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vargottama and rashi sandhi

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Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply. my understanding (it may be

flawed) of the four major grahas, which could have long term impact,

(jupiter, saturn, raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu hovered

around 12th, ist and second house for the last 3-4 years. it is only

after this july when jupiter moves away from cancer and followed by raghu

moving towards aries, geminians could expect some changes. of course it

will be still more better, if saturn also moves away from gemini. till

then an indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti could devier some of the

better times.

with regards


At 01:03 AM 3/11/03 +0530, you wrote:



For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of 8th&9th and Jupiter lord of

7th and 10th.The problems started around the time when Jupiter entered

Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post his coming to

pisces Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three Rasis almost

together. Currently the Saturn is retro in 12th with rahu.I think my

logic would be clear.



rangarajan vedic astrology Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

dear chandrasekhar:

if possible could you clarify further your statement that "Most of the gemini

ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so". is it because of

the raghu being in and around gemini and combining with saturn also being

present in and around gemini. i hope you can elaborate at your convenience.

with regards


At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Ajit,

You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of grahas and their

ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings that are discusse on the


My advice is never to take any statement in isolation.When avasthas of Grahas

are to be seen then there are two opinions , one is that all planets are

inefective when at 6 degrees and so on; and other who reverse the avasthas for

even and odd rasis.Had that not been the case how would be Moon be in 3degrees

taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is parmoccha in Aries 10degrees.

Vargottama always takes precedent over other avasthas of a planet.If you have

read, a planet in neecha in natal chart gives results of uccha if he is in

uccha in Navamsha.

About results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is lord of 3rd hence not very

auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in 12th house aspecting natal Sun, this

adds to the problems.You should start getting relief after Saturn moves to

Gemini. This migh be a period of too many worries about one's standing in

public.Things will start picking up really well when your Rahu antar starts.

Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the Gemini ascendant persons

are facing problems for last 7 years or so. Therefore I never feel burdened by

their queries as they are really might be in trouble.Jyotish is for helping


Chandrashekhar. - astrolover1959 To:

vedic astrology Friday, March 07, 2003 11:02 AM Subject:

[vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Respected Chandershekhar ji: There is considerable confusion on whether a planet

in infancy (0 to 5 degrees in rashi) overrides its infancy if it is vargottama

in navamsa. generally it is said that infant planet is very week and is not

capable of expressing itself fully during its period. But on the other hand if

such a planet is vargottama, and is otherwise well placed (i.e., not

debilitated or functional melefic), it gains additional strength by virtue of

its being in vargottama. If that is the case, then can such a planet's

significations manifest during that planet's dasa despite its weekness on

account of extreme infancy. Also, what about the effect of rashi sandhi in such

a case?

In my chart (gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree (vargottama in navamsa) in

second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus and Mars in Leo in the third, Rahu in

Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in Libra in 5th, moon (2nd house dispositor) is

debilitated in scorpio in 6th, saturn in Sagi in 7th, and ketu in pisces in

10th house. The reason why I'm anxious about my vargottama sun is that my sun's

mahadasa has just started in end Dec 2002. And although I was going thru a lot

of turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I was expecting

things to improve with the onset of Sun's mahadasa. But so far things are

getting only worse. I am just wondering what my sun's mahadasa has in store for

me overall, partcularly from the career standpoint.

I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of direct personal favour, but I

hope you and other learned gurus will pardon this misdemeanour on my part,

keeping my current state of mind.

thanks and regards, Ajit




























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If I may add my two cents worth of thoughts - being a Gemini ascendant I had

direct experience of the results, especially as I also have saturn maha dasa in



- Migration


When saturn was in pisces, we moved countries (19th Aug 1996). Dasa (using

365.2425 days per year) was Sat/Mercury/Rahu/Mercury/Jupiter. Saturn aspects

the 4th, mercury is in the 4th with rahu. Dasa (using 360 thithis) was

Sat/Ketu/moon/mercury, again both sat and ketu in pisces and mercury and moon

in 4th in virgo. Even if I take the lagna as starting point for the dasa and

365.2425 days per year (as suggested when lagna is very strong), I get

Ketu/Moon/Mercury/Mercury/Saturn - all either in 4th or 10th in transit.


In the natal chart saturn is in the 4th house, vargottama, retrograde and

aspecting ascendant ruler mercury in the 1st. There were also health issues

during this time, after a very long period of good health.


This move was unexpected, but not too bad. However, it was very disruptive for

my career as I had to resign and then do contract work in the UK where we



- Serious health problems and danger to life


When saturn was in transit in Aries, in the 11th (18th September 1999), I had

serious health problems with sudden operations in the bowel area. In the natal

chart saturn aspects the ascendant and 1st ruler from virgo, sign of bowels.

Saturn rules the 8th and 9th.


If I take lagna as starting point for dasa, ketu/saturn/venus/mars/saturn was in

progress. saturn was in aries, ketu in capricorn (8th), venus in 2nd and mars in

6th. Taking moon as starting point dasa was (365.2425 days per year)

sat/venus/mars/jupiter/mars. The same planets again, except for jupiter which

was conjunct saturn in transit.


Interestingly, in the natal chart, mars and jupiter are in the 12th and venus rules the 12th.


At the same time this happened, my husband's company had problems and had to

interrupt salary payments. On the other hand I had continuous work that I could

perform from home. Typical of the combined effects of jupiter and saturn in the



- Interruption to career


When saturn moved to the ascendant I stopped working for a while and have been

involved in some studies and house renovations instead. My sister's son also

came to live with us (saturn's aspect on the 3rd?) and I have now had the

experience of semi-parenting a teenager! Perhaps the responsibility aspect of

saturn on the ascendant and 1st lord mercury. The aspect on the 10th could

explain interruptions to work. When saturn went in retrograde back into taurus,

we went back to Australia for a long holiday to see my mother, family and

friends. It was a quiet time but there were expenses that reduced the bank

balance - as you would expect with the aspect on the 2nd house. There is the

same aspect on my husband's 2nd house as he is a libra ascendant! This should

change as saturn moves into Gemini. But jupiter in the 2nd has kept the bank

balance OK, esp as it aspects my husband's 2nd house as well.


