 6th combined with benefics,results wil be good.At the beginning of the period results will be those indicated by planets in conjunction with the 6th lord.The native will enjoy comforts and happiness during this period.He will overcome his enemies and there will be success in his undertakings.Income from his landed propert will increase.He will wear good dress and acquire conveyances.If the 6th lord be weak,good results will be very little.If the lord of 6th be with lord of 8th or 12th house,throughout the period ,the person will enjoy happiness(Vipareeta Raja Yoga ).If it be posited in kendra or trikona navamsha ,enemies may give him trouble.During the sub period of the planets joined with the lord of 6th,therw may be unfavourable results. 7) If the lord of 6th be placed in 7th with 7th lord,signifiacnce of 7th house results will suffer.So his wife may not maintain good health or may be sick.Or there may be quarrels,speration or misunderstandings with his wife.Or he himself will fall sick ( 6th lord aspecting Lagna ). There will be impediments to auspicious ceremonies.Further if the lord of lagn also joined with malefic planets,the native will be troubled with sickness,activities of enemies,debts ,loss of women etc.If the lord of 6th house be in 6th/8th/12th namashas from 7th house,there will not be much troubles.If the lord of 6th and 2nd be in this house,the period may even bring death of the native.If the karaka of 7th house be placed in kendra or trikona amshas along with Rahu,his wife will be a victim of slander and scorn.If the karaka be weak and is placed in Ubhaya Rasi,he may marry 2nd time due to misunderstandings with his 1st wife.If Venus be in the rasi of Mars or Saturn,and is associated or aspected by malefics,he may enjoy many women due to his misunderstandings with his 1st wife. 8) if the 6th lord be placed in 8th house combined with benefic planets ,ther will be good results.Thesub period of these benefic planets will prove auspicious.If the lord of the 6th house is combined with lord of the Lagna in the Rasi or Navamsha chakra ,the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies from which there is no relief.If the lord of 6th occupies Malefic Amshas ,there will serious diseases and troubles from enemies.If the lord is placed in 6th/8th/12th Amshas but the Lagna lord occupies Auspicious Navamsha,there will be relief from these troubles.The planet combined with 6th lord in the 8th house becomes a maraka and has the power to inflict serious diseases and even the power to kill. 9) If the lord of 6th be placed in 9th combined with malefic planets and the karaka of 9th house is also aflicted ,father of the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies.Property obtained from his father will be wasted away.If the lord of the 6th be combined with the significator of 9th house the father may pass away.If the lord of 9th house and the 8th house be conjoined with and if 6th lord is also associated by conjunction or aspects in the 9th house,his father may die before his birth.If the lord of 7th house is also combined with this Yoga ,his father will die in some foreign place.If the lord of 9th and 6th be conjoined ,there will be enemity between the father and son. Results of 6th lord in 10th and 11th are not provided here. 10) If the lord of 6th house be placed in 12th,his enemies will be wiped out.During the beginning of period of 6th lord ,the native may commit some some bad deeds.The lord of 6th house can produce illness and evil results during the sub periods of the planets with which it is combined in the 12th house.If combined with benefics,the period of the 6th lord will bestow good results.If the lord of the 6th house be in 6th /8th/12th Navamshas ,results may not be good.But if it is in trikona Navamshas ,results will be good. I hope this helps you. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. passage <passage (AT) burgoyne (DOT) com> wrote: To All, Does anyone have the English translation of slokas 10 and 11 from Adhyaya III under "The Dasa of the Lord of the Sixth House" of Satya Jatakam? My copy is does not have them. Thank you, Robben || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Terms of Service. Catch all the cricket action. Download Score tracker || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu || Terms of Service. Attachment: (image/gif) C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\nsmail2B.gif [not stored] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 12, 2003 Report Share Posted February 12, 2003 Dear Robben, You are most welcome.But please also look at the Sanskrit Shlokas which give the same meaning.But anyhow it is elaborated in my message. With best regards, Ramadas Rao. passage <passage (AT) burgoyne (DOT) com> wrote: Dear Ramadas,Thank you very much for taking the time to look this up and write itout. It is very helpful. I have not seen this translation. Many, manythanks.Sincerely,RobbenRamadas Rao wrote:>>> OM KLEEM KRISHNAAYA NAMAH>> Dear Robben,>> I have a English translation of Satya Jatakam by Sri S.K.Raman.Here> are the results of Dasa of 6th lord :>> 1) If the lord of the 6th house is placed in the Lagna ,with the Lagna> Lord,during the period of the lord of 6th house,the person may suffer> from diseases,sores and disorders.He may have troubles through> Government.If Rahu be in conjuction with the 6th lord,there may be> losses and trouble through thieves.If Sun and the Moon be weak,he will> suffer from poverty.If the Lagna lord be placed very near to Lagna's> longitude or in the Lagna navamsha ,the period will bring> diseases,miseries caused by enemies and poverty.These difficulties> will go on increasing and there will be no relief from the troubles.If> the lord of 6th is placed in 6th,8th or 12th Amshas and if the lord og> Lagna is in its own Amsha,then thebad effects will be greatly reduced.>> 2) If the lord of 6th be placed in 2nd house along with 2nd> lord,significance of 2nd house will become bad.Qarrels in the> house,losses through the actions of enemies,eye> troubles,toothache,untimely food,wound etc. are some of the bad> results which can arise.Conjunctions of benefic planets will reduce> the malefic results.If the Lord of Lagna is also with 6th lord in this> house,during its sub period in the major period of the lord of 6th> house ,even death of the native may come through and there will be> evil results during the boyhood of the native.