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cars -> Chandrashekhar

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Dear Chandrashekhar,


>From the charts that I have of people that I know (and their car colour

ofcourse) I would say that there is no definitive pattern.

Maybe a research on this issue is in place. I will try to collect same relevant

data in the next few month.








vedic astrology

Wednesday, March 05, 2003 6:48 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] cars

Dear Jay,

I have seen that a person usually chooses a colour of his yogakaraka planet or

the planet which influences his natal chart. hat is your experience?



Jay Weiss

vedic astrology

Wednesday, March 05, 2003 3:51 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] cars

Dear Sanjay P.


I had in mind to write a longer comment but dropped the idea and instead like to

ask the following question:


1. How many people with Aquarians AL do you know who OWN a BROWN car (leaving

military vehicles, which are not privately owned, out of it). ?

I wonder (?) if any manufacturer ever offered brown colour on their standard



AL+11th+2 trines = 12/4 = 33.3% of the attributed sign colours, which leaves

room for many "choices"...


A car colour is subject to personal taste (in some societies often not your own

if you are a man ...i.e. your wife decides <smile>), which is also influenced

by other factors in the chart and in many countries it is a subject to social

trends. In some counties. Black cars are a symbol of elegance and status and in

others a symbol of death and destruction.


As for myself, I never had any car (had about 18 of them in 35 years) which

correspond to the colours of my AL (Sag), it's trines (Ari/Leo) or the

11th(Lib). I always preferred Silver which more a Virgo colour (my Moon sign)

and in some occasions light Blue ...


Kind regards

Jay Weiss






Sanjay Prabhakaran

vedic astrology

Monday, March 03, 2003 4:39 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] cars

Om Gurave Namah,

Dear Denis,

It's preferred to have the color of the car should be the color of the Arudha

Lagna Rashi or the 11th Sign from Arudha Lagna and if needed I suppose you

could also see the trines to Arudha Lagna.

For example if Arudha lagna is in Aries, Red cars would be favourable as Aries

is Red coloured.


For reference, sign colors are

Rasi Colours

Aries Red

Taurus White

Gemini Dark Green

Cancer Light Pink

Leo Off white

Virgo Gray

Libra Black

Scorpio Light Yellow (Varahamihira)

Sagittarius Golden yellow

Capricorn Dark Blue (others Variegated)

Aquarius Brown

Pisces Crystal white like glass or water

Warm Regards

Sanjay P



Denis 1008

vedic astrology

Friday, February 28, 2003 10:52 PM

[vedic astrology] cars



>From which planetary positions in a persons chart can you tell which colour of

his/her car is good or bad for the person ?


For example, I've heard that red cars can be fatal for persons with Mars in the 8th.


Any help appreciated.


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