Guest guest Posted March 5, 2003 Report Share Posted March 5, 2003 Dear Chandrashekhar, > About your second query, Navamsha is attritubeted strength > almost equal to lagna. Other divisional charts have fraction of > that strength. Divisional charts aid in deciding the strength of > the planets (Shatvarga bala). Thus a fair degree of accuracy I heard this argument before. But why stop with Shadvarga? Let us go one step further in the same direction and extend it to Dasavarga. As per DasaVarga scheme (which is more relevant for natal horoscopy), rasi chart has a weightage of 3, shashtyamsa (D-60) has a weightage of 5 (more than rasi chart!) and the other 8 charts have 1.5 each. Shall we go ahead and declare that one can make predictions just based on D-60 chart and, secondarily, rasi chart? See, this logic is not going to work. If Parasara said that learning should be seen from D-24, D-24 is THE chart for education. Irrespective of its weightage in varous varga schemes, it has 100% importance when it comes to learning. Similarly, when it comes to spirituality, D-20 has 100% weightage and is THE chart. The weightages in various varga schemes show the overall importances (relative) of various areas of life. Irrespective of the weightages, the relevant divisional chart is the most important one when a particular area of life needs examination. Shadvarga scheme is more relevant for prasna. Saptavarga scheme is more relevant in mundane astrology. Dasavarga scheme is important in natal horoscopy. Shodasavarga scheme is the most important in royal horoscopy. For more, please see my article in the "Varga" book published by SJC on the occasion of the Hyderabad workshop on divisional charts. For understanding the roles of rasi chart and divisional charts, one may also want to buy the "Achyuta Jyotish Workshop" CD from > can be obtained on going through these charts and any > confusion due to excess of data avoided, specially if Confusion stems from wrong understanding and not from excess data. The excess data brings so much clarity. Maharshi Parasara taught so many divisional charts only because they are important. > Maha-Antar dasha and Gochar position of planets are > factored in.This is why many learned astrologers tend to > consult these charts only. > Chandrashekhar. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2003 Report Share Posted March 5, 2003 Jaya JagannathDear Narasimha, Tell me one thing, If somebody asks me a prasna on Job, shouldn't I take the Dasamsa chart for that. I am asking this as you say for Prasna we should use the Sadvarga scheme. I have read your paper on the divisional dignnities in the varga chakra book, I just wanted to ask you what is the source of the information on the use of a specific varga schema for a particular thing, such as prasna, or individual horoscopy. Best RegardsSarajit - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao vedic astrology Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:00 AM [vedic astrology] Importance of divisional charts Dear Chandrashekhar, > About your second query, Navamsha is attritubeted strength > almost equal to lagna. Other divisional charts have fraction of > that strength. Divisional charts aid in deciding the strength of > the planets (Shatvarga bala). Thus a fair degree of accuracy I heard this argument before. But why stop with Shadvarga? Let us go one step further in the same direction and extend it to Dasavarga. As per DasaVarga scheme (which is more relevant for natal horoscopy), rasi chart has a weightage of 3, shashtyamsa (D-60) has a weightage of 5 (more than rasi chart!) and the other 8 charts have 1.5 each. Shall we go ahead and declare that one can make predictions just based on D-60 chart and, secondarily, rasi chart? See, this logic is not going to work. If Parasara said that learning should be seen from D-24, D-24 is THE chart for education. Irrespective of its weightage in varous varga schemes, it has 100% importance when it comes to learning. Similarly, when it comes to spirituality, D-20 has 100% weightage and is THE chart. The weightages in various varga schemes show the overall importances (relative) of various areas of life. Irrespective of the weightages, the relevant divisional chart is the most important one when a particular area of life needs examination. Shadvarga scheme is more relevant for prasna. Saptavarga scheme is more relevant in mundane astrology. Dasavarga scheme is important in natal horoscopy. Shodasavarga scheme is the most important in royal horoscopy. For more, please see my article in the "Varga" book published by SJC on the occasion of the Hyderabad workshop on divisional charts. For understanding the roles of rasi chart and divisional charts, one may also want to buy the "Achyuta Jyotish Workshop" CD from > can be obtained on going through these charts and any > confusion due to excess of data avoided, specially if Confusion stems from wrong understanding and not from excess data. The excess data brings so much clarity. Maharshi Parasara taught so many divisional charts only because they are important. > Maha-Antar dasha and Gochar position of planets are > factored in.This is why many learned astrologers tend to > consult these charts only. > Chandrashekhar. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2003 Report Share Posted March 5, 2003 Dear Sarajit, The source of the information I gave is Pt. Sanjay Rath. If shadvarga are important in a prasna, it does not mean you cannot look at D-10. You still can. I said shodasa varga is important for royal horoscopes and dasa varga for normal people. Still, D-40, D-45 etc can be used for individuals (who are not kings). The point is that the good deeds and bad deeds done by the ancients of big people are big in magnitude and the results will be experienced by later generations. For example, a king may wage an unfair war and the result of the sin will trouble coming generations. Thus D-45 becomes very important in the chart of a king. That's why it is present in shodasa varga. Nevertheless, it is applicable to individuals also. The effect and role are smaller. That's why it is not included in dasa varga. Bottomline: You can use all the 16 charts in all cases. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha > Jaya Jagannath > Dear Narasimha, > > Tell me one thing, If somebody asks me a prasna on Job, shouldn't I take the Dasamsa chart for that. I am asking this as you say for Prasna we should use the Sadvarga scheme. I have read your paper on the divisional dignnities in the varga chakra book, I just wanted to ask you what is the source of the information on the use of a specific varga schema for a particular thing, such as prasna, or individual horoscopy. > > Best Regards > Sarajit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 5, 2003 Report Share Posted March 5, 2003 As per my understanding which is in the beginner's stage, we look at the Dasama Chart for career and Navamsa Chart for marriage. We look at the 7th house for marriage and 10th house for career. What about the other houses in the divisional charts? What if a house is afflicted in the Lagna chart but not in the divisional chart? Also, I also refer to my sister's chart with Jupiter and Sun Vargottama wrt the Navamsa Chart. But Jupiter is in the Eighth House. Yet, she has had the best periods of her life in the Jupiter dasas. Would really appreciate if you can give an insight on this anamoly? vedic astrology, "pvr108" <pvr@c...> wrote: > Dear Sarajit, > > The source of the information I gave is Pt. Sanjay Rath. > > If shadvarga are important in a prasna, it does not mean you cannot > look at D-10. You still can. > > I said shodasa varga is important for royal horoscopes and dasa > varga for normal people. Still, D-40, D-45 etc can be used for > individuals (who are not kings). The point is that the good deeds > and bad deeds done by the ancients of big people are big in > magnitude and the results will be experienced by later generations. > For example, a king may wage an unfair war and the result of the sin > will trouble coming generations. Thus D-45 becomes very important in > the chart of a king. That's why it is present in shodasa varga. > Nevertheless, it is applicable to individuals also. The effect and > role are smaller. That's why it is not included in dasa varga. > > Bottomline: You can use all the 16 charts in all cases. > > May Jupiter's light shine on us, > Narasimha > > > Jaya Jagannath > > Dear Narasimha, > > > > Tell me one thing, If somebody asks me a prasna on Job, shouldn't > I take the Dasamsa chart for that. I am asking this as you say for > Prasna we should use the Sadvarga scheme. I have read your paper on > the divisional dignnities in the varga chakra book, I just wanted to > ask you what is the source of the information on the use of a > specific varga schema for a particular thing, such as prasna, or > individual horoscopy. > > > > Best Regards > > Sarajit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 6, 2003 Report Share Posted March 6, 2003 Dear Narasimharaoji, I have merely pointed out why many astrologers prefer to refer to Natal and Navamsha charts.However coming to your statement that Parashar says that 100% importance is to begiven to D24 for learning, I do not see any such specific mention in BPHS.There was no reason for him to mention how Vishopak bala is to be calculated if this was the case. Again in the chapter on Divisional Consideration is statement of Parashara" The Bhava, whose Lord is in a benefic Shodashāńś, flourish. This is how the 16 Vargas are to be evaluated." to be ignored? Even Parashara mentions opinion of Garga in the same chapter.Parashar specifically mentions other sources of strengths of grahas at the end of Vishopaka balas as"Other Sources of Strength. Maitreya, there are other kinds of sources, as I explain below". All this does not suggest that Sage Parashara meant that any particular Divisional Chart is "The Chart" for a particular purpose. The classifications of Shardvarga for Prashna etc. also is not mentioned in BPHS which you have stated to be the only astrological text to be considered.Could I know where is the use of Shadavarga for prashna, Saptavarga for Mundane and dashvarga for