Guest guest Posted May 2, 2003 Report Share Posted May 2, 2003 Jaya Jagannatha Dear Sanjay, I saw your earlier post on Rahu, and also this one...can you please tell me how deb. rahu can give spiritual benefits as you have mentioned before..Ive been asking for more info on deb nodes, specifically rahu in sag in this regard, but so far havent found much. Can you please eloborate on deb Rahu in sag?(moola nak) Mine is in 7th house.and its lord Jup is ex but retrograde ,vorgottama. ie. it is also 8th from its house.For these reasons I am trying to understand how Rahu will facilitate spiritual life. I know about the curse on 7th house but i wanted to know about any spiritual reprocussions. Thank-you With Best Wishes, Lakshmi devi If anyone else has any other comments or references in books to rahu in sag in regards to spiritual affairs please reply also vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote: > > > ||Om brihaspataye namah|| > Dear Sri Baqaya ji, > Namaste. > In another mail you have quoted that (a) rahu in trines gives excellent results, (b) Rahu conjoined a lord of a kendra placed in a trine gives excellent results and © Rahu dasa - Jupiter antardasa gives good results > > A) To the first point let me make it clear that Rahu is a first rate malefic and evil planet and shall give all the evil results that one can possibly imagine in a chart. Now, with this premise, when Rahu is in trines it is 'like a snake up the sleeve' are the words of Dr Raman and to this I agree. Almost every chart with Rahu in the fifth house has seen some terrible relationship issues without fail, and more so if this Rahu is to conjoin or aspect Venus. In the ninth house, Rahu is placed in its Marana Karaka sthana and this will bring death like suffering in matters connected to the bhava indicated by the Kumbha rasi. > > B). Dasa-bhukti analaysis requires a good working and broad view of Jyotish. Here the rule given is "Rahu conjoined a lord of a kendra placed in a trine gives excellent results" which is Correct and I fully agree with this, but the rule is INCOMPLETE. The rule should read "Rahu conjoined a lord of a kendra placed in a trine gives excellent results during its dasa while the dasa of the Kendra lord shall give apamrityu bhaya and death like suffering." This is a very simple rule and is based on the teachings of Ramanujacarya in Bhavartha ratnakara. When any planet conjoins Rahu, Rahu shall give its results whereas the planet conjoining Rahu shall give the results of Rahu during its dasa. So, Rahu dasa shall be excellent as the Rajyoga indicated by the Kendra lord placed in a trine shall give results. this is very simple to understand. For example, Vrisab Lagna with rahu and Saturn in the ninth house. Rahu dasa everyone said all kinds of things, but the native had Rajyoga. You can see that rahu has conjoined Saturn the yogakaraka placed in the ninth house i.e. Rahu dasa was actually behaving like Saturn dasa for Vrisad lagna. Then when Saturn dasa came, the life has become like hell for the native. Even hell would seem a better place. So you see during Saturn dasa he actually got Marana Karaka Rahu results. This happens with Rahu. > > C) Jupiter antardasa in Rahu dasa is the relief expected. Look at the reverse Jupiter dasa-rahu antardasa. Why are the results invariably so terrible? In the first case Rahu indicates the native and Jupiter will indicate his samsara. So, native is in a Bhoga mood with rahu dasa and the samsara is in a great giver mood in Jupiter antardasa, so the results are good. The reverse works for Jupiter dasa Rahu antardasa. Of course, there must be a lot more to this as these are very general results. > > Finally, I too am a professional astrologer but do not sell stones nor rituals. However selling gemstones or performing rituals is not a bad thing. These would not be classified as vices. > > However, I fully agree with you that some people claiming to be Vedic astrologers are doing such things of forcing people to do rituals and take some magic things. It is our best intention to do something seriously about this misuse of the name of Jyotish. Mostly these people do not know anything and are not serious about learning either. Thank you for pointing this out as there are many who will share your views in this matter. Yes we have to do something soon. > > With best wishes & regards, > I remain > Sanjay Rath > - ------- > Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India > Tel:+91-674-2436871, Webpages: > - ------- > > []On Behalf Of Rup Krishen Baqaya > Saturday, May 03, 2003 12:20 AM > vedic astrology > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Left hand > > > My Dear, who told you that people suffer in Raahu dasha alone.How many horoscopes you would have seen till now.When you will gain more