We bought a rental property (saturn in 12th aspecting 11th from 4th?) as well

during this time. Now we have to go back to work quickly to pay it off! At the

moment it is not rented yet.


I also have a mysterious and sudden rash on my hand and also a lump on a finger

on the same hand from a ganglion. Rahu aspecting gemini and natal mercury? The

ganglion started when saturn moved into gemini. The rash while saturn was in

the 12th with rahu.


Jupiter in the 2nd aspects the 10th, so I suspect work is probably on the cards

quite soon. This is the 10th house for my husband and he is running jup dasa.

He will probably start after saturn moves into gemini and no longer aspects the

10th (he resigned soon after saturn retrograded to taurus and aspected the



- Future - saturn in cancer


Well, I expect saturn in the 2nd to constrain the bank balance and also income

by its aspect on the 11th. It may also create another move as it aspects the

4th house. Rahu will be in the 10th aspecting the 4th, so a move is pretty

definite, probably overseas. May be work related. Our move in 1996 was work

related - my husband's work so 4th house for me. Aspect on the 8th - not a good

thought as this will be during saturn/rahu. The only good thing is that jupiter

will also be in the 4th. It is a time to watch out for mother's health etc.


Jupiter in the 4th aspects the 12th. So again the theme of overseas travel.




Best regards,


























vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:56 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply. my understanding (it may be flawed)

of the four major grahas, which could have long term impact, (jupiter, saturn,

raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu hovered around 12th, ist and second

house for the last 3-4 years. it is only after this july when jupiter moves

away from cancer and followed by raghu moving towards aries, geminians could

expect some changes. of course it will be still more better, if saturn also

moves away from gemini. till then an indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti could

devier some of the better times.with regardsrangarajan At 01:03 AM 3/11/03

+0530, you wrote:

Dear Rangarajan,For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of 8th&9th and Jupiter lord

of 7th and 10th.The problems started around the time when Jupiter entered

Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post his coming to pisces

Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three Rasis almost together. Currently

the Saturn is retro in 12th with rahu.I think my logic would be


- rangarajan To:

vedic astrology Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

dear chandrasekhar: if possible could you clarify further your statement that

"Most of the gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or

so". is it because of the raghu being in and around gemini and combining with

saturn also being present in and around gemini. i hope you can elaborate at

your convenience. with regards rangarajan

At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Ajit, You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of grahas and

their ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings that are discusse on

the list. My advice is never to take any statement in isolation.When avasthas

of Grahas are to be seen then there are two opinions , one is that all planets

are inefective when at 6 degrees and so on; and other who reverse the avasthas

for even and odd rasis.Had that not been the case how would be Moon be in

3degrees taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is parmoccha in Aries

10degrees. Vargottama always takes precedent over other avasthas of a planet.If

you have read, a planet in neecha in natal chart gives results of uccha if he is

in uccha in Navamsha. About results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is lord

of 3rd hence not very auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in 12th house

aspecting natal Sun, this adds to the problems.You should start getting relief

after Saturn moves to Gemini. This migh be a period of too many worries about

one's standing in public.Things will start picking up really well when your

Rahu antar starts. Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the

Gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so. Therefore

I never feel burdened by their queries as they are really might be in

trouble.Jyotish is for helping people. Chandrashekhar. ----- Original Message

----- astrolover1959 vedic astrology Friday,

March 07, 2003 11:02 AM [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Respected Chandershekhar ji: There is considerable confusion on whether a planet

in infancy (0 to 5 degrees in rashi) overrides its infancy if it is vargottama

in navamsa. generally it is said that infant planet is very week and is not

capable of expressing itself fully during its period. But on the other hand if

such a planet is vargottama, and is otherwise well placed (i.e., not

debilitated or functional melefic), it gains additional strength by virtue of

its being in vargottama. If that is the case, then can such a planet's

significations manifest during that planet's dasa despite its weekness on

account of extreme infancy. Also, what about the effect of rashi sandhi in such

a case? In my chart (gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree (vargottama in

navamsa) in second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus and Mars in Leo in the

third, Rahu in Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in Libra in 5th, moon (2nd house

dispositor) is debilitated in scorpio in 6th, saturn in Sagi in 7th, and ketu

in pisces in 10th house. The reason why I'm anxious about my vargottama sun is

that my sun's mahadasa has just started in end Dec 2002. And although I was

going thru a lot of turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I

was expecting things to improve with the onset of Sun's mahadasa. But so far

things are getting only worse. I am just wondering what my sun's mahadasa has

in store for me overall, partcularly from the career standpoint.

I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of direct personal favour, but I

hope you and other learned gurus will pardon this misdemeanour on my part,

keeping my current state of mind.

thanks and regards, Ajit







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Dear Sarajit,

Yes , I was trying to point out that one should not take anysingle shloka and

base his reading on that alone. Astrology should be viewed as a whole. Our

sages,having stated one principle at one place thought that the students shall

apply them after balancing them with other statements at other points.This is

why they enjoined th students to use their Viveka.




Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 6:10 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Jaya JagannathDear Chandrashekhar,


I agree to the statement " planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and

not pwerless". I guess you meant what I mean, that the results of planet's

placement in that house shall be pretty strong.


Best Wishes




vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:17 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ognjen,

I think too much is being made out of Avastha by taking the avastha statement in

isolation.Not only Vargottam but some of the planets attain their deep

exaltation when at either end of their exaltation rasis. Planet in deep

exaltation has been lavished praise by the Sages similar is the case about

Vargottama. Nobody on the list appears,so far, to have given conditions when

Bhavamadhya of the ascendant might be in first or last 5 degrees. In such a

case the planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and not pwerless.This

is why all treatises on astrology enjoin the astrologer to first calculate Lagna

spashta and Graha spashta.




vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 12:05 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Sarajit and other members,

sometimes I read pretty scary things on this list like destruction of the

houses, powerless planets, avasthas that make planet totally ineffective etc.

Sometimes I think that I should be dead:).

I have 4 planets in Rashi sandhi (0-3' 20'') and two of them in vargotamma.

Saturn my Lagnes is in mrit avastha and vargotamma and 'till now I haven't felt

too much distress (well at least not to much). I really would like to make clear

in my head all circumstances in deciding about the effectiveness of a planet.