natal is mentioned in BPHS? Pleas do not misunderstand me, I have highest respect for your knowledge of astrology. I am just a student of astrology. However I would like to know as to whether you have any other edition of BPHS which mentions these principles in so many words and would then like to aquire it.Another doubt that lingers is if nothing beyond BPHS is to be considered as correct,then how come Jaimini Sutra principles are being relied upon to arrive at predictions by many astrologers who swear by only BPHS. Jaimini Sautras do not form part osf BPHS per my information. Your kind guidance in the matter would be highly appreciated. Regards, Chandrashekhar. - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao vedic astrology Thursday, March 06, 2003 3:30 AM [vedic astrology] Importance of divisional charts Dear Chandrashekhar, > About your second query, Navamsha is attritubeted strength > almost equal to lagna. Other divisional charts have fraction of > that strength. Divisional charts aid in deciding the strength of > the planets (Shatvarga bala). Thus a fair degree of accuracy I heard this argument before. But why stop with Shadvarga? Let us go one step further in the same direction and extend it to Dasavarga. As per DasaVarga scheme (which is more relevant for natal horoscopy), rasi chart has a weightage of 3, shashtyamsa (D-60) has a weightage of 5 (more than rasi chart!) and the other 8 charts have 1.5 each. Shall we go ahead and declare that one can make predictions just based on D-60 chart and, secondarily, rasi chart? See, this logic is not going to work. If Parasara said that learning should be seen from D-24, D-24 is THE chart for education. Irrespective of its weightage in varous varga schemes, it has 100% importance when it comes to learning. Similarly, when it comes to spirituality, D-20 has 100% weightage and is THE chart. The weightages in various varga schemes show the overall importances (relative) of various areas of life. Irrespective of the weightages, the relevant divisional chart is the most important one when a particular area of life needs examination. Shadvarga scheme is more relevant for prasna. Saptavarga scheme is more relevant in mundane astrology. Dasavarga scheme is important in natal horoscopy. Shodasavarga scheme is the most important in royal horoscopy. For more, please see my article in the "Varga" book published by SJC on the occasion of the Hyderabad workshop on divisional charts. For understanding the roles of rasi chart and divisional charts, one may also want to buy the "Achyuta Jyotish Workshop" CD from > can be obtained on going through these charts and any > confusion due to excess of data avoided, specially if Confusion stems from wrong understanding and not from excess data. The excess data brings so much clarity. Maharshi Parasara taught so many divisional charts only because they are important. > Maha-Antar dasha and Gochar position of planets are > factored in.This is why many learned astrologers tend to > consult these charts only. > Chandrashekhar. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 7, 2003 Report Share Posted March 7, 2003 Om Sreem Suragurave Brihaspataye Namah Namaste, > Dear Narasimharaoji,> I have merely pointed out why many astrologers prefer to refer to Natal and > Navamsha charts.However coming to your statement that Parashar says As I said, I HAD heard this argument before. But there is no logic in the argument. You said that rasi and navamsa are the most important because they have the highest strength in vimsopaka bala as per shadvarga. But I pointed out that shashtyamsa has 5 points, rasi has 3 points and other 8 cfharts have 1.5 each, in vimsopaka bala as per dasa varga. Shall we say that shashtyamsa (D-60) is the most important chart and rasi chart is the secondary chart? You did not answer this vital point. If you try to answer it, you will realize that there is no logic in your argument. In order to explain it better, let me use a loose analogy. Suppose I tell the students at a high school ("college" in Indian terminology) in India - "if you have questions in math, approach the math lecturer. If you have questions in physics, approach the physics lecturer. If you have questions in chemistry, approach the chemistry lecturer. If you have questions in biolopgy, approach the biolopgy lecturer. If you have questions in English, approach the English lecturer. If you have questions in Sanskrit, approach the Sanskrit lecturer." (Analogy: See marriages in D-9, career in D-10, parents in D-12, education in D-24 etc) Suppose I continue like this: "If you are an MPC student planning to go into engineering, math lecturer is the most important one. If you are a BiPC student planning to go into medicine, biology lecturer is the most important." (Analogy: In shadvarga scheme, rasi is the most important, navamsa is secondary and others are tertiary. In dasavarga scheme, shashtyamsa is the most important, rasi is secondary and others are tertiary.) Can a student in MPC group conclude from this that he can go to the math teacher for all questions - questions in math, physics, chemistry, English