experience you will find that people can and do suffer in any dasha,whether of Jupiter or venus or Sun etc.Professional astrologers have this tendency to create some kind of a fear complex amongst people about certain planets,so that they can force them into rituals and make money.I hope you would appreciate that it is easier for professional astrologers to blame a planet like raahu,which is known to be like a serpent and thus malefic as also known to cause grahana to luminaries.If you watch say about 100 horoscopes closely for a longish period,you will find that many peple benefit too in Raahu dasha.Please understand that suffering is also related to your present karma.Hope you got the point.Bye RK > > "V.partha sarathy" <partvinu5> wrote: > Om Namah Shivaya > Dear RK > > > i wonder if rahu is so beneficial, why there are many who suffer in > rahu dasa. > > regards > partha > > Om Tat Sat > > > > > vedic astrology, "Ramapriya D" <hubli@v...> > wrote: > > Hi RK, > > > > Informative stuff, and very interesting. Of the 8 signs you've > mentioned for Ra being beneficial, I'm surprised that Aq, which he co- > lords, is missing. Also, I would've thought that Ra in either Sg or > Pi is some kinda curse because they're lorded by Ju who's Ra's > antithesis. In fact, that's my guess for why Ra in either 9H or 12H > is considered so undesirable (Ju lords 9H and 12H of the natural > zodiac). > > > > Just for interest, can you quote the specific sloka and chapter > numbers of BPHS where Parasara talks of Ra beneficial in the 8 signs > you've men tioned? Thanks again for making this an interesting thread. > And if you've anything similar to say about Ke, please do; > information about the nodes isn't copious. > > > > Warm regards, > > > > Ramapriya > > hubli@v... > > > > - > > Rup Krishen Baqaya > > vedic astrology > > Thursday, May 01, 2003 8:45 AM > > Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Left hand > > > > > > Yes my dear Ram,the planet in the 8th has a chance of giving > sickness.That is why, you will notice that in all my posts i have > mentioned that the totality of the circumstances is to be seen.Let us > say that in a particular horoscope lord of lagna is strong and the > native is also not running a period which can cause bad health,there > would be no harm in wearing the gem of the planet in the 8th if > otherwise indicated.In fact in my letter to Shankar i had explained > this while mentioning about the gem of a planet placed in the 6th > house.One more point.In your post you have mentioned about Raahu in > the 10th being bad.Probably you don't know that many many great men > had Raahu in the 10th,Mahatma Gandhi had raahu in the 10th,so had > Subhash Bose,as also Atal Behaari Vajpayee,There are many others.It > of course depends on the sign in which it is placed.For example, i > myself have Raahu in the 10th in the sign Taurus.Every time Raahu > antara came in my life,it gave me a promotion or ce rtain incidents > happened which raised my career profile to great heights.You see > raahu in the signs,aeries,Taurus,cancer,leo,virgo,scorpio,sagittarius > and pisces is always capable of conferring good effects,according to > Parashara.And 10th house raahu is definitely not always bad.hope this > clarifies.Bye RK > > > > > > Group info: vedic- astrology/info.html > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > Terms of Service. > > > > - ------------- > > The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. > Sponsor > > > > > > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology- > > ....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... > > > > Terms of Service. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 2, 2003 Report Share Posted May 2, 2003 Harer Nama Eva Kevalam ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Lakshmi, At 08:35 PM 5/2/03 +0000, you wrote: >Jaya Jagannatha >Dear Sanjay, >I saw your earlier post on Rahu, and also this one...can you please >tell me how deb. rahu can give spiritual benefits as you have >mentioned before..Ive been asking for more info on deb nodes, >specifically rahu in sag in this regard, but so far havent found >much. See the Vimsamsa chart of Srila Sridhara Maharaja, and find AK Rahu in Sag. in the 9th house. Note other comments re: debilitated planets in D-20 given previously by Sanjay on this as well. My book on Drig dasa will give detailed analysis of Maharaja Sridhara's chart, especially w.r.t. to D-20. The first item of significance is Rahu as AK, and the second relates to debilitation (i.e. humility and surrender) in the chart of spirituality, i.e. D-20. If Rahu is the AK, and is also debilitated, then even the slightest thought of Tamasic activity, never even occurs to the native in whose chart it is found. In practice, Rahu is rarely of great value