>> 3) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in the 3rd house along with> 3rd lord,his brother may become inimical towards him.The person may> suffer from ear troubles,and there will be losses caused by enemies.If> the karaka of 3rd house be weak,his co-borns will become sick.If a> maraka planet is conjoined with the 6th lord in this house,the native> may even die during this period.Association of benefics or their> aspects will reduce the malefic results.>> 4) If the lord of 6th house is in 4th and if Rahu is conjoined with> Moon ,his mother will be of bad character and in her old age she will> become very sick.If Mars be very weak,enemies will take away his> lands.If Mercury be weak,his education will be interrupted.If Venus be> weak,the person will have troubles through his vehicles and> conveyances.When the lord of 5th is strong,if the native is a lady,she> may become widow.If the lord of 6th and the Lagna lord be enemies to> each other,or if situated in 6th or 8th house ,his mother may become> abandoned.Combinations with benefics will surely reduce the evil> results.Combination with malefics may cause losses to his cattle,crops> and agriculture.>> 5) If the lord of the 6th house be placed in 5th house with its> lord,some nobles will become his enemies.Or his sons or his father may> be inimically disposed towards him.His children may become> sick.Worships and austerities performed by him will be interrupted due> to impediments.There will be unnecessary quarrels with> others.Conjunction with malefic planets will cause of loss of children> or childlessness.Conjunction and aspects of benefics will surely ward> off much of the evil results.>> 6) If the lord of 6th be placed in 6th combined with benefics,results> wil be good.At the beginning of the period results will be those> indicated by planets in conjunction with the 6th lord.The native will> enjoy comforts and happiness during this period.He will overcome his> enemies and there will be success in his undertakings.Income from his> landed propert will increase.He will wear good dress and acquire> conveyances.If the 6th lord be weak,good results will be very> little.If the lord of 6th be with lord of 8th or 12th house,throughout> the period ,the person will enjoy happiness(Vipareeta Raja Yoga ).If> it be posited in kendra or trikona navamsha ,enemies may give him> trouble.During the sub period of the planets joined with the lord of> 6th,therw may be unfavourable results.>> 7) If the lord of 6th be placed in 7th with 7th lord,signifiacnce of> 7th house results will suffer.So his wife may not maintain good health> or may be sick.Or there may be quarrels,speration or misunderstandings> with his wife.Or he himself will fall sick ( 6th lord aspecting Lagna> ). There will be impediments to auspicious ceremonies.Further if the> lord of lagn also joined with malefic planets,the native will be> troubled with sickness,activities of enemies,debts ,loss of women> etc.If the lord of 6th house be in 6th/8th/12th namashas from 7th> house,there will not be much troubles.If the lord of 6th and 2nd be in> this house,the period may even bring death of the native.If the karaka> of 7th house be placed in kendra or trikona amshas along with Rahu,his> wife will be a victim of slander and scorn.If the karaka be weak and> is placed in Ubhaya Rasi,he may marry 2nd time due to> misunderstandings with his 1st wife.If Venus be in the rasi of Mars or> Saturn,and is associated or aspected by malefics,he may enjoy many> women due to his misunderstandings with his 1st wife.>> 8) if the 6th lord be placed in 8th house combined with benefic> planets ,ther will be good results.Thesub period of these benefic> planets will prove auspicious.If the lord of the 6th house is combined> with lord of the Lagna in the Rasi or Navamsha chakra ,the native will> be troubled by diseases and enemies from which there is no relief.If> the lord of 6th occupies Malefic Amshas ,there will serious diseases> and troubles from enemies.If the lord is placed in 6th/8th/12th Amshas> but the Lagna lord occupies Auspicious Navamsha,there will be relief> from these troubles.The planet combined with 6th lord in the 8th house> becomes a maraka and has the power to inflict serious diseases and> even the power to kill.>> 9) If the lord of 6th be placed in 9th combined with malefic planets> and the karaka of 9th house is also aflicted ,father of the native> will be troubled by diseases and enemies.Property obtained from his> father will be wasted away.If the lord of the 6th be combined with the> significator of 9th house the father may pass away.If the lord of 9th> house and the 8th house be conjoined with and if 6th lord is also> associated by conjunction or aspects in the 9th house,his father may> die before his birth.If the lord of 7th house is also combined with> this Yoga ,his father will die in some foreign place.If the lord of> 9th and 6th be conjoined ,there will be enemity between the father> and son.>> Results of 6th lord in 10th and 11th are not provided here.>> 10) If the lord of 6th house be placed in 12th,his enemies will be> wiped out.During the beginning of period of 6th lord ,the native may> commit some some bad deeds.The lord of 6th house can produce illness> and evil results during the sub periods of the planets with which it> is combined in the 12th house.If combined with benefics,the period of> the 6th lord will bestow good results.If the lord of the 6th house be> in 6th /8th/12th Navamshas ,results may not be good.But if it is in> trikona Navamshas ,results will be good.>> I hope this helps you.>> With best regards,>> Ramadas Rao.>> passage wrote:>> To All,>> Does anyone have the English translation of slokas 10 and 11> from> Adhyaya III under "The Dasa of the Lord of the Sixth House"> of Satya> Jatakam? My copy is does not have them.>> Thank you,>> Robben>>>>> Archives: vedic astrology>> Group info:> vedic astrology/info.html>> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to> vedic astrology->> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......>> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||>> Your use of is subject to the Terms of> Service.>> [image] Catch all the cricket action. Download Score tracker> Archives: vedic astrology>> Group info: vedic astrology/info.html>> To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology->> ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us .......>> || Om Tat Sat || Sarvam Sri Krishnaarpanamastu ||>> Your use of is subject to the Catch all the cricket action. Download Score tracker Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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