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Reciting chamkam

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Dear list members,

continuing the Thraed on chamakam,It was enligntening to read it is standard

practise to recite this strota during transit over natal moon.It may be useful

for some if i summarise what is opined in Jyotish Digest issue dated July 2002

where text of chamkam is published having 11 stanzas.( one extra as epilogue)

It was mentioned therein that kantak sani is transit of saturn in 8th house

from lagna,Natal moon or arudh lagna. Specially if saturn dasa is also running

worship of rudra is best.This shold be recited at the end of morning prayer.

However it is also mentioned That if saturn is influencing tenth by aspect in

transit or has lordship over it,it is sure to help.

hope this infomation may be of help to some.

vedic astrology, "Sarbani Sarkar" <sarbani@s...> wrote:

> Dear Shankar, > > At SJC we have been taught to recite Sri Chamakam as a

standard practice to > alleviate the malefic effects of Saturn, specially

during its transits over > the natal Moon. > > Best regards, > Sarbani

> > Shankar [shank4124] > Sent:

Thursday, April 10, 2003 11:03 PM > vedic astrology >

Re: [vedic astrology] Sadesati > > Dear Gaurangaji and Sweeji, >

Namaste. > Thanks to both of you for taking the time for this invalueable

help. Thanks > a lot to take the time and effort to answer me kindly.

Gaurangaji I did not > know of those sites and thanks a lot for letting me

know. I have checked > both the sites and will be getting the audios soon till

the files are little > heavy. But I am going to get them as soon as possible.

> Sweeji thanks for the additional help with personal experience which you >

kindly offered. I truely owe you. > So respected Gurujis I think that this

will also help people who are also > suffering for Saturn's affliction in

natal chart? (Janam-Kundali?) I mean > people who are not under Sade-Sati but

passing bad time for permanent natal > affliction of Saturn in Janma-Kundali.

Will these mantras also work in that > case. Otherwise, is there any mantra

the person can chant for natal > Saturn-affliction? If there is any other ways

for natal Saturn's affliction, > would you please be kind to let me know. >

Thanks and regards,

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