spiritually (being inimical to Sun, Moon, and Jupiter), unless he becomes the Atmakaraka, or unless he receives the aspect of benefic Jupiter. In that instance, it is like the demon Maya Danava agreeing to help Pandava Maharaja Yudhisthira (a great Krsna Bhakta) by designing and creating a mystic palace complete with illusions to bewilder the King's enemies. Another example, is Lord Shiva's drinking the poison when the ocean of milk was churned. Lord Shiva, being assigned rulership of the Tamo-guna, offers purification to those of demonic temperament, although simultaneously He does not become contaminated by their association. All the best, Hare Krsna, Robert PS Bhakti Rakshaka Sridhara deva Goswami: Oct. 12, 1895 23:38 LMT Mayapur, West Bengal, India ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA visit <> and, or Ph: 541.318.0248 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 3, 2003 Report Share Posted May 3, 2003 Om namah shivaya Dear Sanjayji Beautifully explained. Jupiter is jupiter, he forgives, so attributing forgiveness to pisces alone is little far :-). Even sagittarius forgives. regards partha Om Tat Sat vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote: > > > ||Om brihaspataye namah|| > Dear Lakshmi > Hare Krishna! > > This is a very important question you ask and although a basic, it contains many important points. > > 1. We must understand that all creation is a manifestation of Mahavishnu as the Kaalapurusha and the Physical manifestation is also of Bhagavan as the Vaastu Purusha. The shastra is based on this basic presumption and spiritual hypothesis. Based on this, the first house is His Lagna and is considered the Royal sign as well as the Satya Yuga Rasi. > > 2. The 9th and 12th houses are most important houses related to spirituality as they indicate the DHARMA and MOKSHA sthana as activities of the Kaalapurusha. It is because of this, the ninth house from karakamsa is seen for the Dharma devata and the 12th house is seen for Ista devata or Moksha. > > 3. Since Jupiter alone has the purity to represent Bhagavan, he is given the lordship of these two signs. > > Dharma (Sagittarius) is related to duty, higher learning, dharma mantra and hence this becomes the Office (Moolatrikona) of Jupiter. This sign is a warlike sign and is the JUDGE of the zodiac where everything is weighed and an unbiased judgment is passed. This is the Kodanda (Bow) of Rama, the Maharaja of the spiritual world and none, no matter how strong and powerful they are, can cross this judgment of Rama. There were two bows (Kodanda) one with Parasurama and the other with Rama. Rama broke one to marry Sita and Parasurama surrendered his Kodanda to Rama. This is the bow made by Siva and is symbolic of the strength of Bhagavan. Any planet placed in this sign is capable of bestowing spiritual insight through a 'spiritual organisation' having an office. However, the kind of spiritual learning one gets will be seen from the nature of the planet and the house this sign falls in the horoscope. > > Moksha (Pisces) is related to personal attachment, bhakti and is something which is related to the 'personal' spiritual growth and hence this becomes the Home (own sign) of Jupiter. This is the most peaceful sign and is quite different from Sagittarius. Pisces is Dayaavan (kind) and ever forgiving. Without forgiveness, there can be no moksha for anyone in this planet. Here the sins are forgiven. Bhagavan gives through this sign, and hence any planet placed here has a tendency to give spiritual insight and personal spiritual growth. > > Now with this background, let us examine your case. The information given is "Sagittarius has Rahu in debility in the 7th house", and this is enough to tell us that the spiritual insight will come through Rahu (suffering, shock, scandal and hatred) for reasons you cannot understand and for no apparant fault of yours but something related to spouse. You must remember that when Rama went to the vanvas, Sita too went out of choise and no one forced Her. But in your case, this is going to be forced as Rahu is involved. The place shall be a spiritual organisation with an 'office' as the sign is Sagittarius. The problem will be related to the functioning of the office and some allegations can be made against your spouse (7th house). You have to suffer this not because you did something in this birth, but because of a karma related to your past incarnation. This can happen during the period of any planet associating with Rahu or during the transit of Juptier over Rahu in Sagittarius. There is only one way to get over this and Rahu has to go. > > Effect of debility of Rahu indicates that there will be Rajyoga due to this association and during the lifetime of the Guru (Jupiter own Sagittarius) you will see a lot of respect and