Since vargotamma is a case of a planet having same energy in D9 showing dharma

and in D1 showing physical doesn't it make sense that it means direct channel

between incarnating in this life and the tendencies and the task of a soul. If

so, vargotamma should override all obstacles even a rashi sandi or enemies' sign

or debilitation sign. Rashi sandhi is a matter of D1 material plane which is

governed by the higher spiritual planes that obviously tell in a case of

vargotamma that it is time for things with roots in eternal to take place thus

making these obstacles ineffective.

Best regards,



Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 1:40 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Jaya JagannathDear Chandrashekhar,


Maharishis have said many things which can be applied together to find out the

combined influence on the native. Now we all know that a planet gives result of

two things its placement in a house/ sign and its lordship. If the lord of a

house is well placed in the horoscope such as exaltation, kendra/ kona from

Lagna etc., then the bhava prospers. Its possible that the planets can give one

of the results more efficiently than others. This we can find out through the

sandhis. If a planet is placed in the Rasi sandhi, even if it is in exaltation,

it will fail to protect its house as it would happen if a planet has lost

planetary war. Now for most of the horoscopes it is true that the exalted

planet of a house has always protected the house, the case we are discussing is

more like an exception. Among all sandhis the Gandantas are the most

inauspicious ones and can completely destroy the house it owns and hence the

matters of the house. We can see this in various horoscopes.


Members, please contribute some horoscopes to try out this principle.


Best Regards




vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 1:26 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ajit,

Do you think the sages forgot to mention your contention when they enumerated

the results of planets in exaltation? I do not think so.


Ajit Krishnan

vedic astrology

Sunday, March 09, 2003 2:19 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

hamsa om soham


Dear Chandrashekar,


These are orthogonal concepts. Such a moon will still be capable of giving good

results due to its exaltation, but it will also destroy the house owned by it

due to its placement in rasi sandhi.





vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:21 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ajit,

Does this mean Moon in parmoccha amshas of3degrees Taurus is in fact not capable

of any results though in deep exaltation? Think again.



Ajit Krishnan

vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 8:33 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

hamsa om soham


One of the classical definitions of a rasi / bhava is that it consists of

exactly 9 nakshatra padas. From this definition, we can determine both rasi

sandhi (last nakshatra pada in a rasi) and bhava sandhi (last nakshatra pada in

nakshatra-pada-aligned bhavas). Notice that sandhi according to this defnition

applies to both the first and last 3:20' in a rasi/bhava.


Grahas in rasi sandhi lose the power to do anything good for the houses it owns.

Grahas in bhava sandhi are free of placement responsibilities and does not gives

the results of the house it is placed in. Gandanta is a case of violent rasi

sandhi between watery and fiery houses. Thus, it is capable of showing the

overthrow of a king (losing power) etc.


There are many things hidden in these concepts. As an example: 2/3's of all

vargottama grahas be placed in bhava sandhi !


ajit (the other one :-))



Ramapriya D

vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 4:42 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Hi Sanjay,


I'm pretty sure I haven't till now heard what you've stated here. I remember

reading that planets in rasi sandhis get to be utterly powerless due to their

avastha. As far as I know (and that's very little), this aspect of them

spoiling the effect of the houses they own is true only for planets in

gandantas. What you've said is for all rasi sandhis in general, and that's new

to me.


Warm regards,



hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com



Sanjay Prabhakaran

vedic astrology

Friday, March 07, 2003 11:07 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Om Gurave Namah,

Dear Ajit,

Planets in Rashi sandhi (0 to 1 degrees is taken as sandhi here) tend to

destroy the house they own. So the third house (effort, fighting spirit,

younger siblings etc ) some of the matter could be destroyed.

Pray to Naxatra Diety here it is Goddess Aditi (Om Adityai Namah) could give

some releife. More over since it's the sun , you are born in Sankrati so you

have sankranti dosha make diety of lord of the day you were born and do pooja.

Exact pooja procedure should be known and done from a pundit.


If this reading benifits you please try to donate some money to the temple or

any religous organization.


Warm Regards

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Dear Ramapriya,

Does it mean we should discount the Parmoccha degrees of exaltation and its results given in BPHS?



Ramapriya D

vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 7:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Chandrashekhar,


It isn't often that I find myself in disagreement with you, but I have to now.

It's my considered opinion that avastha is to an astrologer what a capo is to a

guitarist -- very under-appreciated, though very useful. BPHS does list out the

exceptions when results are predicated based on avasthas and if an jyotisha

sticks to it, it can't do him harm. Imho, an astrologer can disregard the

avasthas of planets at his own peril.


Warm regards,



hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com




vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:47 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ognjen,

I think too much is being made out of Avastha by taking the avastha statement in

isolation.Not only Vargottam but some of the planets attain their deep

exaltation when at either end of their exaltation rasis. Planet in deep

exaltation has been lavished praise by the Sages similar is the case about

Vargottama. Nobody on the list appears,so far, to have given conditions when

Bhavamadhya of the ascendant might be in first or last 5 degrees. In such a

case the planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and not pwerless.This

is why all treatises on astrology enjoin the astrologer to first calculate Lagna

spashta and Graha spashta.

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Dear Rangarajan,

You have understood the logic. If I may add Saturn in Gemini may be the

beginning of the end of the bad period specially in the second half of his stay

as he is also lord of the 9th.




vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:26 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply. my understanding (it may be flawed)

of the four major grahas, which could have long term impact, (jupiter, saturn,

raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu hovered around 12th, ist and second

house for the last 3-4 years. it is only after this july when jupiter moves

away from cancer and followed by raghu moving towards aries, geminians could

expect some changes. of course it will be still more better, if saturn also

moves away from gemini. till then an indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti could

devier some of the better times.with regardsrangarajan At 01:03 AM 3/11/03

+0530, you wrote:

Dear Rangarajan,For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of 8th&9th and Jupiter lord

of 7th and 10th.The problems started around the time when Jupiter entered

Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post his coming to pisces

Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three Rasis almost together. Currently

the Saturn is retro in 12th with rahu.I think my logic would be


- rangarajan To:

vedic astrology Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

dear chandrasekhar: if possible could you clarify further your statement that

"Most of the gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or

so". is it because of the raghu being in and around gemini and combining with

saturn also being present in and around gemini. i hope you can elaborate at

your convenience. with regards rangarajan

At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Ajit, You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of grahas and

their ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings that are discusse on

the list. My advice is never to take any statement in isolation.When avasthas

of Grahas are to be seen then there are two opinions , one is that all planets

are inefective when at 6 degrees and so on; and other who reverse the avasthas

for even and odd rasis.Had that not been the case how would be Moon be in

3degrees taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is parmoccha in Aries

10degrees. Vargottama always takes precedent over other avasthas of a planet.If

you have read, a planet in neecha in natal chart gives results of uccha if he is

in uccha in Navamsha. About results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is lord

of 3rd hence not very auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in 12th house

aspecting natal Sun, this adds to the problems.You should start getting relief

after Saturn moves to Gemini. This migh be a period of too many worries about

one's standing in public.Things will start picking up really well when your

Rahu antar starts. Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the

Gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so. Therefore

I never feel burdened by their queries as they are really might be in

trouble.Jyotish is for helping people. Chandrashekhar. ----- Original Message

----- astrolover1959 vedic astrology Friday,

March 07, 2003 11:02 AM [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Respected Chandershekhar ji: There is considerable confusion on whether a planet

in infancy (0 to 5 degrees in rashi) overrides its infancy if it is vargottama

in navamsa. generally it is said that infant planet is very week and is not

capable of expressing itself fully during its period. But on the other hand if

such a planet is vargottama, and is otherwise well placed (i.e., not

debilitated or functional melefic), it gains additional strength by virtue of

its being in vargottama. If that is the case, then can such a planet's

significations manifest during that planet's dasa despite its weekness on

account of extreme infancy. Also, what about the effect of rashi sandhi in such

a case? In my chart (gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree (vargottama in

navamsa) in second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus and Mars in Leo in the

third, Rahu in Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in Libra in 5th, moon (2nd house

dispositor) is debilitated in scorpio in 6th, saturn in Sagi in 7th, and ketu

in pisces in 10th house. The reason why I'm anxious about my vargottama sun is

that my sun's mahadasa has just started in end Dec 2002. And although I was

going thru a lot of turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I

was expecting things to improve with the onset of Sun's mahadasa. But so far

things are getting only worse. I am just wondering what my sun's mahadasa has

in store for me overall, partcularly from the career standpoint.

I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of direct personal favour, but I

hope you and other learned gurus will pardon this misdemeanour on my part,

keeping my current state of mind.

thanks and regards, Ajit







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Dear Nimmi,

A good analysis. However Saturn in gemini during second half of his stay should

give good results as he is lord of 9th too.



Nimmi Ragavan

vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 10:17 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi



If I may add my two cents worth of thoughts - being a Gemini ascendant I had

direct experience of the results, especially as I also have saturn maha dasa in



- Migration


When saturn was in pisces, we moved countries (19th Aug 1996). Dasa (using

365.2425 days per year) was Sat/Mercury/Rahu/Mercury/Jupiter. Saturn aspects

the 4th, mercury is in the 4th with rahu. Dasa (using 360 thithis) was

Sat/Ketu/moon/mercury, again both sat and ketu in pisces and mercury and moon

in 4th in virgo. Even if I take the lagna as starting point for the dasa and

365.2425 days per year (as suggested when lagna is very strong), I get

Ketu/Moon/Mercury/Mercury/Saturn - all either in 4th or 10th in transit.


In the natal chart saturn is in the 4th house, vargottama, retrograde and

aspecting ascendant ruler mercury in the 1st. There were also health issues

during this time, after a very long period of good health.


This move was unexpected, but not too bad. However, it was very disruptive for

my career as I had to resign and then do contract work in the UK where we



- Serious health problems and danger to life


When saturn was in transit in Aries, in the 11th (18th September 1999), I had

serious health problems with sudden operations in the bowel area. In the natal

chart saturn aspects the ascendant and 1st ruler from virgo, sign of bowels.

Saturn rules the 8th and 9th.


If I take lagna as starting point for dasa, ketu/saturn/venus/mars/saturn was in

progress. saturn was in aries, ketu in capricorn (8th), venus in 2nd and mars in

6th. Taking moon as starting point dasa was (365.2425 days per year)

sat/venus/mars/jupiter/mars. The same planets again, except for jupiter which

was conjunct saturn in transit.


Interestingly, in the natal chart, mars and jupiter are in the 12th and venus rules the 12th.


At the same time this happened, my husband's company had problems and had to

interrupt salary payments. On the other hand I had continuous work that I could

perform from home. Typical of the combined effects of jupiter and saturn in the



- Interruption to career


When saturn moved to the ascendant I stopped working for a while and have been

involved in some studies and house renovations instead. My sister's son also

came to live with us (saturn's aspect on the 3rd?) and I have now had the

experience of semi-parenting a teenager! Perhaps the responsibility aspect of

saturn on the ascendant and 1st lord mercury. The aspect on the 10th could

explain interruptions to work. When saturn went in retrograde back into taurus,

we went back to Australia for a long holiday to see my mother, family and

friends. It was a quiet time but there were expenses that reduced the bank

balance - as you would expect with the aspect on the 2nd house. There is the

same aspect on my husband's 2nd house as he is a libra ascendant! This should

change as saturn moves into Gemini. But jupiter in the 2nd has kept the bank

balance OK, esp as it aspects my husband's 2nd house as well.


We bought a rental property (saturn in 12th aspecting 11th from 4th?) as well

during this time. Now we have to go back to work quickly to pay it off! At the

moment it is not rented yet.


I also have a mysterious and sudden rash on my hand and also a lump on a finger

on the same hand from a ganglion. Rahu aspecting gemini and natal mercury? The

ganglion started when saturn moved into gemini. The rash while saturn was in

the 12th with rahu.


Jupiter in the 2nd aspects the 10th, so I suspect work is probably on the cards

quite soon. This is the 10th house for my husband and he is running jup dasa.