or Sanskrit? (Analogy: Seeing education in just rasi and/or navamsa.) For questions in the respective subjects, the student should go to the respective lecturer, as was made clear at the beginning. (Analogy: For education, go to D-24, as was made clear at the beginning.) The analogy is a bit loose, but it should drive the point home. > that 100% importance is to begiven to D24 for learning, I do not see any > such specific mention in BPHS.There was no reason for him to mention Parasara said "vidyaayaah vedabaahvamse", which means "see education in D-24". Where did he mention that education should be seen in rasi or in navamsa? Thus, it can be concluded that D-24 is 100% importabnt when seeing education. > how Vishopak bala is to be calculated if this was the case. If I tell an MPC student that math lecturer is the most important lecturer for him, it doesn't mean math teacher will teach all subjects. Moreover, try to think of the different varga groups. If rasi and navamsa are to be used for everything and the vimsopaka bala computation is supposed to reflect it, then why do they have only 3 and 1.5 points compared to D-60's 5 points in dasavarga scheme? I know that you are the first person to present this logic. But this logic is quite unjustified. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 8, 2003 Report Share Posted March 8, 2003 Dear Narasimhaji, It appears that you have taken my effort to explain why most of astrologers view natal and Divisional Charts to be a critisim of the system of consulting various diisional charts to arrive at predictions. I had no intention to annoy you.I would be the last person to show disrespect to any learned man. At the same time I believe there is nothing wrong in stating one's opinions in as polite a manner as possible.There have been 18Acharyas mentioned as the Pravartaka of Jyotish."Brahma,Acharya,Vashishtha,Atri,Manu, Paulatsya,Romesh,Marichi,AngiraVyasa,Naarada,Shaunak,Bhrugu,Chyavan,Yavan,Garg,Kashyap, and Parashar." Even Parashara mentions about what Garga has said, I had sent you the relevant portion but you chose not to comment on it. Anyway I am writing this just to illustrate that even the Pravartaks of Jyotish did not feel threatened if any other theory was proposed and as a matter of fact tried to learn from it and inform their own system.This is the logic behind my trying to answer why most of the Astrologers refer only to Natal and Navamsha charts. However about strengths of various divisional charts as told by Parashara(or available in the copies printed today), why do you want me to answer about Dashamsha strengths only and why is it necessary to ignore hodashvargabala(Vinshopaka) where Lagna,Navamsha and shatiamsa are given somewhat similar values, (no doubt shatiamsa gets highest) but rest of the divisional parts are given 1/2 part as value.For ease of reference I give relevant para below. When the 16 divisions (Shodash Varg Scheme) are considered together, the Vimshopak score goes thus: Hora 1, Trimsāńś 1, Dreshkan 1, Shodashāńś 2, Navāńś 3, Rāśi 3½, Shashtiāńś 4 and the rest of the nine divisions each a half. The Vimshopak Bal remains as 20, only when the Grah is in own Bhava Vargas. Otherwise, the total strength from 20 declines to 18 in Pramudit Vargas, to 15 in Shant Vargas, to 10 in Svasth divisions, to 7 in Duhkhit Vargas and to 5 in Khal Vargas. (These figures are called Varg Vishwa) Again , I am not a scholar of Sanskrit, but could "vidyaayaah vedabaahvamse", not also mean bhava indicated by Navamsha or dwadashamsha occupied by the lord of the vidyasthana? Devkeralam uses such terminology when it says Sukhamsha,Bhgyansha. About interpretation of what is to be seen from Divisional charts (as you mention other divisions) the following shlokas would probably make it clear as to how different authorties attribute diferent results to them and which could be the reason that some astrologers prefer to base their predictions on Lagna and Navamsha Charts.I am giving some shlokas for your kind consideration: gehaTsaEOyamudahriNt munyae haerablaCDIlta< Ôe:ka[aTpdvI— xnSy incy< sÝa<zkai½Ntyet!, v[¡ êpgu[aNsuxIsutnyan! àayae nva<ze=iol<ÉavadœÖadzkaÖpuvRy #it iÇza<zkaTôI)lm!. gehaTsaEOyamudahriNt munyae haerablaCDIlta< Ôe:ka[aTpdvI— xnSy incy< sÝa<zkai½Ntyet!, v[¡ êpgu[aNsuxIsutnyan! àayae nva<ze=iol< ÉavadœÖadzkaÖpuvRy #it iÇza<zkaTôI)lm!. Now campare this with: l¶e dehSy iv}an< haeraya< sMpdaidkm!, Ôe:ka[e æaÇujm! saEOym!, puÇpaEÇaidkana< c! icNtn< sÝma<zken nvma<ze klÇa[am!, Öadza<ze twa ipÇaE>. iÇza<zke irò)lm!, sv¡ ivl¶adip icNtnIym!. %dyaid;u Éave;u va, vgRivña)l< vIúy< te;a< te;a< zuÉazuÉm!, pu[R< ivñabl< Sv]eR, imÇe pNcdz àae´<, sme dz àkIitRtm!. Even Parashara tells maitreya about other sources of strengths of graha and bhava like planet posited in 7th house from Sun, indicating that the divisional charts could be only a tool for calculating the strengths of planets and bhavas. It is interesting to note that Shloka4 of Parashara is" 4-6. Those are called ‘Grahas’, that move through the Nakshatras (or stellar mansions) in the zodiac. The said zodiac comprises of 27 