your spouse will be respected for all the good things he does. However, when the fall occurs, it will be terrible as the judgment of Rama cannot be stopped. > > The only remedy to my knowledge is the constant repetition of the Rama Taaraka mantra. He is very kind and will deliver you from this terrible position of Rahu in the 7th in debility. Lakshmi you will agree - of what use is all the rajyoga of that debilitated evil node if the end is going to be so bad. Ravana also enjoyed great rajyoga during his life, but what an end, everything was destroyed by the judgment of Rama. I think the present transit of Jupiter in exaltation is going to end the suffering if any, caused by that Rahu. > > Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram... > > With regards, > I remain > Sanjay Rath > -- ------ > Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India > Tel:+91-674-2436871, Webpages: > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 3, 2003 Report Share Posted May 3, 2003 I have Jupiter ® in the second house in Saggitarius.. does it mean my spirituality office comes thru my family. How to intepret this? Please let me know. Thanks! Prakash."V.partha sarathy" <partvinu5 > wrote: Om namah shivayaDear SanjayjiBeautifully explained.Jupiter is jupiter, he forgives, so attributing forgiveness to pisces alone is little far :-). Even sagittarius forgives.regardsparthaOm Tat Sat--- In vedic astrology, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:> > > ||Om brihaspataye namah||> Dear Lakshmi> Hare Krishna!> > This is a very important question you ask and although a basic, it contains many important points.> > 1. We must understand that all creation is a manifestation of Mahavishnu as the Kaalapurusha and the Physical manifestation is also of Bhagavan as the Vaastu Purusha. The shastra is based on this basic presumption and spiritual hypothesis. Based on this, the first house is His Lagna and is considered the Royal sign as well as the Satya Yuga Rasi. > > 2. The 9th and 12th houses are most important houses related to spirituality as they indicate the DHARMA and MOKSHA sthana as activities of the Kaalapurusha. It is because of this, the ninth house from karakamsa is seen for the Dharma devata and the 12th house is seen for Ista devata or Moksha. > > 3. Since Jupiter alone has the purity to represent Bhagavan, he is given the lordship of these two signs. > > Dharma (Sagittarius) is related to duty, higher learning, dharma mantra and hence this becomes the Office (Moolatrikona) of Jupiter. This sign is a warlike sign and is the JUDGE of the zodiac where everything is weighed and an unbiased judgment is passed. This is the Kodanda (Bow) of Rama, the Maharaja of the spiritual world and none, no matter how strong and powerful they are, can cross this judgment of Rama. There were two bows (Kodanda) one with Parasurama and the other with Rama. Rama broke one to marry Sita and Parasurama surrendered his Kodanda to Rama. This is the bow made by Siva and is symbolic of the strength of Bhagavan. Any planet placed in this sign is capable of bestowing spiritual insight through a 'spiritual organisation' having an office. However, the kind of spiritual learning one gets will be seen from the nature of the planet and the house this sign falls in the horoscope.> > Moksha (Pisces) is related to personal attachment, bhakti and is something which is related to the 'personal' spiritual growth and hence this becomes the Home (own sign) of Jupiter. This is the most peaceful sign and is quite different from Sagittarius. Pisces is Dayaavan (kind) and ever forgiving. Without forgiveness, there can be no moksha for anyone in this planet. Here the sins are forgiven. Bhagavan gives through this sign, and hence any planet placed here has a tendency to give spiritual insight and personal spiritual growth.> > Now with this background, let us examine your case. The information given is "Sagittarius has Rahu in debility in the 7th house", and this is enough to tell us that the spiritual insight will come through Rahu (suffering, shock, scandal and hatred) for reasons you cannot understand and for no apparant fault of yours but something related to spouse. You must remember that when Rama went to the vanvas, Sita too went out of choise and no one forced Her. But in your case, this is going to be forced as Rahu is involved. The place shall be a spiritual organisation with an 'office' as the sign is Sagittarius. The problem will be related to the functioning of the office and some allegations can be made against your spouse (7th house). You have to suffer this not because you did something in this birth, but because of a karma related to your past incarnation. This can happen during the period of any planet associating with Rahu or during the transit of Juptier over Rahu in Sagittarius. There is only one way to get over this and Rahu has to go. > > Effect of debility of Rahu indicates that there will be Rajyoga due to this association and during the lifetime of the Guru (Jupiter own Sagittarius) you will see a lot of respect and your spouse will be respected for all the good things he does. However, when the fall occurs, it will be terrible as the judgment of Rama cannot be stopped.