He will probably start after saturn moves into gemini and no longer aspects the

10th (he resigned soon after saturn retrograded to taurus and aspected the



- Future - saturn in cancer


Well, I expect saturn in the 2nd to constrain the bank balance and also income

by its aspect on the 11th. It may also create another move as it aspects the

4th house. Rahu will be in the 10th aspecting the 4th, so a move is pretty

definite, probably overseas. May be work related. Our move in 1996 was work

related - my husband's work so 4th house for me. Aspect on the 8th - not a good

thought as this will be during saturn/rahu. The only good thing is that jupiter

will also be in the 4th. It is a time to watch out for mother's health etc.


Jupiter in the 4th aspects the 12th. So again the theme of overseas travel.




Best regards,


























vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 2:56 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply. my understanding (it may be flawed)

of the four major grahas, which could have long term impact, (jupiter, saturn,

raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu hovered around 12th, ist and second

house for the last 3-4 years. it is only after this july when jupiter moves

away from cancer and followed by raghu moving towards aries, geminians could

expect some changes. of course it will be still more better, if saturn also

moves away from gemini. till then an indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti could

devier some of the better times.with regardsrangarajan At 01:03 AM 3/11/03

+0530, you wrote:

Dear Rangarajan,For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of 8th&9th and Jupiter lord

of 7th and 10th.The problems started around the time when Jupiter entered

Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post his coming to pisces

Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three Rasis almost together. Currently

the Saturn is retro in 12th with rahu.I think my logic would be


- rangarajan To:

vedic astrology Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM Subject:

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

dear chandrasekhar: if possible could you clarify further your statement that

"Most of the gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or

so". is it because of the raghu being in and around gemini and combining with

saturn also being present in and around gemini. i hope you can elaborate at

your convenience. with regards rangarajan

At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote:

Dear Ajit, You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of grahas and

their ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings that are discusse on

the list. My advice is never to take any statement in isolation.When avasthas

of Grahas are to be seen then there are two opinions , one is that all planets

are inefective when at 6 degrees and so on; and other who reverse the avasthas

for even and odd rasis.Had that not been the case how would be Moon be in

3degrees taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is parmoccha in Aries

10degrees. Vargottama always takes precedent over other avasthas of a planet.If

you have read, a planet in neecha in natal chart gives results of uccha if he is

in uccha in Navamsha. About results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is lord

of 3rd hence not very auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in 12th house

aspecting natal Sun, this adds to the problems.You should start getting relief

after Saturn moves to Gemini. This migh be a period of too many worries about

one's standing in public.Things will start picking up really well when your

Rahu antar starts. Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the

Gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so. Therefore

I never feel burdened by their queries as they are really might be in

trouble.Jyotish is for helping people. Chandrashekhar. ----- Original Message

----- astrolover1959 vedic astrology Friday,

March 07, 2003 11:02 AM [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Respected Chandershekhar ji: There is considerable confusion on whether a planet

in infancy (0 to 5 degrees in rashi) overrides its infancy if it is vargottama

in navamsa. generally it is said that infant planet is very week and is not

capable of expressing itself fully during its period. But on the other hand if

such a planet is vargottama, and is otherwise well placed (i.e., not

debilitated or functional melefic), it gains additional strength by virtue of

its being in vargottama. If that is the case, then can such a planet's

significations manifest during that planet's dasa despite its weekness on

account of extreme infancy. Also, what about the effect of rashi sandhi in such

a case? In my chart (gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree (vargottama in

navamsa) in second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus and Mars in Leo in the

third, Rahu in Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in Libra in 5th, moon (2nd house

dispositor) is debilitated in scorpio in 6th, saturn in Sagi in 7th, and ketu

in pisces in 10th house. The reason why I'm anxious about my vargottama sun is

that my sun's mahadasa has just started in end Dec 2002. And although I was

going thru a lot of turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I

was expecting things to improve with the onset of Sun's mahadasa. But so far

things are getting only worse. I am just wondering what my sun's mahadasa has

in store for me overall, partcularly from the career standpoint.

I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of direct personal favour, but I

hope you and other learned gurus will pardon this misdemeanour on my part,

keeping my current state of mind.

thanks and regards, Ajit







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Dear Mr Chandrashekhar,


I have a question about transits. Which do you attach more importance

to-dasa/bhukti or transits? I have gone through a very bad period for

the past three years- migration, resignation of job, unemployment,

and recently father's ill health. I attributed all of them to

Venus/Sun bhuktis in Jupiter Mahadasa I am currently running. Hence I

am eagerly awaiting the sub period of moon to get some relief. But

the discussion on transits of malefic planets really scares me. Can

you please comment on my Moon sub period in Jupiter Mahadasa? I am

planning to undertake a graduate study this year. Will that

materialise? I think you have got my birth details. I will send if

you don't have them. Thanks in advance.




vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar"

<boxdel> wrote:

> Dear Rangarajan,

> You have understood the logic. If I may add Saturn in Gemini may be

the beginning of the end of the bad period specially in the second

half of his stay as he is also lord of the 9th.

> Chandrashekhar.

> -

> rangarajan

> vedic astrology

> Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:26 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi



> Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply. my understanding (it

may be flawed) of the four major grahas, which could have long term

impact, (jupiter, saturn, raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu

hovered around 12th, ist and second house for the last 3-4 years. it

is only after this july when jupiter moves away from cancer and

followed by raghu moving towards aries, geminians could expect some

changes. of course it will be still more better, if saturn also moves

away from gemini. till then an indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti

could devier some of the better times.

> with regards

> rangarajan


At 01:03 AM 3/11/03 +0530, you wrote:


> Dear Rangarajan,

> For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of 8th&9th and Jupiter lord

of 7th and 10th.The problems started around the time when Jupiter

entered Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post

his coming to pisces Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three

Rasis almost together. Currently the Saturn is retro in 12th with

rahu.I think my logic would be clear.

> Chandrashekhar.

> -

> rangarajan

> vedic astrology

> Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM

> Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi



> dear chandrasekhar:

> if possible could you clarify further your statement

that "Most of the gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for

last 7 years or so".

> is it because of the raghu being in and around gemini and

combining with saturn also being present in and around gemini. i hope

you can elaborate at your convenience.

