Guest guest Posted March 22, 2003 Report Share Posted March 22, 2003 Dear list member, Here are some observations by a student about the Iraq war. The Panchang at the beginning of the war (20th march 2003, 2:35 GMT, Bagdad) was as follows. - Tithi: Krishna Dwitiya. Lord Moon is lord of 6th (territorial attacks) placed in 8th (death-rate). - Vaara: Wednesday. Lord Mercury is combust, in enemy's house: short duration. The war will end quickly. - Nakshatra: Chitra. Lord Mars show the cause of war. He is lord of 10th, showing an aggressive leader, placed in 11th of international relationships. - Yoga: Dhruva. The lord is Ketu, meaning fixed, constant. He is placed in own house in fixed Scorpio. It shows the obstinacy of the leader who won't give in even if he is sure to loose. - Karana: Garija. Lord Jupiter shows the outcome of war. He is exalted but retrograde and afflicted by several malefics. This makes him weak showing loss for both sides. I take Aquarius Lagna to indicate Iraq and Leo Lagna for the US. Weak Jupiter, maraka for Iraq, shows the end of the regime. This will be costly for the U.S., not only in material terms, as Jupiter is in 12th (losses) from Leo Lagna. The popularity of Bush may suffer, since Arudha Lagna of 10th from Leo (i.e. Taurus) is in 6th from Leo, with Venus, the lord of Taurus, in it. Saddam is represented by Scorpio, 10th from Lagna. He could be killed, as the 3 worst malefics are in his maraka houses. In any case, this is the end of his leadership. An attempt to time the end of the war. Mars is Badhakesh for Leo Lagna (the U.S.). He enters Capricorn, his exaltation rasi, on 11th April 2003. Obstruction becomes stronger then. Since the war should not last long, as said before, it will probably end before that. Jupiter, showing the result, becomes direct on April 4th at 3:05 GMT. Saturn enters Gemini on 7th April 2003, this is the 11th house of gain for Leo Lagna. I think the war will end between 4th and 11th april, more likely after april 7th. Regards. Martine Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 25, 2003 Report Share Posted March 25, 2003 Pranaam Sanjay, > > If at all the war is dragged on to after April 7, it will last > > longer. But, it is more likely to finish by April 7. > > Om Gurave Namah> Dear Narasimha,> Iraq isn't going to be a cakewalk like you make it look..this time around they will be smarter having learnt a lesson or two from the Al Quaida chaps. The world hesitates and so is President Bush...those token strikes aren't going to dent. They need more muscle from the air...Saturn Vaayu tatva..> Read the last lines in my article..what is this war all about? What is their target..When will this be achieved if at all? These are the questions.> At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha,> I remain,> Sanjay Rath I am not making it out to be a cakewalk. But my judgment is that the first week (or ten days) of April may see a resolution to the war. Just look at annual Narayana dasa of Baghdad's annual Full Moon chart of 2002-03 (27 April 2002, 6:00:29 am). Right now, Pisces dasa is running. Taking Virgo as lagna, Ketu in 3rd shows bold fightback. However, Pisces dasa ends on March 30. Then Aries dasa will run till May 1. Taking Libra as lagna, the 3rd and 6th houses are empty and only Jupiter aspects them. Will Iraq be fighting back like this in April too? Even taking Narayana dasa of USA's annual Full Moon chart of 2002-03 (26 April 2002, 10:00:29 pm), we see that Scorpio dasa is running from March 20 to April 7. From Taurus, the 3rd and 6th houses are both aspected by Saturn, Mars and Rahu. There are five planets in Taurus in the 12th from A6 and 10th from AL. It shows enemy's losses. During April 7-25, USA will run Sagittarius dasa and Gemini will be the dasa lagna. Gemini contains Jupiter. Though Ketu in 6th shows bold fighting and success, won't Jupiter in 1st give some peace? Right now, Saturn, Mars and Rahu in dasa lagna (and aspecting 3rd and 6th) are making USA restless and overly aggressive. Won't Jupiter there give some stability instead? Combining both the charts, we can conclude that both the sides fight boldly till March 30/31 and that the Iraqi determination will waver after March 30/31. Jupiter in AL and aspecting 3rd and 6th (own houses) from dasa lagna during April (in Baghdad's annual chart) is the one to bring peace. As Jupiter is in the 12th from Cancer