> > The only remedy to my knowledge is the constant repetition of the Rama Taaraka mantra. He is very kind and will deliver you from this terrible position of Rahu in the 7th in debility. Lakshmi you will agree - of what use is all the rajyoga of that debilitated evil node if the end is going to be so bad. Ravana also enjoyed great rajyoga during his life, but what an end, everything was destroyed by the judgment of Rama. I think the present transit of Jupiter in exaltation is going to end the suffering if any, caused by that Rahu.> > Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram...> > With regards,> I remain> Sanjay Rath> --------> Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India> Tel:+91-674-2436871, Webpages:> Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 3, 2003 Report Share Posted May 3, 2003 SARVAM GYANANANDAMAYAM JAGAT AUM GURUBYO NAMAH Dear Prakash, May i participate? Your question is how to treat retrograde Guru placed in Dhanu which happens to be the 2nd house isn't it? Let us see it this way. Gold coins which have the picture of Gods/Goddesses in it can kindle either a feeling of devotion/reverence or a feeling of pride for being in possession of Gold. The happiness that is derived from Artha(2nd house belongs to artha trikona) does not last long. This placement of Guru can thus provide an oscillation from material prosperity and royal spirituality. Since 2nd house is the 6th from 9th it can contribute a feeling that the dharmic principles are really challenging and that some of them have been lost in the combat between dharma and adharma that is going on ever within. Astrologically yours, psramanrayanan Taureans! See what's in store. Have a great year! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 3, 2003 Report Share Posted May 3, 2003 Dear Gurudev, Refer to the following: 'Dharma (Sagittarius) is related to duty, higher learning, dharma mantra and hence this becomes the Office (Moolatrikona) of Jupiter. -------Any planet placed in this sign is capable of bestowing spiritual insight through a 'spiritual organisation' having an office. However, the kind of spiritual learning one gets will be seen from the nature of the planet and the house this sign falls in the horoscope' My query has got a connection to my own spiritual evolution. I have Mercury in Sagittarius in 9th house for Aries lagna and Dasa of same was over by the time I was 15.So do I presume Mercury will not be able to give any spiritual lessons/ insights to me? Further as I am growing older(I am 45)I am moving away from spiritual organizations and have become a spiritual loner. With regards, Jagmeet PS.As I said in one of my earlier post I march to the beat of my own drummer and am a religious liberal. I visit and have visited holy places of other religions and have bowed my head with same reverence to all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 4, 2003 Report Share Posted May 4, 2003 Thanks for the reply. You are absolutely right .. i used to go to temples often along with like minded friends forming a spiritual circle. Nowadays i have been away from those activities. I am also getting married in September 2003. I am currently running venus-jupiter hence the retrogession may have played a role as mentioned in your email. I think i have to start mixing with the spiritual circle and keep going to the temple again. Does the aspect of Venus and Mars from the 8th house affect the jupiter in the 2nd house? I have always found myself oscillating between spiritual and material life. Please let me know. Thanks! Prakash. Sanjay Rath <srath (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote: ||Om brihaspataye namah|| Dear Prakash, Look at all the people indicated by the second house. this can mean second wife as well! It can also mean family in general or a son (Jupiter is 5th lord as well). The place indicated is a spiritual place like a temple or some such place conncted with spirituality. Retrogression could mean coming and going or going to a temple with a prayer for a child. connect people and events to the house and place to the sign. Tha is how this is done. In fact my thinking is that you will go to a spiritual organisation where you will find a 'new spiritual family' or a new brotherhood which will be the blessing of Jupiter in the chart. The retrogression worries me. Don't give up easily. With