Nakshatras commencing from Ashvini. The same area is divided in 12 parts equal to 12 ‘Rāśis’ commencing from Mesh. The names of the Grahas commence from Sūrya. The Rāśi rising is known, as ‘Lagn’. Based on Lagn and the Grahas, joining and departing from each other, the native’s good and bad effects are deducted." "If I tell an MPC student that math lecturer is the most important lecturer for him, it doesn't mean math teacher will teach all subjects." I do not understand the logic of the above analogy as it is in relation to my query about application of Vishopak bala. I mean if the most important teacher has knowledge of a single subject, then how does the student pass? For him to pass there would be diferent subjects all of which he must pass.Can that teacher be said to be most important? I once again request you to see the problem from the point of view of those that are not Triskandha Jyotishis as you, no doubt, are. I am certain you will agree to my logic of why most astrogers base their predictions on Natal and Navamsha and do not attempt to read from Divisional charts. Again going back to the simile of the teacher, is it not beter to be a teacher who can solve problems of student and get him passed than to be specialist who might find it difficult to do so? I trust you take my comments in right spirit and as a genuine attempt to give answer to the factual problem ,of one who being a student having miniscule knowledge , which is nothing compared to yours. With deep respects, Chandrashekhar. - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao vedic astrology Saturday, March 08, 2003 9:25 AM [vedic astrology] Re: Importance of divisional charts Om Sreem Suragurave Brihaspataye Namah Namaste, > Dear Narasimharaoji,> I have merely pointed out why many astrologers prefer to refer to Natal and > Navamsha charts.However coming to your statement that Parashar says As I said, I HAD heard this argument before. But there is no logic in the argument. You said that rasi and navamsa are the most important because they have the highest strength in vimsopaka bala as per shadvarga. But I pointed out that shashtyamsa has 5 points, rasi has 3 points and other 8 cfharts have 1.5 each, in vimsopaka bala as per dasa varga. Shall we say that shashtyamsa (D-60) is the most important chart and rasi chart is the secondary chart? You did not answer this vital point. If you try to answer it, you will realize that there is no logic in your argument. In order to explain it better, let me use a loose analogy. Suppose I tell the students at a high school ("college" in Indian terminology) in India - "if you have questions in math, approach the math lecturer. If you have questions in physics, approach the physics lecturer. If you have questions in chemistry, approach the chemistry lecturer. If you have questions in biolopgy, approach the biolopgy lecturer. If you have questions in English, approach the English lecturer. If you have questions in Sanskrit, approach the Sanskrit lecturer." (Analogy: See marriages in D-9, career in D-10, parents in D-12, education in D-24 etc) Suppose I continue like this: "If you are an MPC student planning to go into engineering, math lecturer is the most important one. If you are a BiPC student planning to go into medicine, biology lecturer is the most important." (Analogy: In shadvarga scheme, rasi is the most important, navamsa is secondary and others are tertiary. In dasavarga scheme, shashtyamsa is the most important, rasi is secondary and others are tertiary.) Can a student in MPC group conclude from this that he can go to the math teacher for all questions - questions in math, physics, chemistry, English or Sanskrit? (Analogy: Seeing education in just rasi and/or navamsa.) For questions in the respective subjects, the student should go to the respective lecturer, as was made clear at the beginning. (Analogy: For education, go to D-24, as was made clear at the beginning.) The analogy is a bit loose, but it should drive the point home. > that 100% importance is to begiven to D24 for learning, I do not see any > such specific mention in BPHS.There was no reason for him to mention "vidyaayaah vedabaahvamse", Parasara said "vidyaayaah vedabaahvamse", which means "see education in D-24". Where did he mention that education should be seen in rasi or in navamsa? Thus, it can be concluded that D-24 is 100% importabnt when seeing education. > how Vishopak bala is to be calculated if this was the case. If I tell an MPC student that math lecturer is the most important lecturer for him, it doesn't mean math teacher will teach all subjects. Moreover, try to think of the different varga groups. If rasi and navamsa are to be used for everything and the vimsopaka bala computation is supposed to reflect it, then why do they have only 3 and 1.5 points compared to D-60's 5 points in dasavarga scheme? I know that you are the first person to present this logic. But this logic is quite unjustified. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Narasimha Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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