and 9th from Moon (Cancer is the 10th from dasa sign - showing the ruler), he may show ruler's going abroad. It is possible that Saddam Hussein will negotiate a political asylum deal with a foreign country, decide to leave Iraq in the first ten days of April and USA stops the war shortly after April 7 because of it. Even if that doesn't happen, I suspect if Iraq will be able to fight like they are doing now in April also. There should be a difference in their determination in April. I think the first week or ten days of April will be crucial to the resolution to this war. However, I am not suggesting in the least that all the problems will be solved and there will be peace in the world. There will be disastrous consequences of this war in the long run. They will unfold in the months/years to come. Now, let us turn attention to your analysis. First of all, I am not sure if the Iraq birthdata you used is accurate. Let us assume it is. Right now, Gemini Mandooka dasa is running. Based on the antardasa and pratyantardasa, you predicted that the war will occur "between 23-Apr-2003 to 16-May-2003". But, what about the mahadasa itself? Mahadasa is that of Gemini. As per your own statement, dasas of 1st, 8th and 10th (and signs aspecting them) bring losses to the nation and those of 6th, 11th and 3rd (and signs aspecting them) bring losses to the enemy. The dasas of 10th house and 8th house did not bring a complete loss to Iraq. Iraq withstood those two dasas. Now, the current dasa Ge does not even aspect 1st, 8th and 10th houses and, on the contrary, it is the 6th house. Ideally, if the chart is right, this should be the time when the enemies face music and not Iraq. When the worst dasas went by without a complete loss, why are you predicting that loss in what should be the best dasa? How can you then predict based on antardasa that Iraq will lose big? Your logic sounds quite incomplete to me. This makes me question the data. That is why I stuck to the annual Full Moon charts of Baghdad and Washington DC. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Your sishya, Narasimha Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 26, 2003 Report Share Posted March 26, 2003 Hello I do know that the ides of March is celebrated on March 15th on our signifies the middle of the month (there are ides every month but not always the 15th, sometimes the 13th) in a Roman’s actually pre-Caesar, but was made famous when Caesar was forewarned about this date “beware of the ides of March” .. Francoise On 3/26/03 12:44, "Sanjay Rath" <vyasa (AT) (DOT) org> wrote: ~Om Gurave Namah~ Dear Narasimha, Just a few points that you may have overlooked in my writing about Iraq: "Ides of Mars hath come"...that was my warning to the President of Iraq (Julius Caesar!). Now, when is the 'ides of Mars'?? Is this close to the day the war started? I think in that one phrase I have conveyed a world of meaning. What happened after the fall of Caesar..remember. What you say is something similar. It was a hasty decision no doubt. Secondly, I have written that everything will completely change to the favor of America and Allies after 30 March 2003. What you are saying now is the same thing. But will the war be over by 7 April 2003? Well maybe the bombers will return, and maybe not but the war will be far from over. Thirdly, I have given a specific date for America achieving its objective..or whatever objective I thought or perceived to be the cause of this war. This is only after 23 April and not before. Perhaps you think other-wise, so be it...'Caesar cried "Et tu Brutus, then fall Caesar". Thats what I had enquired about. What is America's objective in this war? I am rather confused - is it not the Iraqi Caesar. Finally Narasimha Garu, please look at Gemini Rudramsa closely and remember that this is happening towards the close of the dasa. Hint: Yogas dominate and so will America. Best wishes & have a nice day, Sanjay Rath ----- H-5 B J B Nagar, Bhubaneswar - 751014, India SJC Web pages: http://.org Personal Web: Tel: +91-674-243 6781 ----- - Narasimha P.V.R. Rao <pvr (AT) charter (DOT) net> vedic astrology Wednesday, March 26, 2003 7:25 AM [vedic astrology] Re: Iraq war Pranaam Sanjay, > > If at all the war is dragged on to after April 7, it will last > > longer. But, it is more likely to finish by April 7. > > Om Gurave Namah > Dear Narasimha, > Iraq isn't going to be a