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vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji

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If 6th house has 2 or more no. of malefics from al , it’s a vipreet rajyoga, &

if benefics r present , then pravrajya yoga.

It has been repeatedly said, that people r materialistic, who have malefics in

6th from al. but if these malefics ‘improve’ in navamsa , then it is raj bhang

pravrajya yoga.

Sir, what I have understood from ur articles & book about al is ‘arudha is

nothing, but world of perception ….maya…& illusion’.

For checking the above yoga how relevant is the use of 6th from al , shouldn’t

we check 6th from lagna & 6th from karakamsa too?

I ‘ve a case who has 2 malefics in 6th from al, 6th from lagna is empty , 6th

lord is with 2 benefics, 6th from lagnamsa has 1 malefic aspected by another,

6th from karakamsa/ak has a benefic.

How would we judge

a) his opponents?

b) His attitude towards his opponents?

c) Will he b victorious?

d) What kind of person is he? Materiastic or spiritual?

e) What kind of yoga it is ?

Sir, kindly expound this , I feel I m missing some link.


With regards


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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Prashant,


You have very well understood the AL as Maya or Illusion. However, you can add

the perceivable behaviour as opposed to the real nature shown by the Lagna. Now

3rd and 6th will show how he behaves in terms of showing courage and handling

enemies. The planets placed there will influence the behaviour in their own



Now the answers to your questions are below the relevant questions:

a) his opponents?

For troubles or otherwise from enemies see the 6th from Lagna. Malefics

placement shows more troubles than benefics. However the nature of the

Opponents to be judged from the A6


b) His attitude towards his opponents?

If benefics are placed in the 6th from Lagna, then he is least concerned

about his opponents. The reverse also holds true. However to see who has more

courage and power to fight see the 3rd and 6th from AL and A6.


c) Will he b victorious?

One who has more malefics in the 3rd and 6th from the Arudha.


d) What kind of person is he? Materiastic or spiritual?

More benefics in the kendra and Kona makes a person humble whereas

Malefics in similar places makes one to dominate over others. Now in this

world, everyone is judged by the action he does, which might or might not be a

reflection of the true nature. So his behaviours are seen from the 3rd and 6th

from AL. Moreover AL shows that the things are more compelled by the situations

and circumstances and not truely by yourself. So Benefics in the 3rd and 6th

from AL will make the native to accept the non-materialistic submissive path.

The reverse holds true for materialistic path.


e) What kind of yoga it is ?

You said

It has been repeatedly said, that people r materialistic, who have

malefics in 6th from al. but if these malefics ‘improve’ in navamsa , then it

is raj bhang pravrajya yoga.


Pravyajya yoga happens if the malefic in the 3rd/ 6th from AL is

weakly placed / debilitated in the Rasi / Navamsa. If they are powerful/

exalted they will give raja Yoga. Benefics give submission and

spiritualism, however if they are weak/ debilitated in Rasi / Navamsa it gives

vipareeta rajayoga.


Best Regards



prashant narang

vedic astrology

Saturday, March 01, 2003 11:29 AM

[vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji

Respected shri narsimha rao ji,

If 6th house has 2 or more no. of malefics from al , it’s a vipreet rajyoga, &

if benefics r present , then pravrajya yoga.

It has been repeatedly said, that people r materialistic, who have malefics in

6th from al. but if these malefics ‘improve’ in navamsa , then it is raj bhang

pravrajya yoga.

Sir, what I have understood from ur articles & book about al is ‘arudha is

nothing, but world of perception ….maya…& illusion’.

For checking the above yoga how relevant is the use of 6th from al , shouldn’t

we check 6th from lagna & 6th from karakamsa too?

I ‘ve a case who has 2 malefics in 6th from al, 6th from lagna is empty , 6th

lord is with 2 benefics, 6th from lagnamsa has 1 malefic aspected by another,

6th from karakamsa/ak has a benefic.

How would we judge

a) his opponents?

b) His attitude towards his opponents?

c) Will he b victorious?

d) What kind of person is he? Materiastic or spiritual?

e) What kind of yoga it is ?

Sir, kindly expound this , I feel I m missing some link.