> with regards

> rangarajan













At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote:

> Dear Ajit,

> You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of

grahas and their ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings

that are discusse on the list.

> My advice is never to take any statement in

isolation.When avasthas of Grahas are to be seen then there are two

opinions , one is that all planets are inefective when at 6 degrees

and so on; and other who reverse the avasthas for even and odd

rasis.Had that not been the case how would be Moon be in 3degrees

taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is parmoccha in Aries


> Vargottama always takes precedent over other avasthas of

a planet.If you have read, a planet in neecha in natal chart gives

results of uccha if he is in uccha in Navamsha.

> About results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is

lord of 3rd hence not very auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in

12th house aspecting natal Sun, this adds to the problems.You should

start getting relief after Saturn moves to Gemini. This migh be a

period of too many worries about one's standing in public.Things will

start picking up really well when your Rahu antar starts.

> Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the

Gemini ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so.

Therefore I never feel burdened by their queries as they are really

might be in trouble.Jyotish is for helping people.

> Chandrashekhar.

> -

> astrolover1959

> vedic astrology

> Friday, March 07, 2003 11:02 AM

> [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Respected Chandershekhar ji:

> There is considerable confusion on whether a planet in

infancy (0 to

> 5 degrees in rashi) overrides its infancy if it is

vargottama in

> navamsa. generally it is said that infant planet is very

week and is

> not capable of expressing itself fully during its period.

But on the

> other hand if such a planet is vargottama, and is

otherwise well

> placed (i.e., not debilitated or functional melefic), it


> additional strength by virtue of its being in vargottama.

If that is

> the case, then can such a planet's significations

manifest during

> that planet's dasa despite its weekness on account of


> infancy. Also, what about the effect of rashi sandhi in

such a case?

> In my chart (gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree

(vargottama in

> navamsa) in second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus

and Mars in

> Leo in the third, Rahu in Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in

Libra in 5th,

> moon (2nd house dispositor) is debilitated in scorpio in

6th, saturn

> in Sagi in 7th, and ketu in pisces in 10th house. The

reason why I'm

> anxious about my vargottama sun is that my sun's mahadasa

has just

> started in end Dec 2002. And although I was going thru a

lot of

> turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I


> expecting things to improve with the onset of Sun's

mahadasa. But so

> far things are getting only worse. I am just wondering

what my sun's

> mahadasa has in store for me overall, partcularly from

the career

> standpoint.



> I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of direct


> favour, but I hope you and other learned gurus will

pardon this

> misdemeanour on my part, keeping my current state of mind.

thanks and regards,

> Ajit



















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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Chandrashekhar,


Viveka comes from Lord's blessing. I guess you agree with me... lol


Warm Regards




vedic astrology

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:44 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Sarajit,

Yes , I was trying to point out that one should not take anysingle shloka and

base his reading on that alone. Astrology should be viewed as a whole. Our

sages,having stated one principle at one place thought that the students shall

apply them after balancing them with other statements at other points.This is

why they enjoined th students to use their Viveka.




Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 6:10 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Jaya JagannathDear Chandrashekhar,


I agree to the statement " planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and

not pwerless". I guess you meant what I mean, that the results of planet's

placement in that house shall be pretty strong.


Best Wishes




vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 3:17 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ognjen,

I think too much is being made out of Avastha by taking the avastha statement in

isolation.Not only Vargottam but some of the planets attain their deep

exaltation when at either end of their exaltation rasis. Planet in deep

exaltation has been lavished praise by the Sages similar is the case about

Vargottama. Nobody on the list appears,so far, to have given conditions when

Bhavamadhya of the ascendant might be in first or last 5 degrees. In such a

case the planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and not pwerless.This

is why all treatises on astrology enjoin the astrologer to first calculate Lagna

spashta and Graha spashta.




vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 12:05 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Sarajit and other members,

sometimes I read pretty scary things on this list like destruction of the

houses, powerless planets, avasthas that make planet totally ineffective etc.

Sometimes I think that I should be dead:).

I have 4 planets in Rashi sandhi (0-3' 20'') and two of them in vargotamma.

Saturn my Lagnes is in mrit avastha and vargotamma and 'till now I haven't felt

too much distress (well at least not to much). I really would like to make clear

in my head all circumstances in deciding about the effectiveness of a planet.

Since vargotamma is a case of a planet having same energy in D9 showing dharma

and in D1 showing physical doesn't it make sense that it means direct channel

between incarnating in this life and the tendencies and the task of a soul. If

so, vargotamma should override all obstacles even a rashi sandi or enemies' sign

or debilitation sign. Rashi sandhi is a matter of D1 material plane which is

governed by the higher spiritual planes that obviously tell in a case of

vargotamma that it is time for things with roots in eternal to take place thus

making these obstacles ineffective.

Best regards,



Sarajit Poddar

vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 1:40 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Jaya JagannathDear Chandrashekhar,


Maharishis have said many things which can be applied together to find out the

combined influence on the native. Now we all know that a planet gives result of

two things its placement in a house/ sign and its lordship. If the lord of a

house is well placed in the horoscope such as exaltation, kendra/ kona from

Lagna etc., then the bhava prospers. Its possible that the planets can give one

of the results more efficiently than others. This we can find out through the

sandhis. If a planet is placed in the Rasi sandhi, even if it is in exaltation,

it will fail to protect its house as it would happen if a planet has lost

planetary war. Now for most of the horoscopes it is true that the exalted

planet of a house has always protected the house, the case we are discussing is

more like an exception. Among all sandhis the Gandantas are the most

inauspicious ones and can completely destroy the house it owns and hence the

matters of the house. We can see this in various horoscopes.


Members, please contribute some horoscopes to try out this principle.


Best Regards




vedic astrology

Monday, March 10, 2003 1:26 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ajit,

Do you think the sages forgot to mention your contention when they enumerated

the results of planets in exaltation? I do not think so.


Ajit Krishnan

vedic astrology

Sunday, March 09, 2003 2:19 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

hamsa om soham


Dear Chandrashekar,


These are orthogonal concepts. Such a moon will still be capable of giving good

results due to its exaltation, but it will also destroy the house owned by it

due to its placement in rasi sandhi.





vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 11:21 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ajit,

Does this mean Moon in parmoccha amshas of3degrees Taurus is in fact not capable

of any results though in deep exaltation? Think again.