cakewalk like you make it look..this time around they will be smarter having learnt a lesson or two from the Al Quaida chaps. The world hesitates and so is President Bush...those token strikes aren't going to dent. They need more muscle from the air...Saturn Vaayu tatva.. > Read the last lines in my article..what is this war all about? What is their target..When will this be achieved if at all? These are the questions. > At the feet of Guru Pandita Kasinatha, > I remain, > Sanjay Rath I am not making it out to be a cakewalk. But my judgment is that the first week (or ten days) of April may see a resolution to the war. Just look at annual Narayana dasa of Baghdad's annual Full Moon chart of 2002-03 (27 April 2002, 6:00:29 am). Right now, Pisces dasa is running. Taking Virgo as lagna, Ketu in 3rd shows bold fightback. However, Pisces dasa ends on March 30. Then Aries dasa will run till May 1. Taking Libra as lagna, the 3rd and 6th houses are empty and only Jupiter aspects them. Will Iraq be fighting back like this in April too? Even taking Narayana dasa of USA's annual Full Moon chart of 2002-03 (26 April 2002, 10:00:29 pm), we see that Scorpio dasa is running from March 20 to April 7. From Taurus, the 3rd and 6th houses are both aspected by Saturn, Mars and Rahu. There are five planets in Taurus in the 12th from A6 and 10th from AL. It shows enemy's losses. During April 7-25, USA will run Sagittarius dasa and Gemini will be the dasa lagna. Gemini contains Jupiter. Though Ketu in 6th shows bold fighting and success, won't Jupiter in 1st give some peace? Right now, Saturn, Mars and Rahu in dasa lagna (and aspecting 3rd and 6th) are making USA restless and overly aggressive. Won't Jupiter there give some stability instead? Combining both the charts, we can conclude that both the sides fight boldly till March 30/31 and that the Iraqi determination will waver after March 30/31. Jupiter in AL and aspecting 3rd and 6th (own houses) from dasa lagna during April (in Baghdad's annual chart) is the one to bring peace. As Jupiter is in the 12th from Cancer and 9th from Moon (Cancer is the 10th from dasa sign - showing the ruler), he may show ruler's going abroad. It is possible that Saddam Hussein will negotiate a political asylum deal with a foreign country, decide to leave Iraq in the first ten days of April and USA stops the war shortly after April 7 because of it. Even if that doesn't happen, I suspect if Iraq will be able to fight like they are doing now in April also. There should be a difference in their determination in April. I think the first week or ten days of April will be crucial to the resolution to this war. However, I am not suggesting in the least that all the problems will be solved and there will be peace in the world. There will be disastrous consequences of this war in the long run. They will unfold in the months/years to come. Now, let us turn attention to your analysis. First of all, I am not sure if the Iraq birthdata you used is accurate. Let us assume it is. Right now, Gemini Mandooka dasa is running. Based on the antardasa and pratyantardasa, you predicted that the war will occur "between 23-Apr-2003 to 16-May-2003". But, what about the mahadasa itself? Mahadasa is that of Gemini. As per your own statement, dasas of 1st, 8th and 10th (and signs aspecting them) bring losses to the nation and those of 6th, 11th and 3rd (and signs aspecting them) bring losses to the enemy. The dasas of 10th house and 8th house did not bring a complete loss to Iraq. Iraq withstood those two dasas. Now, the current dasa Ge does not even aspect 1st, 8th and 10th houses and, on the contrary, it is the 6th house. Ideally, if the chart is right, this should be the time when the enemies face music and not Iraq. When the worst dasas went by without a complete loss, why are you predicting that loss in what should be the best dasa? How can you then predict based on antardasa that Iraq will lose big? Your logic sounds quite incomplete to me. This makes me question the data. That is why I stuck to the annual Full Moon charts of Baghdad and Washington DC. May Jupiter's light shine on us, Your sishya, Narasimha Terms of Service <> . Sponsor <http://rd./M=245454.2994396.4323964.2848452/D=egroupweb/S=1705082686:HM/A=1457554/R=0/*> Terms of Service <> . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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