With regards


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Thank you for this lovely, informative mail.

Would you kindly confirm that when you refer to benefics and malefics you

are refering to to natural and not functional.

Also when you talk about enemies are you referring only to human enemies or

do your comments also apply to disease, for example?





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Dear Sarajit,


my understanding is that for malefics 6th isn't dusthana but upachaya house

resulting in positive effects there for malefics.

To be exact it means that for example Mars would give beneficial results there

(victory over enemies etc.). The bad thing is that malefics will point out that

enemies will actualy be aggressive towards a native (because of Mars). Also it

is positive to have Mars strong but not stronger than lord of ascedant..

Please clarify.

Best regards.


>>Jaya Jagannath

a) his opponents?

For troubles or otherwise from enemies see the 6th from Lagna. Malefics

placement shows more troubles than benefics. However the nature of the

Opponents to be judged from the A6<<

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Ognjen,


I also grew up in Jyotish with the understanding that malefics in the

6th house is good as it will show victory over enemies. However when my

understanding grew further, I got to know that, as you said, it shows

agressive enemies or rather the native is troubled by enemies. Now Mars

is the karaka of 6th house for enemies, it is infact strengthening the

enemies being in 6th. The benefics placed there makes a person free

from enemies or the enemies suffer even without intervention of the

native. However benefics placement is not good for the houses it owns.


Now in Lord Rama's chart, Rahu was placed in the 6th house showing

enemies like Ravana. Now Rahu was debilitated, showing victory of Rama

over Ravana.


The best upaya for getting rid of enemies is to strengthen the benefics

if any in the 6th.


You can give some charts, we can discuss some cases.


Best Regards






> Dear Sarajit,


> my understanding is that for malefics 6th isn't dusthana but

upachaya house resulting in positive effects there for malefics.

> To be exact it means that for example Mars would give beneficial

results there (victory over enemies etc.). The bad thing is that

malefics will point out that enemies will actualy be aggressive towards

a native (because of Mars). Also it is positive to have Mars strong but

not stronger than lord of ascedant..

> Please clarify.

> Best regards.

> Ognjen



> >>Jaya Jagannath

> a) his opponents?


> For troubles or otherwise from enemies see the 6th from

Lagna. Malefics placement shows more troubles than benefics. However

the nature of the Opponents to be judged from the A6<<






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Dear Sarajit ,

I have attached two charts.

The first person has no enemies at all and the second has abundance of them at

least in the past.

Take a look at Venus in the first chart in his own house along with the lord of

ascedant. It certanly support your theory about benefics in the 6th. Although

without enemies outside in person's mind there are lot of anguish sometimes

even serious crisis. The reason I think is obvious. Lagnesh with the lord of

6th in 6th with the enemy Venus.

The second chart has Mars and Moon in 6th. It is my chart so of course I have

given lot of thinking about it in the past.

Moon alone in 6th would give lot of enemies and defeats unless very strong and

Mars enemies and victories over them according to usual thinking. Mars is in

his own nakshatra and this two planets gives Chandra-Mangal Yoga in artha house

indicating some money gains. Conjuction indicates and it is my opinion some

conflicts with very strong enemies (and that is what happend) but some kind of

gains also through this conflicts.

I can't say who is victorius. Some conflicts just "died" and turned into a

status quo. I have a greater concern about this conjuction aspecting my third

from AL...

Awaiting your comments...

Best regards.



Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Ivana Zizak.jhd [not stored]

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Ognjen.jhd [not stored]

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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Ognen,


You are right on the point. There are two rules which I would like to present


1. If benefics are placed in the 6th, house the native might not have enemies

however the natual significations and the houses owned by the planet shall

suffer. Now Jupiter's position in the 6th does cause suffering to the native as

well as the matter related to Venus such as marriage/ relationship etc. can also



2. The lords of the house who are placed in the 6th/ 8th and 12th from the Lagna

suffers. Even though this is an independent point, it is covered under the first



You have touched upon both the points.


"To quote Pt. Sanjay Rath from COVA, he says even thoug the present of Malefics

in the 6th is good for the native. However he goes on saying that the

debilitation of these malefics are better and can confer rajayoga. This is a

known fact that debilitation of planet also weakens the house they are placed

in and the planets they are conjoined. Thus debilitated malefics in the 6th

will show weak enemies.