Ajit Krishnan

vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 8:33 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

hamsa om soham


One of the classical definitions of a rasi / bhava is that it consists of

exactly 9 nakshatra padas. From this definition, we can determine both rasi

sandhi (last nakshatra pada in a rasi) and bhava sandhi (last nakshatra pada in

nakshatra-pada-aligned bhavas). Notice that sandhi according to this defnition

applies to both the first and last 3:20' in a rasi/bhava.


Grahas in rasi sandhi lose the power to do anything good for the houses it owns.

Grahas in bhava sandhi are free of placement responsibilities and does not gives

the results of the house it is placed in. Gandanta is a case of violent rasi

sandhi between watery and fiery houses. Thus, it is capable of showing the

overthrow of a king (losing power) etc.


There are many things hidden in these concepts. As an example: 2/3's of all

vargottama grahas be placed in bhava sandhi !


ajit (the other one :-))



Ramapriya D

vedic astrology

Saturday, March 08, 2003 4:42 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Hi Sanjay,


I'm pretty sure I haven't till now heard what you've stated here. I remember

reading that planets in rasi sandhis get to be utterly powerless due to their

avastha. As far as I know (and that's very little), this aspect of them

spoiling the effect of the houses they own is true only for planets in

gandantas. What you've said is for all rasi sandhis in general, and that's new

to me.


Warm regards,



hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com



Sanjay Prabhakaran

vedic astrology

Friday, March 07, 2003 11:07 PM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Om Gurave Namah,

Dear Ajit,

Planets in Rashi sandhi (0 to 1 degrees is taken as sandhi here) tend to

destroy the house they own. So the third house (effort, fighting spirit,

younger siblings etc ) some of the matter could be destroyed.

Pray to Naxatra Diety here it is Goddess Aditi (Om Adityai Namah) could give

some releife. More over since it's the sun , you are born in Sankrati so you

have sankranti dosha make diety of lord of the day you were born and do pooja.

Exact pooja procedure should be known and done from a pundit.


If this reading benifits you please try to donate some money to the temple or

any religous organization.


Warm Regards

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Dear Chandrashekhar,

Not at all. In fact, doesn't BPHS itself give exceptions? I think it does. The lajjitavastha, etc...

Warm regards,


hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com




vedic astrology

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 2:15 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ramapriya,

Does it mean we should discount the Parmoccha degrees of exaltation and its results given in BPHS?



Ramapriya D

vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 7:50 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Chandrashekhar,


It isn't often that I find myself in disagreement with you, but I have to now.

It's my considered opinion that avastha is to an astrologer what a capo is to a

guitarist -- very under-appreciated, though very useful. BPHS does list out the

exceptions when results are predicated based on avasthas and if an jyotisha

sticks to it, it can't do him harm. Imho, an astrologer can disregard the

avasthas of planets at his own peril.


Warm regards,



hubli (AT) vsnl (DOT) com




vedic astrology

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 12:47 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Ognjen,

I think too much is being made out of Avastha by taking the avastha statement in

isolation.Not only Vargottam but some of the planets attain their deep

exaltation when at either end of their exaltation rasis. Planet in deep

exaltation has been lavished praise by the Sages similar is the case about

Vargottama. Nobody on the list appears,so far, to have given conditions when

Bhavamadhya of the ascendant might be in first or last 5 degrees. In such a

case the planets nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and not pwerless.This

is why all treatises on astrology enjoin the astrologer to first calculate Lagna

spashta and Graha spashta.

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Didn't you mean 2/9's instead of "2/3's of all vargottama grahas be

placed in bhava sandhi"?


vedic astrology, "Ajit Krishnan" <astro@m...>


> hamsa om soham


> One of the classical definitions of a rasi / bhava is that it

consists of exactly 9 nakshatra padas. From this definition, we can

determine both rasi sandhi (last nakshatra pada in a rasi) and bhava

sandhi (last nakshatra pada in nakshatra-pada-aligned bhavas). Notice

that sandhi according to this defnition applies to both the first and

last 3:20' in a rasi/bhava.


> Grahas in rasi sandhi lose the power to do anything good for the

houses it owns. Grahas in bhava sandhi are free of placement

responsibilities and does not gives the results of the house it is

placed in. Gandanta is a case of violent rasi sandhi between watery

and fiery houses. Thus, it is capable of showing the overthrow of a

king (losing power) etc.


> There are many things hidden in these concepts. As an example:

2/3's of all vargottama grahas be placed in bhava sandhi !


> ajit (the other one :-))

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Jaya Jagannatha


font-family:Verdana">Dear Chandrashekhar and Sarajit,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Jaya Jagannath

Dear Chandrashekhar,


10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">I agree to the statement " planets

nearest to bhavamadhya would be powerful and not pwerless". I guess you meant

what I mean, that the results of planet's placement in that house shall be

pretty strong.



10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:blue">Best Wishes



font-family:Verdana">Golly, I feel better now with zero degrees Mercury (but in

cancellation of debilitation due to parivatana with Jupiter of the 11th

and 2nd exchange).

font-family:Verdana">I guess Jupiter will be working in its own sign whilst

Mercury will do the same. As Mercury is in the beginning degrees, it will seem

to be working between the ascendant and the 2nd house. Yes?

font-family:Verdana">Another bhava sandhi is my AK Moon at 29 degrees in own,

in bhava sandhi with AL Leo.

font-family:Verdana">A mixed bag indeed.


font-family:Verdana">Best wishes,



swee (AT) brihaspati (DOT) net





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Dear Maya,

Yes I have your chart with me.DOB Aug 17 1959, right?

I attach equal importance to both as Natal Chart, Dashas and Gochar movement of

planets operate as a unit to give results at a particular time. At least this

is how I understand the logic behind timing of events.

