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deb. Rahu discussion reply to Sanjay

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Jaya Jagannatha!

Dear Sanjay,(and group)


I have attached my chart for easier discussion.From my earlier post a few days

ago, I was interested to understand about the effects of deb Rahu as last year

I started a Sag Drig dasa, which in my case is occupied by Rahu.

(Drig dasa is applicable for persons interested in or pursueing a spirtual

life.It is used to time spiritual initiations and that sort of thing. I'm

interested to see how the "drig" the sight(blessings) of Narayan will affect


At one time you told me deb Rahu can give rise to a sort of spiritual raja yoga,

but I am trying to understand that.

A little history to explain my concerns:

During my Vimshottari Maha Dasa of Rahu I came across,or should I say many

undesirable events and people crossed my path.

It was a totally hellish time.Such things as my only friend getting killed in a

car crash,another person I know was murdered, someone attacked me and killed

someone else a week later, I was kidnapped a few months later for a few days,my

brother fell of a cliff(lived),only time my parents had financially rough time)

etc,etc..I received some really bad karmic reactions.at that time.I assume it

was because in a prior life I had misused some mystic powers or some such

thing.and in general, i wouldnt have wished it on my worse enemy.(well I can

think of one person)...just joking

You can say i had a nervous breakdown or that I was afflicted my ghosts but

either way,in my chart you can see I have a pistacha badhak curse along with a

regular sarpa curse, along with a few others!

This assumtion was confirmed when I met you and I learned and read from Upadesa

Sutras, that I do have combinations for such things and suffering from "black

magic etc." (new comers- look at the malefics in trines to my AK(sat) in the

navamsa chart)

When I had gone into my Rahu/Mars Maha Vim.Dasa the full effect came and I was

immobilized with acute anxiety and depression,my mind was paralayzed and

physically also, I was what they call in a catatonic depression.

Before that I had been going to college and had a high paying job working in a

surgery room and in medical fields prior to the day I couldnt function at

all..I only moved once a day or so,they rest of the time a just layed on my

side,in a rigid state unable to talk or anything- the only thing that gave me

some relief was music.

The doctors were mystified and tried every drug they could think of,nothing

worked. Later on in another case, in my JupMaha dasa Rahu sub period, I had

another threat on my life when someone tried to run me over with their truck( i

was getting their license plate number to report them to the sheriff),and in

another case a convict came to our place of business and threatened me, which

almost resulted in my having a miscarriage.

So I am wary of Rahu.

Anyway when Vims.Maha Dasa of Jup/Ketu came it brought complete relief when I

found the Hare Krishna devotees and they had me chant the Maha Mantra,moved

into a temple, and i took shelter of the Deities - Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,

Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare...Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.and the

spirits dissappaited after sometime and conscious effort.You can see that is one

reason why I would like to see the Maha Mantra used as a "remedial measure" more


I was initiated in Jup/venus/venus...But I dont see how that corresponds to my

Drig dasa of that time.

Seriously, that period of time, that long long maha Rahu period was literally hell on earth.

Anyway, the only reason I mention it(and embarrassed myself in the process) was

to let you know the serious gravity in which Rahu afflicted me.

Now I am in Rahu Drig Dasa and I am naturally concerned what effects will come

with Sag Drig.

Perhaps with Jagannathas glance I will have some relief from any left over

effects of the sarpa yoga??

Will the "drig" also reach the other dual signs?

Please elaborate on what I can expect from Sag Drig with Rahu presence there,as

also it is aspected by Mars/pisces and Ketu/gemini.

I'm trying to integrate all the effects.For example Sag is also my A5. So this

would indicate increasing the chanting of mantras and new mantras?Jup entrance

in leo, will aspect Sag. However,Sat is on my lagna(also ketu) and is aspecting

Sag also.

Sat Maha Dasa has been excellent for me,as he is ex8/9lord and in a trine in

Rasi and well placed in Navamsa Lagna.

Soon though, I will enter Sat/Mars(Im in Sa/Moon now)

While I am in this Drig of Sag and Im just trying to intergrate the Vimshottari

Dasa, Drig Dasa and transits to see what i can expect.I listened again to

Robert Kochs Drig Dasa lecture from the SJC conference and from that you had

said that Rasi chart is the one to focus on with Drig dasa as that is the

physical aspect of the person rather than the environmental effects as seen

from the divisional charts.

Can you please help me understand how the "drig" in Sag will manifest?

Please paste my Drig dasa with your reply for reference as I dont have it on this version of JH

Thank-you very much

With Best Wishes,

Lakshmi devi

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Lakshmi K..jhd [not stored]

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