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Left hand - exalted / debilitated

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Dear all, Like to add my view here :-)


We have to remember that exalted actually means 'fully strong' while in

debilitiation planets lose their strength.


If a planet makes a very bad yoga, then debilitation of the planet is good in

that sense not to feel the effect of the bad yoga. On the other hand exalted

planet does everything it promisses - both good and bad. Since it is very

strong and powerful.


All planets have some fixed significations and for that sense exalted planets

will be good to promote those significations. But again, exalted planet will

give some of it's bad qualities, too. Like exalted Sat will give some grief,

separation, delay, mostly depending what is aspects and joins. Like RK Jee

mentioned exalted Su in lagna gives very strong ego. This is a clear example

that exalted planet give it's (Some of) bad qualities. Su rules ego and being

exalted (Powerful) in lagna (self, nature) might give very strong ego.

Similarly exalted Sat gives grief through what it aspects/joins. Though when

Sat is yoga karaka then it is not very strongly felt like for Taurus and Libra

natives. But some of it will surely be there.


A functional malefic / natural malefic being exalted will surely give some bad

this way or that way.


Similarly, a debilitated planet can not be good in it's fixed significations.

Say debilitated Ve must give serious marital problems does not matter how well

placed the 7th lord is. Also the bad effect will be upon the house the

debilitated planet is - there is no doubt. I can not agree that debilitated

planets can not have any malefic effects. There must be maleficness of a

debilitated planet unless neecha bhanga is there.


To comment on debilitated planets, we must make sure that there is not neecha

bhanga happening - there are so many rules for that!


On the other hand exalted Ve will give union with more than one female / wife

since Ve rules these. So it is not that debilitated planets are 100% bad, or

100% good. Or exalted planets are 100% good, or 100% bad. Both have their

merits and demerits. But to me, it is always a lot better to have a planet

exalted than having it debilitated. Debilitated planets have really very little

to offer compairing what is destroys (Unless neecha bhanga).


This is my view and other learned members surely have different opinions, I

respect each and every view.




"What can not happen, can never happen.Which is mine, is forever mine."



Chowdhurytanvir (AT) siriusbb (DOT) comhttp://www.geocities.com/king_tanvirhttp://www.geocities.com/planetaryastro




Rup Krishen Baqaya

vedic astrology

Friday, May 02, 2003 8:46 AM

Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Left hand

Well it is not always that debilitated planets give bad results.In respect of a

debilitated venus in the 2nd house for leo ascendant,Bhrigu says that the

native lives his life like a lord.Even a debilitated saturn in the 5th house

for saggitarius ascendant is not bad.For that matter Mars in cancer in the 7th

house is not supposed to be mangli dosha.Please understand astrology is

infinite.You cannot simplify astrology by merely saying that debilitated is bad

and exalted is good.An exalted Sun in the lagna gives too much ego,which

isolates the man and makes him many enemies.There was one astrologer in

Maharashtra,very very famous late Mr.katway,he died in 1949.He was of the view

that exalted planets give bad results and debilitated planets give good

results.In order to balance your outlook,i suggest that you read his series of

books on each planet. RK

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