I do not understand the logic of your expecting good results on the bassis of

Jupiter Mahadasha as he is lord of the 3rd and 6th.Venus is no doubt Lagnesh

but if you have read my posts I think Shubah Grahas get Kendradhipati dosha

unless they occupy their own house. Any your problems have to do with Saturn

your yogakaraka being in the 8th house that too as a powerful retrograde. Your

problems should start lessening when saturn enters Gemini around 4th april or

so.Mooon antar and moon pratyantar should be good for you and so will Rahu's

pratyantar in Moon. Jupiter aspecting 2nd house could help you in your

gradiation course.

Do not despair, the almighty will help you.




vedic astrology

Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:49 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: vargottama and rashi sandhi

Dear Mr Chandrashekhar,I have a question about transits. Which do you attach

more importance to-dasa/bhukti or transits? I have gone through a very bad

period for the past three years- migration, resignation of job, unemployment,

and recently father's ill health. I attributed all of them to Venus/Sun bhuktis

in Jupiter Mahadasa I am currently running. Hence I am eagerly awaiting the sub

period of moon to get some relief. But the discussion on transits of malefic

planets really scares me. Can you please comment on my Moon sub period in

Jupiter Mahadasa? I am planning to undertake a graduate study this year. Will

that materialise? I think you have got my birth details. I will send if you

don't have them. Thanks in advance.Maya --- In

vedic astrology, "Chandrashekhar" <boxdel> wrote:> Dear

Rangarajan,> You have understood the logic. If I may add Saturn in Gemini may

be the beginning of the end of the bad period specially in the second half of

his stay as he is also lord of the 9th.> Chandrashekhar.> ----- Original

Message ----- > rangarajan > vedic astrology >

Tuesday, March 11, 2003 8:26 AM> Re: [vedic astrology]

vargottama and rashi sandhi> > > Dear chandrasekhar: Thanks for your reply.

my understanding (it may be flawed) of the four major grahas, which could have

long term impact, (jupiter, saturn, raghu and ketu) jupiter, saturn and raghu

hovered around 12th, ist and second house for the last 3-4 years. it is only

after this july when jupiter moves away from cancer and followed by raghu

moving towards aries, geminians could expect some changes. of course it will be

still more better, if saturn also moves away from gemini. till then an

indiviudals favourable dasa/bhukti could devier some of the better times.>

with regards> rangarajan > > > > > > > > At 01:03 AM 3/11/03 +0530, you

wrote: > > Dear Rangarajan,> For Gemini ascendant Saturn is lord of

8th&9th and Jupiter lord of 7th and 10th.The problems started around the time

when Jupiter entered Capricorn and Saturn was in Pisces.You will find that post

his coming to pisces Saturn was atichari and sat Jup crossed three Rasis almost

together. Currently the Saturn is retro in 12th with rahu.I think my logic

would be clear.> Chandrashekhar. > - >

rangarajan > vedic astrology >

Monday, March 10, 2003 5:34 AM > Re: [vedic astrology]

vargottama and rashi sandhi> > > dear chandrasekhar: > if

possible could you clarify further your statement that "Most of the gemini

ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so". > is it

because of the raghu being in and around gemini and combining with saturn also

being present in and around gemini. i hope you can elaborate at your

convenience. > with regards > rangarajan> > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > At 03:33 PM 3/8/03 +0530, you wrote: > Dear

Ajit, > You are rightly confused by all the talk about avastha of

grahas and their ability to give rise to yogas and such otherthings that are

discusse on the list. > My advice is never to take any statement in

isolation.When avasthas of Grahas are to be seen then there are two opinions ,

one is that all planets are inefective when at 6 degrees and so on; and other

who reverse the avasthas for even and odd rasis.Had that not been the case how

would be Moon be in 3degrees taurus and be called parmoccha?Again Sun is

parmoccha in Aries 10degrees. > Vargottama always takes precedent

over other avasthas of a planet.If you have read, a planet in neecha in natal

chart gives results of uccha if he is in uccha in Navamsha. > About

results of Sun Mahadasha, for your lagna Sun is lord of 3rd hence not very

auspicious.Your lord of 9th saturn is in 12th house aspecting natal Sun, this

adds to the problems.You should start getting relief after Saturn moves to

Gemini. This migh be a period of too many worries about one's standing in

public.Things will start picking up really well when your Rahu antar starts. >

Do not feel awkward about seeking m opinion.Most of the Gemini

ascendant persons are facing problems for last 7 years or so. Therefore I never

feel burdened by their queries as they are really might be in trouble.Jyotish is

for helping people. > Chandrashekhar. > ----- Original

Message ----- > astrolover1959 > To:

vedic astrology > Friday, March 07, 2003 11:02

AM > [vedic astrology] vargottama and rashi sandhi> > > > >

> > Respected Chandershekhar ji: > There is considerable

confusion on whether a planet in infancy (0 to > 5 degrees in rashi)

overrides its infancy if it is vargottama in > navamsa. generally it

is said that infant planet is very week and is > not capable of

expressing itself fully during its period. But on the > other hand if

such a planet is vargottama, and is otherwise well > placed (i.e., not

debilitated or functional melefic), it gains > additional strength by

virtue of its being in vargottama. If that is > the case, then can

such a planet's significations manifest during > that planet's dasa

despite its weekness on account of extreme > infancy. Also, what

about the effect of rashi sandhi in such a case? > In my chart

(gemini lagna), I have sun at zero degree (vargottama in > navamsa)

in second house in cancer with Mercury. Venus and Mars in > Leo in

the third, Rahu in Virgo in the 4th, Jupiter in Libra in 5th, > moon

(2nd house dispositor) is debilitated in scorpio in 6th, saturn > in

Sagi in 7th, and ketu in pisces in 10th house. The reason why I'm >

anxious about my vargottama sun is that my sun's mahadasa has just >

started in end Dec 2002. And although I was going thru a lot of >

turmoil in last phase of Venus dasa (ketu antara), yet I was >

expecting things to improve with the onset of Sun's mahadasa. But so >

far things are getting only worse. I am just wondering what my sun's >

mahadasa has in store for me overall, partcularly from the career >

standpoint.> > > I know it is very selfish soliciting this kind of

direct personal > favour, but I hope you and other learned gurus will

pardon this > misdemeanour on my part, keeping my current state of

mind.> > > > > > > thanks and regards, > Ajit> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Archives:

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