best wishes & regards, I remain Sanjay Rath -------- Mail: H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India Tel:+91-674-2436871, Webpages: -------- (AT) returns (DOT) [ (AT) returns (DOT) ]On Behalf Of Prakash NarayananSaturday, May 03, 2003 7:05 PMTo: vedic astrologySubject: Re: [vedic astrology] Re: Left hand,re Rahu disc. Dear Sanjayji, I have Jupiter ® in the second house in Saggitarius.. does it mean my spirituality office comes thru my family. How to intepret this? Please let me know. Thanks! Prakash."V.partha sarathy" <partvinu5 > wrote:Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 4, 2003 Report Share Posted May 4, 2003 Sure.. you can. You are correct.. I have always found myself oscillating between material prosperity and Royal spirituality. I understand your Gold coin analogy. Do you mean to say that this position of jupiter gives you self pride?. Since the 2nd house is the 6 th from the ninth house will i have trouble keeping up with the dharmic principles? Thanks! Prakash. "P.S. RAMANARAYANAN" <p_s_ramanarayanan (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: SARVAM GYANANANDAMAYAM JAGAT AUM GURUBYO NAMAH Dear Prakash, May i participate? Your question is how to treat retrograde Guru placed in Dhanu which happens to be the 2nd house isn't it? Let us see it this way. Gold coins which have the picture of Gods/Goddesses in it can kindle either a feeling of devotion/reverence or a feeling of pride for being in possession of Gold. The happiness that is derived from Artha(2nd house belongs to artha trikona) does not last long. This placement of Guru can thus provide an oscillation from material prosperity and royal spirituality. Since 2nd house is the 6th from 9th it can contribute a feeling that the dharmic principles are really challenging and that some of them have been lost in the combat between dharma and adharma that is going on ever within. Astrologically yours, psramanrayanan Taureans! See what's in store. Have a great year! Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 4, 2003 Report Share Posted May 4, 2003 SARVAM GYANANANDAMAYAM JAGAT AUM GURUBYO NAMAH Dear Prakash, Do not worry. i said there is a combat going on. Understand that foreknowledge of inner weakness is strength. Try this. Take a diary. Before going to bed everynight take a sankalp for eg. i shall get up at 4 AM tomorrow morning and chant "AUM TAT SAT" 1000 times. See what happens tomorrow. If you succeed you can pat yourself and at night you can mark success in your diary. Continue this till this practice becomes a habit. This practice would in due course make you live up to every word uttered. In short you will gain vak siddhi over a period of time. If and only if we breathe life into the Mantra the Mantra fructifies. If the predictions are to come true one should start living up to the word spoken/uttered. When consciousness is infused into utterance the result will undoubtedly be perfect. As habits have a definite force the negative traits of retrogression(withdrawal) can be overcome. Best wishes. AUM TAT SAT. Astrologically yours, psramanrayanan Calling NRIs! Send money home in a jiffy. Sign up now! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 4, 2003 Report Share Posted May 4, 2003 Thanks for the reply. I shall start practicing the mantra from tomorrow onwards. Thanks! Prakash. "P.S. RAMANARAYANAN" <p_s_ramanarayanan (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote: SARVAM GYANANANDAMAYAM JAGAT AUM GURUBYO NAMAH Dear Prakash, Do not worry. i said there is a combat going on. Understand that foreknowledge of inner weakness is strength. Try this. Take a diary. Before going to bed everynight take a sankalp for eg. i shall get up at 4 AM tomorrow morning and chant "AUM TAT SAT" 1000 times. See what happens tomorrow. If you succeed you can pat yourself and at night you can mark success in your diary. Continue this till this practice becomes a habit. This practice would in due course make you live up to every word uttered. In short you will gain vak siddhi over a period of time. If and only if we breathe life into the Mantra the Mantra fructifies. If the predictions are to come true one should start living up to the word spoken/uttered. When consciousness is infused into utterance the result will undoubtedly be perfect. As habits have a definite force the negative traits of retrogression(withdrawal) can be overcome. Best wishes. AUM TAT SAT. Astrologically yours, psramanrayanan Calling NRIs! Send money home in a jiffy. Sign up now! Archives: vedic astrologyGroup info: vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank mail to vedic astrology-....... May Jupiter's light shine on us ....... The New Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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