Then he goes on explaining that too many malefics joining the sixth house will

give rise to powerful and dangerous enemies as the sixth house gains from it.

Mars in 6th, even though makes the native defeat the enemies, they shall

continue to plot against them."


While a benefic placed in the 6th will suffer due to its placement. Thus even

though it is not good place for a benefic to be placed here, it is better than

strong malefics placed here. Malefics in the dusthana are considered good only

if they are weakly placed.


In your chart, even though Mars and Moon are placed together, Moon is stronger

and victorious having more longitude than Mars. So this shall give victory to

you, but as you say there shall be conflicts. But the aspect of Rahu on them

not so welcome as there will be enemies who will have hideous motives and try

to harm you under some garb. Moon being the 7th lord shows suffering to

relationships and mother too.


Best Wishes




vedic astrology

Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:17 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji


Dear Sarajit ,

I have attached two charts.

The first person has no enemies at all and the second has abundance of them at

least in the past.

Take a look at Venus in the first chart in his own house along with the lord of

ascedant. It certanly support your theory about benefics in the 6th. Although

without enemies outside in person's mind there are lot of anguish sometimes

even serious crisis. The reason I think is obvious. Lagnesh with the lord of

6th in 6th with the enemy Venus.

The second chart has Mars and Moon in 6th. It is my chart so of course I have

given lot of thinking about it in the past.

Moon alone in 6th would give lot of enemies and defeats unless very strong and

Mars enemies and victories over them according to usual thinking. Mars is in

his own nakshatra and this two planets gives Chandra-Mangal Yoga in artha house

indicating some money gains. Conjuction indicates and it is my opinion some

conflicts with very strong enemies (and that is what happend) but some kind of

gains also through this conflicts.

I can't say who is victorius. Some conflicts just "died" and turned into a

status quo. I have a greater concern about this conjuction aspecting my third

from AL...

Awaiting your comments...

Best regards.


Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Dear Sarajit,

You wrote:This is a known fact that debilitation of planet also weakens the house they are placed:

I would think they would weaken the houses owned by them.What is your opinion?




Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Sunday, March 09, 2003 8:31 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji

Jaya Jagannath

Dear Ognen,


You are right on the point. There are two rules which I would like to present


1. If benefics are placed in the 6th, house the native might not have enemies

however the natual significations and the houses owned by the planet shall

suffer. Now Jupiter's position in the 6th does cause suffering to the native as

well as the matter related to Venus such as marriage/ relationship etc. can also



2. The lords of the house who are placed in the 6th/ 8th and 12th from the Lagna

suffers. Even though this is an independent point, it is covered under the first



You have touched upon both the points.


"To quote Pt. Sanjay Rath from COVA, he says even thoug the present of Malefics

in the 6th is good for the native. However he goes on saying that the

debilitation of these malefics are better and can confer rajayoga. This is a

known fact that debilitation of planet also weakens the house they are placed

in and the planets they are conjoined. Thus debilitated malefics in the 6th

will show weak enemies.


Then he goes on explaining that too many malefics joining the sixth house will

give rise to powerful and dangerous enemies as the sixth house gains from it.

Mars in 6th, even though makes the native defeat the enemies, they shall

continue to plot against them."


While a benefic placed in the 6th will suffer due to its placement. Thus even

though it is not good place for a benefic to be placed here, it is better than

strong malefics placed here. Malefics in the dusthana are considered good only

if they are weakly placed.


In your chart, even though Mars and Moon are placed together, Moon is stronger

and victorious having more longitude than Mars. So this shall give victory to

you, but as you say there shall be conflicts. But the aspect of Rahu on them

not so welcome as there will be enemies who will have hideous motives and try

to harm you under some garb. Moon being the 7th lord shows suffering to

relationships and mother too.


Best Wishes




vedic astrology

Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:17 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji


Dear Sarajit ,

I have attached two charts.

The first person has no enemies at all and the second has abundance of them at

least in the past.

Take a look at Venus in the first chart in his own house along with the lord of

ascedant. It certanly support your theory about benefics in the 6th. Although

without enemies outside in person's mind there are lot of anguish sometimes

even serious crisis. The reason I think is obvious. Lagnesh with the lord of

6th in 6th with the enemy Venus.

The second chart has Mars and Moon in 6th. It is my chart so of course I have

given lot of thinking about it in the past.

Moon alone in 6th would give lot of enemies and defeats unless very strong and

Mars enemies and victories over them according to usual thinking. Mars is in

his own nakshatra and this two planets gives Chandra-Mangal Yoga in artha house

indicating some money gains. Conjuction indicates and it is my opinion some

conflicts with very strong enemies (and that is what happend) but some kind of

gains also through this conflicts.

I can't say who is victorius. Some conflicts just "died" and turned into a

status quo. I have a greater concern about this conjuction aspecting my third

from AL...

Awaiting your comments...

Best regards.


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vedic astrologyGroup info:

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mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light

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Jaya JagannathDear Chandrashekhar,


There is no doubt they weaken the houses they own. Thats why I used the term

"also", although to considerably lesser extent.


Best Regards




vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 1:33 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji

Dear Sarajit,

You wrote:This is a known fact that debilitation of planet also weakens the house they are placed:

I would think they would weaken the houses owned by them.What is your opinion?




Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Sunday, March 09, 2003 8:31 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji

Jaya Jagannath

Dear Ognen,


You are right on the point. There are two rules which I would like to present


1. If benefics are placed in the 6th, house the native might not have enemies

however the natual significations and the houses owned by the planet shall

suffer. Now Jupiter's position in the 6th does cause suffering to the native as

well as the matter related to Venus such as marriage/ relationship etc. can also



2. The lords of the house who are placed in the 6th/ 8th and 12th from the Lagna

suffers. Even though this is an independent point, it is covered under the first



You have touched upon both the points.


"To quote Pt. Sanjay Rath from COVA, he says even thoug the present of Malefics

in the 6th is good for the native. However he goes on saying that the

debilitation of these malefics are better and can confer rajayoga. This is a

known fact that debilitation of planet also weakens the house they are placed

in and the planets they are conjoined. Thus debilitated malefics in the 6th

will show weak enemies.


Then he goes on explaining that too many malefics joining the sixth house will

give rise to powerful and dangerous enemies as the sixth house gains from it.

Mars in 6th, even though makes the native defeat the enemies, they shall

continue to plot against them."


While a benefic placed in the 6th will suffer due to its placement. Thus even

though it is not good place for a benefic to be placed here, it is better than

strong malefics placed here. Malefics in the dusthana are considered good only

if they are weakly placed.


In your chart, even though Mars and Moon are placed together, Moon is stronger

and victorious having more longitude than Mars. So this shall give victory to

you, but as you say there shall be conflicts. But the aspect of Rahu on them

not so welcome as there will be enemies who will have hideous motives and try

to harm you under some garb. Moon being the 7th lord shows suffering to

relationships and mother too.


Best Wishes




vedic astrology

Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:17 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vry/ pravrajya yoga -to sh. narsimha ji


Dear Sarajit ,

I have attached two charts.

The first person has no enemies at all and the second has abundance of them at

least in the past.

Take a look at Venus in the first chart in his own house along with the lord of

ascedant. It certanly support your theory about benefics in the 6th. Although

without enemies outside in person's mind there are lot of anguish sometimes

even serious crisis. The reason I think is obvious. Lagnesh with the lord of

6th in 6th with the enemy Venus.

The second chart has Mars and Moon in 6th. It is my chart so of course I have

given lot of thinking about it in the past.

Moon alone in 6th would give lot of enemies and defeats unless very strong and

Mars enemies and victories over them according to usual thinking. Mars is in

his own nakshatra and this two planets gives Chandra-Mangal Yoga in artha house

indicating some money gains. Conjuction indicates and it is my opinion some

conflicts with very strong enemies (and that is what happend) but some kind of

gains also through this conflicts.

I can't say who is victorius. Some conflicts just "died" and turned into a

status quo. I have a greater concern about this conjuction aspecting my third

from AL...

Awaiting your comments...

Best regards.


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